[[!meta title="Development projects"]] Current and past projects for ick development. A project is defined as anything that takes several steps to finish, where a step fits into roughly one work session (however long that may be for whoever does the task). A project should be completed within three months. Tasks longer than a work session, or projects longer than three months will be broken down during planning. To add a project, add it a wiki page `projects/201x/foo`, where `foo` is a short name for the project. The page should have: * A title summarising what the project is about * A paragraph or two (but not more) explaining what the goal is - "When this is done, the world looks like this." * A mention of when the project is due. * An `include` directive listing any blog posts that refer the project. See an existing project for an example. Projects should be tagged with one of the following: `active-project`, `finished-project`, `paused-project`. # Active projects These are currently being worked on. [[!map pages="page(projects/*) and tagged(active-project)" show=title]] # Paused projects These have had some work done, but are not currently being worked on. [[!map pages="page(projects/*) and tagged(paused-project)" show=title]] # Finished projects These projects are finished and need no more work. [[!map pages="page(projects/*) and tagged(finished-project)" show=title]] # Insufficiently tagged projects These projects do not have one of the required tags. [[!map pages="page(projects/*) and !tagged(active-project) and !tagged(paused-project) and !tagged(finished-project)" show=title]]