This page lists **problems** (or bugs): things that go wrong, in the parts that have been implemented already. For example, a failure to rotate an image would belong on this page. See also [[wishlist]] page. Things that must be fixed before the next release ------------------------------------------------- * Nothing right now. Fixed in bzr, but not yet in a release -------------------------------------- * dimbola-gtk needs a manual page. * Drag-and-dropping tags from tree should be possible from tag name, currently it just starts editing immediately. * If dcraw is not installed, the error message is quite mysterious, and should instead say something sensible like dcraw not being installed. Requiring it to be installed is perhaps not entirely warranted, in case people only want to use JPEGs or PNGs or other formats that GdkPixbuf supports natively. - catch OSError when running external programs with subprocess and report error to user in a clear fashion - demote dcraw dependency in .deb to a recommendation - have dcraw type caching silently handle the case of there not being dcraw installed by return "does not support" for everything * Folders are not sorted by name in the folder tree. * Photo's tags not sorted case-insensitively. Current ------- * Does not build a working .deb under Debian (works under Ubuntu). **Help needed.** * Cannot drag-and-drop tags to image preview. * Can't enter รค into tag name. This is perhaps an indication that unicode is not enforced properly in the database layer. * When changing folder, selection should be reset in grid, and photo's info should be updated accordingly. * Grid's scrollbar does not seem to be set correctly when changing to a folder. * Is not internationalized (i18n) and therefore not localized (l10n). **Help needed.** * Database schema should be more systematic about how tables are named. photos and folders are main tables, but tags just references two other tables. (Suggested by jiivonen) * Database should build indexes for things to keep things speed. Exactly what needs indexing should be determined by benchmarks. (Suggested by jiivonen) Bugs in other people's code that Dimbola users may hit upon ----------------------------------------------------------- * When exporting, can't select the directory that opens as default. See . Workaround: go to parent directly, and select the desired directory there. Stuff to fix some time later in the future ------------------------------------------- * Database schema should use FOREIGN KEYs. Can't be fixed yet, since it requires Sqlite 3.6.19 and Ubuntu karmic only has 3.6.16. (Suggested by jiivonen) Help for Dimbola: ------------------------------------------- * [Overview of dimbola]( * [Bazaar branches of dimbola](