"""Mailing list manager. This is a simple mailing list manager that mimicks the ezmlm-idx mail address commands. See manual page for more information. """ VERSION = "1.2.1" PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION = "1" import getopt import md5 import os import shutil import smtplib import string import sys import time import ConfigParser try: import email.Header have_email_module = 1 except ImportError: have_email_module = 0 import imp import qmqp # The following values will be overriden by "make install". TEMPLATE_DIRS = ["./templates"] DOTDIR = "dot-eoc" class EocException(Exception): def __init__(self, arg=None): self.msg = repr(arg) def __str__(self): return self.msg class UnknownList(EocException): def __init__(self, list_name): self.msg = "%s is not a known mailing list" % list_name class BadCommandAddress(EocException): def __init__(self, address): self.msg = "%s is not a valid command address" % address class BadSignature(EocException): def __init__(self, address): self.msg = "address %s has an invalid digital signature" % address class ListExists(EocException): def __init__(self, list_name): self.msg = "Mailing list %s alreadys exists" % list_name class ListDoesNotExist(EocException): def __init__(self, list_name): self.msg = "Mailing list %s does not exist" % list_name class MissingEnvironmentVariable(EocException): def __init__(self, name): self.msg = "Environment variable %s does not exist" % name class MissingTemplate(EocException): def __init__(self, template): self.msg = "Template %s does not exit" % template # Names of commands EoC recognizes in e-mail addresses. SIMPLE_COMMANDS = ["help", "list", "owner", "setlist", "setlistsilently", "ignore"] SUB_COMMANDS = ["subscribe", "unsubscribe"] HASH_COMMANDS = ["subyes", "subapprove", "subreject", "unsubyes", "bounce", "probe", "approve", "reject", "setlistyes", "setlistsilentyes"] COMMANDS = SIMPLE_COMMANDS + SUB_COMMANDS + HASH_COMMANDS def md5sum_as_hex(s): return md5.new(s).hexdigest() environ = None def set_environ(new_environ): global environ environ = new_environ def get_from_environ(key): global environ if environ: env = environ else: env = os.environ if env.has_key(key): return env[key].lower() raise MissingEnvironmentVariable(key) class AddressParser: """A parser for incoming e-mail addresses.""" def __init__(self, lists): self.set_lists(lists) self.set_skip_prefix(None) self.set_forced_domain(None) def set_lists(self, lists): """Set the list of canonical list names we should know about.""" self.lists = lists def set_skip_prefix(self, skip_prefix): """Set the prefix to be removed from an address.""" self.skip_prefix = skip_prefix def set_forced_domain(self, forced_domain): """Set the domain part we should force the address to have.""" self.forced_domain = forced_domain def clean(self, address): """Remove cruft from the address and convert the rest to lower case.""" if self.skip_prefix: n = self.skip_prefix and len(self.skip_prefix) if address[:n] == self.skip_prefix: address = address[n:] if self.forced_domain: parts = address.split("@", 1) address = "%s@%s" % (parts[0], self.forced_domain) return address.lower() def split_address(self, address): """Split an address to a local part and a domain.""" parts = address.lower().split("@", 1) if len(parts) != 2: return (address, "") else: return parts # Does an address refer to a list? If not, return None, else return a list # of additional parts (separated by hyphens) in the address. Note that [] # is not the same as None. def additional_address_parts(self, address, listname): addr_local, addr_domain = self.split_address(address) list_local, list_domain = self.split_address(listname) if addr_domain != list_domain: return None if addr_local.lower() == list_local.lower(): return [] n = len(list_local) if addr_local[:n] != list_local or addr_local[n] != "-": return None return addr_local[n+1:].split("-") # Parse an address we have received that identifies a list we manage. # The address may contain command and signature parts. Return the name # of the list, and a sequence of the additional parts (split at hyphens). # Raise exceptions for errors. Note that the command will be valid, but # cryptographic signatures in the address is not checked. def parse(self, address): address = self.clean(address) for listname in self.lists: parts = self.additional_address_parts(address, listname) if parts == None: pass elif parts == []: return listname, parts elif parts[0] in HASH_COMMANDS: if len(parts) != 3: raise BadCommandAddress(address) return listname, parts elif parts[0] in COMMANDS: return listname, parts raise UnknownList(address) class MailingListManager: def __init__(self, dotdir, sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail", lists=[], smtp_server=None, qmqp_server=None): self.dotdir = dotdir self.sendmail = sendmail self.smtp_server = smtp_server self.qmqp_server = qmqp_server self.make_dotdir() self.secret = self.make_and_read_secret() if not lists: lists = filter(lambda s: "@" in s, os.listdir(dotdir)) self.set_lists(lists) self.simple_commands = ["help", "list", "owner", "setlist", "setlistsilently", "ignore"] self.sub_commands = ["subscribe", "unsubscribe"] self.hash_commands = ["subyes", "subapprove", "subreject", "unsubyes", "bounce", "probe", "approve", "reject", "setlistyes", "setlistsilentyes"] self.commands = self.simple_commands + self.sub_commands + \ self.hash_commands self.environ = None self.load_plugins() # Create the dot directory for us, if it doesn't exist already. def make_dotdir(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.dotdir): os.makedirs(self.dotdir, 