- given: a self-signed certificate as {cert}, using key {key} function: copy_test_certificate - given: a running server using config file {filename} function: start_server - given: "{count} files in {dirname}" function: fixme - then: I am redirected to {location} function: fixme - then: I can do at least {number} requests per second function: fixme - then: I get status code {code} function: status_code_is - then: 'header (?P
\S+) is "(?P.+)"' regex: true function: http_header_is - then: 'body is "(?P.*)"' regex: true function: http_body_is - when: I create (?P\S+) with "(?P.*)" regex: true function: create_file - when: I request {method} {url} function: request - when: I request files under {url} in random order {count} times function: fixme