Reply to tickets ================ This chapter contains scenarios for testing replying to existing tickets. SCENARIO reply to ticket WHEN user attempts to run distix init REPO THEN attempt succeeded WHEN user changes working directory to REPO AND user attempts to run distix new new-ticket-title --save-ticket-id=../NEW THEN attempt succeeded WHEN user attempts to run distix reply DUMMYID --ticket-id-from=../NEW --message=a-reply THEN attempt succeeded AND everything in REPO is committed to git WHEN user attempts to run distix show --ticket-id-from=../NEW THEN attempt succeeded AND output matches "a-reply" We want to be able to clone the repo and have it work. WHEN user changes working directory to .. AND user clones REPO to REPO2 AND user changes working directory to REPO2 AND user attempts to run distix show --ticket-id-from=../NEW THEN attempt succeeded AND output matches "a-reply"