path: root/ftt-docgen
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Diffstat (limited to 'ftt-docgen')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/ftt-docgen b/ftt-docgen
index 017e124..9a46223 100755
--- a/ftt-docgen
+++ b/ftt-docgen
@@ -12,7 +12,35 @@ def format_keyword(line):
keyword = words[0]
return '**{}** '.format(keyword) + line[len(keyword):]
+def indent(line):
+ prefix = ' ' * 4
+ return '>{}{}'.format(prefix, line)
+def format_match(keyword, line, m):
+ n = len(m.groups())
+ if n > 0:
+ end = 0
+ parts = []
+ for i in range(1, n+1):
+ parts.append(line[end:m.start(i)])
+ thispart = line[m.start(i) : m.end(i)]
+ parts.append('_{}_'.format(thispart))
+ end = m.end(i)
+ line = ''.join(parts) + line[m.end(n):]
+ line = '{} {}'.format(keyword, line)
+ return line
+def format_backtick(c):
+ if c == "`":
+ return "`"
+ return c
+def format_chars(s):
+ return ''.join(format_backtick(c) for c in s)
def format_scenario_step(bind, line, prev_keyword):
+ debug('line: %r' % line)
words = line.split()
if not words:
return line.strip(), prev_keyword
@@ -23,24 +51,16 @@ def format_scenario_step(bind, line, prev_keyword):
if prev_keyword is None:
sys.exit('AND may not be used on first step in snippet')
real_keyword = prev_keyword
- line = ' '.join(words[1:])
+ debug('keyword: %r' % keyword)
+ line = line[len(keyword):]
+ debug('line: %r' % line)
for b in bind:
if real_keyword not in b:
- m = re.match(b[real_keyword.lower()], line, re.I)
+ m = re.match(b[real_keyword.lower()], line, re.I | re.M)
if m and m.end() == len(line):
- n = len(m.groups())
- if n > 0:
- end = 0
- parts = []
- for i in range(1, n+1):
- parts.append(line[end:m.start(i)])
- thispart = line[m.start(i) : m.end(i)]
- parts.append('_{}_'.format(thispart))
- end = m.end(i)
- line = ''.join(parts) + line[m.end(n):]
- line = '{} {}'.format(keyword, line)
+ line = format_match(keyword, line, m)
line = '{} {}'.format(keyword, line)
@@ -48,13 +68,56 @@ def format_scenario_step(bind, line, prev_keyword):
if not line.strip():
return line
+ line = format_chars(line)
+ debug('pre-indent: %r' % line)
+ lines = line.splitlines()
+ if len(lines) > 1:
+ line = '\n'.join([lines[0] + ' '] + [indent(x) + ' ' for x in lines[1:]])
+ debug('post-indent: %r' % line)
return format_keyword(line), real_keyword
+def count_leading_whitespace(s):
+ n = 0
+ while s and s[0].isspace():
+ n += 1
+ s = s[1:]
+ return n
+def skip_indent(s, indent):
+ while indent > 0 and s and s[0].isspace():
+ s = s[1:]
+ indent -= 1
+ return s
+def get_steps(lines):
+ step = []
+ indent = None
+ for line in lines:
+ if not line.strip():
+ yield '\n'.join(step)
+ step = []
+ indent = None
+ elif line[0].isspace():
+ if indent is None:
+ indent = count_leading_whitespace(line)
+ line = skip_indent(line, indent)
+ step.append(line)
+ else:
+ yield '\n'.join(step)
+ step = [line]
+ indent = None
+ if step:
+ yield '\n'.join(step)
def format_fable_snippet(bind, lines):
+# debug('snippet: %r' % lines)
prev_keyword = None
output = []
- for line in lines:
- ln, prev_keyword = format_scenario_step(bind, line, prev_keyword)
+ for step in get_steps(lines):
+ debug('step: %r' % step)
+ ln, prev_keyword = format_scenario_step(bind, step, prev_keyword)
return output