Basic Workflow ============== This chapter explains the basic workflow for adding notes. Notes are first created as drafts. Normally, when a draft is created, `jt` invokes the user's preferred editor (`$VISUAL` or `$EDITOR`) on the draft file. When the user is finished, they exit their editor and run `jt finish`. The test suite is rigged so that the editor isn't invoked, because it'd be difficult to control the editor. SCENARIO add a simple note GIVEN an empty journal in SRC AND the time is 2014-11-22 17:30:45 WHEN I run jt new TITLE THEN file SRC/drafts/0.mdwn exists AND file SRC/drafts/0.mdwn matches title="TITLE" This is where the user would normally use their editor to edit the draft, and exit the editor when done. WHEN I run jt finish THEN file SRC/drafts/0.mdwn doesn't exist AND file SRC/notes/2014/11/22/title.mdwn exists This is how you create a note, in the simplest case. A more complex case is when there's more than one draft at a time. SCENARIO multiple drafts GIVEN an empty journal in SRC AND the time is 2014-11-22 17:30:45 WHEN I run jt new FIRST THEN file SRC/drafts/0.mdwn matches title="FIRST" WHEN I run jt new SECOND THEN file SRC/drafts/1.mdwn matches title="SECOND" Now, finishing drafts requires naming them explicitly. WHEN I try to run jt finish THEN it fails WHEN I run jt finish 1 THEN file SRC/drafts/0.mdwn matches title="FIRST" AND file SRC/notes/2014/11/22/second.mdwn matches title="SECOND" We may want to remove a draft without finishing it. WHEN I run jt remove 0 THEN file SRC/drafts/0.mdwn doesn't exist