# Artifact store This scenario tests the artifact store API to store and retrieve blobs. At this stage the artifact store is the simplest possible; so simple, in fact, it will certainly change in the future. SCENARIO artifact store Set up the artifact store. GIVEN an RSA key pair for token signing AND artifact store config uses blobs at the blob directory AND an access token for user with scopes ... uapi_blobs_id_put ... uapi_blobs_id_get AND a running artifact store Try to get a non-existent blob. It should result in an error. WHEN user retrieves /blobs/cake from artifact store THEN result has status code 404 Create and store a blob, retrieve it and verify we get it back intack. WHEN user creates a blob named cake with random data AND user sends blob cake to artifact store as /blobs/cake THEN result has status code 200 WHEN user retrieves /blobs/cake from artifact store THEN result has status code 200 AND body is the same as the blob cake FINALLY stop artifact store