diff options
2 files changed, 309 insertions, 289 deletions
diff --git a/emacs.d/elpa/archives/melpa/archive-contents b/emacs.d/elpa/archives/melpa/archive-contents
index 4f55e9d..efdbe1b 100644
--- a/emacs.d/elpa/archives/melpa/archive-contents
+++ b/emacs.d/elpa/archives/melpa/archive-contents
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
(ac-cider . [(20161006 719) ((cider (0 8 0)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Clojure auto-complete sources using CIDER" single ((:commit . "fa13e067dd9c8c76151c7d140a2803da1d109b84") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "nrepl" "cider" "compliment") (:authors ("Alex Yakushev" . "") ("Steve Purcell" . "") ("Sam Aaron" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Yakushev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ac-clang . [(20180710 546) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (pos-tip (0 4 6)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Auto Completion source by libclang for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "3294b968eb1a8317049190940193f9da47c085ef") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("yaruopooner []")) (:maintainer "yaruopooner []") (:url . ""))])
(ac-dcd . [(20190902 1124) ((auto-complete (1 3 1)) (flycheck-dmd-dub (0 7))) "Auto Completion source for dcd for GNU Emacs" single ((:commit . "d378d33c7bedc6c108eda7f674bd0aa1d8664857") (:keywords "languages") (:authors (nil . "<>")) (:maintainer nil . "<>") (:url . ""))])
- (ac-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (auto-complete (1 5))) "auto-complete source for eclim" single ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))])
+ (ac-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (auto-complete (1 5))) "auto-complete source for eclim" single ((:commit . "222ddd48fcf0ee01592dec77c58e0cf3f2ea1100"))])
(ac-emmet . [(20131015 1558) ((emmet-mode (1 0 2)) (auto-complete (1 4))) "auto-complete sources for emmet-mode's snippets" single ((:commit . "88f24876ee3b759978d4614a758280b5d512d543") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "emmet") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ac-emoji . [(20150823 711) ((auto-complete (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "auto-complete source of Emoji" tar ((:commit . "40a639764eb654f1b4bb705c817b66032a26ff2b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ac-etags . [(20161001 1507) ((auto-complete (1 4))) "etags/ctags completion source for auto-complete" single ((:commit . "7983e631c226fe0fa53af3b2d56bf4eca3d785ce") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
(ac-math . [(20141116 2127) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (math-symbol-lists (1 0))) "Auto-complete sources for input of mathematical symbols and latex tags" single ((:commit . "c012a8f620a48cb18db7d78995035d65eae28f11") (:keywords "latex" "auto-complete" "unicode" "symbols") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))])
(ac-mozc . [(20150227 1619) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (mozc (0))) "auto-complete sources for Japanese input using Mozc" single ((:commit . "4c6c8be4701010d9362184437c0f783e0335c631") (:authors ("igjit" . "")) (:maintainer "igjit" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ac-octave . [(20180406 334) ((auto-complete (1 4 0))) "An auto-complete source for Octave" single ((:commit . "fe0f931f2024f43de3c4fff4b1ace672413adeae") (:keywords "octave" "auto-complete" "completion") (:authors ("coldnew" . "")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ac-php . [(20190424 222) ((ac-php-core (2 0)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Auto Completion source for PHP." single ((:commit . "6ca9baaafd3a3e429429986cc59097dcbfa7cda2") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("jim" . "")) (:maintainer "jim") (:url . ""))])
- (ac-php-core . [(20200425 835) ((dash (1)) (php-mode (1)) (s (1)) (f (0 17 0)) (popup (0 5 0)) (xcscope (1 0))) "The core library of the ac-php." tar ((:commit . "6ca9baaafd3a3e429429986cc59097dcbfa7cda2") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("jim" . "") ("Serghei Iakovlev" . "")) (:maintainer "jim") (:url . ""))])
+ (ac-php . [(20190424 222) ((ac-php-core (2 0)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Auto Completion source for PHP." single ((:commit . "05dfe7a2a48978971bce2f3d21027262e3a33916") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("jim" . "")) (:maintainer "jim") (:url . ""))])
+ (ac-php-core . [(20200425 835) ((dash (1)) (php-mode (1)) (s (1)) (f (0 17 0)) (popup (0 5 0)) (xcscope (1 0))) "The core library of the ac-php." tar ((:commit . "05dfe7a2a48978971bce2f3d21027262e3a33916") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("jim" . "") ("Serghei Iakovlev" . "")) (:maintainer "jim") (:url . ""))])
(ac-racer . [(20170114 809) ((emacs (24 3)) (auto-complete (1 5 0)) (racer (0 0 2))) "auto-complete source of racer" single ((:commit . "4408c2d652dec0432e20c05e001db8222d778c6b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ac-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((auto-complete (1 4 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "auto-complete back-end for RTags" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ac-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((auto-complete (1 4 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "auto-complete back-end for RTags" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ac-skk . [(20141230 119) ((auto-complete (1 3 1)) (ddskk (16 0 50)) (tinysegmenter (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "auto-complete-mode source for DDSKK a.k.a Japanese input method" single ((:commit . "d25a265930430d080329789fb253d786c01dfa24") (:keywords "convenience" "auto-complete") (:authors ("lugecy <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
(ac-slime . [(20171027 2100) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (slime (2 9)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An auto-complete source using slime completions" single ((:commit . "6c80cb602ddad46486288f94ad7546396c6e4b1a") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ac-sly . [(20170728 1027) ((sly (1 0 0 -3)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An auto-complete source using sly completions" single ((:commit . "bf69c687c4ecf1994349d20c182e9b567399912e") (:authors ("Damian T. Dobroczy\\'nski" . "")) (:maintainer "Damian T. Dobroczy\\'nski" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
(ace-jump-helm-line . [(20160918 1836) ((avy (0 4 0)) (helm (1 6 3))) "Ace-jump to a candidate in helm window" single ((:commit . "1483055255df3f8ae349f7520f05b1e43ea3ed37") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ace-jump-mode . [(20140616 815) nil "a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs" single ((:commit . "8351e2df4fbbeb2a4003f2fb39f46d33803f3dac") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor") (:authors ("winterTTr" . "")) (:maintainer "winterTTr" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ace-jump-zap . [(20170717 1849) ((ace-jump-mode (1 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Character zapping, `ace-jump-mode` style" single ((:commit . "52b5d4c6c73bd0fc833a0dcb4e803a5287d8cae8") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "extensions") (:authors ("justin talbott" . "")) (:maintainer "justin talbott" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ace-link . [(20200322 1706) ((avy (0 4 0))) "Quickly follow links" single ((:commit . "fc478a502be1063ac01f8012c5c2d34e306ae322") (:keywords "convenience" "links" "avy") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ace-link . [(20200509 1252) ((avy (0 4 0))) "Quickly follow links" single ((:commit . "c215d331cf65bf47ad0224480f1f916f64f2a955") (:keywords "convenience" "links" "avy") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ace-mc . [(20190206 749) ((ace-jump-mode (1 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Add multiple cursors quickly using ace jump" single ((:commit . "6877880efd99e177e4e9116a364576def3da391b") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor") (:authors ("Josh Moller-Mara" . "")) (:maintainer "Josh Moller-Mara" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ace-pinyin . [(20190917 318) ((avy (0 2 0)) (pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Jump to Chinese characters using avy or ace-jump-mode" single ((:commit . "8b2e9335b02486730ea4ceee790130cc5328f9ea") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ace-popup-menu . [(20190713 1337) ((emacs (24 3)) (avy-menu (0 1))) "Replace GUI popup menu with something more efficient" single ((:commit . "02b22bdb40a5828dbd0a2af290034adb761743f0") (:keywords "convenience" "popup" "menu") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
(ahk-mode . [(20200412 1832) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing AHK (AutoHotkey and AutoHotkey_L)" single ((:commit . "729007b5f22a49f5187ff47fca18c0d674e73047") (:keywords "ahk" "autohotkey" "hotkey" "keyboard shortcut" "automation") (:authors ("Rich Alesi")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi") (:url . ""))])
(ahungry-theme . [(20180131 328) ((emacs (24))) "Ahungry color theme for Emacs. Make sure to (load-theme 'ahungry)." single ((:commit . "a038d91ec593d1f1b19ca66a0576d59bbc24c523") (:keywords "ahungry" "palette" "color" "theme" "emacs" "color-theme" "deftheme") (:authors ("Matthew Carter" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(aio . [(20200410 1409) ((emacs (26 1))) "async/await for Emacs Lisp" tar ((:commit . "9367005c44c42c46c8ca1e7d3f780731c7d123dd") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (airline-themes . [(20200408 2114) ((powerline (2 3))) "vim-airline themes for emacs powerline" tar ((:commit . "d81ec80d6fc36157c20015e9fd6b192cfc679035") (:keywords "evil" "mode-line" "powerline" "airline" "themes") (:authors ("Anthony DiGirolamo" . "")) (:maintainer "Anthony DiGirolamo" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (airline-themes . [(20200501 1837) ((powerline (2 3))) "vim-airline themes for emacs powerline" tar ((:commit . "5ea031bcbdf665afea7e47e519a49e2c33978833") (:keywords "evil" "mode-line" "powerline" "airline" "themes") (:authors ("Anthony DiGirolamo" . "")) (:maintainer "Anthony DiGirolamo" . "") (:url . ""))])
(airplay . [(20130212 1226) ((request (20130110 2144)) (simple-httpd (1 4 1)) (deferred (0 3 1))) "Airplay bindings to Emacs" tar ((:commit . "bd690aafcae3a887946e1bba8327597932d964ad") (:keywords "appletv" "airplay") (:authors ("Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "")) (:maintainer "Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "") (:url . ""))])
(alan-mode . [(20190407 555) ((flycheck (32)) (emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12))) "Major mode for editing Alan files" single ((:commit . "a5a705b64230bb14ad1d19bcc0613e3261e8cbe5") (:keywords "alan" "languages") (:authors ("Paul van Dam" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul van Dam" . "") (:url . ""))])
(alarm-clock . [(20191204 716) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 17 0))) "Alarm Clock" tar ((:commit . "644f331071f8b09a898fae490541908b5054d2e6") (:keywords "calendar" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Steve Lemuel" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Lemuel" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(alert-termux . [(20181119 951) ((emacs (24 4))) "alert.el notifications on Termux" single ((:commit . "47c414285c2f5971f3be52aaf0a4066ea6989238") (:keywords "terminals") (:authors ("Gergely Polonkai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gergely Polonkai" . "") (:url . ""))])
(align-cljlet . [(20160112 2101) ((clojure-mode (1 11 5))) "Space align various Clojure forms" single ((:commit . "602d72a7ad52788a0265e3c6da519464a98166b8") (:url . ""))])
(all-ext . [(20200315 1443) ((emacs (24 4)) (all (1 0))) "M-x all with helm-swoop/anything/multiple-cursors/line-number" single ((:commit . "c865c62506af2c9edc7705a7c24dc8b70d5d4de2") (:keywords "matching" "all" "search" "replace" "anything" "helm" "helm-swoop" "occur") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (all-the-icons . [(20200411 520) ((emacs (24 3)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "0b74fc361817e885580c3f3408079f949f5830e1") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (all-the-icons . [(20200508 1157) ((emacs (24 3)) (memoize (1 0 1))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "d6cb6d4a779eaa3570d8e451fd4d38b2b4554860") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))])
(all-the-icons-dired . [(20200403 1018) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0))) "Shows icons for each file in dired mode" single ((:commit . "fc2dfa1e9eb8bf1c402a675e7089638d702a27a5") (:keywords "files" "icons" "dired") (:authors ("jtbm37")) (:maintainer "jtbm37") (:url . ""))])
(all-the-icons-gnus . [(20180511 654) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0)) (all-the-icons (3 1 0))) "Shows icons for in Gnus" single ((:commit . "27f78996da0725943bcfb2d18038e6f7bddfa9c7") (:keywords "mail" "tools") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . ""))])
(all-the-icons-ibuffer . [(20200319 1625) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0))) "Display icons for all buffers in ibuffer" single ((:commit . "3ee9e32f480329e94e45f86538343b0ddc7ddd4f") (:keywords "convenience" "icons" "ibuffer") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -97,13 +97,13 @@
(amd-mode . [(20180111 1402) ((emacs (25)) (projectile (20161008 47)) (s (1 9 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (seq (2 16)) (makey (0 3)) (js2-mode (20140114)) (js2-refactor (0 6 1))) "Minor mode for handling JavaScript AMD module requirements." single ((:commit . "01fd19e0d635ccaf8e812364d8720733f2e84126") (:keywords "javascript" "amd" "projectile") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . ""))])
(ameba . [(20200103 1454) ((emacs (24 4))) "An interface to Crystal Ameba linter" single ((:commit . "0c4925ae0e998818326adcb47ed27ddf9761c7dc") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vitalii Elenhaupt")) (:maintainer "Vitalii Elenhaupt") (:url . ""))])
(ammonite-term-repl . [(20200416 559) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 12 0)) (scala-mode (0 23))) "Scala Ammonite REPL in term mode." single ((:commit . "b552fe21977e005c1c460bf6607557e67241a6b6") (:keywords "processes" "ammnite" "term" "scala") (:authors ("zwild" . "")) (:maintainer "zwild" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ample-regexps . [(20151023 1000) nil "ample regular expressions for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "cbe91e148cac1ee8e223874dc956ed4cf607f046") (:keywords "regexps" "extensions" "tools") (:authors ("immerrr" . "")) (:maintainer "immerrr" . ""))])
+ (ample-regexps . [(20200508 1021) nil "ample regular expressions for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "153969ce547afe410b8986f01c9ed4087c9cd20b") (:keywords "regexps" "extensions" "tools") (:authors ("immerrr" . "")) (:maintainer "immerrr" . ""))])
(ample-theme . [(20180207 1745) nil "Calm Dark Theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "f5a163626e04abda2d3c168f703c3f330f302a7c") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo" . "")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ample-zen-theme . [(20150119 2154) nil "AmpleZen Theme for Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "b277bb7abd4b6624e8d59f02474b79af50a007bd") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "emacs 24") (:authors ("Michael Wall")) (:maintainer "Michael Wall") (:url . ""))])
(amread-mode . [(20200404 1143) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "A minor mode helper user speed-reading" single ((:commit . "a595828fcc2257f765139b576beb6c33b4fc3bce") (:keywords "wp") (:url . ""))])
(amx . [(20200417 1513) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (0))) "Alternative M-x with extra features." single ((:commit . "7fb7b874291e0cdeb1f0acb18564a686ec86788d") (:keywords "convenience" "usability") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson" . "") ("Cornelius Mika" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. Thompson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(anaconda-mode . [(20200129 1718) ((emacs (25 1)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (s (1 9)) (f (0 16 2))) "Code navigation, documentation lookup and completion for Python" single ((:commit . "10299bd9ff38c4f0da1d892905d02ef828e7fdce") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (anakondo . [(20200428 653) ((emacs (26 3)) (projectile (2 1 0))) "Adds clj-kondo based Clojure[Script] editing facilities" single ((:commit . "87760e8326a0e303ca66dda298a79742888b7254") (:keywords "clojure" "clojurescript" "cljc" "clj-kondo" "completion" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Didier A." . "")) (:maintainer "Didier A." . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (anakondo . [(20200503 123) ((emacs (26 3)) (projectile (2 1 0)) (clojure-mode (5 11 0))) "Adds clj-kondo based Clojure[Script] editing facilities" single ((:commit . "ba6b56c18f2b0ae035b448813b27114d19fb821c") (:keywords "clojure" "clojurescript" "cljc" "clj-kondo" "completion" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Didier A." . "")) (:maintainer "Didier A." . "") (:url . ""))])
(anaphora . [(20180618 2200) nil "anaphoric macros providing implicit temp variables" single ((:commit . "3b2da3f759b244975852e79721c4a2dbad3905cf") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(android-env . [(20190720 1927) ((emacs (24 3))) "Helper functions for working in android" single ((:commit . "dcb0bff0e77257266201cf1ccf17e7ca94e67fb1") (:keywords "android" "gradle" "java" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Fernando Jascovich")) (:maintainer "Fernando Jascovich") (:url . ""))])
(android-mode . [(20190903 811) nil "Minor mode for Android application development" single ((:commit . "d5332e339a1f5e30559a53feffb8442ca79265d6") (:keywords "tools" "processes") (:authors ("R.W. van 't Veer")) (:maintainer "R.W. van 't Veer") (:url . ""))])
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
(anx-api . [(20140208 1514) nil "Interact with the AppNexus API from Emacs." single ((:commit . "b2411ebc966ac32c3ffc61bc22bf183834df0fa0") (:keywords "convenience" "json" "rest" "api" "appnexus") (:authors ("Rich Loveland")) (:maintainer "Rich Loveland"))])
(anybar . [(20160816 1421) nil "Control AnyBar from Emacs" single ((:commit . "7a0743e0d31bcb36ab1bb2e351f3e7139c422ac5") (:keywords "anybar") (:authors ("Christopher Shea" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Shea" . ""))])
(anyins . [(20131229 1041) nil "Insert content at multiple places from shell command or kill-ring" single ((:commit . "83844c17ac9b5b6c7655ee556b75689e4c8ea663") (:keywords "insert" "rectangular") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (anzu . [(20200331 1717) ((emacs (24 3))) "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" single ((:commit . "3e34fb3df53c0c68e842fa179c327a7395d1901d") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (anzu . [(20200331 1717) ((emacs (24 3))) "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" single ((:commit . "896b2be2ebb1408b8f6a49e12375229fc64fcf41") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(aozora-view . [(20140310 1317) nil "Aozora Bunko text Emacs viewer." tar ((:commit . "b0390616d19e45f15f9a2f5d5688274831e721fd") (:keywords "text") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
(apache-mode . [(20190711 1111) nil "Major mode for editing Apache httpd configuration files" single ((:commit . "a66dc1f246cd4ce0960773989bc43188f0394948") (:keywords "languages" "faces") (:authors ("Karl Chen" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (apdl-mode . [(20200417 857) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for the APDL programming language." tar ((:commit . "2fcf73e0d522e88e99813c84ac1c07f8a83b1e77") (:url . "") (:maintainer "H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "") (:authors ("H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "")) (:keywords "APDL" "Ansys" "languages" "FEA" "convenience" "tools"))])
+ (apdl-mode . [(20200501 1904) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for the APDL programming language." tar ((:commit . "ee5f546f6659b9ca3c6895a1959087531b4a016a") (:url . "") (:maintainer "H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "") (:authors ("H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "")) (:keywords "APDL" "Ansys" "languages" "FEA" "convenience" "tools"))])
(apel . [(20190407 1056) nil "APEL (A Portable Emacs Library) provides support for portable Emacs Lisp programs" tar ((:commit . "d146ddbf8818e81d3577d5eee7825d377bec0c73"))])
(apib-mode . [(20200101 1017) ((markdown-mode (2 1))) "Major mode for API Blueprint files" single ((:commit . "c6dd05201f6eb9295736d8668a79a7510d11159e") (:keywords "tools" "api-blueprint") (:authors ("Vilibald Wanča" . "")) (:maintainer "Vilibald Wanča" . "") (:url . ""))])
(apiwrap . [(20180602 2231) ((emacs (25))) "api-wrapping macros" single ((:commit . "a4fb21d96027369307b22439a4a6c765ee272f44") (:keywords "tools" "maint" "convenience") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -170,10 +170,11 @@
(aurel . [(20170114 937) ((emacs (24 3)) (bui (1 1 0)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Search, get info, vote for and download AUR packages" single ((:commit . "fc7ad208f43f8525f84a18941c9b55f956df8961") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(aurora-config-mode . [(20180216 2302) nil "Major mode for Apache Aurora configuration files" single ((:commit . "8273ec7937a21b469b9dbb6c11714255b890f410") (:keywords "languages" "configuration") (:authors ("Berk D. Demir" . "")) (:maintainer "Berk D. Demir" . "") (:url . ""))])