0700) # Create the "secret" file, with a random value used as cookie for # verification addresses. def make_and_read_secret(self): secret_name = os.path.join(self.dotdir, "secret") if not os.path.isfile(secret_name): f = open("/dev/urandom", "r") secret = f.read(32) f.close() f = open(secret_name, "w") f.write(secret) f.close() else: f = open(secret_name, "r") secret = f.read() f.close() return secret # Load the plugins from DOTDIR/plugins/*.py. def load_plugins(self): self.plugins = [] dirname = os.path.join(DOTDIR, "plugins") try: plugins = os.listdir(dirname) except OSError: return plugins.sort() plugins = map(os.path.splitext, plugins) plugins = filter(lambda p: p[1] == ".py", plugins) plugins = map(lambda p: p[0], plugins) for name in plugins: pathname = os.path.join(dirname, name + ".py") f = open(pathname, "r") module = imp.load_module(name, f, pathname, (".py", "r", imp.PY_SOURCE)) f.close() if module.PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION == PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION: self.plugins.append(module) # Call function named funcname (a string) in all plugins, giving as # arguments all the remaining arguments preceded by ml. Return value # of each function is the new list of arguments to the next function. # Return value of this function is the return value of the last function. def call_plugins(self, funcname, list, *args): for plugin in self.plugins: if plugin.__dict__.has_key(funcname): args = apply(plugin.__dict__[funcname], (list,) + args) if type(args) != type((0,)): args = (args,) return args # Set the list of listnames. The list of lists needs to be sorted in # length order so that test@example.com is matched before # test-list@example.com def set_lists(self, lists): temp = map(lambda s: (len(s), s), lists) temp.sort() self.lists = map(lambda t: t[1], temp) # Return the list of listnames. def get_lists(self): return self.lists # Decode an address that has been encoded to be part of a local part. def decode_address(self, parts): return string.join(string.join(parts, "-").split("="), "@") # Is local_part@domain an existing list? def is_list_name(self, local_part, domain): return ("%s@%s" % (local_part, domain)) in self.lists # Compute the verification checksum for an address. def compute_hash(self, address): return md5sum_as_hex(address + self.secret) # Is the verification signature in a parsed address bad? If so, return true, # otherwise return false. def signature_is_bad(self, dict, hash): local_part, domain = dict["name"].split("@") address = "%s-%s-%s@%s" % (local_part, dict["command"], dict["id"], domain) correct = self.compute_hash(address) return correct != hash # Parse a command address we have received and check its validity # (including signature, if any). Return a dictionary with keys # "command", "sender" (address that was encoded into address, if # any), "id" (group ID). def parse_recipient_address(self, address, skip_prefix, forced_domain): ap = AddressParser(self.get_lists()) ap.set_lists(self.get_lists()) ap.set_skip_prefix(skip_prefix) ap.set_forced_domain(forced_domain) listname, parts = ap.parse(address) dict = { "name": listname } if parts == []: dict["command"] = "post" else: command, args = parts[0], parts[1:] dict["command"] = command if command in SUB_COMMANDS: dict["sender"] = self.decode_address(args) elif command in HASH_COMMANDS: dict["id"] = args[0] hash = args[1] if self.signature_is_bad(dict, hash): raise BadSignature(address) return dict # Does an address refer to a mailing list? def is_list(self, name, skip_prefix=None, domain=None): try: self.parse_recipient_address(name, skip_prefix, domain) except BadCommandAddress: return 0 except BadSignature: return 0 except UnknownList: return 0 return 1 # Create a new list and return it. def create_list(self, name): if self.is_list(name): raise ListExists(name) self.set_lists(self.lists + [name]) return MailingList(self, name) # Open an existing list. def open_list(self, name): if self.is_list(name): return self.open_list_exact(name) else: x = name + "@" for list in self.lists: if list[:len(x)] == x: return self.open_list_exact(list) raise ListDoesNotExist(name) def open_list_exact(self, name): for list in self.get_lists(): if list.lower() == name.lower(): return MailingList(self, list) raise ListDoesNotExist(name) # Process an incoming message. def incoming_message(self, skip_prefix, domain, moderate, post): debug("Processing incoming message.") debug("$SENDER = <%s>" % get_from_environ("SENDER")) debug("$RECIPIENT = <%s>" % get_from_environ("RECIPIENT")) dict = self.parse_recipient_address(get_from_environ("RECIPIENT"), skip_prefix, domain) dict["force-moderation"] = moderate dict["force-posting"] = post debug("List is <%(name)s>, command is <%(command)s>." % dict) list = self.open_list_exact(dict["name"]) list.obey(dict) # Clean up bouncing address and do other janitorial work for all lists. def cleaning_woman(self, send_mail=None): now = time.time() for listname in self.lists: list = self.open_list_exact(listname) if send_mail: list.send_mail = send_mail list.cleaning_woman(now) # Send a mail to the desired recipients. def send_mail(self, envelope_sender, recipients, text): debug("send_mail:\n sender=%s\n recipients=%s\n text=\n %s" % (envelope_sender, str(recipients), "\n ".join(text[:text.find("\n\n")].split("\n")))) if recipients: if self.smtp_server: smtp = smtplib.SMTP(self.smtp_server) smtp.sendmail(envelope_sender, recipients, text) smtp.quit() elif self.qmqp_server: q = qmqp.QMQP(self.qmqp_server) q.sendmail(envelope_sender, recipients, text) q.quit() else: recipients = string.join(recipients, " ") f = os.popen("%s -oi -f '%s' %s" % (self.sendmail, envelope_sender, recipients), "w") f.write(text) f.close() else: debug("send_mail: no recipients, not sending") class MailingList: posting_opts = ["auto", "free", "moderated"] def __init__(self, mlm, name): self.mlm = mlm self.name = name self.cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.cp.add_section("list") self.cp.set("list", "owners", "") self.cp.set("list", "moderators", "") self.cp.set("list", "subscription", "free") self.cp.set("list", "posting", "free") self.cp.set("list", "archived", "no") self.cp.set("list", "mail-on-subscription-changes", "no") self.cp.set("list", "mail-on-forced-unsubscribe", "no") self.cp.set("list", "ignore-bounce", "no") self.cp.set("list", "language", "") self.cp.set("list", "pristine-headers", "") self.dirname = os.path.join(self.mlm.dotdir, name) self.make_listdir() self.cp.read(self.mkname("config")) self.subscribers = SubscriberDatabase(self.dirname, "subscribers") self.moderation_box = MessageBox(self.dirname, "moderation-box") self.subscription_box = MessageBox(self.dirname, "subscription-box") self.bounce_box = MessageBox(self.dirname, "bounce-box") def make_listdir(self): if not os.path.isdir(self.dirname): os.mkdir(self.dirname, 0700) self.save_config() f = open(self.mkname("subscribers"), "w") f.close() def mkname(self, relative): return os.path.join(self.dirname, relative) def save_config(self): f = open(self.mkname("config"), "w") self.cp.write(f) f.close() def read_stdin(self): data = sys.stdin.read() # Skip Unix mbox "From " mail start indicator if data[:5] == "From ": data = string.split(data, "\n", 1)[1] return data def invent_boundary(self): return "%s/%s" % (md5sum_as_hex(str(time.time())), md5sum_as_hex(self.name)) def command_address(self, command): local_part, domain = self.name.split("@") return "%s-%s@%s" % (local_part, command, domain) def signed_address(self, command, id): unsigned = self.command_address("%s-%s" % (command, id)) hash = self.mlm.compute_hash(unsigned) return self.command_address("%s-%s-%s" % (command, id, hash)) def ignore(self): return self.command_address("ignore") def nice_7bit(self, str): for c in str: if (ord(c) < 32 and not c.isspace()) or ord(c) >= 127: return False return True def mime_encode_headers(self, text): try: headers, body = text.split("\n\n", 1) list = [] for line in headers.split("\n"): if line[0].isspace(): list[-1] += line else: list.append(line) headers = [] for header in list: if self.nice_7bit(header): headers.append(header) else: if ": " in header: name, content = header.split(": ", 1) else: name, content = header.split(":", 1) hdr = email.Header.Header(content, "utf-8") headers.append(name + ": " + hdr.encode()) return "\n".join(headers) + "\n\n" + body except: error("Cannot MIME encode header, using original ones, sorry") return text def template(self, template_name, dict): lang = self.cp.get("list", "language") if lang: template_name_lang = template_name + "." + lang else: template_name_lang = template_name if not dict.has_key("list"): dict["list"] = self.name dict["local"], dict["domain"] = self.name.split("@") if not dict.has_key("list"): dict["list"] = self.name for dir in [os.path.join(self.dirname, "templates")] + TEMPLATE_DIRS: pathname = os.path.join(dir, template_name_lang) if not os.path.exists(pathname): pathname = os.path.join(dir, template_name) if os.path.exists(pathname): f = open(pathname, "r") data = f.read() f.close() return data % dict raise MissingTemplate(template_name) def send_template(self, envelope_sender, sender, recipients, template_name, dict): dict["From"] = "EoC <%s>" % sender dict["To"] = string.join(recipients, ", ") text = self.template(template_name, dict) if not text: return if self.cp.get("list", "pristine-headers") != "yes": text = self.mime_encode_headers(text) self.mlm.send_mail(envelope_sender, recipients, text) def send_info_message(self, recipients, template_name, dict): self.send_template(self.command_address("ignore"), self.command_address("help"), recipients, template_name, dict) def owners(self): return self.cp.get("list", "owners").split() def moderators(self): return self.cp.get("list", "moderators").split() def is_list_owner(self, address): return address in self.owners() def obey_help(self): self.send_info_message([get_from_environ("SENDER")], "help", {}) def obey_list(self): recipient = get_from_environ("SENDER") if self.is_list_owner(recipient): addr_list = self.subscribers.get_all() addr_text = string.join(addr_list, "\n") self.send_info_message([recipient], "list", { "addresses": addr_text, "count": len(addr_list), }) else: self.send_info_message([recipient], "list-sorry", {}) def obey_setlist(self, origmail): recipient = get_from_environ("SENDER") if self.is_list_owner(recipient): id = self.moderation_box.add(recipient, origmail) if self.parse_setlist_addresses(origmail) == None: self.send_bad_addresses_in_setlist(id) self.moderation_box.remove(id) else: confirm = self.signed_address("setlistyes", id) self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "setlist-confirm", { "confirm": confirm, "origmail": origmail, "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) else: self.send_info_message([recipient], "setlist-sorry", {}) def obey_setlistsilently(self, origmail): recipient = get_from_environ("SENDER") if self.is_list_owner(recipient): id = self.moderation_box.add(recipient, origmail) if self.parse_setlist_addresses(origmail) == None: self.send_bad_addresses_in_setlist(id) self.moderation_box.remove(id) else: confirm = self.signed_address("setlistsilentyes", id) self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "setlist-confirm", { "confirm": confirm, "origmail": origmail, "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) else: self.info_message([recipient], "setlist-sorry", {}) def parse_setlist_addresses(self, text): body = text.split("\n\n", 1)[1] lines = body.split("\n") lines = filter(lambda line: line != "", lines) badlines = filter(lambda line: "@" not in line, lines) if badlines: return None else: return lines def send_bad_addresses_in_setlist(self, id): addr = self.moderation_box.get_address(id) origmail = self.moderation_box.get(id) self.send_info_message([addr], "setlist-badlist", { "origmail": origmail, "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) def obey_setlistyes(self, dict): if self.moderation_box.has(dict["id"]): text = self.moderation_box.get(dict["id"]) addresses = self.parse_setlist_addresses(text) if addresses == None: self.send_bad_addresses_in_setlist(id) else: removed_subscribers = [] self.subscribers.lock() old = self.subscribers.get_all() for address in old: if address.lower() not in map(string.lower, addresses): self.subscribers.remove(address) removed_subscribers.append(address) else: for x in addresses: if x.lower() == address.lower(): addresses.remove(x) self.subscribers.add_many(addresses) self.subscribers.save() for recipient in addresses: self.send_info_message([recipient], "sub-welcome", {}) for recipient in removed_subscribers: self.send_info_message([recipient], "unsub-goodbye", {}) self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "setlist-done", {}) self.moderation_box.remove(dict["id"]) def obey_setlistsilentyes(self, dict): if self.moderation_box.has(dict["id"]): text = self.moderation_box.get(dict["id"]) addresses = self.parse_setlist_addresses(text) if addresses == None: self.send_bad_addresses_in_setlist(id) else: self.subscribers.lock() old = self.subscribers.get_all() for address in old: if address not in addresses: self.subscribers.remove(address) else: addresses.remove(address) self.subscribers.add_many(addresses) self.subscribers.save() self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "setlist-done", {}) self.moderation_box.remove(dict["id"]) def obey_owner(self, text): sender = get_from_environ("SENDER") recipients = self.cp.get("list", "owners").split() self.mlm.send_mail(sender, recipients, text) def obey_subscribe_or_unsubscribe(self, dict, template_name, command, origmail): requester = get_from_environ("SENDER") subscriber = dict["sender"] if not subscriber: subscriber = requester if subscriber.find("@") == -1: info("Trying to (un)subscribe address without @: %s" % subscriber) return if self.cp.get("list", "ignore-bounce") == "yes": info("Will not (un)subscribe address: %s from static list" %subscriber) return if requester in self.owners(): confirmers = self.owners() else: confirmers = [subscriber] id = self.subscription_box.add(subscriber, origmail) confirm = self.signed_address(command, id) self.send_info_message(confirmers, template_name, { "confirm": confirm, "origmail": origmail, "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) def obey_subscribe(self, dict, origmail): self.obey_subscribe_or_unsubscribe(dict, "sub-confirm", "subyes", origmail) def obey_unsubscribe(self, dict, origmail): self.obey_subscribe_or_unsubscribe(dict, "unsub-confirm", "unsubyes", origmail) def obey_subyes(self, dict): if self.subscription_box.has(dict["id"]): if self.cp.get("list", "subscription") == "free": recipient = self.subscription_box.get_address(dict["id"]) self.subscribers.lock() self.subscribers.add(recipient) self.subscribers.save() sender = self.command_address("help") self.send_template(self.ignore(), sender, [recipient], "sub-welcome", {}) self.subscription_box.remove(dict["id"]) if self.cp.get("list", "mail-on-subscription-changes")=="yes": self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "sub-owner-notification", { "address": recipient, }) else: recipients = self.cp.get("list", "owners").split() confirm = self.signed_address("subapprove", dict["id"]) deny = self.signed_address("subreject", dict["id"]) subscriber = self.subscription_box.get_address(dict["id"]) origmail = self.subscription_box.get(dict["id"]) self.send_template(self.ignore(), deny, recipients, "sub-moderate", { "confirm": confirm, "deny": deny, "subscriber": subscriber, "origmail": origmail, "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) recipient = self.subscription_box.get_address(dict["id"]) self.send_info_message([recipient], "sub-wait", {}) def obey_subapprove(self, dict): if self.subscription_box.has(dict["id"]): recipient = self.subscription_box.get_address(dict["id"]) self.subscribers.lock() self.subscribers.add(recipient) self.subscribers.save() self.send_info_message([recipient], "sub-welcome", {}) self.subscription_box.remove(dict["id"]) if self.cp.get("list", "mail-on-subscription-changes")=="yes": self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "sub-owner-notification", { "address": recipient, }) def obey_subreject(self, dict): if self.subscription_box.has(dict["id"]): recipient = self.subscription_box.get_address(dict["id"]) self.send_info_message([recipient], "sub-reject", {}) self.subscription_box.remove(dict["id"]) def obey_unsubyes(self, dict): if self.subscription_box.has(dict["id"]): recipient = self.subscription_box.get_address(dict["id"]) self.subscribers.lock() self.subscribers.remove(recipient) self.subscribers.save() self.send_info_message([recipient], "unsub-goodbye", {}) self.subscription_box.remove(dict["id"]) if self.cp.get("list", "mail-on-subscription-changes")=="yes": self.send_info_message(self.owners(), "unsub-owner-notification", { "address": recipient, }) def store_into_archive(self, text): if self.cp.get("list", "archived") == "yes": archdir = os.path.join(self.dirname, "archive") if not os.path.exists(archdir): os.mkdir(archdir, 0700) id = md5sum_as_hex(text) f = open(os.path.join(archdir, id), "w") f.write(text) f.close() def list_headers(self): local, domain = self.name.split("@") list = [] list.append("List-Id: <%s.