# Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Lars Wirzenius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import coverage import unittest import optparse import os import imp import sys import time __version__ = '1.7.1' class CoverageTestResult(unittest.TestResult): def __init__(self, output, total): unittest.TestResult.__init__(self) self.output = output self.total = total self.lastmsg = "" self.coverage_missed = [] self.coverage_excluded = [] self.timings = [] self.missing_test_modules = [] def addCoverageMissed(self, filename, statements, missed_statements, missed_description): self.coverage_missed.append((filename, statements, missed_statements, missed_description)) def addCoverageExcluded(self, statements): self.coverage_excluded += statements def addMissingTestModule(self, modulepath): self.missing_test_modules.append(modulepath) def wasSuccessful(self, ignore_coverage=False, ignore_missing=False): return (unittest.TestResult.wasSuccessful(self) and (ignore_coverage or not self.coverage_missed) and (ignore_missing or not self.missing_test_modules)) def clearmsg(self): self.output.write("\b \b" * len(self.lastmsg)) self.lastmsg = "" def write(self, test): self.clearmsg() self.lastmsg = "Running test %d/%d: %s" % (self.testsRun, self.total, str(test)[:50]) self.output.write(self.lastmsg) self.output.flush() def startTest(self, test): unittest.TestResult.startTest(self, test) self.write(test) self.start_time = time.time() def stopTest(self, test): end_time = time.time() unittest.TestResult.stopTest(self, test) self.timings.append((end_time - self.start_time, test)) class CoverageTestRunner: """A test runner class that insists modules' tests cover them fully.""" def __init__(self): self._dirname = None self._module_pairs = [] self._missing_test_modules = [] self._excluded_modules = [] def add_pair(self, module_pathname, test_module_pathname): """Add a module and its test module to list of tests.""" self._module_pairs.append((module_pathname, test_module_pathname)) def add_missing(self, module_pathname): self._missing_test_modules.append(module_pathname) def add_excluded_module(self, module_pathname): self._excluded_modules.append(module_pathname) def find_pairs(self, dirname, ignored_modules): """Find all module/test module pairs in directory tree. This method relies on a naming convention: it scans a directory tree and assumes that for any file foo.py, if there exists a file foo_tests.py or fooTests.py, they form a pair. """ suffixes = ["_tests.py", "Tests.py"] self._dirname = os.path.abspath(dirname) if not self._dirname.endswith(os.sep): self._dirname += os.sep for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirname): filenames = [x for x in filenames if x.endswith(".py")] tests = [] for suffix in suffixes: tests += [(x, x[:-len(suffix)] + ".py") for x in filenames if x.endswith(suffix)] nontests = [] nontests = [x for x in filenames if x not in [a for a, b in tests]] for filename, module in tests: if module in nontests: nontests.remove(module) module = os.path.join(dirname, module) filename = os.path.join(dirname, filename) self.add_pair(module, filename) for filename in nontests: filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename)) if filename not in ignored_modules: self.add_missing(filename) else: self.add_excluded_module(filename) def _load_module_from_pathname(self, pathname): for tuple in imp.get_suffixes(): suffix, mode, type = tuple if pathname.endswith(suffix): name = os.path.basename(pathname[:-len(suffix)]) f = file(pathname, mode) return imp.load_module(name, f, pathname, tuple) raise Exception("Unknown module: %s" % pathname) def _load_pairs(self): module_pairs = [] loader = unittest.defaultTestLoader for pathname, test_pathname in self._module_pairs: module = self._load_module_from_pathname(pathname) test_module = self._load_module_from_pathname(test_pathname) suite = loader.loadTestsFromModule(test_module) module_pairs.append((module, test_module, suite)) return module_pairs def printErrorList(self, flavor, errors): for test, error in errors: print "%s: %s" % (flavor, str(test)) print str(error) def run(self): start_time = time.time() module_pairs = self._load_pairs() total_tests = sum(suite.countTestCases() for x, y, suite in module_pairs) result = CoverageTestResult(sys.stdout, total_tests) for path in self._missing_test_modules: result.addMissingTestModule(path) for module, test_module, suite in module_pairs: coverage.erase() coverage.exclude("#\s*pragma: no cover") coverage.start() sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(module.__file__)) reload(module) del sys.path[0] suite.run(result) coverage.stop() filename, stmts, excluded, missed, missed_desc = \ coverage.analysis2(module) if self._dirname and filename.startswith(self._dirname): filename = filename[len(self._dirname):] if missed: result.addCoverageMissed(filename, stmts, missed, missed_desc) result.addCoverageExcluded(excluded) end_time = time.time() sys.stdout.write("\n\n") if result.wasSuccessful(): print "OK" else: print "FAILED" print if result.errors: self.printErrorList("ERROR", result.errors) if result.failures: self.printErrorList("FAILURE", result.failures) if result.coverage_missed: print "Statements missed by per-module tests:" width = max(len(x[0]) for x in result.coverage_missed) fmt = " %-*s %s" print fmt % (width, "Module", "Missed statements") for filename, _, _, desc in sorted(result.coverage_missed): print fmt % (width, filename, desc) print if result.missing_test_modules: print "Modules missing test modules:" for pathname in result.missing_test_modules: print " %s" % pathname print print "%d failures, %d errors" % (len(result.failures), len(result.errors)) if result.coverage_excluded: print len(result.coverage_excluded), "excluded statements" if self._excluded_modules: print len(self._excluded_modules), "excluded modules" if result.missing_test_modules: print len(result.missing_test_modules), "missing test modules" maxtime = int(os.environ.get('COVERAGE_TEST_RUNNER_MAX_TIME', '10')) if end_time - start_time > maxtime: print print "Slowest tests:" for secs, test in sorted(result.timings)[-10:]: print " %5.1f s %s" % (secs, str(test)[:70]) print "Time: %.1f s" % (end_time - start_time) return result def run(): """Use CoverageTestRunner on the desired directory.""" parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--ignore-coverage", action="store_true", help="Don't fail tests even if coverage is " "incomplete.") parser.add_option("--ignore-missing", action="store_true", help="Don't fail even if some modules have no test " "module.") parser.add_option("--ignore-missing-from", metavar="FILE", help="Ignore missing test modules for modules listed " "in FILE.") opts, dirnames = parser.parse_args() if not dirnames: dirnames = ['.'] if opts.ignore_missing_from: lines = file(opts.ignore_missing_from).readlines() lines = [x.strip() for x in lines] lines = [x for x in lines if x and not x.startswith('#')] lines = [os.path.normpath(x) for x in lines] ignored_modules = lines else: ignored_modules = ['setup.py'] runner = CoverageTestRunner() for dirname in dirnames: runner.find_pairs(dirname, ignored_modules) result = runner.run() if not result.wasSuccessful(ignore_coverage=opts.ignore_coverage, ignore_missing=opts.ignore_missing): sys.exit(1) if __name__ == "__main__": profname = os.environ.get('COVERAGE_TEST_RUNNER_PROFILE', None) if profname is None: run() else: import cProfile cProfile.run('run()', profname)