(auth-source-pass . [(20191126 1242) ((emacs (26 1))) "Integrate auth-source with password-store" single ((:commit . "ff4940c647786914b3cbef69103d96a4ea334111") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "") ("Nicolas Petton" . "") ("Keith Amidon" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (auth-source-xoauth2 . [(20200509 2304) ((emacs (26 1))) "Integrate auth-source with XOAUTH2" single ((:commit . "5e646a32c9ba31a015a09fce1ad711b85717119a") (:authors ("Cesar Crusius" . "")) (:maintainer "Cesar Crusius" . "") (:url . ""))])
(auto-async-byte-compile . [(20160916 454) nil "Automatically byte-compile when saved" single ((:commit . "8681e74ddb8481789c5dbb3cafabb327db4c4484") (:keywords "lisp" "convenience") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(auto-auto-indent . [(20131106 1903) ((es-lib (0 1)) (cl-lib (1 0))) "Indents code as you type" single ((:commit . "0139378577f936d34b20276af6f022fb457af490") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "sabof") (:url . ""))])
(auto-compile . [(20191020 1040) ((emacs (25 1)) (packed (3 0 0))) "automatically compile Emacs Lisp libraries" single ((:commit . "3e92c5b1a94b0cf43f2d624180a1cb01df92afd8") (:keywords "compile" "convenience" "lisp") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (auto-complete . [(20170125 245) ((popup (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Auto Completion for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2e83566ddfa758c69afe50b8a1c62a66f47471e3"))])
+ (auto-complete . [(20170125 245) ((popup (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Auto Completion for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2f11a4e6ff7f5d4939c3e1724158411a7efed057"))])
(auto-complete-auctex . [(20140223 1758) ((yasnippet (0 6 1)) (auto-complete (1 4))) "auto-completion for auctex" single ((:commit . "855633f668bcc4b9408396742a7cb84e0c4a2f77") (:authors ("Christopher Monsanto" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Monsanto" . ""))])
(auto-complete-c-headers . [(20150912 323) ((auto-complete (1 4))) "An auto-complete source for C/C++ header files" single ((:commit . "52fef720c6f274ad8de52bef39a343421006c511") (:keywords "c") (:authors ("Masafumi Oyamada" . "")) (:maintainer "Masafumi Oyamada" . ""))])
(auto-complete-chunk . [(20140225 946) ((auto-complete (1 4))) "Auto-completion for dot.separated.words." single ((:commit . "a9aa77ffb84a1037984a7ce4dda25074272f13fe") (:authors ("ARAKAKI, Takafumi")) (:maintainer "ARAKAKI, Takafumi") (:url . ""))])
@@ -200,16 +201,16 @@
(auto-shell-command . [(20180817 1502) ((deferred (20130312)) (popwin (20130329))) "Run the shell command asynchronously that you specified when you save the file." single ((:commit . "a8f9213e3c773b5687b81881240e6e648f2f56ba") (:keywords "shell" "save" "async" "deferred" "auto") (:authors ("ongaeshi")) (:maintainer "ongaeshi"))])
(auto-sudoedit . [(20200427 635) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 19 0))) "Auto sudo edit by tramp" single ((:commit . "0ad8247fdd0f1d747cd1ff73adb6b5efcecc7f3b") (:authors ("ncaq" . "")) (:maintainer "ncaq" . "") (:url . ""))])
(auto-virtualenv . [(20170125 1917) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (pyvenv (1 9)) (s (1 10 0))) "Auto activate python virtualenvs" single ((:commit . "3826db66b417788e2b2eb138717255b1f52a55c3") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools") (:authors ("Marcwebbie" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcwebbie" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (auto-virtualenvwrapper . [(20200416 1128) ((cl-lib (0 6)) (s (1 10 0)) (virtualenvwrapper (0))) "Lightweight auto activate python virtualenvs" single ((:commit . "f33e8c40e53c247ee6a4fd90af8805a9806735a1") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools") (:authors ("Marcwebbie" . "") ("Robert Zaremba" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcwebbie" . ""))])
+ (auto-virtualenvwrapper . [(20200510 1006) ((cl-lib (0 6)) (s (1 10 0)) (virtualenvwrapper (0))) "Lightweight auto activate python virtualenvs" single ((:commit . "30fb54aa3c99f3c614ea9a92669d634df30c9439") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools") (:authors ("Marcwebbie" . "") ("Robert Zaremba" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcwebbie" . ""))])
(auto-yasnippet . [(20191015 942) ((yasnippet (0 13 0))) "Quickly create disposable yasnippets" single ((:commit . "db9e0dd4335b2202cd5dac95bbbc87a1032d9bbe") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(autobookmarks . [(20190919 841) ((dash (2 10 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Save recently visited files and buffers" single ((:commit . "224b24950d3ae57cd16d7417c07fda337fe0ea09") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . ""))])
(autobuild . [(20200209 2005) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (26 1))) "Define and execute build rules and compilation pipelines" single ((:commit . "b5ac7436be372dffc97280f4b835f61ab6b716d5") (:keywords "compile" "build" "pipeline" "autobuild" "extensions" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Ernesto Alfonso")) (:maintainer nil . "(concat \"erjoalgo\" \"@\" \"gmail\" \".com\")") (:url . ""))])
- (autocrypt . [(20200330 2301) ((emacs (25 1))) "Autocrypt implementation" tar ((:commit . "a16bf93ba833264b10d19abfa8fa684d9be32081") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Philip K." . "")) (:maintainer "Philip K." . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (autocrypt . [(20200505 1717) ((emacs (25 1))) "Autocrypt implementation" tar ((:commit . "d77140654405cabd007621606aca9beb512dff7a") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Philip K." . "")) (:maintainer "Philip K." . "") (:url . ""))])
(autodisass-java-bytecode . [(20151005 1612) nil "Automatically disassemble Java bytecode" tar ((:commit . "3d61dbe266133c950b39e880f78d142751c7dc4c"))])
(autodisass-llvm-bitcode . [(20150411 125) nil "Automatically disassemble LLVM bitcode" tar ((:commit . "d2579e3a1427af2dc947c343e49eb3434078bf04"))])
(automargin . [(20131112 814) nil "add margins to windows not-splitted, and center them" single ((:commit . "4901d969ad69f5244e6300baab4ba04efed800c3") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(autopair . [(20160304 1237) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Automagically pair braces and quotes like TextMate" single ((:commit . "2b6d72bccb0ebba6e7e711528872b898b0c65b0a") (:keywords "convenience" "emulations") (:authors ("Joao Tavora <joaotavora [at]>")) (:maintainer "Joao Tavora <joaotavora [at]>") (:url . ""))])
- (autotest . [(20190331 2230) nil "ZenTest's autotest integration with emacs." single ((:commit . "97e74ae74a15338d386027379139e3bf27acf2f2") (:keywords "testing" "ruby" "convenience") (:authors ("Ryan Davis" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan Davis" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (autotest . [(20190331 2230) nil "ZenTest's autotest integration with emacs." single ((:commit . "b3b85a1a4589430e9255a4ea28c4e94787c6b0fe") (:keywords "testing" "ruby" "convenience") (:authors ("Ryan Davis" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan Davis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(autotetris-mode . [(20141114 1646) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "automatically play tetris" single ((:commit . "0c3a746dcc304a67d2a6e7ad4ef93f512486343a") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))])
(autothemer . [(20180920 923) ((dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Conveniently define themes." single ((:commit . "69488c71dfc182cf2e7be2d745037f230ade678e") (:authors ("Sebastian Sturm")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Sturm") (:url . ""))])
(autumn-light-theme . [(20150515 1447) nil "A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors." single ((:commit . "1e3b2a43a3001e4a97a5ff073ba3f0d2ea3888f9") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Adam Alpern" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Alpern" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@
(badwolf-theme . [(20161004 715) ((emacs (24))) "Bad Wolf color theme" single ((:commit . "ea01a3d9358e968f75e3ed15dec6a2a96ce3d9a1") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("bkruczyk" . "")) (:maintainer "bkruczyk" . "") (:url . ""))])
(baidu-translate . [(20190817 1318) nil "A plugin using baidu-translate-api" single ((:commit . "b04a74d09ff5e3fbefd1b39b2abe79a9e272321a") (:keywords "docs") (:authors (nil . "<LiShizhen>")) (:maintainer nil . "<LiShizhen>") (:url . ""))])
(balanced-windows . [(20190903 1120) ((emacs (25))) "Keep windows balanced" single ((:commit . "1da5354ad8a9235d13928e2ee0863f3642ccdd13") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (bang . [(20200427 1628) ((emacs (24 1))) "A sam-like shell-command" single ((:commit . "2e3ec17d8335dcfd8d0db953eb673e0c8ad6b373") (:keywords "unix" "processes" "convenience") (:authors ("Philip K." . "")) (:maintainer "Philip K." . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (bang . [(20200510 1107) ((emacs (24 1))) "A sam-like shell-command" single ((:commit . "f80c7c394b57057499db6409f386ade9ac32f763") (:keywords "unix" "processes" "convenience") (:authors ("Philip K." . "")) (:maintainer "Philip K." . "") (:url . ""))])
(banner-comment . [(20190606 1809) ((emacs (24 4))) "For producing banner comments." single ((:commit . "35d3315683d3f97605207691b77e9f447af18fe2") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("James Ferguson" . "")) (:maintainer "James Ferguson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bap-mode . [(20200128 1354) nil "Major-mode for BAP's IR" single ((:commit . "8969679f60db0aa918d35f40d959c0a9c723b111") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Thomas Barabosch <http://github/tbarabosch>")) (:maintainer "Thomas Barabosch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bar-cursor . [(20180227 45) nil "package used to switch block cursor to a bar" single ((:commit . "20cb59bedc3532a712fe7feeff3660ebd72a8107") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Johnson" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@
(basic-theme . [(20160817 827) ((emacs (24))) "Minimalistic light color theme" single ((:commit . "e2a855bd39f4b78296228d4b790f9123156f7d7e") (:keywords "theme" "basic" "minimal" "colors") (:authors ("Felix Geller" . "")) (:maintainer "Felix Geller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bats-mode . [(20160514 615) nil "Emacs mode for editing and running Bats tests" single ((:commit . "d519f7c89f5ae17dfc33400596df4564b478315f") (:keywords "bats" "tests") (:authors ("Doug MacEachern")) (:maintainer "Doug MacEachern") (:url . ""))])
(battle-haxe . [(20200222 56) ((emacs (25)) (company (0 9 9)) (helm (3 0)) (async (1 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 12 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 19 0))) "A Haxe development system, with code completion and more" single ((:commit . "64d20c9ea3fd503fdefafda122e7095c192e72a3") (:keywords "programming" "languages" "completion") (:authors ("Alon Tzarafi " . "")) (:maintainer "Alon Tzarafi " . "") (:url . ""))])
- (bazel-mode . [(20200424 1953) ((emacs (26 1))) "Emacs major mode for editing Bazel BUILD and WORKSPACE files" tar ((:commit . "668a44907f7b3ad0e6fd300e319fba5862780140") (:keywords "build tools" "languages") (:url . ""))])
+ (bazel-mode . [(20200509 1902) ((emacs (26 1))) "Emacs major mode for editing Bazel BUILD and WORKSPACE files" tar ((:commit . "d0a0284575764cc9efdb3709fe3c320fd0c0873c") (:keywords "build tools" "languages") (:url . ""))])
(bbcode-mode . [(20190304 2122) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for phpBB posts (BBCode markup)" single ((:commit . "e16619c80ea21154b4a4ccc2e13d0077e97c9caf") (:keywords "bbcode" "languages") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz" . "")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bbdb- . [(20140221 2354) ((bbdb (20140123 1541)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "provide interface for more easily search/choice than BBDB." single ((:commit . "2839e84c894de2513af41053e80a277a1b483d22") (:keywords "bbdb" "news" "mail") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bbdb . [(20200102 403) nil "The Insidious Big Brother Database for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "45529e315ba861f9df2914f9b88d2f7b991d5595"))])
@@ -278,10 +279,10 @@
(biblio . [(20200416 1407) ((emacs (24 3)) (biblio-core (0 2))) "Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, Dissemin, and" tar ((:commit . "eb9baf1d2bf6a073d24ccb717025baa693e98f3e"))])
(biblio-bibsonomy . [(20190105 1200) ((emacs (24 4)) (biblio-core (0 2))) "Lookup bibliographic entries from Bibsonomy" single ((:commit . "778cc944db3c6dababe2e7fec5877fba42e8c00d") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "bibsonomy") (:authors ("Andreas Jansson and contributors")) (:maintainer "Andreas Jansson and contributors") (:url . ""))])
(biblio-core . [(20200416 307) ((emacs (24 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (dash (2 12 1))) "A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries" single ((:commit . "eb9baf1d2bf6a073d24ccb717025baa693e98f3e") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "convenience" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (bibliothek . [(20190124 1828) ((emacs (24 4)) (pdf-tools (0 70)) (a (0 1 0 -3 4))) "Managing a digital library of PDFs" single ((:commit . "eab07dae119129066624e692c1c75a53b2ab10a5") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (bibliothek . [(20190124 1828) ((emacs (24 4)) (pdf-tools (0 70)) (a (0 1 0 -3 4))) "Managing a digital library of PDFs" single ((:commit . "61a14d1a8c17930caca5c5daf893cedc9c23c5f3") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bibretrieve . [(20191124 1855) ((auctex (11 87)) (emacs (24 3))) "Retrieve BibTeX entries from the internet" tar ((:commit . "81dc8e0db3629cc180eafb2bc34b60dcd8980316") (:keywords "bibtex" "bibliography" "mathscinet" "arxiv" "zbmath") (:authors ("Antonio Sartori")) (:maintainer "Pavel Zorin-Kranich" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bibslurp . [(20151202 2346) ((s (1 6 0)) (dash (1 5 0))) "retrieve BibTeX entries from NASA ADS" single ((:commit . "0116bbb04840d20a6b087e6d9c921bb1c2489a8f") (:keywords "bibliography" "nasa ads") (:url . ""))])
- (bibtex-completion . [(20200427 859) ((parsebib (1 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (biblio (0 2)) (emacs (26 1))) "A BibTeX backend for completion frameworks" single ((:commit . "6a884fe8ae939447849e76abf48d1bdf6a9bdcbb") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "") ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (bibtex-completion . [(20200508 945) ((parsebib (1 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (biblio (0 2)) (emacs (26 1))) "A BibTeX backend for completion frameworks" single ((:commit . "3e773f7957c1acabb8390c00cc8d49e192ee36bd") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "") ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bibtex-utils . [(20190703 2117) nil "Provides utilities for extending BibTeX mode" single ((:commit . "26a8f0909b6adbf545a2b5e57ce7f779bf7a65af") (:keywords "bibtex") (:authors ("Tyler Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Tyler Smith" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bicycle . [(20200429 1021) ((emacs (25 1))) "cycle outline and code visibility" single ((:commit . "1bd8836171cf8da0be836fc407f2f140f52bdeb1") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bifocal . [(20200325 539) ((emacs (24 4))) "Split-screen scrolling for comint-mode buffers" single ((:commit . "de8d09b08b0b30714c4f9b98c97e9577d47b9be6") (:keywords "frames" "processes") (:url . ""))])
@@ -298,7 +299,7 @@
(blackboard-bold-mode . [(20160813 206) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Easily insert Unicode mathematical double-struck characters" single ((:commit . "5299cb064ba71baa3e331b8560bf8dd38cbbc4ed") (:keywords "unicode" "double struck" "blackboard bold" "math" "mathematical") (:authors ("Grant Rettke" . "")) (:maintainer nil . "<>") (:url . ""))])
(blackboard-theme . [(20161216 656) ((emacs (24))) "TextMate Blackboard Theme" single ((:commit . "7a0d79410feb728ff5cce75c140fadc19a3f9a6d") (:authors ("Dong Zheng")) (:maintainer "Dong Zheng") (:url . ""))])
(blacken . [(20191123 1547) ((emacs (25 2))) "Reformat python buffers using the \"black\" formatter" single ((:commit . "a09f8e2564739792a1b86bc8a6ce41039db3bbf8") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (blackout . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (26))) "Better mode lighter overriding" single ((:commit . "af37650d99bb5ae3ab05577a5bf99d5ff26b1e66") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (blackout . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (26))) "Better mode lighter overriding" single ((:commit . "d99ab1aad84e4bd2bd4a499877764c213cce50ff") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(blgrep . [(20150401 1416) ((clmemo (20140321 715))) "Block grep" tar ((:commit . "605beda210610a5829750a987f5fcebea97af546") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Masayuki Ataka" . "")) (:maintainer "Masayuki Ataka" . ""))])
(blimp . [(20180903 2240) ((emacs (25)) (eimp (1 4 0))) "Bustling Image Manipulation Package" single ((:commit . "39562f02acc1113595cb253a85bb3b9da743ddd2") (:keywords "multimedia" "unix") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bliss-theme . [(20170808 1307) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Bliss (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "c3cf6d8a666ab26909b7da158f9e94df71a5fbbf") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
@@ -317,8 +318,8 @@
(bonjourmadame . [(20170919 1134) nil "Say \"Hello ma'am!\"" single ((:commit . "d3df185fce78aefa689fded8e56a654f0fde4ac0"))])
(boogie-friends . [(20190909 1432) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 10 0)) (flycheck (0 23)) (yasnippet (0 9 0 1)) (company (0 8 12))) "A collection of programming modes for Boogie, Dafny, and Z3 (SMTLIB v2)." tar ((:commit . "45ee305eba1cce63f89e49daef9eaeaa90e34265"))])
(bool-flip . [(20161215 1539) ((emacs (24 3))) "flip the boolean under the point" single ((:commit . "f58a9a7b9ab875bcfbd57c8262697ae404eb4485") (:keywords "boolean" "convenience" "usability") (:authors ("Michael Brandt" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Brandt" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (boon . [(20200212 1535) ((emacs (25 1)) (expand-region (0 10 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 3 0))) "Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "19bc70fa6f9e5c001f8ac714ce90af14788f35dd"))])
- (borg . [(20200223 1448) ((emacs (26)) (dash (2 16 0)) (epkg (3 2 2)) (magit (2 90 1))) "assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules" tar ((:commit . "3cfb35f5c54a76f200272ed11b4a39f11a57552c") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (boon . [(20200507 1851) ((emacs (25 1)) (expand-region (0 10 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 3 0))) "Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "6427c39ace4a1bd34d573773bc896a863e8503a2"))])
+ (borg . [(20200430 2304) ((emacs (26)) (epkg (3 2 2)) (magit (2 90 1))) "assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules" tar ((:commit . "067aa52079c49ecca97ca2d5d870a883b040d53b") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(borland-blue-theme . [(20160117 1321) ((emacs (24 1))) "Blue/yellow theme based on old DOS Borland/Turbo C IDE" single ((:commit . "db74eefebbc89d3c62575f8f50b319e87b4a3470") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(boron-theme . [(20170808 1308) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Boron (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "87ae1a765e07429fec25d2f29b004f84b52d2e0a") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
(boxquote . [(20170802 1117) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Quote text with a semi-box." single ((:commit . "7e47e0e2853bc1215739b2e28f260e9eed93b2c5") (:keywords "quoting") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -353,7 +354,7 @@
(bufler . [(20200409 1253) ((emacs (26 3)) (dash (2 17)) (dash-functional (2 17)) (f (0 17)) (pretty-hydra (0 2 2)) (magit-section (0 1))) "Group buffers into workspaces with programmable rules" tar ((:commit . "b2b260e4f9e8ba76bb8b4d71344c7b75e05ac44f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bufshow . [(20130726 1838) ((emacs (24 1))) "A simple presentation tool for Emacs." single ((:commit . "d60a554e7239e6f7520d9c3436d5ecdbc9cf6957") (:authors ("Peter Jones" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Jones" . "") (:url . ""))])
(bug-reference-github . [(20200206 2158) nil "Set `bug-reference-url-format' in Github repos" tar ((:commit . "c9512a010f19633e69f1d4b1597eff7048b21112") (:keywords "programming" "tools") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (bui . [(20181218 1830) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Buffer interface library" tar ((:commit . "508577a7225b3d07eaefa9444064410af2518675") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (bui . [(20200426 2219) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Buffer interface library" tar ((:commit . "28a9b0a36cb69b931cf32db7546ad5c6589752cf") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(build-farm . [(20181218 2002) ((emacs (24 4)) (bui (1 2 1)) (magit-popup (2 1 0))) "Interface for Nix and Guix build farms (Hydra and Cuirass)" tar ((:commit . "5c268a3c235ace0d79ef1ec82c440120317e06f5") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(build-helper . [(20161009 1755) ((projectile (0 9 0))) "Utilities to help build code" single ((:commit . "7a6fe71125a26ed1c492dab77cc688a7fe1d68ac") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Afonso Bordado" . "")) (:maintainer "Afonso Bordado" . "") (:url . ""))])
