path: root/icktool
diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2018-04-07 17:02:14 +0300
committerLars Wirzenius <>2018-04-07 17:02:14 +0300
commit508835b5db20b545d71337d30dfcddc6a71ce737 (patch)
treee7d5a0b5b614852611a74a8324f17f1eceb40a43 /icktool
parentd52f5cbef49edff9ceb1b5092ed7e60553ce185a (diff)
Change: update NEWS
Diffstat (limited to 'icktool')
1 files changed, 76 insertions, 483 deletions
diff --git a/icktool b/icktool
index a0ef14e..fa7f8f3 100755
--- a/icktool
+++ b/icktool
@@ -15,15 +15,12 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import configparser
import json
import logging
import sys
-import time
-import apifw
import cliapp
-import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
-import requests
import yaml
import ick2
@@ -75,6 +72,18 @@ class Icktool(cliapp.Application):
+ self.settings.string(
+ ['auth-url'],
+ 'use URL as the authentication URL',
+ metavar='URL',
+ )
+ self.settings.string(
+ ['secrets'],
+ 'use URL as the controller base URL',
+ metavar='URL',
+ )
'verify API provider TLS certificate '
@@ -88,15 +97,9 @@ class Icktool(cliapp.Application):
- self.settings.string(
- ['token-private-key-cmd'],
- 'run CMD to print private key for token signing',
- metavar='CMD',
- )
- 'add SCOPE to the list of scope in generated token',
+ 'add SCOPE to the list of scope in requested token',
@@ -107,507 +110,97 @@ class Icktool(cliapp.Application):
def cmd_scopes(self, args):
for scope in self.settings['scope']:
- sys.stdout.write('{}\n'.format(scope))
+ self.output.write('{}\n'.format(scope))
def cmd_token(self, args):
token = self._new_token()
- sys.stdout.write(token)
+ self.output.write('{}\n'.format(token))
def cmd_version(self, args):
+ token = self._new_token()
api = self._new_api()
+ api.set_token(token)
version = api.get_version()
- if not version:
- sys.exit(1)
- def cmd_status(self, args):
- rows = []
- projects = self._get_projects()
- project_objs = sorted(
- projects['projects'], key=lambda p: p.get('project'))
- builds = self._get_builds()['builds']
- for project in project_objs:
- pipelines = sorted(project['pipelines'])
- for pipeline in pipelines:
- build = self._get_latest_build(
- project['project'], pipeline, builds)
- if build is None:
- build = {
- 'build_id': 'never',
- 'log': 'none',
- 'status': 'n/a',
- }
- status = self._get_pipeline_status(
- project['project'], pipeline)
- row = {
- 'project': project['project'],
- 'pipeline': pipeline,
- 'build_id': build['build_id'],
- 'status': status['status'],
- 'build_status': build['status'],
- 'log': build['log'],
- }
- rows.append(row)
- self._pretty_table(
- rows, ['project', 'pipeline', 'status', 'build_status', 'log'])
- def _get_projects(self):
- rc = self._new_rc('/projects', 'project')
- projects = rc.list()
- return projects
- def _get_builds(self):
- rc = self._new_rc('/builds', 'build')
- return rc.list()
- def _get_latest_build(self, project, pipeline, builds):
- latest = None
- for build in builds:
- if (build['project'], build['pipeline']) == (project, pipeline):
- latest = build
- return latest
- def cmd_make_it_so(self, args):
- obj = self._read_object()
- projects = self._new_rc('/projects', 'project')
- self._make_it_so(projects, obj.get('projects', []))
- pipelines = self._new_rc('/pipelines', 'pipeline')
- self._make_it_so(pipelines, obj.get('pipelines', []))
- def _make_it_so(self, rc, objs):
- for obj in objs:
- if rc.exists(obj):
- rc.update(obj)
- else:
- rc.create(obj)
- def cmd_list_projects(self, args):
- self._prettyson(self._get_projects())
- def cmd_create_project(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/projects', 'project')
- obj = self._read_object()
- rc.create(obj)
- def cmd_update_project(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/projects', 'project')
+ def cmd_make_it_so(self, argv):
obj = self._read_object()
- rc.update(obj)
- def cmd_show_project(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/projects', 'project')
- name = args[0]
- self._prettyson(
