import logging import os import yaml def fixme(ctx, **kwargs): assert 0 def create_vm(ctx): QemuSystem = globals()["QemuSystem"] srcdir = globals()["srcdir"] MiB = 1024 ** 2 GiB = 1024 ** 3 cfg = yaml.safe_load(open(os.path.join(srcdir, "test.cfg"))) name = cfg["name"] base_image = cfg["base_image"] username = cfg["username"] cpus = cfg["cpus"] memory = cfg["memory"] * MiB # We use a hard-coded test key that we have in the source tree. pubkey = open(os.path.join(srcdir, "ssh", "")).read().strip() # We hard code the disk image size, since we don't expect scenarios to have # any specific size needs, and also, the qcow2 image format is only as big # as the data put into the disk, so we can choose a size that fits all. disk_size = 10 * GiB"starting a VM using qemu-system")" name : {name}")" image : {base_image}")" disk : {disk_size}")" pubkey : {pubkey}")" memory : {memory}")" cpus : {cpus}")" username: {username}") qemu = QemuSystem(name, base_image, disk_size, pubkey) qemu.set_memory(memory) qemu.set_vcpus(cpus) qemu.set_username(username) qemu.start() logging.debug("waiting for SSH to be ready") if qemu.wait_for_ssh(): logging.debug("SSH is ready") else: logging.error("SSH did not get ready") assert 0"a qemu-system VM is up and running and accessible over SSH") ctx["qemu"] = qemu def destroy_vm(ctx): logging.debug(f"destroying qemu running") qemu = ctx["qemu"] qemu.stop() def run_true_on_host(ctx): qemu = ctx["qemu"] qemu.ssh(["/bin/true"]) def use_role_in_playbook(ctx, role=None): empty_playbook = { "hosts": "test-host", "remote_user": "debian", # FIXME: don't hardcode this "become": True, "roles": [], } playbook = ctx.get("playbook", dict(empty_playbook)) playbook["roles"].append(role) ctx["playbook"] = playbook def set_vars_file(ctx, filename=None): get_file = globals()["get_file"] data = get_file(filename) with open("vars.yml", "wb") as f: f.write(data) def try_playbook(ctx): runcmd = globals()["runcmd"] assert_ne = globals()["assert_ne"] srcdir = globals()["srcdir"] qemu = ctx["qemu"] with open("hosts", "w") as f: f.write("test-host\n") if not os.path.exists("vars.yml"): with open("vars.yml", "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump({}, stream=f) playbook = [ctx["playbook"]] assert_ne(playbook, None) with open("playbook.yml", "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(playbook, stream=f) ssh_opts = [ "-ouserknownhostsfile=/dev/null", "-ostricthostkeychecking=accept-new", "-i", os.path.join(srcdir, "ssh", "id"), f"-p{qemu.get_port()}", ] env = dict(os.environ) env["ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS"] = " ".join(ssh_opts) env["ANSIBLE_LOG"] = "ansible.log" env["ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH"] = os.path.join(srcdir, "roles") argv = [ "ansible-playbook", "-i", "hosts", f"-e@vars.yml", "-eansible_ssh_host=localhost", f"-eansible_ssh_port={qemu.get_port()}", "playbook.yml", ] runcmd(ctx, argv, env=env) def command_fails(ctx): exit_code_nonzero = globals()["exit_code_nonzero"] exit_code_nonzero(ctx) def run_playbook(ctx): exit_code_zero = globals()["exit_code_zero"] try_playbook(ctx) exit_code_zero(ctx) def xstdout_contains(ctx, text=None): stdout_contains = globals()["stdout_contains"] stdout_contains(ctx, pattern=text)