(build-status . [(20190807 1231) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Mode line build status indicator" single ((:commit . "1a1d2473aa62f2fdda47d8bfeb9fe352d2579b48") (:keywords "mode-line" "ci" "circleci" "travis-ci") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -363,7 +364,7 @@
(buster-snippets . [(20151125 1010) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for the Buster javascript testing framework" tar ((:commit . "bb8769dae132659858e74d52f3f4e8790399423a") (:keywords "snippets") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))])
(busybee-theme . [(20170719 928) nil "port of vim's mustang theme" single ((:commit . "66b2315b030582d0ebee605cf455d386d8c30fcd") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler") (:url . ""))])
(butler . [(20150812 8) ((deferred (0 3 2)) (json (1 2)) (emacs (24))) "Emacs client for Jenkins" tar ((:commit . "8ceb35737107572455cca9a61ff46b3ff78f1016"))])
- (buttercup . [(20200412 1148) nil "Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing" tar ((:commit . "a91f2820256a4e0c8636cc33a2ef8515a26d3f81"))])
+ (buttercup . [(20200412 1148) nil "Behavior-Driven Emacs Lisp Testing" tar ((:commit . "532d082a363add4f6d9838ca3f924a773ce12136"))])
(buttercup-junit . [(20190802 2258) ((emacs (24 3)) (buttercup (1 15))) "JUnit reporting for Buttercup" single ((:commit . "3ae4f84813c9e04e03a6e703990ca998b62b6deb") (:keywords "tools" "test" "unittest" "buttercup" "ci") (:authors ("Ola Nilsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Ola Nilsson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(button-lock . [(20200309 1323) nil "Clickable text defined by regular expression" single ((:commit . "9afe0f4d05910b0cccc94cb6d4d880119f3b0528") (:keywords "mouse" "button" "hypermedia" "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(buttons . [(20190319 41) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Define and visualize hierarchies of keymaps" single ((:commit . "a14d0c21cc30d33b57481f535f2a838d65b2032f") (:keywords "keymap" "template" "snippet") (:authors ("Ernesto Alfonso")) (:maintainer nil . "(concat \"erjoalgo\" \"@\" \"gmail\" \".com\")") (:url . ""))])
@@ -406,18 +407,18 @@
(ccls . [(20200327 1915) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (4 2)) (dash (0 14)) (projectile (1 0 0))) "ccls client for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "17ec7bb4cf362b7268c24e070e841f0dfac1c919") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "c++") (:authors ("Tobias Pisani, Fangrui Song")) (:maintainer "Tobias Pisani, Fangrui Song") (:url . ""))])
(cd-compile . [(20141108 1957) nil "run compile in a specific directory" single ((:commit . "10284ccae86afda4a37b09ba90acd1e2efedec9f") (:authors ("Jamie Nicol" . "")) (:maintainer "Jamie Nicol" . ""))])
(cdb . [(20200314 1557) nil "constant database (cdb) reader for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "11d91b4cce988e15d7c5fc4345535c9d7a92d53b") (:keywords "cdb") (:authors ("Yusuke Shinyama <yusuke at cs . nyu . edu>")) (:maintainer "SKK Development Team" . ""))])
- (cdlatex . [(20200305 809) nil "Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math" single ((:commit . "a5cb624ef5f9e3d51fce6faa8dc153277f61043a") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik" . "")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik" . ""))])
+ (cdlatex . [(20200506 739) nil "Fast input methods for LaTeX environments and math" single ((:commit . "480387b39f6ddd9cd2a9511ecee064ad8e1dd324") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik" . "")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik" . ""))])
(cdnjs . [(20161031 1522) ((dash (2 13 0)) (deferred (0 4)) (f (0 17 2)) (pkg-info (0 5))) "A front end for" single ((:commit . "ce19880d3ec3d81e6c665d0b1dfea99cc7a3f908") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cedit . [(20141231 1614) nil "paredit-like commands for c-like languages" single ((:commit . "0878d851b6307c162bfbddd2bb02789e5e27bc2c") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(celery . [(20170225 924) ((emacs (24)) (dash-functional (2 11 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (deferred (0 3 2))) "a minor mode to draw stats from celery and more?" single ((:commit . "51197d74f5eaa8ae09144af7663a2f4277f07d16") (:keywords "celery" "convenience") (:authors ("ardumont" . "")) (:maintainer "ardumont" . "") (:url . ""))])
(celestial-mode-line . [(20180518 822) ((emacs (24))) "Show lunar phase and sunrise/-set time in modeline" single ((:commit . "3f5794aca99b977f1592cf1ab4516ae7922196a1") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Peter" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(centaur-tabs . [(20200325 1236) ((emacs (24 4)) (powerline (2 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Aesthetic, modern looking customizable tabs plugin" tar ((:commit . "e6bf9f5257fa5401695e0e33d0376a0821ac2f2f") (:authors ("Emmanuel Bustos" . "")) (:maintainer "Emmanuel Bustos" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (centered-cursor-mode . [(20190306 1006) nil "cursor stays vertically centered" single ((:commit . "90e6d68a74d134f67c32d0621d64db90703c46eb") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("André Riemann" . "")) (:maintainer "André Riemann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (centered-cursor-mode . [(20200507 1529) nil "cursor stays vertically centered" single ((:commit . "f376bdb882047347345d5f0e3ec3fcef63ee93ba") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("André Riemann" . "")) (:maintainer "André Riemann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(centered-window . [(20200426 1053) ((emacs (24 4))) "Center the text when there's only one window" single ((:commit . "f50859941ab5c7cbeaee410f2d38716252b552ac") (:keywords "faces" "windows") (:authors ("Anler Hernández Peral" . "")) (:maintainer "Anler Hernández Peral" . "") (:url . ""))])
(centimacro . [(20140306 1427) nil "Assign multiple macros as global key bindings" single ((:commit . "1b97a9b558ed9c49d5da1bfbf29b2506575c2742") (:keywords "macros") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cerbere . [(20181113 1641) ((pkg-info (0 5))) "Unit testing in Emacs for several programming languages" tar ((:commit . "c667c165d9c1657f13d2d46f09ba21b61f9402cc") (:keywords "python" "go" "php" "phpunit" "elisp" "ert" "tests" "tdd") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ceylon-mode . [(20180606 1324) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for editing Ceylon source code" single ((:commit . "948515672bc596dc118e8e3ede3ede5ec6a3c95a") (:keywords "languages" "ceylon") (:authors ("Lucas Werkmeister" . "")) (:maintainer "Lucas Werkmeister" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (cfengine-code-style . [(20171115 2108) nil "C code style for CFEngine project." single ((:commit . "1938e7da974b4dac1b75f2bf1e058c42bbd0b5c1") (:authors ("Mikhail Gusarov" . "")) (:maintainer "Mikhail Gusarov" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (cfengine-code-style . [(20171115 2108) nil "C code style for CFEngine project." single ((:commit . "57125f74cc91ed6890346eee7948300437b6cb5e") (:authors ("Mikhail Gusarov" . "")) (:maintainer "Mikhail Gusarov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cff . [(20160118 2018) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Search of the C/C++ file header by the source and vice versa" single ((:commit . "b6ab2a28e64ef06f281ec74cfe3114e450644dfa") (:keywords "find-file") (:authors ("Alexey Veretennikov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexey Veretennikov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cfml-mode . [(20190617 1130) ((emacs (25))) "Emacs mode for editing CFML files" single ((:commit . "b06d7cee2af0ed5d55a94f0db80fc1f429a1829a") (:authors ("Andrew Myers" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Myers" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cframe . [(20190616 1946) ((emacs (25)) (buffer-manage (0 9)) (dash (2 13 0))) "customize a frame and fast switch size and positions" single ((:commit . "38026cbd004231c5525bea31723ced39311bb408") (:keywords "frame" "customize") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:url . ""))])
@@ -445,11 +446,11 @@
(chocolate-theme . [(20191021 1346) ((emacs (24 1)) (autothemer (0 2))) "A dark chocolaty theme" single ((:commit . "1c6cd8d2fdc939bd4d26117d61e57c11cfe26512") (:url . ""))])
(choice-program . [(20190817 2153) ((emacs (26))) "parameter based program" tar ((:commit . "583242445e7890a12bb674b43244bf27c84d91f6") (:keywords "exec" "execution" "parameter" "option") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:url . ""))])
(chronometer . [(20190304 1528) ((emacs (24))) "a [not so] simple chronometer" single ((:commit . "8457b296ef87be339cbe47730b922757d60bdcd5") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Marcelo Toledo" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcelo Toledo" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (chronometrist . [(20200324 653) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 16 0)) (seq (2 20)) (s (1 12 0))) "A time tracker with a nice interface" tar ((:commit . "dc0fb3bed6b893ecb924f5b1228ab718325cc808") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("contrapunctus" . "")) (:maintainer "contrapunctus" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (chronometrist . [(20200503 633) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 16 0)) (seq (2 20)) (s (1 12 0))) "A time tracker with a nice interface" tar ((:commit . "282c338c21d01932049392f271f66e1725562efd") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("contrapunctus" . "")) (:maintainer "contrapunctus" . "") (:url . ""))])
(chronos . [(20150602 1529) nil "multiple simultaneous countdown / countup timers" tar ((:commit . "b360d9dae57aa553cf2a14ffa0756a51ad71de09") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("David Knight" . "")) (:maintainer "David Knight" . "") (:url . ""))])
(chruby . [(20180114 1652) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs integration for chruby" single ((:commit . "42bc6d521f832eca8e2ba210f30d03ad5529788f") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "") (:url . ""))])
(chyla-theme . [(20180302 1658) nil " - green color theme." single ((:commit . "ae5e7ecace2ab474151eb0ac5ef07fba2dc32f8a") (:authors ("Adam Chyła" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Chyła" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (cider . [(20200420 735) ((emacs (25)) (clojure-mode (5 9)) (parseedn (0 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (queue (0 2)) (spinner (1 7)) (seq (2 16)) (sesman (0 3 2))) "Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks" tar ((:commit . "7f4d4e81816e64238370e028824e6389f02a38c8") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Tim King" . "") ("Phil Hagelberg" . "") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "") ("Artur Malabarba" . "") ("Hugo Duncan" . "") ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (cider . [(20200507 1639) ((emacs (25)) (clojure-mode (5 9)) (parseedn (0 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (queue (0 2)) (spinner (1 7)) (seq (2 16)) (sesman (0 3 2))) "Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks" tar ((:commit . "3a59fe046c9884573512dff88d140d37c0be7b2c") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Tim King" . "") ("Phil Hagelberg" . "") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "") ("Artur Malabarba" . "") ("Hugo Duncan" . "") ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cider-decompile . [(20151122 537) ((cider (0 3 0)) (javap-mode (9))) "decompilation extension for cider" single ((:commit . "5d87035f3c3c14025e8f01c0c53d0ce2c8f56651") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Dmitry Bushenko")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Bushenko") (:url . ""))])
(cider-eval-sexp-fu . [(20190311 2152) ((emacs (24)) (eval-sexp-fu (0 5 0))) "Briefly highlights an evaluated sexp." single ((:commit . "7fd229f1441356866aedba611fd0cf4e89b50921") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . ""))])
(cider-hydra . [(20190816 1121) ((cider (0 22 0)) (hydra (0 13 0))) "Hydras for CIDER." single ((:commit . "c3b8a15d72dddfbc390ab6a454bd7e4c765a2c95") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -495,7 +496,7 @@
(cm-mode . [(20170203 2107) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Minor mode for CriticMarkup" single ((:commit . "276d49c859822265070ae5dfbb403fd7d8d06436") (:keywords "text" "markdown") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . ""))])
(cmake-font-lock . [(20200103 1702) ((cmake-mode (0 0))) "Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake" single ((:commit . "9e0fcd1ee2cf316f661f2d652368b12f83a4ec9c") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))])
(cmake-ide . [(20190731 1009) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (1 11)) (levenshtein (0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags" single ((:commit . "e3aa1ded10c079337826b40586111df7114f6379") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (cmake-mode . [(20190710 1319) ((emacs (24 1))) "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "79b5cf8576b257ed22b1a35fa651b56f4ba70681"))])
+ (cmake-mode . [(20190710 1319) ((emacs (24 1))) "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "8afac758e6e793a0f004ce2693b0096362391cd9"))])
(cmake-project . [(20171121 1115) nil "Integrates CMake build process with Emacs" single ((:commit . "d3f408f226eff3f77f7e00dd519f4efc78fd292d") (:keywords "c" "cmake" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Alexander Lamaison" . "alexander.lamaison@gmail")) (:maintainer "Alexander Lamaison" . "alexander.lamaison@gmail") (:url . ""))])
(cmd-to-echo . [(20161203 2133) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 11 0)) (shell-split-string (20151224 208))) "Show the output of long-running commands in the echo area" single ((:commit . "e0e874fc0e1ad6d291e39ed76023445297ad438a") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
(cmm-mode . [(20150225 746) nil "Major mode for C-- source code" single ((:commit . "c3ad514dff3eb30434f6b20d953276d4c00de1ee"))])
@@ -505,7 +506,7 @@
(codcut . [(20190915 1009) nil "Share pieces of code to Codcut" single ((:commit . "7ca7db69e8c38ec45eb572ad16ab2b56086f2131") (:keywords "comm" "tools" "codcut" "share") (:authors ("Diego Pasquali" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Pasquali" . "") (:url . ""))])
(code-archive . [(20190612 308) ((emacs (24 3))) "git supported code archive and reference for org-mode" single ((:commit . "1ad9af6679d0294c3056eab9cad673f29c562721") (:authors ("Michael Schuldt" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Schuldt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(code-library . [(20160426 1218) ((gist (1 3 1))) "use org-mode to collect code snippets" single ((:commit . "32d59c5c845d6dbdda18f9bd1c03a58d55417fc5") (:keywords "lisp" "code") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . ""))])
- (code-stats . [(20200216 2020) ((emacs (25)) (request (0 3 0))) "Code::Stats plugin" single ((:commit . "055c9ce9c1b630d062305919cbffb9cf88fd24a8") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (code-stats . [(20200216 2020) ((emacs (25)) (request (0 3 0))) "Code::Stats plugin" single ((:commit . "0d5be395d4233ea533e6eddf50af725c51304205") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(codebug . [(20140929 2137) nil "Interact with codebug" single ((:commit . "ac0e4331ba94ccb5203fa492570e1ca6b90c3d52") (:authors ("Shane Dowling")) (:maintainer "Shane Dowling") (:url . ""))])
(codesearch . [(20181006 1431) ((log4e (0 3 1))) "Core support for managing codesearch tools" tar ((:commit . "f6eb96f034a925444412cfa03e45e0ccbbafe3f2") (:keywords "tools" "development" "search") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "") ("Youngjoo Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
(codic . [(20150926 1127) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Search Codic ( naming dictionaries" tar ((:commit . "52bbb6997ef4ab9fb7fea43bbfff7f04671aa557") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -521,7 +522,7 @@
(color-theme-buffer-local . [(20170126 601) ((color-theme (0))) "Install color-themes by buffer." single ((:commit . "e606dec66f16a06140b9aad625a4fd52bca4f936") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Victor Borja" . "")) (:maintainer "Victor Borja" . "") (:url . ""))])
(color-theme-modern . [(20200315 929) ((emacs (24))) "Reimplement colortheme with Emacs 24 theme framework." tar ((:commit . "40464198e7bf2121694a7e6d87588342140a84ff") (:url . ""))])
(color-theme-sanityinc-solarized . [(20200304 2156) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A version of Ethan Schoonover's Solarized themes" tar ((:commit . "c688337aaae9f47128a841479e4191858ac147f6") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow . [(20200419 156) nil "A version of Chris Kempson's \"tomorrow\" themes" tar ((:commit . "344b06ed3c139af717ebff59505fc66635678f6c") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow . [(20200507 608) nil "A version of Chris Kempson's \"tomorrow\" themes" tar ((:commit . "e4e577c24db6ad7f6940a13e1d58418d42ff0c81") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(color-theme-x . [(20180227 46) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "convert color themes to X11 resource settings" single ((:commit . "6c2264aa6c5d9a72caeae67ebaa4472090e70350") (:keywords "convenience" "faces" "frames") (:authors ("Matthew Kennedy" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Johnson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(colorless-themes . [(20200325 1307) ((emacs (24 1))) "A macro to generate mostly colorless themes" single ((:commit . "2b4c341640c8191a39e4bc28d6cd04c7d6dcbb37") (:keywords "faces themes" "faces") (:authors ("Thomas Letan" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas Letan" . "") (:url . ""))])
(colormaps . [(20171008 2224) ((emacs (25))) "Hex colormaps" single ((:commit . "19fbb64a6288d505b9cf45c9b5a3eed0bfb135e2") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Abhinav Tushar" . "")) (:maintainer "Abhinav Tushar" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -547,7 +548,7 @@
(company-auctex . [(20180725 1912) ((yasnippet (0 8 0)) (company (0 8 0)) (auctex (11 87))) "Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX" single ((:commit . "48c42c58ce2f0e693301b0cb2d085055410c1b25") (:authors ("Christopher Monsanto <>, Alexey Romanov" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Monsanto <>, Alexey Romanov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-axiom . [(20191027 1928) ((emacs (24)) (company (0 9)) (axiom-environment (20171021))) "A company-mode backend for the axiom-environment system" single ((:commit . "25932da0dc40c6877463cbf019b14ab05a6b0164") (:keywords "axiom" "openaxiom" "fricas" "axiom-environment") (:authors ("Paul Onions" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul Onions" . ""))])
(company-bibtex . [(20171105 644) ((company (0 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (parsebib (1 0))) "Company completion for bibtex keys" single ((:commit . "da67faf3a6faba8e7f1b222dedfc5521b02c7655") (:keywords "company-mode" "bibtex") (:authors ("GB Gardner" . "")) (:maintainer "GB Gardner" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (company-box . [(20200429 1035) ((emacs (26 0 91)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (company (0 9 6))) "Company front-end with icons" tar ((:commit . "3814fcb14e92f4b85b19e664e216a7c8d5c7144d") (:keywords "company" "completion" "front-end" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (company-box . [(20200509 1006) ((emacs (26 0 91)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (company (0 9 6))) "Company front-end with icons" tar ((:commit . "2b76c496e8485367eb2d758a105f5aa54becb8db") (:keywords "company" "completion" "front-end" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-c-headers . [(20190825 1631) ((emacs (24 1)) (company (0 8))) "Company mode backend for C/C++ header files" single ((:commit . "5e676ab0c2f287c868b1e3931afd4c78895910cd") (:keywords "development" "company") (:authors ("Alastair Rankine" . "")) (:maintainer "Alastair Rankine" . ""))])
(company-cabal . [(20170917 1317) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24))) "company-mode cabal backend" tar ((:commit . "62112a7259e24bd6c08885629a185afe512b7d3d") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-coq . [(20200130 2058) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 12 1)) (yasnippet (0 11 0)) (company (0 8 12)) (company-math (1 1))) "A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode" tar ((:commit . "f9dba9ddff7da99a93d8a6e26d9b1d813bc96b2f") (:url . "") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "")))])
@@ -555,7 +556,7 @@
(company-dcd . [(20190116 256) ((company (0 9)) (flycheck-dmd-dub (0 7)) (yasnippet (0 8)) (popwin (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ivy (20160804 326))) "Company backend for Dlang using DCD." single ((:commit . "11e90949e546fcff1b1cd40887ad7b6701aa1653") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("tsukimizake <>")) (:maintainer "tsukimizake <>") (:url . ""))])