- def cmd_delete_project(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/projects', 'project')
- name = args[0]
- rc.delete(name)
- def cmd_list_pipelines(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/pipelines', 'pipeline')
- self._prettyson(rc.list())
- def cmd_create_pipeline(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/pipelines', 'pipeline')
- obj = self._read_object()
- rc.create(obj)
- def cmd_update_pipeline(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/pipelines', 'pipeline')
- obj = self._read_object()
- rc.update(obj)
+ token = self._new_token()
+ api = self._new_api()
+ api.set_token(token)
- def cmd_show_pipeline(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/pipelines', 'pipeline')
- name = args[0]
- self._prettyson(
+ self._create_resources(api, '/projects', obj.get('projects', []))
+ self._create_resources(api, '/pipelines', obj.get('pipelines', []))
- def cmd_delete_pipeline(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/pipelines', 'pipeline')
- name = args[0]
- rc.delete(name)
+ def _read_object(self):
+ return yaml.load(sys.stdin)
- def cmd_show_pipeline_status(self, args):
- self._prettyson(self._get_pipeline_status(args[0], args[1]))
+ def _create_resources(self, api, path, objs):
+ for obj in objs:
+ api.create(path, obj)
- def _get_pipeline_status(self, project, pipeline):
- path = '/projects/{}/pipelines/{}'.format(project, pipeline)
- api = self._new_api()
- code, text = api.get(path)
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- return json.loads(text)
- def _report(self, code, expected, text):
- if code != expected:
- sys.stderr.write('HTTP status {}\n'.format(code))
- sys.stderr.write(text)
- if not text.endswith('\n'):
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
- sys.exit(1)
- def cmd_set_pipeline(self, args):
- project = args[0]
- pipeline = args[1]
- state = args[2]
- path = '/projects/{}/pipelines/{}'.format(project, pipeline)
- api = self._new_api()
- code, text = api.put(path, {'status': state})
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- obj = json.loads(text)
- self._prettyson(obj)
- def cmd_trigger(self, args):
- project = args[0]
- pipeline = args[1]
- path = '/projects/{}/pipelines/{}/+trigger'.format(project, pipeline)
+ def cmd_show(self, args):
+ token = self._new_token()
api = self._new_api()
- code, text = api.get(path)
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- obj = json.loads(text)
- self._prettyson(obj)
- def cmd_list_workers(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/workers', 'worker')
- self._prettyson(rc.list())
+ api.set_token(token)
+ if not args:
+ args = [
+ 'projects',
+ 'pipelines',
+ ]
- def cmd_create_worker(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/workers', 'worker')
- obj = self._read_object()
- rc.create(obj)
+ for kind in args:
+ objs ='/' + kind)
+ self._prettyson(objs)
- def cmd_update_worker(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/workers', 'worker')
- obj = self._read_object()
- rc.update(obj)
- def cmd_show_worker(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/workers', 'worker')
- name = args[0]
- self._prettyson(
+ def _new_api(self):
+ api = ick2.ControllerClient()
+ api.set_verify_tls(self.settings['verify-tls'])
+ api.set_controller_url(self.settings['controller'])
+ return api
- def cmd_delete_worker(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/workers', 'worker')
- name = args[0]
- rc.delete(name)
+ def _new_auth(self):
+ url = self.settings['auth-url']
+ client_id, client_secret = self._get_client_creds(url)
- def cmd_list_builds(self, args):
- self._prettyson(self._get_builds())
+ ac = ick2.AuthClient()
+ ac.set_auth_url(url)
+ ac.set_client_creds(client_id, client_secret)
+ return ac
- def cmd_list_logs(self, args):
- rc = self._new_rc('/logs', 'log')
- self._prettyson(rc.list())
+ def _new_token(self):
+ if self.settings['token']:
+ return self.settings['token']
+ ac = self._new_auth()
+ wanted_scopes = ' '.join(self.settings['scope'])