%s>" % (local, domain)) list.append("List-Help: " % (local, domain)) list.append("List-Unsubscribe: " % (local, domain)) list.append("List-Subscribe: " % (local, domain)) list.append("List-Post: " % (local, domain)) list.append("List-Owner: " % (local, domain)) list.append("Precedence: bulk"); return string.join(list, "\n") + "\n" def read_file(self, basename): try: f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, basename), "r") data = f.read() f.close() return data except IOError: return "" def headers_to_add(self): headers_to_add = self.read_file("headers-to-add").rstrip() if headers_to_add: return headers_to_add + "\n" else: return "" def remove_some_headers(self, mail, headers_to_remove): endpos = mail.find("\n\n") if endpos == -1: endpos = mail.find("\n\r\n") if endpos == -1: return mail headers = mail[:endpos].split("\n") body = mail[endpos:] headers_to_remove = [x.lower() for x in headers_to_remove] remaining = [] add_continuation_lines = 0 for header in headers: if header[0] in [' ','\t']: # this is a continuation line if add_continuation_lines: remaining.append(header) else: pos = header.find(":") if pos == -1: # malformed message, try to remove the junk add_continuation_lines = 0 continue name = header[:pos].lower() if name in headers_to_remove: add_continuation_lines = 0 else: add_continuation_lines = 1 remaining.append(header) return "\n".join(remaining) + body def headers_to_remove(self, text): headers_to_remove = self.read_file("headers-to-remove").split("\n") headers_to_remove = map(lambda s: s.strip().lower(), headers_to_remove) return self.remove_some_headers(text, headers_to_remove) def append_footer(self, text): if "base64" in text or "BASE64" in text: import StringIO for line in StringIO.StringIO(text): if line.lower().startswith("content-transfer-encoding:") and \ "base64" in line.lower(): return text return text + self.template("footer", {}) def send_mail_to_subscribers(self, text): text = self.headers_to_add() + self.list_headers() + \ self.headers_to_remove(text) text = self.append_footer(text) text, = self.mlm.call_plugins("send_mail_to_subscribers_hook", self, text) if have_email_module and \ self.cp.get("list", "pristine-headers") != "yes": text = self.mime_encode_headers(text) self.store_into_archive(text) for group in self.subscribers.groups(): bounce = self.signed_address("bounce", group) addresses = self.subscribers.in_group(group) self.mlm.send_mail(bounce, addresses, text) def post_into_moderate(self, poster, dict, text): id = self.moderation_box.add(poster, text) recipients = self.moderators() if recipients == []: recipients = self.owners() confirm = self.signed_address("approve", id) deny = self.signed_address("reject", id) self.send_template(self.ignore(), deny, recipients, "msg-moderate", { "confirm": confirm, "deny": deny, "origmail": text, "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) self.send_info_message([poster], "msg-wait", {}) def should_be_moderated(self, posting, poster): if posting == "moderated": return 1 if posting == "auto": if poster.lower() not in \ map(string.lower, self.subscribers.get_all()): return 1 return 0 def obey_post(self, dict, text): if dict.has_key("force-moderation") and dict["force-moderation"]: force_moderation = 1 else: force_moderation = 0 if dict.has_key("force-posting") and dict["force-posting"]: force_posting = 1 else: force_posting = 0 posting = self.cp.get("list", "posting") if posting not in self.posting_opts: error("You have a weird 'posting' config. Please, review it") poster = get_from_environ("SENDER") if force_moderation: self.post_into_moderate(poster, dict, text) elif force_posting: self.send_mail_to_subscribers(text) elif self.should_be_moderated(posting, poster): self.post_into_moderate(poster, dict, text) else: self.send_mail_to_subscribers(text) def obey_approve(self, dict): if self.moderation_box.lock(dict["id"]): if self.moderation_box.has(dict["id"]): text = self.moderation_box.get(dict["id"]) self.send_mail_to_subscribers(text) self.moderation_box.remove(dict["id"]) self.moderation_box.unlock(dict["id"]) def obey_reject(self, dict): if self.moderation_box.lock(dict["id"]): if self.moderation_box.has(dict["id"]): self.moderation_box.remove(dict["id"]) self.moderation_box.unlock(dict["id"]) def split_address_list(self, addrs): domains = {} for addr in addrs: userpart, domain = addr.split("@") if domains.has_key(domain): domains[domain].append(addr) else: domains[domain] = [addr] result = [] if len(domains.keys()) == 1: for addr in addrs: result.append([addr]) else: result = domains.values() return result def obey_bounce(self, dict, text): if self.subscribers.has_group(dict["id"]): self.subscribers.lock() addrs = self.subscribers.in_group(dict["id"]) if len(addrs) == 1: if self.cp.get("list", "ignore-bounce") == "yes": info("Address <%s> bounced, ignoring bounce as configured." % addrs[0]) self.subscribers.unlock() return debug("Address <%s> bounced, setting state to bounce." % addrs[0]) bounce_id = self.bounce_box.add(addrs[0], text[:4096]) self.subscribers.set(dict["id"], "status", "bounced") self.subscribers.set(dict["id"], "timestamp-bounced", "%f" % time.time()) self.subscribers.set(dict["id"], "bounce-id", bounce_id) else: debug("Group %s bounced, splitting." % dict["id"]) for new_addrs in self.split_address_list(addrs): self.subscribers.add_many(new_addrs) self.subscribers.remove_group(dict["id"]) self.subscribers.save() else: debug("Ignoring bounce, group %s doesn't exist (anymore?)