#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2011 Lars Wirzenius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import cliapp import glob import logging import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time import ttystatus import unittest import cmdtestlib ALL_TESTS = '' COMPLETE_TEST = '' class TestFailure(Exception): def __init__(self, test, msg): self.msg = 'FAIL: %s: %s' % (test.name, msg) def __str__(self): return self.msg class CommandTester(cliapp.Application): def add_settings(self): self.settings.string(['command', 'c'], 'ignored for backwards compatibility') self.settings.string_list(['test', 't'], 'run only TEST (can be given many times)', metavar='TEST') self.settings.boolean(['timings'], 'report how long each test takes') self.settings.boolean(['keep', 'k'], 'keep temporary data on failure') def process_args(self, dirnames): self.timings = {} self.timings[ALL_TESTS] = {} suite_started = time.time() td = self.load_tests(dirnames) self.setup_ttystatus(td) errors = 0 self.setup_tempdir() self.run_script(ALL_TESTS, td.setup_once) for test in td.tests: self.timings[test.name] = {} started = time.time() self.ts['test'] = test self.ts['test-name'] = test.name self.run_script(test.name, td.setup) for e in self.run_test(test): logging.error(str(e)) self.ts.clear() self.output.write('%s\n' % str(e)) errors += 1 self.run_script(test.name, td.teardown) self.timings[test.name][COMPLETE_TEST] = time.time() - started self.run_script(ALL_TESTS, td.teardown_once) keep_tempdir = errors and self.settings['keep'] if not keep_tempdir: self.cleanup_tempdir() self.timings[ALL_TESTS][COMPLETE_TEST] = time.time() - suite_started ok = len(td.tests) - errors self.ts.finish() self.output.write('%d/%d tests OK, %d failures\n' % (ok, len(td.tests), errors)) if keep_tempdir: self.output.write('Test work area: %s\n' % self.tempdir) if self.settings['timings']: self.report_timings() if errors: sys.exit(1) def setup_ttystatus(self, td): self.ts = ttystatus.TerminalStatus(period=0.001) self.ts['tests'] = td.tests self.ts.format('test %Index(test,tests): %String(test-name)') def load_tests(self, dirnames): td = cmdtestlib.TestDir() for dirname in dirnames: if self.settings['test']: filenames = self.find_requested_tests(dirname) td.scan(dirname, filenames) else: td.scan(dirname) return td def find_requested_tests(self, dirname): filenames = [] for test in self.settings['test']: matches = glob.glob(os.path.join(dirname, test + '.*')) filenames += [os.path.basename(x) for x in matches] return filenames def setup_tempdir(self): self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() logging.info('Temporary directory %s' % self.tempdir) self.datadir = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'data') os.mkdir(self.datadir) def cleanup_tempdir(self): logging.info('Removing temporary directory %s' % self.tempdir) shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir) def run_script(self, test_name, script_name): logging.debug('run_script: test_name=%s script_name=%s' % (test_name, script_name)) if script_name: started = time.time() self.runcmd([script_name], env=self.add_to_env(test_name)) self.timings[test_name][script_name] = time.time() - started def add_to_env(self, test_name): env = dict(os.environ) env['SRCDIR'] = os.getcwd() env['DATADIR'] = self.datadir env['TESTNAME'] = test_name return env def run_test(self, test): logging.info('Test case: %s' % test.name) self.run_script(test.name, test.setup) if test.script: argv = [test.script] else: raise cliapp.AppException('Must have a .script file for test') stdout_name = test.path_prefix + '.stdout-actual' stderr_name = test.path_prefix + '.stderr-actual' with open(stdout_name, 'wb') as stdout: with open(stderr_name, 'wb') as stderr: if test.stdin: stdin = open(test.stdin, 'rb') else: stdin = None env = self.add_to_env(test.name) exit, out, err = self.runcmd_unchecked(argv, env=env, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if stdin is not None: stdin.close() self.run_script(test.name, test.teardown) errors = [] stdout_diff_name = test.path_prefix + '.stdout-diff' stdout_diff = self.diff(test.stdout or '/dev/null', stdout_name, stdout_diff_name) if stdout_diff: errors.append(TestFailure(test, 'stdout diff:\n%s' % stdout_diff)) stderr_diff_name = test.path_prefix + '.stderr-diff' stderr_diff = self.diff(test.stderr or '/dev/null', stderr_name, stderr_diff_name) if stderr_diff: errors.append(TestFailure(test, 'stderr diff:\n%s' % stderr_diff)) expected_exit = int(self.cat(test.exit or '/dev/null').strip() or '0') if exit != expected_exit: errors.append(TestFailure(test, 'got exit code %s, expected %s' % (exit, expected_exit))) if not errors: os.remove(stdout_name) os.remove(stderr_name) os.remove(stdout_diff_name) os.remove(stderr_diff_name) return errors def cat(self, filename): if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename) as f: return f.read() else: return '' def lines(self, filename): return self.cat(filename).splitlines() def expand(self, strings): variables = { 'datadir': self.datadir, } return [s % variables for s in strings] def diff(self, expected_name, actual_name, diff_name): exit, out, err = self.runcmd_unchecked(['diff', '-u', expected_name, actual_name]) self.write_file(diff_name, out) return out def write_file(self, filename, content): with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(content) def report_timings(self): def report(key, title): t = self.timings[key] self.output.write(' %s: %.1f s\n' % (title, t[COMPLETE_TEST])) items = [(t[x], x) for x in t.keys() if x != COMPLETE_TEST] for secs, script in sorted(items): self.output.write(' %4.1f %s\n' % (secs, script)) self.output.write('Timings (in seconds):\n') report(ALL_TESTS, 'whole test suite') for name in sorted(x for x in self.timings.keys() if x != ALL_TESTS): report(name, name) if __name__ == '__main__': CommandTester(version=cmdtestlib.__version__).run()