(company-dict . [(20190302 5) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (parent-mode (2 3))) "A backend that emulates ac-source-dictionary" single ((:commit . "cd7b8394f6014c57897f65d335d6b2bd65dab1f4") (:keywords "company" "dictionary" "ac-source-dictionary") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-distel . [(20180827 1344) ((distel-completion-lib (1 0 0))) "Erlang/distel completion backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "acc4c0a5521904203d797fe96b08e5fae4233c7e") (:keywords "erlang" "distel" "company") (:authors ("Sebastian Weddmark Olsson")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Weddmark Olsson") (:url . ""))])
- (company-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (company (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Eclim company backend" single ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))])
+ (company-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (company (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Eclim company backend" single ((:commit . "222ddd48fcf0ee01592dec77c58e0cf3f2ea1100"))])
(company-emoji . [(20191226 1915) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0))) "company-mode backend for emoji" tar ((:commit . "fc45b56f3e2081d794f243bce705e77d4e29fc06") (:keywords "emoji" "company") (:authors ("Alex Dunn" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Dunn" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-erlang . [(20170123 538) ((emacs (24 4)) (ivy-erlang-complete (0 1)) (company (0 9 2))) "company backend based on ivy-erlang-complete" single ((:commit . "bc0524a16f17b66c7397690e4ca0e004f09ea6c5") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . ""))])
(company-flow . [(20180225 2159) ((company (0 8 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Flow backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "76ef585c70d2a3206c2eadf24ba61e59124c3a16") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -574,24 +575,24 @@
(company-lua . [(20171108 2306) ((company (0 8 12)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 0)) (lua-mode (20151025))) "Company backend for Lua" tar ((:commit . "29f6819de4d691e5fd0b62893a9f4fbc1c6fcb52") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . ""))])
(company-math . [(20200131 2337) ((company (0 8 0)) (math-symbol-lists (1 3))) "Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags" single ((:commit . "a796053590012e6a15c8b527b521ffc15d137bd0") (:keywords "unicode" "symbols" "completion") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu" . "")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-nand2tetris . [(20171201 1813) ((nand2tetris (1 1 0)) (company (0 5)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Company backend for nand2tetris major mode" single ((:commit . "33acee34d24b1c6a87db833b7d23449cf858f64f") (:keywords "nand2tetris" "hdl" "company") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (company-native-complete . [(20200315 2144) ((emacs (25 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (native-complete (0 1 0))) "Company completion using native-complete" single ((:commit . "ccb5b52940a9374fbfe92947f0101e7254ba445d") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (company-native-complete . [(20200315 2144) ((emacs (25 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (native-complete (0 1 0))) "Company completion using native-complete" single ((:commit . "0f290514564d3733b35e4b48d70446c1a6eb4b41") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-nginx . [(20180604 2) ((emacs (24))) "company-mode keywords support for nginx-mode" single ((:commit . "3074a5d322562f36867ef67bffeb25f1c0d8aca9") (:keywords "company" "nginx") (:url . ""))])
(company-ngram . [(20170129 1913) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0))) "N-gram based completion" tar ((:commit . "09a68b802e64799e95f205b438d469bbd78cd2e6") (:authors ("kshramt")) (:maintainer "kshramt") (:url . ""))])
(company-nixos-options . [(20160215 857) ((company (0 8 0)) (nixos-options (0 0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Company Backend for nixos-options" single ((:commit . "977b9a505ffc8b33b70ec7742f90e469b3168297") (:keywords "unix") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (company-org-roam . [(20200403 614) ((emacs (26 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (dash (2 13)) (org-roam (1 0 0))) "Company backend for Org-roam" single ((:commit . "be645587aa51e764127dcbe49e70a13e618d4537") (:keywords "org-mode" "roam" "convenience") (:authors ("Jethro Kuan" . "")) (:maintainer "Jethro Kuan" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (company-php . [(20190424 222) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (ac-php-core (2 0)) (company (0 9))) "A company back-end for PHP." single ((:commit . "6ca9baaafd3a3e429429986cc59097dcbfa7cda2") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("jim" . "")) (:maintainer "jim") (:url . ""))])
+ (company-org-roam . [(20200509 1251) ((emacs (26 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (dash (2 13)) (org-roam (1 0 0))) "Company backend for Org-roam" single ((:commit . "3da3821d1736e0d05a042bd944b74ea1da4a021b") (:keywords "org-mode" "roam" "convenience") (:authors ("Jethro Kuan" . "")) (:maintainer "Jethro Kuan" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (company-php . [(20190424 222) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (ac-php-core (2 0)) (company (0 9))) "A company back-end for PHP." single ((:commit . "05dfe7a2a48978971bce2f3d21027262e3a33916") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:authors ("jim" . "")) (:maintainer "jim") (:url . ""))])
(company-phpactor . [(20200121 1218) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 9 6)) (phpactor (0 1 0))) "company-mode backend for Phpactor" single ((:commit . "860d7e8784b261ee71deba354d01c3038cd777ab") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:authors ("Martin Tang" . "") ("Mikael Kermorgant" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Tang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-plsense . [(20180118 58) ((company (0 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 12)) (emacs (24))) "Company backend for Perl" single ((:commit . "b48e3181e08ec597269621d621aa06636f02d883") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-pollen . [(20160812 1510) ((company (0 9 0)) (pollen-mode (1 0))) "company-mode completion backend for pollen" single ((:commit . "d0a33591498013886c2c4676e204cd684954e82a") (:keywords "languages" "pollen" "pollenpub" "company") (:authors ("Junsong Li <ljs.darkfish AT GMAIL>")) (:maintainer "Junsong Li") (:url . ""))])
(company-posframe . [(20200408 400) ((emacs (26 0)) (company (0 9 0)) (posframe (0 1 0))) "Use a posframe as company candidate menu" tar ((:commit . "9b59cd679c4396cbfe8118a9dfa8a5acfe038ac6") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel, Feng Shu, Lars Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (company-prescient . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (4 1)) (company (0 9 6))) "prescient.el + Company" single ((:commit . "0f4a89bdec61395138d968a38d375e63ccfbed63") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (company-prescient . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (4 1)) (company (0 9 6))) "prescient.el + Company" single ((:commit . "3ab7605d997fb8337bf5ded2ad960b98ac0e1fd7") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-qml . [(20170428 1708) ((qml-mode (0 1)) (company (0 8 12))) "Company backend for QML files" tar ((:commit . "4af4f32a7ad86d86bb9293fb0b675aec513b5736") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))])
(company-quickhelp . [(20180525 1003) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 9)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "Popup documentation for completion candidates" single ((:commit . "479676cade80a9f03802ca3d956591820ed5c537") (:keywords "company" "popup" "documentation" "quickhelp") (:authors ("Lars Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Lars Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-quickhelp-terminal . [(20200309 245) ((emacs (24 4)) (company-quickhelp (2 2 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Terminal support for `company-quickhelp'" single ((:commit . "0a7c86258b3069adbeb0889e21c6977390d00f4f") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-racer . [(20171205 310) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (deferred (0 3 1))) "Company integration for racer" single ((:commit . "a00381c9d416f375f783fcb6ae8d40669ce1f567") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-reftex . [(20181222 906) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12)) (company (0 8))) "Company backend based on RefTeX." single ((:commit . "275ef708f08d3bf0eb30632148e5c6184eeaacdb") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "company" "latex" "reftex" "references" "labels" "citations") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-restclient . [(20190426 1312) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24)) (know-your-http-well (0 2 0)) (restclient (0 0 0))) "company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode" single ((:commit . "e5a3ec54edb44776738c13e13e34c85b3085277b") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (company-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 1)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags back-end for company" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (company-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 1)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags back-end for company" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-shell . [(20170518 541) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Company mode backend for shell functions" single ((:commit . "52f3bf26b74adc30a275f5f4290a1fc72a6876ff") (:keywords "company" "shell" "auto-completion") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-solidity . [(20181117 1518) ((company (0 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (solidity-mode (0 1 9))) "Company-mode back-end for solidity-mode" single ((:commit . "022b3159832384a7dcdc2168809e698600826047") (:keywords "solidity" "completion" "company") (:authors ("Samuel Smolkin" . "")) (:maintainer "Samuel Smolkin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(company-sourcekit . [(20170126 1153) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 12 1)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (sourcekit (0 2 0))) "company-mode completion backend for SourceKit" single ((:commit . "abf9bc5a0102eb666d3aa6d6bf22f6efcc852781") (:keywords "abbrev") (:authors ("Nathan Kot" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathan Kot" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -605,18 +606,18 @@
(company-ycm . [(20140904 1817) ((ycm (0 1))) "company-ycm" single ((:commit . "4da8a14abcd0f4fa3235042ade2e12b5068c0601") (:keywords "abbrev") (:authors ("Ajay Gopinathan" . "")) (:maintainer "Ajay Gopinathan" . ""))])
(company-ycmd . [(20180520 1053) ((ycmd (1 3)) (company (0 9 3)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (f (0 19 0))) "company-mode backend for ycmd" single ((:commit . "bc81b992f79100c98f56b7b83caf64cb8ea60477") (:url . ""))])
(compdef . [(20200304 611) ((emacs (24 4))) "A local completion definer" single ((:commit . "30fb5846ed851efee641ce8c5d8879ad36cd7ac6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:url . ""))])
- (competitive-programming-snippets . [(20200213 1521) ((emacs (26)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Competitive Programming snippets for Yasnippet" tar ((:commit . "b0245fcbabf035d89b80150add5d6a47859ab555") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Seong Yong-ju" . "")) (:maintainer "Seong Yong-ju" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (completions-frame . [(20200419 2027) ((emacs (26 1))) "Show completions in child frame" single ((:commit . "2e726a497605752d7d57aaf0adf53178c1e9f7e4") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (competitive-programming-snippets . [(20200501 1205) ((emacs (26)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Competitive Programming snippets for Yasnippet" tar ((:commit . "22bbf4c5edcc895b67b9f22599f284655ca48858") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Seong Yong-ju" . "")) (:maintainer "Seong Yong-ju" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (completions-frame . [(20200507 1703) ((emacs (26 1))) "Show completions in child frame" single ((:commit . "192a70060d2a8710ca75aa2336a10c21a4d30eed") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
(composable . [(20190904 701) ((emacs (24 4))) "composable editing" tar ((:commit . "46f82d86c285ceba3e0e46adf993a98cd8816390") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Simon Friis Vindum" . "")) (:maintainer "Simon Friis Vindum" . ""))])
(composer . [(20200214 1119) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (s (1 9 0)) (f (0 17)) (request (0 2 0)) (seq (1 9)) (php-runtime (0 1 0))) "Interface to PHP Composer" single ((:commit . "8b4867e30efcdf10c6d9a74822aa281404377818") (:keywords "tools" "php" "dependency" "manager") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(comware-router-mode . [(20200106 2011) ((dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Comware configuration files" single ((:commit . "e6e2d9ca71a7a46c0e4ebeb30e4994c2a8b5fe0d") (:keywords "convenience" "faces") (:authors ("Davide Restivo" . "")) (:maintainer "Davide Restivo" . "") (:url . ""))])
(concurrent . [(20161229 330) ((emacs (24 3)) (deferred (0 5 0))) "Concurrent utility functions for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "2239671d94b38d92e9b28d4e12fd79814cfb9c16") (:keywords "deferred" "async" "concurrent") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>") (:url . ""))])
- (conda . [(20200420 1418) ((emacs (24 4)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 18 2))) "Work with your conda environments" single ((:commit . "f187948f7bda856befb54a08473c9aae3e595c8a") (:keywords "python" "environment" "conda") (:authors ("Rami Chowdhury" . "")) (:maintainer "Rami Chowdhury" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (conda . [(20200509 1836) ((emacs (24 4)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 18 2))) "Work with your conda environments" single ((:commit . "8dad784b75a42d1cb6f7a6b8a2c2e39f589727f9") (:keywords "python" "environment" "conda") (:authors ("Rami Chowdhury" . "")) (:maintainer "Rami Chowdhury" . "") (:url . ""))])
(config-general-mode . [(20171024 1840) nil "Config::General config file mode" single ((:commit . "b4a8e6ba0bb027a77e4a0f701409f3e57bb2e4c0") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("T.v.Dein" . "")) (:maintainer "T.v.Dein" . "") (:url . ""))])
(config-parser . [(20160426 1219) ((emacs (24 4))) "a library for parsing config file" single ((:commit . "85d559e7889d8f5b98b8794b79426ae25ec3caa5") (:keywords "convenience" "config") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "") (:url . ""))])
(confluence . [(20151021 128) ((xml-rpc (1 6 4))) "Emacs mode for interacting with confluence wikis" tar ((:commit . "4518d270a07760644c4204985c83d234ece4738b") (:keywords "confluence" "wiki" "xmlrpc") (:authors ("James Ahlborn")) (:maintainer "James Ahlborn") (:url . ""))])
(conkeror-minor-mode . [(20150114 1604) nil "Mode for editing conkeror javascript files." single ((:commit . "476e81c27b056e21c192391fe674a2bf875466b0") (:keywords "programming" "tools") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . ">")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . ">") (:url . ""))])
- (conllu-mode . [(20200430 2038) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (flycheck (30)) (hydra (0 13 0)) (s (1 0))) "editing mode for CoNLL-U files" tar ((:commit . "2d5f2fb740a24186d72aca2f8ff20e66480bf3a8") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("bruno cuconato" . "")) (:maintainer "bruno cuconato" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (conllu-mode . [(20200501 2328) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (flycheck (30)) (hydra (0 13 0)) (s (1 0))) "editing mode for CoNLL-U files" tar ((:commit . "0db3063572b0de08874822e20570bb153747e6ed") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("bruno cuconato" . "")) (:maintainer "bruno cuconato" . "") (:url . ""))])
(connection . [(20191111 446) nil "TCP-based client connection" single ((:commit . "c9cad101100975e88873636bfd426b7a19304ebd") (:keywords "network") (:authors ("Torsten Hilbrich" . "")) (:maintainer "Torsten Hilbrich" . ""))])
(constant-theme . [(20180921 1012) ((emacs (24 1))) "A calm, dark, almost monochrome color theme." tar ((:commit . "23543a09729569b566175abe1efbe774048d3fa8") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Jannis Pohlmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Jannis Pohlmann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(contextual . [(20180726 800) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 12 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Contextual profile management system" single ((:commit . "e3c0de4a2e06757a0e8407c3c6e75930026191e3") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Alexander Kahl" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Kahl" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -631,13 +632,13 @@
(corral . [(20160502 701) nil "Quickly surround text with delimiters" single ((:commit . "e7ab6aa118e46b93d4933d1364bc273f57cd6911") (:authors ("Kevin Liu" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Liu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cort . [(20200330 1641) ((emacs (24 0))) "Simplify extended unit test framework" single ((:commit . "eb94d2a5b3a048a495fb0218b2df9021f8c864f4") (:keywords "test" "lisp") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cosmo . [(20170922 744) ((emacs (24 4))) "Cosmological Calculator" single ((:commit . "dd83b09a49a2843606b28279b674b2207040b36b") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Francesco Montanari" . "")) (:maintainer "Francesco Montanari" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (counsel . [(20200430 2223) ((emacs (24 5)) (swiper (0 13 0))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "1bf5b98dc2a01ff4d3255e349cf32817ffaccea1") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (counsel . [(20200507 2247) ((emacs (24 5)) (swiper (0 13 0))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "84efa3a2cbb9c5b0bbcc8d2e90671434eed74f94") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-bbdb . [(20181128 1320) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivy" single ((:commit . "df2890deb73b09f8055243bd91942ea887d9b7a1") (:keywords "mail" "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Chen Bin < AT gmail>")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin < AT gmail>") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-codesearch . [(20180925 803) ((codesearch (1)) (counsel (0 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0))) "Counsel interface for codesearch.el" single ((:commit . "b7989fad3e06f301c31d5e896c42b6cc549a0e0c") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-css . [(20200331 632) ((emacs (24 4)) (counsel (0 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "stylesheet-selector-aware swiper" single ((:commit . "6427dfcbda0d2bbd81db03f9d6b56b06c260ac02") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "counsel" "swiper" "selector" "css" "less" "scss") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-dash . [(20200103 1411) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash-docs (1 4 0)) (counsel (0 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Browse dash docsets using Ivy" single ((:commit . "370d5f6f14b5294d0eb717f7b2a6a8e93df1ed24") (:keywords "dash" "ivy" "counsel") (:authors ("Nathan Kot" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathan Kot" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-etags . [(20200501 540) ((counsel (0 13 0))) "Fast and complete Ctags/Etags solution using ivy" tar ((:commit . "b03f02e7838199895a7b11cc8b2915f4746f1eba") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (counsel-fd . [(20200429 1447) ((counsel (0 12 0))) "counsel interface for fd" single ((:commit . "336177f51c4c0a247893e99469dd0ca23e031729") (:keywords "tools") (:url . ""))])
+ (counsel-fd . [(20200505 1344) ((counsel (0 12 0))) "counsel interface for fd" single ((:commit . "afba62f73d348cd7dfd10db039769788f5ae7ad4") (:keywords "tools") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-ffdata . [(20191017 1237) ((emacs (25 1)) (counsel (0 11 0)) (emacsql (3 0 0))) "Use ivy to access firefox data" single ((:commit . "88c2348c4039d9e562bd3d9a364708b01037c283") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "matching") (:authors ("Zhu Zihao" . "")) (:maintainer "Zhu Zihao" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-gtags . [(20200101 1701) ((emacs (25 1)) (counsel (0 8 0)) (seq (1 0))) "ivy for GNU global" single ((:commit . "5d2a8c2c2d358e374a576cf8a3a67f7997a8839b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") ("Felipe Lema" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(counsel-jq . [(20191207 1334) ((swiper (0 12 0)) (ivy (0 12 0)) (emacs (24 1))) "Live preview of \"jq\" queries using counsel" single ((:commit . "b14dfc5c18d991c3b3051c3cbb244d5923b3a327") (:keywords "convenience" "data" "matching") (:authors ("Alain M. Lafon" . "")) (:maintainer "Alain M. Lafon" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -688,7 +689,7 @@
(ctable . [(20171006 11) nil "Table component for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "b8830d1ca95abb100a81bc32011bd17d5ecba000") (:keywords "table") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>") (:url . ""))])
