[[!meta title="Planning meeting"]] [[!tag meeting]] [[!meta date="2017-10-16 16:05"]] [[!meta author="Lars Wirzenius"]] People ============================================================================= * [[people/liw]] Agenda ============================================================================= * Discuss and decide goals for this iteration. Notes ============================================================================= * This iteration I want to make `icktool` useful for the project resources (create, update, list, show, delete), and add a way to manage worker resources (including with `icktool`). Current projects ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * [[projects/2017/icktool-projects]] * [[projects/2017/workers]] Tasks for this week ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tasks may be part of a project or be random small ones (max an hour) that just need doing. [[!table data=""" what | project | Who | estimate(h) Add icktool commands for project | [[projects/2017/icktool-projects]] | [[people/liw/]] | 1h Add /workers API ednpoint | [[projects/2017/workers]] | [[people/liw/]] | 1h Add icktool commands for workers | [[projects/2017/workers]] | [[people/liw/]] | 1h Total | | [[people/liw]] | 3h """]] Task descriptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * **Add icktool commands for project:** A subcommands to `icktool` to allow listing projects, creating, showing, updating, and deleting a project. _Acceptance criteria:_ It's possible to create project, list all projects, show a particular project's info, update a project, and delete a project, using `icktool`. * **Add /workers API ednpoint:** Add API endpoint to the controller to manage worker information. _Acceptance criteria:_ Workers can be managed (POST /workers, GET /workers, GET /workers/name, PUT /workers/name, DELETE /workers/name), and there are yarn tests for the API endpoint. * **Add icktool commands for workers:**A subcommands to `icktool` to allow listing workers ,creating, showing, updating, and deleting a worker. _Acceptance criteria:_ It's possible to create project, list all workers, show a particular worker's info, update a worker, and delete a worker, using `icktool`.