distix tutorial =============== distix is a distributed ticketing system. This is a tutorial for the command line interface. Initialise a new ticket repository: `distix init` ------------------------------------------------- distix keeps all tickets in text files in a git repository. The repository is created (or at least initialised) with the `distix init` command: distix init my-tickets "These are my tickets" cd my-tickets The first argument to `init` is the directory the repository should be in. This directory mustn't exist yet. The second argument is a description of the repository: what is repository meant for? After you've initialised the repository, it contains some metadata about the repository: .git repo.yaml The `.git` subdirectory is used by git for storing versions of all the other files. This is needed for distributed and offline operation with the ticketing system, and for merging and synchronising tickets across computers. `repo.yaml` contains some metadata about the repository itself. Most importantly, it contains the description of the repository you gave `init`. Create a new ticket: `distix new` --------------------------------- To create a new ticket, run a command like this: distix new "This is the title of my new ticket" If all goes well, distix will create a new ticket. The ticket will have a universally unique identifier (UUID), which is a random 128-bit number. The ticket will be stored in the directory `tickets/0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2`, where `0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2` is the hexadecimal representation of the UUID. You can use the following command to list all tickets: distix list This will produce output like the following: 24e885d6e463441baf0fcd76626afa1a distix doesn't invoke editor 468a9c8545604ce18f1e381fae5e8bac bottle templates are embedded in code 49001e5d68c649b9886e35513eb24b55 distix lacks a manual page 8268e49d83ea43a6a362281603d8a7f3 distix show doesn't show the headers of messages 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 distix home page is useless Each line shows the UUID of the ticket and its title. Writing long UUIDs is somewhat tedious. Remembering them is also not always easy for humans. distix will, later, allow easier ways to refer to tickets. Looking at tickets: `distix show` --------------------------------- To look at a specific ticket, give a command like this: $ distix show 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2: distix home page is useless * ticket-id: 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 * title: distix home page is useless $ This shows the ticket id, and title, and all the key/value metadata for the ticket. The ticket id and title are stored as key/value pairs, so the get repeated. (This repetition is not there to make it easier to learn the id by heart. Honest.) Setting ticket metadata: `distix set` ------------------------------------- Each ticket has some key/value pairs. These allow distix to manage ticket metadata. You can add any pairs you like. $ distix set 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 status=triaged $ distix show 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2: distix home page is useless * status: triaged * ticket-id: 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 * title: distix home page is useless $ Here we added a key `status` with the value `triaged` to the ticket. distix will interpret some keys in its own way, but ignores all other keys. The keys it cares about are, at this time: * `ticket-id`: the UUID of the ticket; you should not change this * `title`: the ticket title; you may change this if you like Replying to a ticket: `distix reply` ------------------------------------ To add a reply to a ticket: distix reply 0234e10813ca44438510c37a7b61abb2 --message="Yay!" distix will create a new e-mail and put it in the `Maildir` folder in the ticket's directory. `distix show` will show the message, and you can look at the folder directly with any e-mail program you like that can handle Maildir folders (mutt recommended). However, if you change anything in the folder, you should either undo the changes or commit them with git. (distix will later make this easier. It's very early days in the life of the program.) More? ----- That's all distix can do right now. This tutorial should, however, cover more things, such as using git to synchronise, share, and merge ticket repositories between computers and people. That will be added once someone figures out a good way to do that.