[[!tag checklist]] GTD weekly review ================= * Start a new journal entry for the review. * summarize the past iteration * add copy of the past iteration's notes * Process [[inboxes]]: do, delete, delegate, defer. * Review journal entries since the previous review. * Review calendar since the previous review. * Review calendar for the next month. * Review waiting-for. * Review pending-and-support. * Review areas of focus and goals. * Empty head from things. * Review projects. Make sure each has at least one next action. * Review next actions list. Are they all of good quality? * a _physical_ action ("write", not "think about") * thinking is part of planning! * but "draft outline of plan for..." is an action * it's clear what I need to (a widget to crank) * duration at most 15 minutes, preferably, and less than 60, definitely; has an estimate written down * I'm committed to doing it * does not depend on anything, can be done immediately * it's clear when it's done * it's clear which projects the action belongs to, if any * Re-process inboxes.