--- title: Acceptance testing using Fable author: - Lars Wirzenius - Daniel Silverstone date: WORK IN PROGRESS keywords: - automated acceptance testing - scenario testing - gherkin - cucumber abstract: | Fable is a tool that supports acceptance testing in two ways: it is a way to write and run automated acceptance tests, and also presents the acceptance test suite to non-expert readers as a human-readable text document. This document explains Fable, its architecture, and its input language. ... # Introduction Fable is a tool for acceptance testing of software. This means it helps software developers to make sure their software fulfils the acceptance criteria for the software. Such criteria may come from users, the developers, their employers, or elsewhere. Fable is specifically meant for automated acceptance testing. It takes a two-pronged approach, where it lets developers write automated tests for all the acceptance criteria they have, and runs the tests. On the other hand, Fable also produces a PDF file, which documents the automated tests for non-technical stakeholders, such as project managers and clients. More concretely, Fable helps developers implement and document their automated acceptance tests in a way that, at the same time, helps the developers automatically test their software, and write documentation for the tests in way that doesn't require programming knowledge to understand. Fable is meant to be a tool for developers, who use it to produce a document, which is meant to facilitate communication between various shareholders of the software being developed. Fable's overall working principle is that the tests are implemented and documented in a number of source files, which Fable reads to execute tests, and to produce a PDF document for non-developer consumption. # Fable architecture ![Fable architecture](arch.svg)\ Fable's architecture it to read input files, and produce two outputs. On the one hand, it outputs a program that executes the tests specified in the input files. The person running Fable then runs the test program to get a test report, with results of each of the test scenarios. On the other hand it outputs a human-readable document (as PDF), for communicating what is being tested. Fable is able to produce the test program in various languages, using a templating system to make it simple to add support for more languages. Fable comes with support for Python and Rust. It's the user's choice which language they're most comfortable with. Acceptance tests are expressed to Fable in the form of test scenarios, in which a sequence of actions are taken, and then the results are checked. If the checks fail, the scenario fails. Fable runs the scenarios concurrently (but see the USING keyword), within the constrains of hardware resources. If Fable determines it doesn't have all the resources to run all scenarios at once, it will run fewer, but randomly chosen scenarios concurrently, to more likely to detect unintentional dependencies between scenarios. # The Fable input language Fable input consists of three types of files: * one or more markdown files which document that acceptance tests * a binding file (in YAML) which binds scenario steps to their implementations * scenario step implementations, which are implemented in some programming language (e.g., Python or Rust); Fable will combine this code with some scaffolding provided by Fable itself The input files for a simple acceptance test suite for Fable would be divided into three files: `foo.md`, `foo.yaml`, and `foo.py` (assuming step implementation in Python). ## Markdown files [fenced code blocks]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#fenced-code-blocks [Gherkin]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber_(software)#Gherkin_language [Cucumber]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cucumber_(software) The Fable input language is markdown files using [fenced code blocks][] with backticks. The code blocks MUST indicate that they contain Fable language: ```fable given a service and I am Tomjon when I access the service then it's OK ``` Any other code blocks are ignored by Fable and can be used for, say, code examples. FIXME: For now. Later, we may want to add support for embedding PlantUML or Graphviz Dot merkup, and generate images from that automatically. This would look like the example below, and Fable would replace the code block with the generated image in the PDF output. ```dot foo -> bar ``` Fable understands the full Markdown language, by ignoring everything except its own code blocks and headings. It uses [Pandoc][] to produce PDF files, and anything that Pandoc supports is OK to use. [Pandoc]: https://pandoc.org/ Fable treats multiple Markdown files as one, as if they had been concatenated with the **cat**(1) utility. Within the logical file, normal Markdown and Pandoc markup can be used to structure the document in any way that aids human understanding of the acceptance test suite, which the caveat that chapter or section headings are used by Fable to group code blocks into scenarios. All code blocks for the same scenario MUST be grouped under a single heading. Sub-headings are permitted within a scenario, but the next heading at the same or a higher level will end the scenario. This allows for scenarios to begin at any level, but not to leak into a wider scope within the acceptance document. For example, a scenario which starts after a level 2 heading may have subdivisions marked with level 3 or below headings, but will end at the next level 2 or level 1 heading. Within the Fable code blocks, Fable understands a special language, derived from [Gherkin][], as defined by the [Cucumber][] testing tool. The language understood by Fable has the following general structure: * each logical line starts with a keyword at the beginning of the line * logical lines may be broken into physical lines, by starting the continuation lines with one or more space or TAB characters; the physical line break and white space characters are preserved * logical lines define steps in a test scenario * the meaning and implementation of the steps are defined by other Fable input files * the keywords are: ASSUMING, USING, GIVEN, WHEN, THEN, AND, with meanings defined below; keywords can be written in upper or lower case, or mixes, Fable doesn't care The keywords have the following meanings: * ASSUMING—a condition for the scenario; all ASSUMING steps MUST be at the beginning of the scenario, and may not be preceded by other steps; if the condition fails, the scenario is skipped. This is used for skipping test scenarios that require specific software to be installed in the test environment, or access to external services, but which can't be required for all runs of the acceptance tests. All ASSUMING steps MUST come first in the scenario. * USING—indicate that the scenario uses a resource such as a database, that's constrained and can't be used by all scenarios if they run concurrently. When scenarios declare the resource, Fable can limit which scenarios run concurrently. For example, if several scenarios require uncontested use of the GPU, of which there is typically only one per machine, they can all declare "using the graphical processing unit", and Fable will run them one at a time. (This is an intentionally simplistic way of controlling concurrency. The goal is to be simple and correct rather then achievee maximal concurrency.) The actual management of resources belongs to the generated test program at runtime, not the Fable compiler. All USING steps MUST come at the beginning of the scenario, except the ASSUMING steps may precede them. * GIVEN—set up the test environment for the action (WHEN). This might create files, start a background process, or something like that. This also sets up the reversal of the setup, so that any background processes are stopped automatically after the scenario has ended. The setup and cleanup MUST succeed, or the scenario will fail. The cleanups are executed in the reverse order of the GIVENs, and they're done always, whether the scenario succeeds or not. * WHEN—perform the action that is being tested. This MUST succeed. This might, for example, execute a command line program, and capture its output and exit code. * THEN—test the results of the action. This would examine the output and exit code of the program run in a WHEN step, or examine current content of the database, or whatever is needed. * AND—this keyword exists to make scenarios "read" better in English. The keyword indicates that this step should use the same keyword as the previous step, whatever that keyword is. For example, a step "THEN output is empty" might be followed by "AND the exit code is 0" rather than "THEN the exit code is 0". ## Bindings FIXME: The binding specification needs thought. This is just a sketch. Binding files match scenario steps to functions that implement them, using regular expressions. The bindings may also extract parts of the steps, and pass them onto the functions as parameters. Binding files are YAML files, with lists of bindings, each binding being a dict. For example: ```yaml - define: name: string exit_code: int - pattern: given a service function: start_service cleanup: stop_service - pattern: given I am (?P