+ return ac.get_token(wanted_scopes)
+ def _get_client_creds(self, url):
+ cp = configparser.ConfigParser()
+ client_id = cp.get(url, 'client_id')
+ client_secret = cp.get(url, 'client_secret')
+ return client_id, client_secret
- def cmd_show_log(self, args):
- log = args[0]
- path = '/logs/{}'.format(log)
- api = self._new_api()
- code, text = api.get(path)
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- self.output.write(text)
- def cmd_show_latest_log(self, args):
- project = args[0]
- builds = self._get_builds()
- project_builds = [
- b
- for b in builds['builds']
- if b['project'] == project
- ]
- if project_builds:
- b = project_builds[-1]
- self.cmd_show_log([b['build_id']])
- def cmd_get_blob(self, args):
- blob_id = args[0]
- api = self._new_api()
- blob_api = self._new_blob_api(api)
- status_code, blob = blob_api.get(blob_id)
- if status_code == 200:
- filename = self.settings['output']
- with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
- f.write(blob)
- else:
- sys.exit('Error: {}'.format(status_code))
- def cmd_put_blob(self, args):
- blob_id = args[0]
- blob =
- api = self._new_api()
- blob_api = self._new_blob_api(api)
- code, text = blob_api.put(blob_id, blob)
- if code != 200:
- sys.exit(text)
+ def _prettyson(self, obj):
+ json.dump(obj, self.output, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
+ self.output.write('\n')
- def _new_token(self):
- wanted_scopes = self.settings['scope']
- cmd = self.settings['token-private-key-cmd']
- if not cmd:
- raise cliapp.AppException('no --token-private-cmd specified')
- gen = TokenGenerator()
- gen.set_cmd(cmd)
- gen.set_scopes(wanted_scopes)
- token = gen.new_token()
- self.settings['token'] = token
- return token
- def _new_api(self):
- token = self.settings['token'] or self._new_token()
- api = API()
- api.set_token(token)
- api.set_url(self.settings['controller'])
- api.set_verify(self.settings['verify-tls'])
- return api
+class Command:
- def _new_blob_api(self, api):
- token = self.settings['token'] or self._new_token()
- blob_api = BlobAPI()
- blob_api.set_token(token)
- blob_api.set_url(api.get_artifact_store_url())
- blob_api.set_verify(self.settings['verify-tls'])
- return blob_api
+ def __init__(self, api):
+ self._api = api
- def _new_rc(self, path, field_name):
- api = self._new_api()
- return ResourceCommands(path, api, field_name)
+ def execute(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError()
- def _prettyson(self, obj):
- json.dump(obj, sys.stdout, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
- sys.stdout.write('\n')
- def _read_object(self):
- return yaml.load(sys.stdin)
+class VersionCommand(Command):
- def _pretty_table(self, rows, columns):
- headings = {
- column: column
- for column in columns
- }
- widths = {
- column: 0
- for column in columns
- }
- for row in [headings] + rows:
- for column in columns:
- widths[column] = max(widths[column], len(str(row[column])))
- underlines = {
- column: '-' * widths[column]
- for column in columns
- }
- for row in [headings, underlines] + rows:
- self.output.write(
- '{}\n'.format(self._pretty_row(widths, row, columns)))
- def _pretty_row(self, widths, row, columns):
- parts = ['%*s' % (widths[c], row[c]) for c in columns]
- return ' | '.join(parts)
-class API:
- def __init__(self):
- self._url = None
- self._token = None
- self._verify = None
- def set_url(self, url):
- self._url = url
- def set_token(self, token):
- self._token = token
- def set_verify(self, verify):
- self._verify = verify
- def get_version(self):
- code, text = self.get('/version')
- if code == 200:
- return json.loads(text)
- def get_artifact_store_url(self):
- version = self.get_version()
- if version:
- return version.get('artifact_store')
- def get(self, path):
- assert self._url is not None
- assert self._token is not None
- full_url = '{}/{}'.format(self._url, path)
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._token),
- }
- r = requests.get(full_url, headers=headers, verify=self._verify)