(ctags-update . [(20190609 613) nil "(auto) update TAGS in parent directory using exuberant-ctags" single ((:commit . "67faf248b92388442958a069263c62a345425a1b") (:keywords "exuberant-ctags" "etags") (:authors (nil . "Joseph(纪秀峰)")) (:maintainer nil . "Joseph(纪秀峰)") (:url . ""))])
(ctl-mode . [(20151202 1006) nil "Major mode for editing GrADS script files" single ((:commit . "1a13051db21b999c7682a015b33a03096ff9d891") (:keywords "grads" "script" "major-mode") (:authors ("Joe Wielgosz" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Wielgosz" . ""))])
- (ctrlf . [(20200417 1549) ((emacs (25 1))) "Emacs finally learns how to ctrl+F" single ((:commit . "97b59f1974ddcfcd9eedcf4c2d286a38f5200273") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ctrlf . [(20200417 1549) ((emacs (25 1))) "Emacs finally learns how to ctrl+F" single ((:commit . "0bf26a5688b7f34695310100dc8c28381bfafe34") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ctune . [(20190914 1305) ((emacs (26 1))) "Tune out CC Mode Noise Macros" tar ((:commit . "d7643461f5aa33cc04e4d808123e4ed1d85500ee") (:keywords "c" "convenience") (:authors ("Mauro Aranda" . "")) (:maintainer "Mauro Aranda" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ctxmenu . [(20140303 2142) ((popup (20140205 103)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "Provide a context menu like right-click." tar ((:commit . "5c2376859562b98c07c985d2b483658e4c0e888e") (:keywords "popup") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cubicaltt . [(20171108 1402) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Mode for cubical type theory" single ((:commit . "a5c6f94bfc0da84e214641e0b87aa9649ea114ea") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
@@ -705,7 +706,7 @@
(cycle-themes . [(20150403 309) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "A global minor mode to make switching themes easier" single ((:commit . "6e125d11fdbc6b78fc9f219eb2609a5e29815898") (:keywords "themes" "utility" "global minor mode") (:url . ""))])
(cyphejor . [(20190713 1339) ((emacs (24 4))) "Shorten major mode names using user-defined rules" single ((:commit . "78e3705cca65e1456ce26221690dca74c71735c1") (:keywords "mode-line" "major-mode") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(cypher-mode . [(20151110 1142) nil "major mode for editing cypher scripts" single ((:commit . "ce8543d7877c736c574a17b49874c9dcdc7a06d6") (:keywords "cypher" "graph") (:authors ("François-Xavier Bois <fxbois AT Google Mail Service>")) (:maintainer "François-Xavier Bois") (:url . ""))])
- (cython-mode . [(20190111 2150) nil "Major mode for editing Cython files" single ((:commit . "a487cdbdf8731f4a7eaf354d52983d6379e9f9ba"))])
+ (cython-mode . [(20190111 2150) nil "Major mode for editing Cython files" single ((:commit . "ee54de7957400fcf3b0040e57744dad5e52cb262"))])
(czech-holidays . [(20160113 1752) nil "Adds a list of Czech public holidays to Emacs calendar" single ((:commit . "d136fa09a152b3cd80db6d55c7b4ddfe07b90fbf") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("David Chkhikvadze" . "")) (:maintainer "David Chkhikvadze" . ""))])
(d-mode . [(20191009 903) ((emacs (24 3))) "D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs" single ((:commit . "cfd1d0869d51b7548b3fb738b2f2593c76533d44") (:keywords "d" "programming" "language" "emacs" "cc-mode") (:authors ("William Baxter")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . ""))])
(dactyl-mode . [(20140906 1725) nil "Major mode for editing Pentadactyl config files" single ((:commit . "cc55fe6b987271d9647492b8df4c812d884f661f") (:keywords "languages" "vim") (:url . ""))])
@@ -713,9 +714,9 @@
(daemons . [(20200421 912) ((emacs (25 1))) "UI for managing init system daemons (services)" tar ((:commit . "a26155d04cec399ffe25b88f71cbfa4ada784569") (:keywords "unix" "convenience") (:authors ("Chris Bowdon")) (:maintainer "Chris Bowdon") (:url . ""))])
(dakrone-light-theme . [(20170808 2140) nil "dakrone's custom light theme" single ((:commit . "06f198dc8b4ca7421990b30a23d89c8e0b8c5de4") (:keywords "color" "themes" "faces") (:authors ("Lee Hinman <lee _AT_>")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman <lee _AT_>") (:url . ""))])
(dakrone-theme . [(20170801 1933) nil "dakrone's custom dark theme" single ((:commit . "232ad1be5f3572dcbdf528f1655109aa355a6937") (:keywords "color" "themes") (:authors ("Lee Hinman <lee _AT_>")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman <lee _AT_>") (:url . ""))])
- (danneskjold-theme . [(20200223 1128) nil "Beautiful high-contrast Emacs theme." tar ((:commit . "c6776c5f40587429a4fd6e9c52008bb9242ef692"))])
+ (danneskjold-theme . [(20200507 2144) nil "Beautiful high-contrast Emacs theme." tar ((:commit . "06bcd1c00397a528cf8863b08e93e9a4b1032a57"))])
(dante . [(20200416 1217) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0 19 0)) (flycheck (0 30)) (company (0 9)) (haskell-mode (13 14)) (s (1 11 0)) (lcr (1 0))) "Development mode for Haskell" single ((:commit . "7411904bfbde25cdb986e001ec682593dcb7c5e3") (:keywords "haskell" "tools") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (dap-mode . [(20200430 1639) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (bui (1 1 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1))) "Debug Adapter Protocol mode" tar ((:commit . "04d7e967f21a0ab1e2223e528baf55fe5b663882") (:keywords "languages" "debug") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (dap-mode . [(20200505 426) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (bui (1 1 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1))) "Debug Adapter Protocol mode" tar ((:commit . "cc2eb2fc1b2958ef01dad8c004d2f3bc4dc38bc3") (:keywords "languages" "debug") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "") (:url . ""))])
(darcsum . [(20190316 2215) nil "a pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches" single ((:commit . "6a8b690539d133c5e3d17cb23fe4365fbb6fb493") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . ""))])
(darcula-theme . [(20171227 1845) nil "Inspired by IntelliJ's Darcula theme" single ((:commit . "d9b82b58ded9014985be6658f4ab17e26ed9e93e") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Sam Halliday" . "")) (:maintainer "Sam Halliday" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dark-krystal-theme . [(20170808 1300) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Dark Krystal (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "79084b99665dc9ffb0ec62cc092349a5ecebebbc") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
@@ -775,7 +776,7 @@
(dfmt . [(20170728 1023) nil "Emacs Interface to D indenting/formatting tool dfmt." single ((:commit . "21b9094e907b7ac53f5ecb4ff4539613a9d12434") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "languages" "dlang") (:authors ("Per Nordlöw")) (:maintainer "Kirill Babikhin <qsimpleq>") (:url . ""))])
(dhall-mode . [(20191006 2324) ((emacs (24 4)) (reformatter (0 3))) "a major mode for dhall configuration language" single ((:commit . "ef4d33debe224c6ba37e51a29b9dc8b74f20f1c2") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Sibi Prabakaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Sibi Prabakaran" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dianyou . [(20191120 39) ((emacs (24 4))) "Search and analyze mails in Gnus" single ((:commit . "da7443a680bd8db75884355314e9352cd8c68d05") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>") (:url . ""))])
- (diary-manager . [(20200404 1549) ((emacs (25))) "Simple personal diary" single ((:commit . "6d9b86faecb2ab7c2e1eb90dcf7bffdf70804470") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (diary-manager . [(20200404 1549) ((emacs (25))) "Simple personal diary" single ((:commit . "2850e8f27662eb1e8a34425b3032a361a5c989cc") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dic-lookup-w3m . [(20180526 1621) ((w3m (20120723 324)) (stem (20120826))) "look up dictionaries on the Internet" tar ((:commit . "3254ab10cbf0078c7162557dd1f68dac28459cf9") (:keywords "emacs-w3m" "w3m" "dictionary") (:authors ("mcprvmec")) (:maintainer "mcprvmec"))])
(dictcc . [(20200421 1422) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ivy (0 10 0))) "Look up translations on" single ((:commit . "3950011197ba81f27cc82b4e6075c9100945f936") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Marten Lienen" . "")) (:maintainer "Marten Lienen" . ""))])
(dictionary . [(20191111 446) ((connection (1 11)) (link (1 11))) "Client for rfc2229 dictionary servers" single ((:commit . "c9cad101100975e88873636bfd426b7a19304ebd") (:keywords "interface" "dictionary") (:authors ("Torsten Hilbrich" . "")) (:maintainer "Torsten Hilbrich" . ""))])
@@ -786,14 +787,14 @@
(diffscuss-mode . [(20141014 2357) nil "Major mode for diffscuss files." single ((:commit . "e0aacd8b3d9f886f27222c1397f0655e849e0af7") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Edmund Jorgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Edmund Jorgensen" . ""))])
(diffview . [(20150929 511) nil "View diffs in side-by-side format" single ((:commit . "031b70913e755c5e55222680f80185032a7d1728") (:keywords "convenience" "diff") (:authors ("Mitchel Humpherys" . "")) (:maintainer "Mitchel Humpherys" . "") (:url . ""))])
(digistar-mode . [(20200322 2109) nil "major mode for Digistar scripts" single ((:commit . "567fff3933f80f00f53610e7b08f75bb636b12c0") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("John Foerch" . "")) (:maintainer "John Foerch" . ""))])
- (digit-groups . [(20160817 226) ((dash (2 11 0))) "Highlight place-value positions in numbers" single ((:commit . "ee1d6de372600cb9e1aa481b7ed0eb7ca37c5246") (:authors ("Michael D. Adams <>")) (:maintainer "Michael D. Adams <>") (:url . ""))])
+ (digit-groups . [(20200506 37) ((dash (2 11 0))) "Highlight place-value positions in numbers" single ((:commit . "7b81930cad19b8b7913b7eedbcb498964bfdcbdb") (:authors ("Michael D. Adams <>")) (:maintainer "Michael D. Adams <>") (:url . ""))])
(digitalocean . [(20190607 726) ((request (2 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets" single ((:commit . "6c32d3593286e2a62d9afab0057c829407b0d1e8") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Oliver Marks" . "")) (:maintainer "Oliver Marks" . "") (:url . ""))])
(digitalocean-helm . [(20180610 746) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (2 5)) (digitalocean (0 1))) "Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets" single ((:commit . "b125c9882eded7d73ec109d152b26625f333440b") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Oliver Marks" . "")) (:maintainer "Oliver Marks" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dim . [(20160818 949) ((emacs (24 4))) "Change mode-line names of major/minor modes" single ((:commit . "5515f2e8657ef14adcc34aa5b05383a2684328ae") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dim-autoload . [(20200103 1239) nil "dim or hide autoload cookie lines" single ((:commit . "c8dc02259d6c1aa25fb58742ae8b181f83b39a13") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(diminish . [(20191127 1326) ((emacs (24 3))) "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" single ((:commit . "6ec6ebc391371418efc6c98d70b013f34af5a2ee") (:keywords "extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") (:authors ("Will Mengarini" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Yrjölä" . "") (:url . ""))])
(diminish-buffer . [(20190921 1647) ((emacs (24 4))) "Diminish (hide) buffers from buffer-menu." single ((:commit . "0b1262f947b3ce03dca17879caec808a7d091bf4") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (dimmer . [(20200329 35) ((emacs (25 1))) "Visually highlight the selected buffer" single ((:commit . "5298af739ce30bacadda892b620858b95709c84b") (:keywords "faces" "editing") (:authors ("Neil Okamoto")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto") (:url . ""))])
+ (dimmer . [(20200509 1718) ((emacs (25 1))) "Visually highlight the selected buffer" single ((:commit . "4abe51533a972910f9012029a47b533878ec682e") (:keywords "faces" "editing") (:authors ("Neil Okamoto")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto") (:url . ""))])
(dionysos . [(20160810 1056) ((libmpdee (2 1 0)) (alert (1 2)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Dionysos, a music player for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "0aac21caadabc5a7f09e18a9dcb02f3dec26588b") (:keywords "music") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dircmp . [(20141204 1756) nil "Compare and sync directories." tar ((:commit . "558ee0b601c2de9d247612085aafe2926f56a09f") (:keywords "unix" "tools") (:authors ("Matt McClure --")) (:maintainer "Matt McClure --") (:url . ""))])
(dired-atool . [(20181228 1422) ((emacs (24))) "Pack/unpack files with atool on dired." single ((:commit . "09dbb769fe02f546da470369a12468ab4a0cceb2") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -811,7 +812,7 @@
(dired-icon . [(20170223 526) ((emacs (24 3))) "A minor mode to display a list of associated icons in dired buffers." tar ((:commit . "f60e10757a5011235b519231ad35974ff25963ed") (:keywords "dired" "files") (:authors ("Hong Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hong Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dired-imenu . [(20140109 1610) nil "imenu binding for dired mode" single ((:commit . "610e21fe0988c85931d34894d3eee2442c79ab0a") (:keywords "dired" "imenu") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dired-k . [(20200322 2035) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight dired by size, date, git status" tar ((:commit . "1f90cf6ac932ad30ccfefec27ea7e514c24ab335") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (dired-launch . [(20200403 308) nil "Use dired as a launcher" single ((:commit . "6e5d26ca859f7af624351ba2af6b1be83982053b") (:keywords "dired" "launch") (:authors ("David Thompson")) (:maintainer "David Thompson") (:url . ""))])
+ (dired-launch . [(20200430 1625) nil "Use dired as a launcher" single ((:commit . "95a411f6d4bb5eec4ef8fdbba9f038ddf60da81f") (:keywords "dired" "launch") (:authors ("David Thompson")) (:maintainer "David Thompson") (:url . ""))])
(dired-narrow . [(20181114 1723) ((dash (2 7 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Live-narrowing of search results for dired" single ((:commit . "f49a8bbf95f70671a74a24f7f4de453b2686be46") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . ""))])
(dired-open . [(20180922 1113) ((dash (2 5 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Open files from dired using using custom actions" single ((:commit . "f49a8bbf95f70671a74a24f7f4de453b2686be46") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . ""))])
(dired-quick-sort . [(20161208 2112) ((hydra (0 13 0))) "Persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways." single ((:commit . "1845f978d313f750a5b70b832457ed803c4ffbdb") (:keywords "convenience" "files") (:authors ("Hong Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hong Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -847,7 +848,7 @@
(dist-file-mode . [(20180830 418) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (s (1 9 0))) "Dispatch major mode for *.dist files" single ((:commit . "e1ce8f592bc5d4d86d2f09e334728ac0d524c761") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(distel-completion-lib . [(20180827 1344) nil "Completion library for Erlang/Distel" single ((:commit . "acc4c0a5521904203d797fe96b08e5fae4233c7e") (:keywords "erlang" "distel" "completion") (:authors ("Sebastian Weddmark Olsson")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Weddmark Olsson") (:url . ""))])
(distinguished-theme . [(20151216 2015) nil "A dark and elegant theme for emacs." single ((:commit . "9b1d25ac59465a5016d187ea84b7614c95a29b3b") (:authors ("Kim Silkebækken" . "")) (:maintainer "Kim Silkebækken" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ditz-mode . [(20150729 940) nil "Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system" single ((:commit . "beac4c1f3b7ef82014bb77ad8752dace482897da") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Glenn Hutchings" . "")) (:maintainer "Glenn Hutchings" . ""))])
+ (ditz-mode . [(20150729 940) nil "Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system" single ((:commit . "74b6b93b097d595a001c019e3b762abfc60f821a") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Glenn Hutchings" . "")) (:maintainer "Glenn Hutchings" . ""))])
(dix . [(20200108 1057) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Apertium XML editing minor mode" tar ((:commit . "391832823f3f9835d957bc0224e122b376e5d825") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dix-evil . [(20170105 1423) ((dix (0 3 0)) (evil (1 0 7))) "optional evil-integration with dix.el" single ((:commit . "391832823f3f9835d957bc0224e122b376e5d825") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dizzee . [(20171201 916) nil "A more pleasant way to manage your project's subprocesses in Emacs." tar ((:commit . "e3cf1c2ea5d0fc00747524b6f3c5b905d0a8c8e1"))])
@@ -856,7 +857,7 @@
(django-mode . [(20170522 714) ((projectile (0)) (s (0)) (helm-make (0))) "Major mode for Django web framework." tar ((:commit . "a71b8dd984e7f724b8321246e5c353a4ae5c986e") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Greg V" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg V" . ""))])
(django-snippets . [(20131229 1611) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for django" tar ((:commit . "a71b8dd984e7f724b8321246e5c353a4ae5c986e") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))])
(django-theme . [(20131022 902) nil "Custom face theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "86c8142b3eb1addd94a43aa6f1d98dab06401af0") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))])
- (djangonaut . [(20180727 1544) ((emacs (25 2)) (magit-popup (2 6 0)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Minor mode to interact with Django projects" single ((:commit . "3e154709def09020a9b9eb29d330fb1f833a8250") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (djangonaut . [(20200503 921) ((emacs (25 2)) (magit-popup (2 6 0)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Minor mode to interact with Django projects" single ((:commit . "75f642114e3997308a1e7e67c3025738cecee0fe") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(djinni-mode . [(20190303 139) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major-mode for editing Djinni files." single ((:commit . "6f84bc60d078725cc8b922a259ec5f4c7de83681") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Daniel Martín" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Martín" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dkdo . [(20131110 1119) ((dkmisc (0 50)) (emacs (24 1))) "Do List major mode based on org-mode." tar ((:commit . "fd6bb105e8331fafb6385c5238c988c4c5bbe2da"))])
(dkl . [(20161005 7) nil "Display keyboard layout." tar ((:commit . "6b4584f86037bda3383960c678d51f340229fb91") (:keywords "input" "keyboard" "layout") (:authors ("Alexis" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexis" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -866,20 +867,20 @@
(dna-mode . [(20191001 2108) nil "a major mode for editing dna sequences" tar ((:commit . "7a48393fcf0015eed2368fcb89b3091c9d029dc4") (:keywords "dna" "emacs" "editing") (:authors ("Harley Gorrell" . "")) (:maintainer "Harley Gorrell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(docbook-snippets . [(20150714 1625) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for DocBook" tar ((:commit . "b06297fdec039a541aaa6312cb328a11062cfab4") (:keywords "snippets" "docbook") (:authors ("Jaromir Hradilek" . "")) (:maintainer "Jaromir Hradilek" . "") (:url . ""))])
(docean . [(20180605 1744) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2 0))) "Interact with DigitalOcean from Emacs." single ((:commit . "bbe2298fd21f7876fc2d5c52a69b931ff59df979") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (docker . [(20200421 822) ((dash (2 14 1)) (docker-tramp (0 1)) (emacs (24 5)) (json-mode (1 7 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (tablist (0 70)) (transient (0 1 0))) "Emacs interface to Docker" tar ((:commit . "08745207332d940130a2357eb5c5e00fd88bd6af") (:keywords "filename" "convenience") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (docker . [(20200508 1956) ((dash (2 14 1)) (docker-tramp (0 1)) (emacs (24 5)) (json-mode (1 7 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (tablist (0 70)) (transient (0 1 0))) "Emacs interface to Docker" tar ((:commit . "01a04d0a295f3396833d0b6fa60cf24d52e1a89f") (:keywords "filename" "convenience") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))])
(docker-api . [(20160525 720) ((dash (2 12 1)) (request (0 2 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Emacs interface to the Docker API" tar ((:commit . "206144346b7fa4165223349cfeb64a75d47ddd1b") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))])
(docker-cli . [(20190524 1624) nil "Running various commands in docker containers" single ((:commit . "c4b02894466d8642ad3d49df4c4a80e023a672aa") (:keywords "processes") (:authors ("Boško Ivanišević" . "")) (:maintainer "Boško Ivanišević" . "") (:url . ""))])
(docker-compose-mode . [(20180324 1752) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (yaml-mode (0 0 12))) "Major mode for editing docker-compose files" single ((:commit . "c9f131d2c90d652435d407fd36c40feebfed1dad") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Ricardo Martins")) (:maintainer "Ricardo Martins") (:url . ""))])
(docker-tramp . [(20170207 325) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "TRAMP integration for docker containers" tar ((:commit . "8e2b671eff7a81af43b76d9dfcf94ddaa8333a23") (:keywords "docker" "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dockerfile-mode . [(20200106 2126) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 12))) "Major mode for editing Docker's Dockerfiles" single ((:commit . "d31f7685ebc5832d957e25070a930aa42984327d") (:url . ""))])
