# Scenario step implementations (local and remote instances) ## Data file creation IMPLEMENTS WHEN user creates a blob named (\S+) with random data filename = get_next_match() n = 16 blob = os.urandom(n) write(filename, blob) ## HTTP requests of various kinds IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request GET (\S+) user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, get, url + path, token=token) IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) retrieves (\S+) from blob service user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['bsurl'] http(vars, get_blob, url + path, token=token) IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request GET (\S+) with an invalid token user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, get, url + path, token='invalid') IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request POST (\S+) with a valid token and body (.+) user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() body = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, post, url + path, body=body, token=token) IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request POST (\S+) with an invalid token and body (.+) user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() body = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, post, url + path, body=body, token='invalid') IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request PUT (\S+) with a valid token and body (.+) user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() body = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, put, url + path, body=body, token=token) IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) sends blob (\S+) to blob service as (\S+) user = get_next_match() filename = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() body = cat(filename) token = get_token(user) url = vars['bsurl'] http(vars, put_blob, url + path, body=body, token=token) IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request PUT (\S+) with an invalid token user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() body = '{}' token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, put, url + path, body=body, token='invalid') IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) makes request DELETE (\S+) user = get_next_match() path = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] http(vars, delete, url + path, token=token) ## HTTP response inspection IMPLEMENTS THEN result has status code (\d+) expected = int(get_next_match()) assertEqual(expected, vars['status_code']) IMPLEMENTS THEN body matches (.+) expected_text = get_next_match() expected = json.loads(expected_text) actual = json.loads(vars['body']) print('expected', json.dumps(expected, indent=4)) print('actual', json.dumps(actual, indent=4)) diff = dict_diff(expected, actual) if diff is not None: print(diff) assert 0 IMPLEMENTS THEN body text is "(.*)" expected = unescape(get_next_match()) actual = vars['body'] assertEqual(expected, actual) IMPLEMENTS THEN body is the same as the blob (\S+) filename = get_next_match() blob = cat(filename) body = vars['body'] assertEqual(body, blob) IMPLEMENTS THEN version in body matches version from setup.py body = vars['body'] obj = json.loads(body) actual = obj['version'] setup_py = os.path.join(srcdir, 'setup.py') wanted = cliapp.runcmd(['python3', setup_py, '--version']).strip() assertTrue(wanted.startswith(actual)) IMPLEMENTS THEN result has header (\S+): (\S+) name = get_next_match() value = get_next_match() headers = vars['headers'] assertEqual(headers[name].lower(), value.lower()) IMPLEMENTS THEN result is step (.+) step = json.loads(get_next_match()) body = json.loads(vars['body']) actual_step = body['step'] print('expected step', step) print('actual body', body) print('actual step', actual_step) diff = dict_diff(step, actual_step) print('diff', diff) assertEqual(diff, None) IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) requests list of builds user = get_next_match() token = get_token(user) url = vars['url'] path = '/builds' http(vars, get, url + path, token=token) IMPLEMENTS THEN the list of builds is (.+) expected = json.loads(get_next_match()) print('expected', expected) body = json.loads(vars['body']) print('body', body) actual = [o['build_id'] for o in body['builds']] print('actual', actual) assertEqual(actual, expected)