AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-09-22Trigger one job at a time, stop if a job failsLars Wirzenius2-4/+38
2012-09-22Add method for running a job in JenkinsLars Wirzenius1-0/+4
2012-09-22Generate trigger-less jobs, and run themLars Wirzenius1-61/+35
2012-09-22Add order to package exported interfaceLars Wirzenius1-0/+2
2012-09-22Fix build orderingLars Wirzenius1-6/+24
2012-09-22Add test module for build orderingLars Wirzenius1-0/+71
2012-09-22Add way to sort projects into linear order by dependencyLars Wirzenius1-0/+40
2012-09-21Remove Jenkins build triggersLars Wirzenius2-27/+0
2012-09-15Upload to right distro (ci vs release)Lars Wirzenius1-4/+7
2012-09-15Separate release and CI builds: reprepro, pbuilderLars Wirzenius1-26/+50
2012-09-15Create separate CI and release dists for repreproLars Wirzenius1-1/+10
2012-09-15Get rid of overlapping config settingsLars Wirzenius2-17/+17
2012-09-15Fix address for test instance of CI systemLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-09-11More fixes for release buildsLars Wirzenius1-13/+37
2012-09-09Add acpid to VMsLars Wirzenius5-5/+5
2012-09-09Add support for release buildsLars Wirzenius1-1/+36
2012-09-03Update READMELars Wirzenius1-36/+12
2012-09-02Install Jenkins dependency view pluginLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-09-02Add graphivz to serverLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-09-01Fix test for arch:any packagesLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-09-01Use per-debian-release versions; use right versionLars Wirzenius1-4/+4
2012-09-01Make reprepro be more verboseLars Wirzenius1-2/+3
2012-08-31Add empty line between distro stanzas for repreproLars Wirzenius1-0/+1
2012-08-31Add all dists to repreproLars Wirzenius1-1/+4
2012-08-31Ignore apt-get update failuresLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-08-31Add configs for flavorsLars Wirzenius3-0/+24
2012-08-31Add all flavorsLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-08-31Update pbuilder tarball before each buildLars Wirzenius1-0/+1
2012-08-31Add jenkins's apt repo to it sources listLars Wirzenius1-1/+6
2012-08-31Give pbuilder --allow-untrusted only if it is OKLars Wirzenius1-1/+7
2012-08-30Remove spurious copy of preludeLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-08-30Setup dput configLars Wirzenius2-9/+27
2012-08-30Build tarball on workerLars Wirzenius1-12/+24
2012-08-30Fix prelude to work on remote hosts wrt vcs checkoutLars Wirzenius1-5/+12
2012-08-30Fix path to workspaceLars Wirzenius1-1/+1
2012-08-30Disable ssh host key checkingLars Wirzenius2-0/+6
2012-08-30Refactor Jenkins plugin installationLars Wirzenius1-5/+7
2012-08-27Fixes for a clean Jenkins hostLars Wirzenius1-30/+33
2012-08-27Install required Jenkins pluginsLars Wirzenius1-0/+7
2012-08-27Allow (nay, require) user to specify artifacts-urlLars Wirzenius2-4/+12
2012-08-27Create the artifact directory on jenkins hostLars Wirzenius1-0/+3
2012-08-27Add sudo and let worker users gain root passwordlessLars Wirzenius2-1/+6
2012-08-27Tweak example configLars Wirzenius2-33/+3
2012-08-26Ignore log fileLars Wirzenius1-0/+1
2012-08-26Build worker images as well (sid-amd64 for now)Lars Wirzenius7-7/+87
2012-08-26Remove spurious premature exitLars Wirzenius1-2/+0
2012-08-26Create ssh host and user keys, if missingLars Wirzenius1-0/+12
2012-08-26Add preliminary script to create Jenkins VM imageLars Wirzenius4-0/+109
2012-08-26Automatically install missing build-depsLars Wirzenius1-0/+9
2012-08-25Add build dependency supportLars Wirzenius2-13/+62