use std::path::PathBuf; #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum BumperError { #[error("Tag pattern is not ASCII: {0}")] TagPatternNotAscii(String), #[error("Can't figure out what kind of project: {0}")] UnknownProjectKind(PathBuf), #[error("Couldn't read file {0}: {1}")] Read(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), #[error("Couldn't write file {0}: {1}")] Write(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), #[error("Couldn't find Cargo.toml in {0}: {1}")] CargoTomlNotFound(PathBuf, #[source] cargo_edit::Error), #[error("Couldn't parse Cargo.toml from {0}: {1}")] FromToml(PathBuf, #[source] cargo_edit::Error), #[error("Couldn't create Cargo.toml manifest to {0}: {1}")] WriteToml(PathBuf, #[source] cargo_edit::Error), #[error("Cargo.toml doesn't have a 'package' table")] NoPackage(#[source] cargo_edit::Error), #[error("'project' in Cargo.toml is not a table")] ProjectNotTable, #[error("Cargo.toml doesn't specify a package name")] UnnamedProject, #[error("Couldn't turn {0} into an absolute path: {1}")] AbsPath(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), #[error("Failed to run git {1:?} in {0}: {2}")] GitInvoke(PathBuf, Vec, #[source] std::io::Error), #[error("git {1:?} failed in {0}: {2}")] Git(PathBuf, Vec, String), #[error("Failed to run dch in {0}: {1}")] DchInvoke(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), #[error("dch failed in {0}: {1}")] Dch(PathBuf, String), #[error("Failed to run cargo in {0}: {1}")] CargoInvoke(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), #[error("cargo failed in {0}: {1}")] Cargo(PathBuf, String), #[error("can't find any files in Python project at {0}")] NoVersionPy(PathBuf), #[error("couldn't write Python version to {0}: {1}")] PythonWrite(PathBuf, std::io::Error), }