clab README =========== This is a quick hack, for now. I will want to rewrite it from scratch if it turns out to be a useful tool, and provide a test suite and documentation and such. If you can decipher the code, feel free to use it. If not, do not ask me about it. ---- Random junk: address book command line aplication bbook list bbook find PATTERN bbook add KEY[.SUBKEY]=VALUE... bbook edit ID KEY[.SUBKEY]=VALUE... bbook delete ID... bbook delete-key ID KEY[=VALUE]... bbook show ID... bbook mutt-query PATTERN bbook add-from-email clab store data in a git repo, in YAML files, one file per person data model: - each person is a YAML dict - the dict has key/value pairs - a value can be a straight string, or a sub-dict - keys in the sub-dict are called sub-keys - only one level of sub-dict (at least for now) - dict and sub-dict keys are arbitrary questions: - do I need a unique id for everyone? just filename? thoughts: - I can edit files by hand at first, priority should be for mutt-query subcmd so I can start using this for real asap