[[!meta title="Installing ick"]] [[!toc ]] # What you need To install ick, you need: * a dedicated host (physical server or virtual machine) * Debian 9 (stretch) installed on that host * Python installed on that host * root access on that host over ssh * Ansible installed on a second machine, from which you can ssh in as root to the ick host * Some Python stuff installed on your normal host: * cliapp (python3-cliapp from the code.liw.fi/debian APT repository) * python3-crypto * python3-cryptography * python3-cryptodome * python3-yaml * python3-requests * optionally access to an SMTP server for sending notification mails (only needed if you want to send such mails), with username/password credentials as needed for SMTP authentication # Get Ansible playbooks and roles The actual playbooks for ick are in the `ick2-ansible.git` repository. They rely on some generic, reusable roles in the `debian-ansible.git` repository, so you need a copy of that as well. You'll also need the Qvisqve source code to create encrypted client secrets for authentication. * `git clone git://git.qvarnlabs.net/debian-ansible` * `export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="$(pwd)/debian-ansible/roles"` * `git clone git://git.liw.fi/ick2-ansible` * `git clone git://git.qvarnlabs.net/qvisqve` * `git clone git://git.liw.fi/ick2` * `cd ick2-ansible` # Configure playbook The `ick-ansible2` Ansible playbooks use Ansible variables for anything that you will likely want to configure for your site. The `liw.yml` file has a commented example. Make a copy of that (`your.yml`) and change anything you need to change. The example uses the `pass` command to extract secrets from a PGP-encrypted repository of secrets. Unless you have that set up already, you can just give the un-encrypted secret in the variables file to try out ick, although you may want to find a better way for the future. You will need to generate some of the secrets: * an APT repository signing key, using PGP * a worker SSH key (shared between all workers) * at least one Qvisqve client secret hash and salt (ideally for each worker) * a JWT token signing key for Qvisqve * optionally, a self-signed TLS certificate, unless you use Let's Encrypt (instructions for generating that would be nice, please help) ## Generate an APT repository signing key * `gpg --full-gen-key` and answer the questions. RSA is a good key format for this. Any key length will do. Give the key a name that is easily distinguishable. Don't give it a passphrase. * `gpg --armor --export ICKAPTKEY > apt.key.pub` * `gpg --armor --export-secret-key ICKAPTKEY > apt.key` * `gpg --with-colons --fingerprint ICKAPTKEY | grep "^fpr:" | head -1 | cut -d: -f10` You need to insert the contents of `apt.key` and `apt.key.pub` as the values of `apt_signing_key` and `apt_signing_key_pub` variables, and the key fingerprint as the value of `apt_signing_key_fingerprint`. ## Generate SSH key for workers * `ssh-keygen -N '' -f worker.key` You need to insert the contents of `worker.key` and `worker.key.pub` as the values of `wm_ssh_key` and `wm_ssh_key_pub` variables. ## Generate Qvisqve client secret hash and salt * `../qvisqve/qvisqve-hash` This will ask you for the client secret, and then output a few lines of output. The secret is a shared secret, like a password, which the admin user, or a worker host, and Qvisqve use to authenticate. From that output extract `hash` and `salt` and insert them as the values of `qvisqve_worker1_hash` and `qvisqve_worker1_salt`. Also insert the cleartext of the secret you gave to `qvisqve_hash` as `worker_secret`. If you have more workers (up to 4, for now), set the corresponding `qvisqve_workerN_hash` and `qvisqve_workerN_salt` to the same values as for worker1. You also need to set the variables `qvisqve_admin_hash` and `qvisqve_admin_salt` and you should run `qvisqve-hash` separately for that, giving it a different secret than for the workers. You will be using this secret to interact with ick yourself. ## Generate a Qvisqve token signing key * `../qvisqve/generate-rsa-key token.key` This will generate files `token.key` (secret key) and `token.key.pub` (public key). Put their contents as values for the variables `qvisqve_token_private_key` (private) and `qvisqve_token_public_key` (public). # Run Ansible * Create a file called `hosts` with contents like the following: ick ansible_ssh_host=addr.ess Change `addr.ess` to be the actual address. It can be a numeric address, or a domain name. If you enable Let's Encrypt certificates, you'll need to use a domain name. Note that this hosts file MUST have exactly the form above. Don't add anything else. It will be processed by the `run-single.sh` script before given to `ansible-playbook`. * `./run-single hosts -e @your.yml` This will take a long while to run, but you will, at the end, have a working ick instance. ## Configure icktool * Create `~/.config/icktool/icktool.yaml`: config: controller: https://addr.ess The address should be the same as in your `hosts` file above. * Create `~/.config/icktool/credentials.conf`: [https://addr.ess/token] client_id = admin client_secret = ADMINSECRET You need to give the admin secret here. # Use icktool * `cd ick2` * `./icktool status` This should give output like the following: project | build_status | log_id ------- | ------------ | ------ If you did not use Let's Encrypt, you may need to give `icktool` the `--no-verify-tls` option. If there's an error, something went wrong. See [[Using icktool]] for more on how to use icktool.