Create new ticket ================= This chapter has scenarios for creating new tickets. SCENARIO create new ticket WHEN user attempts to run distix init REPO THEN attempt succeeded WHEN user changes working directory to REPO WHEN user attempts to run distix list THEN attempt succeeded AND output is "" We create a new ticket, with a title that contains non-ASCII text. WHEN user attempts to run distix new new-ticket-title-gröt THEN attempt succeeded AND everything in REPO is committed to git WHEN user attempts to run distix list THEN attempt succeeded AND output matches "^new-ticket-title-gröt$" AND first ticket id is captured as $TID AND ticket id $TID 7-nybble prefix is $PREFIX Can we show a ticket using just a prefix of the ticket id? WHEN user attempts to run distix show $PREFIX THEN attempt succeeded AND output contains ticket id $TID