[[!comment format=mdwn username="http://x_mass.livejournal.com/" ip="" subject="paper based GTD" date="2012-04-08T23:01:53Z" content=""" I am currently using an A5 filofax for my paper based GTD although I am using a separate paper diary as otherwise the filofax become unwieldy, I am storing lists alphabetically using three sets of dividers as filofax doesn't do enough leaves. I am also using it for short medium and long term projects/goals in the height off ground sense. Having said that, i still find it limiting and I'm hoping that a solution based on astrid plus plugins such as locale running on a droid 3 will help me achieve better control of myself. If that and other software tools fail, then I might try a combination of Lightscribe pens, printing, home punched filofax paper and evernote/scanners to build a digital/paper based overlaping system. i am still at a very early stage of implementing GTD, i still haven't reimplemented my office space, And I'm splitting my IN sort into manageable chunks, so i don't turn molehills into mountains. All i know is that if i want to do anything with my life, i have to be able to manage myself better than i have up till now kate """]]