[[!meta title="About"]] [[!img ick-logo.svg width=300 height=300 class=float_right]] **Ick** will be a continuous integration system. It is currently in development, and will hopefully reach the first ALPHA release in the not too distant future. **Why yet another CI system?** Ick aims to become a system that's **less hassle** to set up or operate or keep running than any other publicly available self-hosted system, without compromising correctness or security. See [[origin|blog/2017/10/10/origin]] for a description of how ick got started. Manifesto ============================================================================= Continuous integration (CI) is a powerful tool for software development. It should not be tedious, fragile, or annoying. It should be quick and simple to set up, and work quietly in the background unless there's a problem in the code being built and tested. A CI system should be simple, easy, clear, clean, scalable, fast, comprehensible, transparent, reliable, and boost your productivity to get things done. It should not be a lot of effort to set up, require a lot of hardware just for the CI, need frequent attention for it to keep working, and developers should never have to wonder why something isn't working. A CI system should be flexible to suit your build and test needs. It should support multiple types of workers, as far as CPU architecture and operating system version are concerned. Also, like all software, CI should be fully and completely free software and your instance should be under your control. (Ick is little of this yet, but it will try to become all of it. In the best _possible_ taste.)