." % dict["id"]) def obey_probe(self, dict, text): id = dict["id"] if self.subscribers.has_group(id): self.subscribers.lock() if self.subscribers.get(id, "status") == "probed": self.subscribers.set(id, "status", "probebounced") self.subscribers.save() def obey(self, dict): text = self.read_stdin() if dict["command"] in ["help", "list", "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "subyes", "subapprove", "subreject", "unsubyes", "post", "approve"]: sender = get_from_environ("SENDER") if not sender: debug("Ignoring bounce message for %s command." % dict["command"]) return if dict["command"] == "help": self.obey_help() elif dict["command"] == "list": self.obey_list() elif dict["command"] == "owner": self.obey_owner(text) elif dict["command"] == "subscribe": self.obey_subscribe(dict, text) elif dict["command"] == "unsubscribe": self.obey_unsubscribe(dict, text) elif dict["command"] == "subyes": self.obey_subyes(dict) elif dict["command"] == "subapprove": self.obey_subapprove(dict) elif dict["command"] == "subreject": self.obey_subreject(dict) elif dict["command"] == "unsubyes": self.obey_unsubyes(dict) elif dict["command"] == "post": self.obey_post(dict, text) elif dict["command"] == "approve": self.obey_approve(dict) elif dict["command"] == "reject": self.obey_reject(dict) elif dict["command"] == "bounce": self.obey_bounce(dict, text) elif dict["command"] == "probe": self.obey_probe(dict, text) elif dict["command"] == "setlist": self.obey_setlist(text) elif dict["command"] == "setlistsilently": self.obey_setlistsilently(text) elif dict["command"] == "setlistyes": self.obey_setlistyes(dict) elif dict["command"] == "setlistsilentyes": self.obey_setlistsilentyes(dict) elif dict["command"] == "ignore": pass def get_bounce_text(self, id): bounce_id = self.subscribers.get(id, "bounce-id") if self.bounce_box.has(bounce_id): bounce_text = self.bounce_box.get(bounce_id) bounce_text = string.join(map(lambda s: "> " + s + "\n", bounce_text.split("\n")), "") else: bounce_text = "Bounce message not available." return bounce_text one_week = 7.0 * 24.0 * 60.0 * 60.0 def handle_bounced_groups(self, now): for id in self.subscribers.groups(): status = self.subscribers.get(id, "status") t = float(self.subscribers.get(id, "timestamp-bounced")) if status == "bounced": if now - t > self.one_week: sender = self.signed_address("probe", id) recipients = self.subscribers.in_group(id) self.send_template(sender, sender, recipients, "bounce-warning", { "bounce": self.get_bounce_text(id), "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) self.subscribers.set(id, "status", "probed") elif status == "probed": if now - t > 2 * self.one_week: debug(("Cleaning woman: probe didn't bounce " + "for group <%s>, setting status to ok.") % id) self.subscribers.set(id, "status", "ok") self.bounce_box.remove( self.subscribers.get(id, "bounce-id")) elif status == "probebounced": sender = self.command_address("help") for address in self.subscribers.in_group(id): if self.cp.get("list", "mail-on-forced-unsubscribe") \ == "yes": self.send_template(sender, sender, self.owners(), "bounce-owner-notification", { "address": address, "bounce": self.get_bounce_text(id), "boundary": self.invent_boundary(), }) self.bounce_box.remove( self.subscribers.get(id, "bounce-id")) self.subscribers.remove(address) debug("Cleaning woman: removing <%s>." % address) self.send_template(sender, sender, [address], "bounce-goodbye", {}) def join_nonbouncing_groups(self, now): to_be_joined = [] for id in self.subscribers.groups(): status = self.subscribers.get(id, "status") age1 = now - float(self.subscribers.get(id, "timestamp-bounced")) age2 = now - float(self.subscribers.get(id, "timestamp-created")) if status == "ok": if age1 > self.one_week and age2 > self.one_week: to_be_joined.append(id) if to_be_joined: addrs = [] for id in to_be_joined: addrs = addrs + self.subscribers.in_group(id) self.subscribers.add_many(addrs) for id in to_be_joined: self.bounce_box.remove(self.subscribers.get(id, "bounce-id")) self.subscribers.remove_group(id) def remove_empty_groups(self): for id in self.subscribers.groups()[:]: if len(self.subscribers.in_group(id)) == 0: self.subscribers.remove_group(id) def cleaning_woman(self, now): if self.subscribers.lock(): self.handle_bounced_groups(now) self.join_nonbouncing_groups(now) self.subscribers.save() class SubscriberDatabase: def __init__(self, dirname, name): self.dict = {} self.filename = os.path.join(dirname, name) self.lockname = os.path.join(dirname, "lock") self.loaded = 0 self.locked = 0 def lock(self): if os.system("lockfile -l 60 %s" % self.lockname) == 0: self.locked = 1 self.load() return self.locked def unlock(self): os.remove(self.lockname) self.locked = 0 def load(self): if not self.loaded and not self.dict: f = open(self.filename, "r") for line in f.xreadlines(): parts = line.split() self.dict[parts[0]] = { "status": parts[1], "timestamp-created": parts[2], "timestamp-bounced": parts[3], "bounce-id": parts[4], "addresses": parts[5:], } f.close() self.loaded = 1 def save(self): assert self.locked assert self.loaded