- return r.status_code, r.text
- def post(self, path, obj):
- assert self._url is not None
- assert self._token is not None
- full_url = '{}{}'.format(self._url, path)
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._token),
- }
- r =
- full_url, json=obj, headers=headers, verify=self._verify)
- return r.status_code, r.text
- def put(self, path, obj):
- assert self._url is not None
- assert self._token is not None
- full_url = '{}{}'.format(self._url, path)
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._token),
- }
- r = requests.put(
- full_url, json=obj, headers=headers, verify=self._verify)
- return r.status_code, r.text
- def delete(self, path):
- assert self._url is not None
- assert self._token is not None
- full_url = '{}{}'.format(self._url, path)
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._token),
- }
- r = requests.delete(
- full_url, headers=headers, verify=self._verify)
- return r.status_code, r.text
-class BlobAPI:
- def __init__(self):
- self._url = None
- self._token = None
- self._verify = None
- def set_url(self, url):
- self._url = url
- def set_token(self, token):
- self._token = token
- def set_verify(self, verify):
- self._verify = verify
- def get(self, blob_id):
- assert self._url is not None
- assert self._token is not None
- full_url = '{}/blobs/{}'.format(self._url, blob_id)
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._token),
- }
- r = requests.get(full_url, headers=headers, verify=self._verify)
- print('blob length', len(r.content))
- return r.status_code, r.content
- def put(self, blob_id, blob):
- assert self._url is not None
- assert self._token is not None
- full_url = '{}/blobs/{}'.format(self._url, blob_id)
- headers = {
- 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(self._token),
- 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
- }
- r = requests.put(
- full_url, data=blob, headers=headers, verify=self._verify)
- return r.status_code, r.text
-class ResourceCommands:
- def __init__(self, path, api, name_field):
- self._path = path
- self._api = api
- self._name = name_field
- def list(self):
- code, text = self._api.get(self._path)
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- return json.loads(text)
- def create(self, obj):
- code, text =, obj)
- self._report(code, 201, text)
- def update(self, obj):
- code, text = self._api.put(self._id_path(obj[self._name]), obj)
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- def show(self, name):
- code, text = self._api.get(self._id_path(name))
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- return json.loads(text)
- def exists(self, obj):
- code, text = self._api.get(self._id_path(obj[self._name]))
- return code == 200
- def delete(self, name):
- code, text = self._api.delete(self._id_path(name))
- self._report(code, 200, text)
- def _id_path(self, name):
- return '{}/{}'.format(self._path, name)
- def _report(self, code, expected, text):
- if code != expected:
- sys.stderr.write('HTTP status {}\n'.format(code))
- sys.stderr.write(text)
- if not text.endswith('\n'):
- sys.stderr.write('\n')
- sys.exit(1)
-class TokenGenerator:
- def __init__(self):
- self._cmd = None
- self._scopes = None
- def set_cmd(self, cmd):
- self._cmd = cmd
- def set_scopes(self, wanted_scopes):
- self._scopes = wanted_scopes
- def new_token(self):
- assert self._cmd is not None
- assert self._scopes is not None
- # These should agree with how ick controller is configured.
- # See the Ansible playbook. They should probably be
- # configurable.
- iss = 'localhost'
- aud = 'localhost'
- privkey = cliapp.runcmd(['sh', '-c', self._cmd])
- key = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.importKey(privkey)
- wanted_scopes = ' '.join(self._scopes)
- now = time.time()
- claims = {
- 'iss': iss,
- 'sub': 'subject-uuid',
- 'aud': aud,
- 'exp': now + 86400,
- 'scope': wanted_scopes,
- }
- token = apifw.create_token(claims, key)
- return token.decode('ascii')
+ def execute(self):
+ self._api.get_version()