- (doct . [(20200429 1244) ((emacs (25 1))) "DOCT: Declarative Org capture templates" single ((:commit . "4b4c6ff6313ceb0ac9333e078b3873b8d3c6d93a") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:authors ("Nicholas Vollmer" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicholas Vollmer" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (doct . [(20200504 2258) ((emacs (25 1))) "DOCT: Declarative Org capture templates" single ((:commit . "992d14ca51ccc1e27c9c4a09f89b072cd6cb3fe3") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:authors ("Nicholas Vollmer" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicholas Vollmer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dokuwiki . [(20180102 59) ((emacs (24 3)) (xml-rpc (1 6 8))) "Edit Remote DokuWiki Pages Using XML-RPC" single ((:commit . "594c4d4904dcc2796bbbd2c0845d9e7c09ccf6f7") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Juan Karlo Licudine" . "")) (:maintainer "Juan Karlo Licudine" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dokuwiki-mode . [(20170223 1301) nil "Major mode for DokuWiki document" single ((:commit . "e4e116f6fcc373e3f5937c1a7daa5c2c9c6d3fa1") (:keywords "hypermedia" "text" "dokuwiki") (:authors ("Tsunenobu Kai" . "")) (:maintainer "Tsunenobu Kai" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dollaro . [(20151123 1302) ((s (1 6 0))) "simple text templates" single ((:commit . "500127f0172ac7a1eec627e026b59136580a74ac") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Alessandro Piras" . "")) (:maintainer "Alessandro Piras" . ""))])
(doneburn-theme . [(20181110 1857) nil "A light theme based on Bozhidar Batsov's Zenburn" single ((:commit . "da4fa915a2a659001eea04498d790cdd8cac1fce") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "") (:url . ""))])
(doom . [(20180301 2308) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "DOM implementation and manipulation library" single ((:commit . "e59040aefc92dd9b3134eb623624307fb9e4327b") (:keywords "xml" "dom") (:authors ("Alex Schroeder" . "") ("Henrik.Motakef" . "") ("Katherine Whitlock" . "") ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Schroeder") (:url . ""))])
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+ (doom-modeline . [(20200502 434) ((emacs (25 1)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0)) (shrink-path (0 2 0)) (dash (2 11 0))) "A minimal and modern mode-line" tar ((:commit . "df56aad083243124cbd346c1b9ae38b5ebdd2340") (:keywords "faces" "mode-line") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (doom-themes . [(20200507 524) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes" tar ((:commit . "34f181c290d2c9fb9628e4ec85c16e633931ede1") (:keywords "dark" "light" "blue" "atom" "one" "theme" "neotree" "icons" "faces" "nova") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner <http://github/hlissner>")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dot-mode . [(20180312 2300) ((emacs (24 3))) "minor mode to repeat typing or commands" single ((:commit . "6ca22b73bcdae2363ee9641b822a60685df16a3e") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Robert Wyrick" . "")) (:maintainer "Robert Wyrick" . "") (:url . ""))])
(dotenv-mode . [(20191027 2129) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for .env files" single ((:commit . "e3701bf739bde44f6484eb7753deadaf691b73fb") (:authors ("Preetpal S. Sohal")) (:maintainer "Preetpal S. Sohal") (:url . ""))])
(dotnet . [(20190415 1237) nil "Interact with dotnet CLI tool" single ((:commit . "932d776ed739d20d57dbd6ba49f61d1b450571fc") (:keywords ".net" "tools") (:authors ("Julien BLANCHARD" . "")) (:maintainer "Julien BLANCHARD" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -908,7 +909,7 @@
(dumb-diff . [(20171211 2122) ((emacs (24 3))) "fast arbitrary diffs" single ((:commit . "1a2331d283049b71a07c1b06b1e0627a950d55f4") (:keywords "programming" "diff") (:authors ("jack angers")) (:maintainer "jack angers"))])
(dumb-jump . [(20200423 1658) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Jump to definition for 40+ languages without configuration" single ((:commit . "d760aa880fc1052570ab0fd7e586eeffb7636af6") (:keywords "programming") (:authors ("jack angers and contributors")) (:maintainer "jack angers and contributors") (:url . ""))])
(dummyparens . [(20141009 1024) nil "parenthesis auto-pairing and wrapping" single ((:commit . "9798ef1d0eaa24e4fe66f8aa6022a8c62714cc89") (:keywords "dummyparens" "auto-pair" "wrapping") (:authors ("Sergei Nosov <sergei.nosov [at]>")) (:maintainer "Sergei Nosov <sergei.nosov [at]>") (:url . ""))])
- (dune . [(20191016 1241) nil "Integration with the dune build system" tar ((:commit . "77ed8ab727ca3c3cfce9797f6e171012de891028") (:url . ""))])
+ (dune . [(20191016 1241) nil "Integration with the dune build system" tar ((:commit . "f6ef0be50be932a89d683f643ae94e97ef77cf91") (:url . ""))])
(duplicate-thing . [(20181031 1500) nil "Duplicate current line & selection" single ((:commit . "9d8fd05e3e5caa35d3f2a0c0032c92f0c0908e21") (:keywords "convenience" "command" "duplicate" "line" "selection") (:authors ("ongaeshi")) (:maintainer "ongaeshi") (:url . ""))])
(dut-mode . [(20170729 2111) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for the Dut programming language" single ((:commit . "9235c7acaa6690942e9de8b7acd1e4be0c859dc1") (:keywords "languages" "gut") (:authors ("The dut-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The dut-mode Authors") (:url . ""))])
(dyalog-mode . [(20200301 1149) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing Dyalog APL source code" tar ((:commit . "5dceeefaed6fbedb680bb6cc9aba14fb5f890310") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Joakim Hårsman" . "")) (:maintainer "Joakim Hårsman" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -929,7 +930,7 @@
(easy-after-load . [(20170817 1231) nil "eval-after-load for all files in a directory" single ((:commit . "29e20145da49ac9ea40463c552130777408040de") (:authors ("Kyle Hargraves")) (:maintainer "Kyle Hargraves") (:url . ""))])
(easy-escape . [(20161209 1544) nil "Improve readability of escape characters in regular expressions" single ((:commit . "a6449f22cb97160ee1c90121968de89e193268df") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Clément Pit--Claudel" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit--Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(easy-hugo . [(20200427 1901) ((emacs (25 1)) (popup (0 5 3)) (request (0 3 0))) "Write blogs made with hugo by markdown or org-mode" single ((:commit . "9e923e32f21134bb89196a169f5a3f2aecfe45cb") (:authors ("Masashi Miyaura")) (:maintainer "Masashi Miyaura") (:url . ""))])
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+ (easy-jekyll . [(20200506 117) ((emacs (25 1)) (request (0 3 0))) "Major mode managing jekyll blogs" single ((:commit . "d114ed4ef4470ea429d2dd291a409bc406d0dda0") (:authors ("Masashı Mıyaura")) (:maintainer "Masashı Mıyaura") (:url . ""))])
(easy-kill . [(20181114 2330) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "kill & mark things easily" single ((:commit . "2a6309d98aa6b71df6bbbcdf15cab3187c521a6b") (:keywords "killing" "convenience") (:authors ("Leo Liu" . "")) (:maintainer "Leo Liu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(easy-kill-extras . [(20180920 1334) ((easy-kill (0 9 4))) "Extra functions for easy-kill." tar ((:commit . "b8ce8350cc86e0229f195082557970cd51def960") (:keywords "killing" "convenience") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(easy-repeat . [(20150516 848) ((emacs (24 4))) "Repeat easily" single ((:commit . "060f0e6801c82c40c06961dc0528a00e18947a8c") (:keywords "repeat" "convenience") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -938,7 +939,7 @@
(ebib . [(20200419 2017) ((parsebib (2 3)) (emacs (25 1))) "a BibTeX database manager" tar ((:commit . "87920ab793e6e854903eb101b80a0746f588dab6") (:keywords "text" "bibtex") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ebuku . [(20200427 1143) ((emacs (25 1))) "Interface to the buku Web bookmark manager" single ((:commit . "9e1878810eaaaa55885d4cbcd6968566e4e3f7a8") (:keywords "bookmarks" "buku" "data" "web" "www") (:authors ("Alexis <>, Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ecb . [(20170728 1921) nil "a code browser for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "1330a44cf3c171781083b0b926ab7622f64e6e81") (:keywords "browser" "code" "programming" "tools") (:authors ("Jesper Nordenberg" . "") ("Klaus Berndl" . "") ("Kevin A. Burton" . "")) (:maintainer "Klaus Berndl" . ""))])
- (eclim . [(20181108 1134) ((dash (2 11 0)) (json (1 2)) (popup (0 5 2)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 10 0))) "An interface to the Eclipse IDE." tar ((:commit . "23f5b294f833ce58516d7b9ae08a7792d70022a1"))])
+ (eclim . [(20181108 1134) ((dash (2 11 0)) (json (1 2)) (popup (0 5 2)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 10 0))) "An interface to the Eclipse IDE." tar ((:commit . "222ddd48fcf0ee01592dec77c58e0cf3f2ea1100"))])
(eclipse-theme . [(20191113 1518) nil "Theme based on Eclipse circa 2010" single ((:commit . "dcf97865512ed450f9d5137c1a05e12edb5b7f80") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ecukes . [(20190822 2127) ((commander (0 6 1)) (espuds (0 2 2)) (ansi (0 3 0)) (dash (2 2 0)) (s (1 8 0)) (f (0 11 0))) "Cucumber for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "d835ce619a8f0057a133c08060af4b026e1c9359"))])
(edbi . [(20160225 141) ((concurrent (0 3 1)) (ctable (0 1 2)) (epc (0 1 1))) "Emacs Database Interface" tar ((:commit . "6f50aaf4bde75255221f2292c7a4ad3fa9d918c0"))])
@@ -968,24 +969,24 @@
(egalgo . [(20190706 1611) ((dash (2 14)) (emacs (24))) "Genetic algorithm for Emacs" single ((:commit . "e683b16ed4265ddb46efcc8cbf9503301cc39e22") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("ROCKTAKEY" . "")) (:maintainer "ROCKTAKEY" . "") (:url . ""))])
(egg . [(20181126 500) nil "Emacs Got Git - Emacs interface to Git" tar ((:commit . "00e768a78ac3d25f457eed667d02cac568480bf9") (:keywords "git" "version control" "release management") (:authors ("Bogolisk" . "")) (:maintainer "Bogolisk" . ""))])
(egg-timer . [(20200217 1650) ((emacs (25 1))) "Commonly used intervals for setting timers while working" single ((:commit . "e3542aeb80905956b94373a222a9cbac04e6497e") (:authors ("William Carroll" . "")) (:maintainer "William Carroll" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (egison-mode . [(20200107 2333) nil "Egison editing mode" tar ((:commit . "e96a63a75e2fa2685346b2402dae5321b1f93def") (:authors ("Satoshi Egi" . "")) (:maintainer "Satoshi Egi" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (eglot . [(20200507 2251) ((emacs (26 1)) (jsonrpc (1 0 9)) (flymake (1 0 8))) "Client for Language Server Protocol (LSP) servers" single ((:commit . "bb51d47dd6e59e5bef1bfb393a39a73a7811d0ee") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:authors ("João Távora" . "")) (:maintainer "João Távora" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (eglot-jl . [(20200508 1552) ((emacs (25 1)) (eglot (1 4)) (julia-mode (0 3))) "Julia support for eglot" tar ((:commit . "65c70b8203684a34de16868583e2424de41b9ab6") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:authors ("Adam Beckmeyer" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Beckmeyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ego . [(20180301 104) ((emacs (24 5)) (ht (1 5)) (mustache (0 22)) (htmlize (1 47)) (org (8 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (simple-httpd (1 4 5))) "a static site generator based on org mode, forked from org-page." tar ((:commit . "719809679c1a60887735db41abae53b61f08ef59"))])
- (eide . [(20200419 2126) nil "IDE interface" tar ((:commit . "827f29b9fd8e20e2e460cffc67a8f9ac9623c450"))])
+ (eide . [(20200507 2238) nil "IDE interface" tar ((:commit . "f5f858e238c279a134d34a4ff334428dd811ca07"))])
(eimp . [(20120826 2039) nil "Emacs Image Manipulation Package" single ((:commit . "2e7536fe6d8f7faf1bad7a8ae37faba0162c3b4f") (:keywords "files" "frames") (:authors ("Matthew P. Hodges" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . ""))])
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+ (ein . [(20200508 1712) ((emacs (25)) (websocket (20190620)) (anaphora (20180618)) (request (20200117)) (deferred (0 5)) (polymode (20190714)) (exec-path-from-shell (20191229)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Emacs IPython Notebook" tar ((:commit . "e39a48334607cacd42011f21fa56ebf291258a1b"))])
(ein-mumamo . [(20150302 28) ((ein (0 4))) "Multiple major mode support for Emacs IPython Notebook" single ((:commit . "028fefec499598add1a87b92ed991891f38f0c7b") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>") (": John Miller <millejoh at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>"))])
(eink-theme . [(20190219 858) nil "E Ink color theme" single ((:commit . "326b07523dcb076d6209cdbc7fdbb73df296dbdb") (:authors ("Marian Schubert" . "")) (:maintainer "Marian Schubert" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (ejc-sql . [(20200502 36) ((emacs (26 3)) (clomacs (0 0 4)) (dash (2 16 0)) (auto-complete (1 5 1)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (direx (1 0 0))) "Emacs SQL client uses Clojure JDBC." tar ((:commit . "4aca86cea6b3120b10af52eab26cefdef2965574") (:keywords "sql" "jdbc") (:authors ("Kostafey" . "")) (:maintainer "Kostafey" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ejson-mode . [(20190720 2138) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for editing ejson files." single ((:commit . "9630dfac9549779711dbe89e621f516bb4b3a354") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Dante Catalfamo")) (:maintainer "Dante Catalfamo") (:url . ""))])
(el-autoyas . [(20120918 1317) nil "Automatically create Emacs-Lisp Yasnippets" tar ((:commit . "bde0251ecb504f585dfa27c205c8e312655310cc") (:keywords "emacs" "lisp" "mode" "yasnippet") (:authors ("Matthew L. Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler") (:url . ""))])
(el-fly-indent-mode . [(20180422 243) ((emacs (25))) "Indent Emacs Lisp on the fly" single ((:commit . "4917f486a7be7482dedfea0a7ac3d01cab4ce21c") (:keywords "lisp" "languages") (:authors ("Jiahao Li" . "")) (:maintainer "Jiahao Li" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (el-get . [(20181006 225) nil "Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon" tar ((:commit . "3f746410a9024af60a1368d02c2c0d9edd93ab66") (:keywords "emacs" "package" "elisp" "install" "elpa" "git" "git-svn" "bzr" "cvs" "svn" "darcs" "hg" "apt-get" "fink" "pacman" "http" "http-tar" "emacswiki") (:authors ("Dimitri Fontaine" . "")) (:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "") (:url . ""))])
(el-init . [(20150728 920) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (anaphora (1 0 0))) "A loader inspired by init-loader" single ((:commit . "65c48ec47fea84d16ff2d1ef7015b4d220fcf5ff") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(el-init-viewer . [(20150303 828) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ctable (0 1 2)) (dash (2 10 0)) (anaphora (1 0 0)) (el-init (0 1 4))) "Record viewer for el-init" single ((:commit . "8a2ab457586962bde0da2a1c56a37ce6363ae690") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(el-mock . [(20170824 1954) nil "Tiny Mock and Stub framework in Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "5df1d3a956544f1d3ad0bcd81daf47fff33ab8cc") (:keywords "lisp" "testing" "unittest") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (el-patch . [(20200404 1548) ((emacs (25))) "Future-proof your Elisp" single ((:commit . "46d22e7dfc7f9d8e9cbf5042d365f60b1fc7da0f") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(el-pocket . [(20170922 1249) ((web (0 5 2)) (emacs (24))) "Read and write to Pocket (" single ((:commit . "a80abfb67efe68ada1d7d0a73aecee57e763baaa") (:keywords "emacs" "pocket" "bookmarks") (:authors ("Tod Davies" . "")) (:maintainer "Tod Davies" . "") (:url . ""))])
(el-spec . [(20121018 704) nil "ruby's rspec like syntax test frame work" single ((:commit . "1dbc465401d4aea5560318c4f13ff30920a0718d") (:keywords "test") (:authors ("Yuuki Arisawa" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuuki Arisawa" . "") (:url . ""))])
(el-spice . [(20180128 1721) nil "Extra spice for emacs lisp programming" tar ((:commit . "4e0852ebf5d8e9cbb3eaaa6ae9c53d126b53f58c") (:keywords "languages" "extensions") (:authors ("Vedang Manerikar" . "")) (:maintainer "Vedang Manerikar" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -998,7 +999,7 @@
(elcontext . [(20180526 1304) ((ht (2 3)) (hydra (0 14 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (osx-location (0 4)) (uuidgen (0 3))) "Create context specific actions" tar ((:commit . "f434ffc655e6349a4dd52285ff68a9194bcfc949") (:keywords "calendar" "convenience") (:authors ("Thomas Sojka")) (:maintainer "Thomas Sojka") (:url . ""))])
(elcord . [(20200322 2027) ((emacs (25))) "Allows you to integrate Rich Presence from Discord" tar ((:commit . "94b0afb9bac32fa72354517347646166d6bec986") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("heatingdevice") ("Wilfredo Velázquez-Rodríguez" . "")) (:maintainer "heatingdevice") (:url . ""))])
(elcouch . [(20190820 1641) ((emacs (25 1)) (json-mode (1 0 0)) (libelcouch (0 9 0)) (navigel (0 3 0))) "View and manipulate CouchDB databases" single ((:commit . "8e1b7ddec91ae863c3951776a0fcbfead8ca7a80") (:keywords "data" "tools") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (eldev . [(20200509 1002) ((emacs (24 4))) "Elisp Development Tool" tar ((:commit . "bc5f1316b8f430dc18d8422a21fb7ea540ab0a47") (:keywords "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Paul Pogonyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul Pogonyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eldoc-box . [(20200316 1956) ((emacs (26 1))) "Display documentation in childframe" single ((:commit . "c1a1b77ec0c7fff9ecf7122d10dcd16eebcd3829") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuan Fu" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(eldoc-eval . [(20190423 1858) nil "Enable eldoc support when minibuffer is in use." single ((:commit . "a67fe3637378dcb6c5f9e140acc8131f0d2346b3") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . ""))])
@@ -1012,7 +1013,7 @@
(elfeed . [(20200209 1942) ((emacs (24 3))) "an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader" tar ((:commit . "d0405e63863e54a01200740a6717ac875eceabc1"))])
(elfeed-goodies . [(20190128 1631) ((popwin (1 0 0)) (powerline (2 2)) (elfeed (2 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (noflet (0 0 10)) (ace-jump-mode (2 0))) "Elfeed goodies" tar ((:commit . "95b4ea632fbd5960927952ec8f3394eb88da4752") (:authors ("Gergely Nagy")) (:maintainer "Gergely Nagy") (:url . ""))])
(elfeed-org . [(20181015 1100) ((elfeed (1 1 1)) (org (8 2 7)) (dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Configure elfeed with one or more org-mode files" single ((:commit . "77b6bbf222487809813de260447d31c4c59902c9") (:keywords "news") (:authors ("Remy Honig" . "")) (:maintainer "Remy Honig" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (elfeed-protocol . [(20200503 304) ((emacs (24 4)) (elfeed (2 1 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Provide fever/newsblur/owncloud/ttrss protocols for elfeed" tar ((:commit . "2df5237dfa8c51a151bcf9d8fb6746447a8aa3d0") (:keywords "news") (:authors ("Xu Fasheng <fasheng[AT]>")) (:maintainer "Xu Fasheng <fasheng[AT]>") (:url . ""))])
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(elfeed-web . [(20191123 1738) ((simple-httpd (1 5 1)) (elfeed (3 2 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "web interface to Elfeed" tar ((:commit . "d0405e63863e54a01200740a6717ac875eceabc1"))])
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@@ -1042,10 +1043,10 @@
(elpa-audit . [(20141023 1331) nil "Handy functions for inspecting and comparing package archives" single ((:commit . "727da50e626977351aff2675b6540a36818bbbe6") (:keywords "maint") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(elpa-clone . [(20191006 1953) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0))) "Clone ELPA archive" single ((:commit . "827e2723b123618aaa32642d78c447cf2979a00a") (:keywords "comm" "elpa" "clone" "mirror") (:authors ("ZHANG Weiyi" . "")) (:maintainer "ZHANG Weiyi" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (elpher . [(20191212 1858) ((emacs (26))) "A friendly gopher client" tar ((:commit . "c9175aedfaf3daeca6b2414f74ef703f2f6cbc1f") (:keywords "comm" "gopher") (:authors ("Tim Vaughan" . "")) (:maintainer "Tim Vaughan" . "") (:url . ""))])
(elpl . [(20191229 1929) ((emacs (24 4))) "Emacs Lisp REPL" single ((:commit . "48ecee2aa7b3d085a3deff809fb3ae31ae4ef9dd") (:keywords "lisp" "tool") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(elquery . [(20180917 2217) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "The HTML library for elisp." single ((:commit . "eac429d8550fbf1582c57d5e16fed9f320d6eb30") (:keywords "html" "hypermedia" "tools" "webscale") (:authors ("Adam Niederer")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer") (:url . ""))])
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@@ -1069,14 +1070,14 @@
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@@ -1090,7 +1091,7 @@
(emoji-fontset . [(20160726 1924) nil "Set font face for Emoji." single ((:commit . "8f159e8073b9b57a07a54b549df687424eeb98ee") (:keywords "emoji" "font" "config") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . ""))])
(emoji-github . [(20200323 233) ((emacs (24 4)) (emojify (1 0)) (request (0 3 0))) "Display list of GitHub's emoji. (cheat sheet)" single ((:commit . "43f63c0dd64aae6c8054c2dad617bf810abdfadd") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(emojify-logos . [(20180814 917) ((emojify (0 4))) "Add logos to emojify" tar ((:commit . "a3e78bcbdf863092d4c9b026ac08bf7d1c7c0e8b") (:authors ("mxgoldstein" . "")) (:maintainer "mxgoldstein" . "") (:url . ""))])