f = open(self.filename + ".new", "w") for id in self.dict.keys(): f.write("%s " % id) f.write("%s " % self.dict[id]["status"]) f.write("%s " % self.dict[id]["timestamp-created"]) f.write("%s " % self.dict[id]["timestamp-bounced"]) f.write("%s " % self.dict[id]["bounce-id"]) f.write("%s\n" % string.join(self.dict[id]["addresses"], " ")) f.close() os.remove(self.filename) os.rename(self.filename + ".new", self.filename) self.unlock() def get(self, id, attribute): self.load() if self.dict.has_key(id) and self.dict[id].has_key(attribute): return self.dict[id][attribute] return None def set(self, id, attribute, value): assert self.locked self.load() if self.dict.has_key(id) and self.dict[id].has_key(attribute): self.dict[id][attribute] = value def add(self, address): return self.add_many([address]) def add_many(self, addresses): assert self.locked assert self.loaded for addr in addresses[:]: if addr.find("@") == -1: info("Address '%s' does not contain an @, ignoring it." % addr) addresses.remove(addr) for id in self.dict.keys(): old_ones = self.dict[id]["addresses"] for addr in addresses: for x in old_ones: if x.lower() == addr.lower(): old_ones.remove(x) self.dict[id]["addresses"] = old_ones id = self.new_group() self.dict[id] = { "status": "ok", "timestamp-created": self.timestamp(), "timestamp-bounced": "0", "bounce-id": "..notexist..", "addresses": addresses, } return id def new_group(self): keys = self.dict.keys() if keys: keys = map(lambda x: int(x), keys) keys.sort() return "%d" % (keys[-1] + 1) else: return "0" def timestamp(self): return "%.0f" % time.time() def get_all(self): self.load() list = [] for values in self.dict.values(): list = list + values["addresses"] return list def groups(self): self.load() return self.dict.keys() def has_group(self, id): self.load() return self.dict.has_key(id) def in_group(self, id): self.load() return self.dict[id]["addresses"] def remove(self, address): assert self.locked self.load() for id in self.dict.keys(): group = self.dict[id] for x in group["addresses"][:]: if x.lower() == address.lower(): group["addresses"].remove(x) if len(group["addresses"]) == 0: del self.dict[id] def remove_group(self, id): assert self.locked self.load() del self.dict[id] class MessageBox: def __init__(self, dirname, boxname): self.boxdir = os.path.join(dirname, boxname) if not os.path.isdir(self.boxdir): os.mkdir(self.boxdir, 0700) def filename(self, id): return os.path.join(self.boxdir, id) def add(self, address, message_text): id = self.make_id(message_text) filename = self.filename(id) f = open(filename + ".address", "w") f.write(address) f.close() f = open(filename + ".new", "w") f.write(message_text) f.close() os.rename(filename + ".new", filename) return id def make_id(self, message_text): return md5sum_as_hex(message_text) # XXX this might be unnecessarily long def remove(self, id): filename = self.filename(id) if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) os.remove(filename + ".address") def has(self, id): return os.path.isfile(self.filename(id)) def get_address(self, id): f = open(self.filename(id) + ".address", "r") data = f.read() f.close() return data.strip() def get(self, id): f = open(self.filename(id), "r") data = f.read() f.close() return data def lockname(self, id): return self.filename(id) + ".lock" def lock(self, id): if os.system("lockfile -l 600 %s" % self.lockname(id)) == 0: return 1 else: return 0 def unlock(self, id): try: os.remove(self.lockname(id)) except os.error: pass class DevNull: def write(self, str): pass log_file_handle = None def log_file(): global log_file_handle if log_file_handle is None: try: log_file_handle = open(os.path.join(DOTDIR, "logfile.txt"), "a") except: log_file_handle = DevNull() return log_file_handle def timestamp(): tuple = time.localtime(time.time()) return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tuple) + " [%d]" % os.getpid() quiet = 0 # No logging to stderr of debug messages. Some MTAs have a limit on how # much data they accept via stderr and debug logs will fill that quickly. def debug(msg): log_file().write(timestamp() + " " + msg + "\n") # Log to log file first, in case MTA's stderr buffer fills up and we lose # logs. def info(msg): log_file().write(timestamp() + " " + msg + "\n") sys.stderr.write(msg + "\n") def error(msg): info(msg) sys.exit(1) def usage(): sys.stdout.write("""\ Usage: enemies-of-carlotta [options] command Mailing list manager. Options: --name=listname@domain --owner=address@domain --moderator=address@domain --subscription=free/moderated --posting=free/moderated/auto --archived=yes/no --ignore-bounce=yes/no --language=language code or empty --mail-on-forced-unsubscribe=yes/no --mail-on-subscription-changes=yes/no --skip-prefix=string --domain=domain.name --smtp-server=domain.name --quiet --moderate Commands: --help --create --subscribe --unsubscribe --list --is-list --edit --incoming --cleaning-woman --show-lists For more detailed information, please read the enemies-of-carlotta(1) manual page. """) sys.exit(0) def no_act_send_mail(sender, recipients, text): print "NOT SENDING MAIL FOR REAL!" print "Sender:", sender print "Recipients:", recipients print "Mail:" print "\n".join(map(lambda s: " " + s, text.split("\n"))) def set_list_options(list, owners, moderators, subscription, posting, archived, language, ignore_bounce, mail_on_sub_changes, mail_on_forced_unsub): if owners: list.cp.set("list", "owners", string.join(owners, " ")) if moderators: list.cp.set("list", "moderators", string.join(moderators, " ")) if subscription != None: list.cp.set("list", "subscription", subscription) if