apifw NEWS ============================================================================= This file summarizes changes between releases of `apifw`. Version 0.11+git, not yet released ---------------------------------- Version 0.11, released 2017-09-25 ---------------------------------- * Callbacks now get an extra keyword argument `raw_uri_path` so they can, if they need to, process it before URL decoding happens. Qvarn needs this for searches. Version 0.10, released 2017-09-06 --------------------------------- * Changes to status codes for 401/403, to match what Qvarn is doing. Version 0.9, released 2017-08-19 --------------------------------- * Fix the test for whether request body is JSON or not. Version 0.8, released 2017-08-10 --------------------------------- * We now parse an incoming JSON body ourselves, to be able to handle an error betterer. Version 0.7, released 2017-08-04 --------------------------------- * Add "counter" argument to Bottle application, for countint HTTP transaction. Version 0.6, released 2017-08-04 --------------------------------- Version 0.5, released 2017-08-03 --------------------------------- Version 0.4, released 2017-08-01 --------------------------------- Version 0.3, released 2017-08-01 --------------------------------- Version 0.2, released 2017-08-01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * First release.