(empos . [(20151011 1916) nil "Locate bibtex citations from within emacs" single ((:commit . "7b99ad30e56937adb7e6349777e5a2045597d564") (:keywords "citations" "reference" "bibtex" "reftex") (:authors ("Dimitris Alikaniotis <da352 [at]>")) (:maintainer "Dimitris Alikaniotis <da352 [at]>") (:url . ""))])
(emr . [(20200420 721) ((s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 2)) (popup (0 5 0)) (emacs (24 1)) (list-utils (0 3 0)) (paredit (24 0 0)) (projectile (0 9 1)) (clang-format (0 0 1)) (iedit (0 97))) "Emacs refactoring system." tar ((:commit . "a8f6ab823453decf43f0764d02e554d05009a631") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "refactoring") (:authors ("Chris Barrett" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Barrett" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1104,7 +1105,7 @@
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(epc . [(20140610 534) ((concurrent (0 3 1)) (ctable (0 1 2))) "A RPC stack for the Emacs Lisp" tar ((:commit . "e1bfa5ca163273859336e3cc89b4b6460f7f8cda") (:keywords "lisp" "rpc") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>") (:url . ""))])
(epic . [(20170210 23) ((htmlize (1 47))) "Evernote Picker for Cocoa Emacs" single ((:commit . "a41826c330eb0ea061d58a08cc861b0c4ac8ec4e") (:keywords "evernote" "applescript") (:authors ("Yoshinari Nomura" . "")) (:maintainer "Yoshinari Nomura" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(epl . [(20180205 2049) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs Package Library" single ((:commit . "78ab7a85c08222cd15582a298a364774e3282ce6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
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@@ -1112,7 +1113,7 @@
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(erc-colorize . [(20170107 1339) nil "Per user colorization of whole message" single ((:commit . "d026a016dcb9d63d9ac66d30627a92a8f1681bbd") (:keywords "erc" "convenience") (:authors ("Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
- (erc-crypt . [(20200430 45) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Symmetric Encryption for ERC" single ((:commit . "f028c3113c0d982f4974b46bce13f3fce11963b1") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("xristos" . "")) (:maintainer "xristos" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (erc-crypt . [(20200510 429) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Symmetric Encryption for ERC" single ((:commit . "53bf53c61e13ed7b77c948e685f351146136c10b") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("xristos" . "")) (:maintainer "xristos" . "") (:url . ""))])
(erc-hl-nicks . [(20200317 16) nil "ERC nick highlighter that ignores uniquifying chars when colorizing" single ((:commit . "a67fe361c8f2aa20fc235447fbb898f424b51439") (:authors ("David Leatherman" . "")) (:maintainer "David Leatherman" . "") (:url . ""))])
(erc-image . [(20180522 1424) nil "Show received image urls in the ERC buffer" single ((:commit . "82fb3871f02e24b1e880770b9a3d187aab43d0f0") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Jon de Andrés Frías" . "") ("Raimon Grau Cuscó" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon de Andrés Frías" . ""))])
(erc-scrolltoplace . [(20180608 606) ((emacs (24 0)) (switch-buffer-functions (0 0 1))) "An Erc module to scrolltobottom better with keep-place" single ((:commit . "feb0fbf1fd4bdf220ae2d31ea7c066d8e62089f9") (:keywords "erc" "module" "comm" "scrolltobottom" "keep-place") (:authors ("Jay Kamat" . "")) (:maintainer "Jay Kamat" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1131,7 +1132,7 @@
(erefactor . [(20160121 959) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities" single ((:commit . "bf68085e5635eb94fd85709f8e1355c1f5534745") (:keywords "extensions" "tools" "maint") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ergoemacs-mode . [(20200319 1250) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 5)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics." tar ((:commit . "4a6ba06d9c618e9380d059fa25ed677b45d134a7") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Xah Lee" . "") ("David Capello" . "") ("Matthew L. Fidler" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ergoemacs-status . [(20160318 538) ((powerline (2 3)) (mode-icons (0 1 0))) "Adaptive Status Bar / Mode Line" single ((:commit . "d952cc2361adf6eb4d6af60950ad4ab699c81320") (:authors ("Matthew Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew Fidler"))])
- (erlang . [(20200313 1030) ((emacs (24 1))) "Erlang major mode" tar ((:commit . "d9516215a82c9297180da0196f0e1e43cfd26535"))])
+ (erlang . [(20200313 1030) ((emacs (24 1))) "Erlang major mode" tar ((:commit . "7c5c500bcb401175b6b431ed1a3b548801a39e9c"))])
(erlstack-mode . [(20190812 1117) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Minor mode for analysing Erlang stacktraces" single ((:commit . "d0a67fb6f91cef02376e71b4b4669b071ebd9737") (:keywords "tools" "erlang") (:authors ("k32")) (:maintainer "k32") (:url . ""))])
(eros . [(20180415 618) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "dd8910279226259e100dab798b073a52f9b4233a") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ert-async . [(20200105 1031) ((emacs (24 1))) "Async support for ERT" single ((:commit . "948cf2faa10e085bda3739034ca5ea1912893433") (:keywords "lisp" "test") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1164,7 +1165,7 @@
(espy . [(20200317 2333) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs Simple Password Yielder" single ((:commit . "2c01be937a5e5bde62921684a0b27300705fb4e0") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "") (:url . ""))])
(esqlite . [(20151206 1206) ((pcsv (1 3 3))) "Manipulate sqlite file from Emacs" single ((:commit . "08a779a821f8d32c1a1985d8d9eb6cf21646ce2e") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(esqlite-helm . [(20151116 850) ((esqlite (0 2 0)) (helm (20131207 845))) "Define helm source for sqlite database" single ((:commit . "08a779a821f8d32c1a1985d8d9eb6cf21646ce2e") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ess . [(20200419 1920) ((emacs (25 1)) (julia-mode (0 3))) "Emacs Speaks Statistics" tar ((:commit . "6ae95ee97ca7ed66a18680a631f887be8e8ea90f") (:authors ("David Smith" . "") ("A.J. Rossini" . "") ("Richard M. Heiberger" . "") ("Kurt Hornik" . "") ("Martin Maechler" . "") ("Rodney A. Sparapani" . "") ("Stephen Eglen" . "") ("Sebastian P. Luque" . "") ("Henning Redestig" . "") ("Vitalie Spinu" . "") ("Lionel Henry" . "") ("J. Alexander Branham" . "")) (:maintainer "ESS Core Team" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ess . [(20200503 1654) ((emacs (25 1)) (julia-mode (0 3))) "Emacs Speaks Statistics" tar ((:commit . "2e7d36dc9b500ce21c5cb8534ea573669f93ee0b") (:authors ("David Smith" . "") ("A.J. Rossini" . "") ("Richard M. Heiberger" . "") ("Kurt Hornik" . "") ("Martin Maechler" . "") ("Rodney A. Sparapani" . "") ("Stephen Eglen" . "") ("Sebastian P. Luque" . "") ("Henning Redestig" . "") ("Vitalie Spinu" . "") ("Lionel Henry" . "") ("J. Alexander Branham" . "")) (:maintainer "ESS Core Team" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ess-R-data-view . [(20130509 1158) ((ctable (20130313 1743)) (popup (20130324 1305)) (ess (20130225 1754))) "Data viewer for GNU R" single ((:commit . "d6e98d3ae1e2a2ea39a56eebcdb73e99d29562e9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
(ess-smart-equals . [(20190204 449) ((emacs (25 1)) (ess (18 10))) "flexible, context-sensitive assignment key for R/S" single ((:commit . "746cf9e78c3b86cbbf78d69c335a8a4ff3da79d6") (:keywords "r" "s" "ess" "convenience") (:authors ("Christopher R. Genovese" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher R. Genovese" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ess-smart-underscore . [(20190309 101) ((ess (0))) "Ess Smart Underscore" tar ((:commit . "aa871c5b0448515db439ea9bed6a8574e82ddb47") (:keywords "ess" "underscore") (:authors ("Matthew L. Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew Fidler") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1190,7 +1191,7 @@
(evil-cleverparens . [(20170718 413) ((evil (1 0)) (paredit (1)) (smartparens (1 6 1)) (emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Evil friendly minor-mode for editing lisp." tar ((:commit . "8c45879d49bfa6d4e414b6c1df700a4a51cbb869") (:keywords "cleverparens" "parentheses" "evil" "paredit" "smartparens") (:authors ("Olli Piepponen" . "")) (:maintainer "Olli Piepponen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-colemak-basics . [(20170425 1209) ((emacs (24)) (evil (1 2 12)) (evil-snipe (2 0 3))) "Basic Colemak key bindings for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "7844079b47f47bb1dc24c885b0ac2e67524fa960") (:keywords "colemak" "evil") (:authors ("Wouter Bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "Wouter Bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-colemak-minimal . [(20171006 1317) ((emacs (24)) (evil (1 2 12))) "Minimal Colemak key bindings for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "6d98b6da60f414524a0d718f76024c26dce742b3") (:keywords "colemak" "evil") (:authors ("Bryan Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Bryan Allred" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (evil-collection . [(20200429 233) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (evil (1 2 13)) (annalist (1 0))) "A set of keybindings for Evil mode" tar ((:commit . "ba3630476b3927d9d2e3ec75308a28e3a5bd54a8") (:keywords "evil" "tools") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (evil-collection . [(20200509 853) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (evil (1 2 13)) (annalist (1 0))) "A set of keybindings for Evil mode" tar ((:commit . "d062cc206d671fb5aefb1e0e679a9cb1d6c73e33") (:keywords "evil" "tools") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-commentary . [(20170413 1451) ((evil (1 0 0))) "Comment stuff out. A port of vim-commentary." tar ((:commit . "395f91014b69844b81660c155f42eb9b1b3d199d") (:keywords "evil" "comment" "commentary" "evil-commentary") (:authors ("Quang Linh LE" . "")) (:maintainer "Quang Linh LE" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-dvorak . [(20160416 1841) ((evil (1 0 8))) "evil keybindings for that work with dvorak mode" tar ((:commit . "824f7c56980d72a0ff04c662223540cd66f13754") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation" "dvorak" "keyboard") (:url . ""))])
(evil-easymotion . [(20200424 135) ((emacs (24)) (avy (0 3 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A port of vim's easymotion to emacs" single ((:commit . "f96c2ed38ddc07908db7c3c11bcd6285a3e8c2e9") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1216,7 +1217,7 @@
(evil-lispy . [(20190502 739) ((lispy (0 26 0)) (evil (1 2 12)) (hydra (0 13 5))) "precision Lisp editing with Evil and Lispy" tar ((:commit . "ed317f7fccbdbeea8aa04a91b1b1f48a0e2ddc4e") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Brandon Carrell <>, Mika Vilpas" . "")) (:maintainer "Brandon Carrell <>, Mika Vilpas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-magit . [(20200409 1909) ((evil (1 2 3)) (magit (2 6 0))) "evil-based key bindings for magit" single ((:commit . "253c644807013fe92429acdef418748794b8f254") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-mark-replace . [(20150424 718) ((evil (1 0 8))) "replace the thing in marked area" single ((:commit . "56cf191724a3e82239ca47a17b071c20aedb0617") (:keywords "mark" "replace" "evil") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (evil-matchit . [(20191023 2322) ((evil (1 2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Vim matchit ported to Evil" tar ((:commit . "076ace3ee22a61890f375ae492c634f71ce84301") (:keywords "matchit" "vim" "evil") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (evil-matchit . [(20200502 1140) ((evil (1 2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Vim matchit ported to Evil" tar ((:commit . "943bf5fb2b04e077a797cf192fd7650b41e3c3e4") (:keywords "matchit" "vim" "evil") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-mc . [(20200228 1535) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 14)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Multiple cursors for evil-mode" tar ((:commit . "4d4c0172e4c7f80acc1d0e73d5fb3e536929b262") (:keywords "evil" "editing" "multiple-cursors" "vim" "evil-multiple-cursors" "evil-mc" "evil-mc") (:authors ("Gabriel Adomnicai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gabriel Adomnicai" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-mc-extras . [(20170202 1649) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 12)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (evil-mc (0 0 2)) (evil-numbers (0 4))) "Extra functionality for evil-mc" tar ((:commit . "8c1af3232dd1e15b2ea38360b8cd1e857e11c416") (:keywords "evil" "editing" "multiple-cursors" "vim" "evil-multiple-cursors" "evil-mc" "evil-mc-extras") (:authors ("Gabriel Adomnicai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gabriel Adomnicai" . "") (:url . ""))])
(evil-mu4e . [(20180613 1039) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 10))) "evil-based key bindings for mu4e" single ((:commit . "5b22c1e30246318f233264506272d770f63897ca") (:authors ("Joris Engbers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joris Engbers" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1284,7 +1285,7 @@
(exwm-mff . [(20190810 1744) ((emacs (25)) (exwm (0 22 1))) "Mouse Follows Focus" single ((:commit . "a6a4b3dda01cbcf411fc2824981eaa9e85199a52") (:keywords "unix") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Eure" . "") (:url . ""))])
(exwm-surf . [(20171204 1140) ((emacs (24 4)) (exwm (0 16))) "Interface for Surf ( under exwm" single ((:commit . "6c17e2c1597fe4b7b454a1dac23b9127ac951e94") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Peter" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(exwm-x . [(20190224 1152) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (exwm (0 22)) (switch-window (0 10)) (swiper (0 9 0)) (bind-key (1 0)) (counsel (0 9 0)) (ivy (0 9 0))) "A derivative wm based on EXWM (emacs x window manager)" tar ((:commit . "02ec31cd8996b1b3fe305405fef7334c4d08e72b") (:keywords "window-manager" "exwm") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (eyebrowse . [(20190928 1458) ((dash (2 7 0)) (emacs (24 3 1))) "Easy window config switching" single ((:commit . "e483d35e905c2e26fac63f33c77b9e764729a364") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (eyebrowse . [(20200506 1303) ((dash (2 7 0)) (emacs (24 3 1))) "Easy window config switching" single ((:commit . "bde0eb8f56ec7e2501dc33154c273e43cafb1e5d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(eyuml . [(20141028 2227) ((request (0 2 0)) (s (1 8 0))) "Write textual uml diagram from emacs using" single ((:commit . "eb29c37316e44a14741f16e894fbcfcb7537dc80") (:keywords "uml") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ez-query-replace . [(20170814 1321) ((dash (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "a smarter context-sensitive query-replace that can be reapplied" single ((:commit . "f5dbd2d3e5e62e6b7e7cc1a98fc4d0cd411e5afa") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(eziam-theme . [(20200327 1810) nil "A mostly monochrome theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven, with dark and light versions." tar ((:commit . "7a585de01b6fee081eaa167b09d7e12d02cf4149"))])
@@ -1339,7 +1340,7 @@
(firecode-theme . [(20170808 1311) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on FireCode (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "8b7b03ecdd41e70dab145b98906017e1392eaef4") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
(firefox-controller . [(20160320 1847) ((moz (0)) (popwin (1 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An improved Firefox controller" single ((:commit . "a8af8cbf70afaf6b89a26d6ac69af8e92afc181f") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fireplace . [(20200402 2206) nil "A cozy fireplace for emacs" single ((:commit . "f6c23e259349922aae25cf2898ba815a7d8f2527") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Johan Sivertsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Sivertsen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (firestarter . [(20200116 2023) nil "Execute (shell) commands on save" single ((:commit . "eecd8f97a09bbfbc03113b71fa3c8b92766e3956") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (firestarter . [(20200506 1311) nil "Execute (shell) commands on save" single ((:commit . "5b117bf8d290af5c104d88c413f40e84da0c4ce8") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(firrtl-mode . [(20200329 2002) ((emacs (24 3))) "mode for working with FIRRTL files" single ((:commit . "fa40141411a876ce7a1a9d6d3fe47134bc1fa954") (:keywords "languages" "firrtl") (:authors ("Schuyler Eldridge" . "")) (:maintainer "Schuyler Eldridge" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fish-completion . [(20191103 1210) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fish completion for pcomplete (shell and Eshell)" single ((:commit . "10384881817b5ae38cf6197a077a663420090d2c") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fish-mode . [(20200213 2137) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for fish shell scripts" single ((:commit . "db257db81058b0b12f788c324c264cc59b9a5bf4") (:keywords "fish" "shell") (:authors ("Tony Wang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tony Wang" . ""))])
@@ -1352,13 +1353,13 @@
(flames-of-freedom . [(20191202 1637) ((emacs (25 1))) "The flames of freedom" single ((:commit . "5e47ff27cfa2f7c06081be2ffefe91a731efd012") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Stéphane Champailler" . "")) (:maintainer "Stéphane Champailler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flappymacs . [(20171023 1004) nil "flappybird clone for emacs" single ((:commit . "27f3e21acb22f786606481e3f4e5dc1edbaaaed4") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Takayuki Sato")) (:maintainer "Takayuki Sato") (:url . ""))])
(flash-region . [(20130923 1817) nil "Flash a region" single ((:commit . "261b3597b23cdd40e5c14262a5687bcc6c1d0901") (:keywords "utility") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . ""))])
- (flatfluc-theme . [(20200419 1033) ((emacs (26 1))) "Custom merge of flucui and flatui themes" single ((:commit . "42f93b2ffb651901d6bad7eb5587790298dda371") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Sébastien Le Maguer" . "")) (:maintainer "Sébastien Le Maguer" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (flatfluc-theme . [(20200419 1033) ((emacs (26 1))) "Custom merge of flucui and flatui themes" single ((:commit . "f81bb130be69e9f321e2085b627387074d23a253") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Sébastien Le Maguer" . "")) (:maintainer "Sébastien Le Maguer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flatland-black-theme . [(20170808 1312) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Flatland Black (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "348c5d5fe615e6ea13cadc17f046e506e789ce07") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
(flatland-theme . [(20171113 1521) nil "A simple theme for Emacs based on the Flatland theme for Sublime Text" single ((:commit . "a98a6f19ad4dff0fa3fad1ea487b7d0ef634a19a") (:authors ("Greg Chapple" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Chapple" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flatui-dark-theme . [(20170513 1422) ((emacs (24))) "Dark color theme with colors from" single ((:commit . "5b959a9f743f891e4660b1b432086417947872ea") (:keywords "color" "theme" "dark" "flatui" "faces") (:authors ("Andrew Phillips" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Phillips" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flatui-theme . [(20160619 127) nil "A color theme for Emacs based on" single ((:commit . "9c15db5526c15c8dba55023f5698372b19c2a780") (:authors ("John Louis Del Rosario" . "")) (:maintainer "John Louis Del Rosario" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flex-autopair . [(20120809 1218) nil "Automatically insert pair braces and quotes, insertion conditions & actions are highly customizable." single ((:commit . "4bb757f2556a4a51828e2fed8fb81e31e83052cb") (:keywords "keyboard" "input") (:authors ("Yuuki Arisawa" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuuki Arisawa" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (flex-compile . [(20191019 18) ((emacs (26)) (dash (2 13 0)) (buffer-manage (0 8))) "Run, evaluate and compile for a many languages and modes." tar ((:commit . "df113f0b25ef73c5a246330ef9fa69ab936df174") (:keywords "compilation" "integration" "processes") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:url . ""))])
+ (flex-compile . [(20200506 1309) ((emacs (26)) (dash (2 13 0)) (buffer-manage (0 8))) "Run, evaluate and compile for a many languages and modes." tar ((:commit . "dc6d920b477fe96a71bc37d593beef5ae8b2ae7e") (:keywords "compilation" "integration" "processes") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:url . ""))])
(flex-isearch . [(20170308 2010) nil "Flex matching (like ido) in isearch." single ((:commit . "b1f7e04de762282c276343cc2709af9ff4abc9d2") (:keywords "convenience" "search") (:authors ("Jonathan Kotta" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flim . [(20200303 319) ((apel (10 8))) "A library to provide basic features about message representation or encoding." tar ((:commit . "f303f2f6c124bc8635add96d3326a2209749437b"))])