posting != None: list.cp.set("list", "posting", posting) if archived != None: list.cp.set("list", "archived", archived) if language != None: list.cp.set("list", "language", language) if ignore_bounce != None: list.cp.set("list", "ignore-bounce", ignore_bounce) if mail_on_sub_changes != None: list.cp.set("list", "mail-on-subscription-changes", mail_on_sub_changes) if mail_on_forced_unsub != None: list.cp.set("list", "mail-on-forced-unsubscribe", mail_on_forced_unsub) def main(args): try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(args, "h", ["name=", "owner=", "moderator=", "subscription=", "posting=", "archived=", "language=", "ignore-bounce=", "mail-on-forced-unsubscribe=", "mail-on-subscription-changes=", "skip-prefix=", "domain=", "sendmail=", "smtp-server=", "qmqp-server=", "quiet", "moderate", "post", "sender=", "recipient=", "no-act", "set", "get", "help", "create", "destroy", "subscribe", "unsubscribe", "list", "is-list", "edit", "incoming", "cleaning-woman", "show-lists", "version", ]) except getopt.GetoptError, detail: error("Error parsing command line options (see --help):\n%s" % detail) operation = None list_name = None owners = [] moderators = [] subscription = None posting = None archived = None ignore_bounce = None skip_prefix = None domain = None sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail" smtp_server = None qmqp_server = None moderate = 0 post = 0 sender = None recipient = None language = None mail_on_forced_unsub = None mail_on_sub_changes = None no_act = 0 global quiet for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--name": list_name = arg elif opt == "--owner": owners.append(arg) elif opt == "--moderator": moderators.append(arg) elif opt == "--subscription": subscription = arg elif opt == "--posting": posting = arg elif opt == "--archived": archived = arg elif opt == "--ignore-bounce": ignore_bounce = arg elif opt == "--skip-prefix": skip_prefix = arg elif opt == "--domain": domain = arg elif opt == "--sendmail": sendmail = arg elif opt == "--smtp-server": smtp_server = arg elif opt == "--qmqp-server": qmqp_server = arg elif opt == "--sender": sender = arg elif opt == "--recipient": recipient = arg elif opt == "--language": language = arg elif opt == "--mail-on-forced-unsubscribe": mail_on_forced_unsub = arg elif opt == "--mail-on-subscription-changes": mail_on_sub_changes = arg elif opt == "--moderate": moderate = 1 elif opt == "--post": post = 1 elif opt == "--quiet": quiet = 1 elif opt == "--no-act": no_act = 1 else: operation = opt if operation is None: error("No operation specified, see --help.") if list_name is None and operation not in ["--incoming", "--help", "-h", "--cleaning-woman", "--show-lists", "--version"]: error("%s requires a list name specified with --name" % operation) if operation in ["--help", "-h"]: usage() if sender or recipient: environ = os.environ.copy() if sender: environ["SENDER"] = sender if recipient: environ["RECIPIENT"] = recipient set_environ(environ) mlm = MailingListManager(DOTDIR, sendmail=sendmail, smtp_server=smtp_server, qmqp_server=qmqp_server) if no_act: mlm.send_mail = no_act_send_mail if operation == "--create": if not owners: error("You must give at least one list owner with --owner.") list = mlm.create_list(list_name) set_list_options(list, owners, moderators, subscription, posting, archived, language, ignore_bounce, mail_on_sub_changes, mail_on_forced_unsub) list.save_config() debug("Created list %s." % list_name) elif operation == "--destroy": shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(DOTDIR, list_name)) debug("Removed list %s." % list_name) elif operation == "--edit": list = mlm.open_list(list_name) set_list_options(list, owners, moderators, subscription, posting, archived, language, ignore_bounce, mail_on_sub_changes, mail_on_forced_unsub) list.save_config() elif operation == "--subscribe": list = mlm.open_list(list_name) list.subscribers.lock() for address in args: if address.find("@") == -1: error("Address '%s' does not contain an @." % address) list.subscribers.add(address) debug("Added subscriber <%s>." % address) list.subscribers.save() elif operation == "--unsubscribe": list = mlm.open_list(list_name) list.subscribers.lock() for address in args: list.subscribers.remove(address) debug("Removed subscriber <%s>." % address) list.subscribers.save() elif operation == "--list": list = mlm.open_list(list_name) for address in list.subscribers.get_all(): print address elif operation == "--is-list": if mlm.is_list(list_name, skip_prefix, domain): debug("Indeed a mailing list: <%s>" % list_name) else: debug("Not a mailing list: <%s>" % list_name) sys.exit(1) elif operation == "--incoming": mlm.incoming_message(skip_prefix, domain, moderate, post) elif operation == "--cleaning-woman": mlm.cleaning_woman() elif operation == "--show-lists": listnames = mlm.get_lists() listnames.sort() for listname in listnames: print listname elif operation == "--get": list = mlm.open_list(list_name) for name in args: print list.cp.get("list", name) elif operation == "--set": list = mlm.open_list(list_name) for arg in args: if "=" not in arg: error("Error: --set arguments must be of form name=value") name, value = arg.split("=", 1) list.cp.set("list", name, value) list.save_config() elif operation == "--version": print "EoC, version %s" % VERSION print "Home page: http://liw.iki.fi/liw/eoc/" else: error("Internal error: unimplemented option <%s>." % operation) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main(sys.argv[1:]) except EocException, detail: error("Error: %s" % detail)