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1 files changed, 33 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/yarns/010-tests.yarn b/yarns/010-tests.yarn
index ec71561..6456ca1 100644
--- a/yarns/010-tests.yarn
+++ b/yarns/010-tests.yarn
@@ -79,6 +79,39 @@ Itemised copyright years
THEN exit code is 1
AND stderr contains "FOOBAR.*2015 not contained"
+Range of copyright years
+ SCENARIO range of copyright years
+ GIVEN a file FOOBAR containing "Copyright 1999-2014 Foo Bar"
+ GIVEN commit year is 1998
+ WHEN copyright-statement-lint is run against FOOBAR
+ THEN exit code is 1
+ AND stderr contains "FOOBAR.*1998 not contained"
+ GIVEN commit year is 1999
+ WHEN copyright-statement-lint is run against FOOBAR
+ THEN exit code is 0
+ GIVEN commit year is 2000
+ WHEN copyright-statement-lint is run against FOOBAR
+ THEN exit code is 0
+ GIVEN commit year is 2013
+ WHEN copyright-statement-lint is run against FOOBAR
+ THEN exit code is 0
+ GIVEN commit year is 2014
+ WHEN copyright-statement-lint is run against FOOBAR
+ THEN exit code is 0
+ GIVEN commit year is 2015
+ WHEN copyright-statement-lint is run against FOOBAR
+ THEN exit code is 1
+ AND stderr contains "FOOBAR.*2015 not contained"