INSTALL ick2 ============================================================================= The easy way to install ick2 is to use the script below. To prepare: * Install ansible, pass, git, and have or create a PGP key pair. * Clone git:// * Clone git:// * Clone git:// * Create a VM. Should contain Debian stretch. * edit `ansibleness/ansible/hosts` to change the `ick2` line to append `ansible_ssh_host=`, where is the actual address of the VM (not needed if the VM is accessible using the name `ick2`) * also edit edit `ick2.yml` to set `remote_user` to a username that can do sudo without a password, and that you can access via ssh, without a password (not needed if the user is `ansible`) * Save the script below into and run it: Change the FINGEPRINT line to refer to your PGP fingerprint. You need to give it paths to the three git checkouts. ./ "PATH/TO/ick2" "PATH/TO/ansibleness/ansible" \ "PATH/TO/debian-ansible/roles/" * This should set up the VM to run the Ick2 controller and a worker. It may take a while. * Create `~/.config/icktool/icktool.yaml`: config: controller: token-private-key-cmd: pass show ick2/token_key verify-tls: no * Verify: in the ick2 checkout, run: export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=passwords ./icktool --controller version ./icktool --controller token Where is again the address of the VM. The version command should report the version number, the token command should write a line of what looks like garbage, but is actually a JWT token. Alternatively, you can add to your APT sources list, and install the ick2 package, and do the configuration manually. See the roles/ick-controller/tasks/main.yml file in the ansiblness repository for details. The script sets up a self-signed TLS certificate and a token signing key. These get stored in a new pass(1) passowrd store, by the script. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/bin/sh set -eu SRC="$1" PLAYBOOKS="$2" export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH="$3" export FINGERPRINT='DBE5439D97D8262664A1B01844E17740B8611E9C' export PASSWORD_STORE_DIR="$(pwd)/passwords" ssh-keygen -N '' -f worker_manager_key "$SRC/generate-rsa-key" token_key openssl req -subj '/ Company Name LTD./C=US' -new \ -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 \ -keyout ick2.key -out ick2.crt cat ick2.key ick2.crt > ick.pem if [ ! -e "$PASSWORD_STORE_DIR" ] then pass init "$FINGERPRINT" pass insert -m ick2/wm_ssh_key < worker_manager_key pass insert -m ick2/wm_ssh_key_pub < pass insert -m ick2/token_key < token_key pass insert -m ick2/ < pass insert -m ick2/ick.pem < ick.pem fi (cd "$PLAYBOOKS" && ansible-playbook -i hosts ick2.yml)