(flimenu . [(20200415 2353) ((emacs (24 4))) "Flatten imenu automatically" single ((:commit . "f110bc77415a7594742f3b12551571c4069c9157") (:keywords "imenu" "browse" "structure" "hook" "mode" "matching" "tools" "convenience" "files") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1368,13 +1369,13 @@
(flow-minor-mode . [(20191214 1309) ((emacs (25 1))) "Flow type mode based on web-mode." single ((:commit . "5db3936d9eba8ccb2beca476afc84675b7b161ca") (:url . ""))])
(flower . [(20190215 1746) ((emacs (24 4)) (clomacs (0 0 3))) "Emacs task tracker client." tar ((:commit . "6ef1affa2d7090714ccc4494823de28cfc11da35") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Sergey Sobko" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Sobko" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flucui-themes . [(20200204 1930) ((emacs (24))) "Custom theme inspired by the Flat UI palette" tar ((:commit . "01a3df3530474da7b4303e4eea2ed1fae00d1776") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("MetroWind" . "")) (:maintainer "MetroWind" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (flutter . [(20200416 1225) ((emacs (24 4))) "Tools for working with Flutter SDK" tar ((:commit . "293b7225b9bacbad4bf14d43d20a765f4862c563") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Aaron Madlon-Kay")) (:maintainer "Aaron Madlon-Kay") (:url . ""))])
- (flutter-l10n-flycheck . [(20200221 1415) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (30)) (flutter (0 1 0))) "Flycheck checker for intl_translation" single ((:commit . "293b7225b9bacbad4bf14d43d20a765f4862c563") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Aaron Madlon-Kay")) (:maintainer "Aaron Madlon-Kay") (:url . ""))])
+ (flutter . [(20200508 1252) ((emacs (24 4))) "Tools for working with Flutter SDK" tar ((:commit . "8818bc07727fe748edf4aea629b510b7ada680b3") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Aaron Madlon-Kay")) (:maintainer "Aaron Madlon-Kay") (:url . ""))])
+ (flutter-l10n-flycheck . [(20200221 1415) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (30)) (flutter (0 1 0))) "Flycheck checker for intl_translation" single ((:commit . "8818bc07727fe748edf4aea629b510b7ada680b3") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Aaron Madlon-Kay")) (:maintainer "Aaron Madlon-Kay") (:url . ""))])
(fluxus-mode . [(20191001 1716) ((osc (0 1)) (emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for interfacing with Fluxus" single ((:commit . "3d05fa15f141ac3e936f908097bb7eb6295cc367") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("modula t." . "")) (:maintainer "modula t." . "") (:url . ""))])
(flx . [(20191115 659) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "fuzzy matching with good sorting" single ((:commit . "17f5c9cb2af18aa6f52910ff4a5a63591261ced5") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))])
(flx-ido . [(20180117 1519) ((flx (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "flx integration for ido" single ((:commit . "17f5c9cb2af18aa6f52910ff4a5a63591261ced5") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))])
(flx-isearch . [(20191119 515) ((emacs (24)) (flx (20140821)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Fuzzy incremental searching for emacs" single ((:commit . "a44097fb8f539a193c2f09a37ea52a68f2c51839") (:keywords "convenience" "search" "flx") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (flycheck . [(20200427 12) ((dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (emacs (24 3))) "On-the-fly syntax checking" tar ((:commit . "246e1d4380721ca03962464f11d02dd1372860ce") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (flycheck . [(20200509 2127) ((dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (emacs (24 3))) "On-the-fly syntax checking" tar ((:commit . "33db306f3b8733592c170a5f7d7445465f47c10d") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-ameba . [(20191226 1011) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (30))) "Add support for Ameba to Flycheck" single ((:commit . "0c4925ae0e998818326adcb47ed27ddf9761c7dc") (:keywords "tools" "crystal" "ameba") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-apertium . [(20181211 1038) ((flycheck (0 25))) "Apertium checkers in flycheck" tar ((:commit . "22b60a17836477ac1edd15dc85b14f88ca871ba9") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "xml") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-ats2 . [(20170225 1636) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Flycheck: ATS2 support" single ((:commit . "9f77add8408462af35bdddf87e37a661880255e3") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:authors ("Mark Laws" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Laws" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1453,7 +1454,7 @@
(flycheck-pyflakes . [(20170330 2311) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Support pyflakes in flycheck" single ((:commit . "61b045939e3743b2162b7e4e73249c66fc2b8f65") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(flycheck-pyre . [(20190215 1222) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (29)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "Support Pyre in flycheck" tar ((:commit . "0560122caae207d99d8af1ac2b4e5d6f6a1ce444") (:authors ("Vyacheslav Linnik" . "")) (:maintainer "Vyacheslav Linnik" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-relint . [(20200320 2223) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (relint (1 15))) "A Flycheck checker for elisp regular expressions" single ((:commit . "296cf8e2f9e85ab0c1c591816b50ecd7c766060c") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (flycheck-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 23)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags Flycheck integration" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Christian Schwarzgruber" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Schwarzgruber" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (flycheck-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 23)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags Flycheck integration" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Christian Schwarzgruber" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Schwarzgruber" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-rust . [(20190319 1546) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (28)) (dash (2 13 0)) (seq (2 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Flycheck: Rust additions and Cargo support" single ((:commit . "a139cd53c5062697e9ed94ad80b803c37d999600") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-stack . [(20160520 944) ((flycheck (26)) (haskell-mode (13))) "Flychecker using stack ghci" single ((:commit . "f04235e00998000ee2c305f5a3ee72bb5dbbc926"))])
(flycheck-stan . [(20200221 2025) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 16 0)) (stan-mode (10 1 0))) "Add Stan support for Flycheck" tar ((:commit . "599a0440086c660e6823622b35058f6d2d6d9637") (:keywords "c" "languages") (:authors ("Jeffrey Arnold" . "") ("Kazuki Yoshida" . "")) (:maintainer "Kazuki Yoshida" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1461,7 +1462,7 @@
(flycheck-swift . [(20170129 549) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Apple's Swift." single ((:commit . "4c5ad401252400a78da395fd56a71e67ff8c2761") (:keywords "languages" "swift"))])
(flycheck-swift3 . [(20191116 1113) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (26))) "Flycheck: Swift support for Apple swift-mode" single ((:commit . "62c93add8ff65d335f6ef8a3123d2d4f53339df5") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Goichi Hirakawa" . "")) (:maintainer "Goichi Hirakawa" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-swiftlint . [(20180830 340) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Swiftlint." single ((:commit . "8861ddbd9c1c2a951630d9ea29162ad0916580cb") (:keywords "languages" "swiftlint" "swift" "emacs") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (flycheck-swiftx . [(20191129 2207) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (26)) (xcode-project (1 0))) "Flycheck: Swift backend" single ((:commit . "94ead32e879c055902e3edb78af1193f21339e5f") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("John Buckley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Buckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (flycheck-swiftx . [(20200504 1345) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (26)) (xcode-project (1 0))) "Flycheck: Swift backend" single ((:commit . "1b9174fb37498dc3a3cf8bbbfbb4f0470e8ef139") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("John Buckley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Buckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-tcl . [(20180327 1259) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 22))) "A flycheck checker for Tcl using tclchecker" single ((:commit . "7ca23f4673e178b9f5dcc8a82b86cf05b15d7236") (:authors ("Niels Widger" . "")) (:maintainer "Niels Widger" . "") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-tip . [(20171020 1048) ((flycheck (29)) (emacs (24 1)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Show flycheck/flymake errors by tooltip" tar ((:commit . "9b0072d92e6b4a52834bf5a34120a0f5e1c8c2fd") (:keywords "flycheck") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">") (:url . ""))])
(flycheck-title . [(20170216 2346) ((flycheck (30)) (emacs (24))) "show flycheck errors in the frame title" single ((:commit . "6faea67be8661faf8152217869d16e993cc2bc49") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
@@ -1537,12 +1538,12 @@
(font-utils . [(20150806 1751) ((persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3))) "Utility functions for working with fonts" single ((:commit . "9192d3f8ee6a4e75f34c3fed10378674cc2b11d3") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fontawesome . [(20170305 1356) ((emacs (24 4))) "fontawesome utility" tar ((:commit . "a743f80bfd53767ca9ee32da34c5ca032172a480") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fontify-face . [(20180420 1624) ((emacs (24))) "Fontify symbols representing faces with that face." single ((:commit . "30ec0134f04d2b156bbc772e94edfa1a31ef0a58") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (forecast . [(20191004 1850) ((emacs (24 4))) "Weather forecasts" single ((:commit . "eab07dae119129066624e692c1c75a53b2ab10a5") (:keywords "weather" "forecast") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (forecast . [(20191004 1850) ((emacs (24 4))) "Weather forecasts" single ((:commit . "61a14d1a8c17930caca5c5daf893cedc9c23c5f3") (:keywords "weather" "forecast") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(foreign-regexp . [(20200325 50) nil "search and replace by foreign regexp." tar ((:commit . "e2dd47f2160cadc194eb156e7c76c3c869e6706e") (:keywords "convenience" "emulations" "matching" "tools" "unix" "wp") (:authors ("K-talo Miyazaki <Keitaro dot Miyazaki at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "K-talo Miyazaki <Keitaro dot Miyazaki at gmail dot com>"))])
(foreman-mode . [(20170725 1422) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (emacs (24))) "View and manage Procfile-based applications" single ((:commit . "22b3bb13134b617870ed1e888af739f4818be929") (:keywords "foreman") (:authors ("ZHOU Feng" . "")) (:maintainer "ZHOU Feng" . "") (:url . ""))])
(forest-blue-theme . [(20160627 842) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs theme with a dark background." single ((:commit . "58096ce1a25615d2bae806c3775bae3e2775019d") (:authors ("olkinn")) (:maintainer "olkinn"))])
(forge . [(20200425 2225) ((emacs (25 1)) (closql (1 0 0)) (dash (2 14 1)) (emacsql-sqlite (3 0 0)) (ghub (20190319)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (magit (20190408)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (transient (0 1 0))) "Access Git forges from Magit." tar ((:commit . "e2da80660a0550f613400ce3b238025589800417"))])
- (form-feed . [(20160102 2253) nil "Display ^L glyphs as horizontal lines" single ((:commit . "15bbcb2d2df21910af3b9686b671e0c7d1c93b26") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (form-feed . [(20200506 1300) nil "Display ^L glyphs as horizontal lines" single ((:commit . "b5dbfd8b90e72de84ae7b6667947264fe655c163") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(format-all . [(20200422 1731) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (language-id (0 5 1))) "Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 40 other languages" single ((:commit . "c157b57e963da0b44a079b0477d6c742e9c5a10b") (:keywords "languages" "util") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "") (:url . ""))])
(format-sql . [(20150422 1333) nil "Use format-sql to make your SQL readable in directly Emacs." single ((:commit . "97f475c245cd6c81a72a265678e2087cee66ac7b") (:authors ("Friedrich Paetzke" . "")) (:maintainer "Friedrich Paetzke" . "") (:url . ""))])
(format-table . [(20181223 1616) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 14 1))) "Parse and reformat tabular data." single ((:commit . "dfcae3a867e574577fc09a43b045889ff155b58f") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("Jason Duncan" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Duncan" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1563,14 +1564,17 @@
(free-keys . [(20160726 2050) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes" single ((:commit . "edfd69dc369b2647447b7c28c7c1163b1ddf45b4") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(freeradius-mode . [(20190401 1743) ((emacs (24 4))) "major mode for FreeRadius server config files" single ((:commit . "cf8bf0359cf6c77848facbd24b764b3e111b4c2d") (:url . ""))])
(freeze-it . [(20200416 1605) ((emacs (24 5))) "Minor mode to make your previous writing read-only" single ((:commit . "b93af18633bc783c2cb8443808aeeaaca33e1146") (:keywords "wp" "text") (:authors ("William Rankin" . "")) (:maintainer "William Rankin" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (friendly-tramp-path . [(20200419 851) ((cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Human-friendly TRAMP path construction" single ((:commit . "ce7d15dd96300d376d483d685aa4a34357da8d6a") (:url . ""))])
+ (friendly-remote-shell . [(20200506 1127) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (with-shell-interpreter (0 2 1)) (friendly-tramp-path (0 1 0)) (friendly-shell (0 2 0))) "Human-friendly remote interactive shells" single ((:commit . "496738e4a3060d50beff21f500931318068b8534") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . ""))])
+ (friendly-shell . [(20200506 1127) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (with-shell-interpreter (0 2 1))) "Better shell-mode API" single ((:commit . "496738e4a3060d50beff21f500931318068b8534") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . ""))])
+ (friendly-shell-command . [(20200506 1127) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (dash (2 17 0)) (with-shell-interpreter (0 2 1))) "Better shell-command API" single ((:commit . "496738e4a3060d50beff21f500931318068b8534") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . ""))])
+ (friendly-tramp-path . [(20200502 1032) ((cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Human-friendly TRAMP path construction" single ((:commit . "be572b8953b9e5a3a35c30bb64c2936d3e9802ba") (:url . ""))])
(fringe-current-line . [(20140111 411) nil "show current line on the fringe." single ((:commit . "0ef000bac76abae30601222e6f06c7d133ab4942") (:authors ("Kouhei Yanagita" . "")) (:maintainer "Kouhei Yanagita" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fringe-helper . [(20140620 2109) nil "helper functions for fringe bitmaps" single ((:commit . "ef4a9c023bae18ec1ddd7265f1f2d6d2e775efdd") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher <bugs * nschum de>")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher <bugs * nschum de>") (:url . ""))])
(frog-jump-buffer . [(20200114 1826) ((emacs (24)) (avy (0 4 0)) (dash (2 4 0)) (frog-menu (0 2 8))) "The fastest buffer-jumping Emacs lisp package around." single ((:commit . "1eb289c9b2a4bbebb3065076750f54216ac9c718") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Justin Talbott")) (:maintainer "Justin Talbott") (:url . ""))])
(fsbot-data-browser . [(20160921 1533) nil "browse the fsbot database using tabulated-list-mode" single ((:commit . "6bca4f7de63e31839d2542f6c678b79931dec344") (:keywords "fsbot" "irc" "tabulated-list-mode") (:authors ("Benaiah Mischenko")) (:maintainer "Benaiah Mischenko") (:url . ""))])
(fsharp-mode . [(20191130 1857) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 1 0)) (eglot (0))) "Support for the F# programming language" tar ((:commit . "8c86e38b93aac55f57d5baf3a9575b45b54cd16a") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("1993-1997 Xavier Leroy, Jacques Garrigue and Ian T Zimmerman") ("2010-2011 Laurent Le Brun" . "") ("2012-2014 Robin Neatherway" . "") ("2017-2019 Jürgen Hötzel")) (:maintainer "Jürgen Hötzel"))])
(fstar-mode . [(20200424 2235) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 11)) (company (0 8 12)) (quick-peek (1 0)) (yasnippet (0 11 0)) (flycheck (30 0)) (company-quickhelp (2 2 0))) "Support for F* programming" tar ((:commit . "d8b586518f32d4acde049852d81902670d1ee277") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (fuel . [(20190611 1350) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (24 2))) "Major mode for the Factor programming language." tar ((:commit . "d27c259928f065b55d3643a1b996733a92ddd12e"))])
+ (fuel . [(20190611 1350) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (24 2))) "Major mode for the Factor programming language." tar ((:commit . "05796cb49749ca9e06440318537294654d7846b6"))])
(fuff . [(20170202 1503) ((seq (2 3))) "Find files with findutils, recursively" single ((:commit . "278e849913df87bd8756c59382282d87474802c3") (:keywords "files" "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Joel Moberg")) (:maintainer "Joel Moberg") (:url . ""))])
(full-ack . [(20140223 1732) nil "a front-end for ack" single ((:commit . "761d846e105b150f8e6d13d7a8983f0248313a45") (:keywords "tools" "matching") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher <bugs * nschum de>")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher <bugs * nschum de>") (:url . ""))])
(fullframe . [(20170816 1003) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Generalized automatic execution in a single frame" single ((:commit . "2c4497f5d66898f5f4cbde3abe97402880e46c2c") (:keywords "fullscreen") (:authors ("Tom Regner" . "")) (:maintainer "Tom Regner" . ""))])
@@ -1579,7 +1583,7 @@
(furl . [(20150509 316) nil "Friendly URL retrieval" single ((:commit . "014438271e0ef27333dfcd599cb247f12a20d870") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum" . "")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum" . ""))])
(futhark-mode . [(20200415 1228) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "major mode for editing Futhark source files" tar ((:commit . "2befd490ce7d78a43d001b4bb0bd4300d086d645") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
(fuz . [(20200104 524) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fast and precise fuzzy scoring/matching utils" tar ((:commit . "0b6b64cebde5675be3a28520ee16234db48d3b8b") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Zhu Zihao" . "")) (:maintainer "Zhu Zihao" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (fuzzy . [(20150730 337) nil "Fuzzy Matching" single ((:commit . "534d723ad2e06322ff8d9bd0ba4863d243f698e7") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))])
+ (fuzzy . [(20150730 337) nil "Fuzzy Matching" single ((:commit . "a36bde2f6e94d6b2bfaae68d73bbd39734e5b907") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))])
(fvwm-mode . [(20160411 1138) nil "A major mode for editing Fvwm configuration files" single ((:commit . "6832a1c1f68bf6249c3fd6672ea8e27dc7a5c79e") (:keywords "files") (:authors ("Bert Geens" . "")) (:maintainer "Bert Geens" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fwb-cmds . [(20180318 2219) nil "misc frame, window and buffer commands" single ((:commit . "90258a5c7dbbaa2ac227e0fb4ff6c7d5aec3628f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(fxrd-mode . [(20170728 1801) ((s (1 2))) "Major mode for editing fixed field width files" tar ((:commit . "18a603474abb5a786a8d9f20c283d5f7beed3540") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Marc Sherry" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Sherry" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1596,7 +1600,7 @@
(geben-helm-projectile . [(20160611 59) ((emacs (24)) (geben (0 26)) (helm-projectile (0 13 0))) "Integrate helm-projectile with geben" single ((:commit . "31ce0faca5dcc71924884f03fd5a7a25d00ccd9b") (:keywords "ahungry" "emacs" "geben" "helm" "projectile" "debug") (:authors ("Matthew Carter" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(geeknote . [(20160717 1249) ((emacs (24))) "Use Evernote in Emacs through geeknote" single ((:commit . "8ed607c76864afcc9c338972ab093caf4501cbf8") (:keywords "evernote" "geeknote" "note" "emacs-evernote" "evernote-mode") (:authors ("Evan Dale Aromin")) (:maintainer "Evan Dale Aromin") (:url . ""))])
(geiser . [(20200426 2152) nil "GNU Emacs and Scheme talk to each other" tar ((:commit . "8f57740cd0399ab4b79e2ceae958ac542da1335f") (:url . ""))])
- (geiser-kawa . [(20200501 520) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 11 2))) "Kawa scheme support for Geiser" tar ((:commit . "c7c8dae8d08f2446e053a1132fd26b2f0b7a85f1") (:keywords "languages" "kawa" "scheme" "geiser") (:authors ("spellcard199" . "")) (:maintainer "spellcard199" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (geiser-kawa . [(20200507 1305) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 11 2))) "Kawa scheme support for Geiser" tar ((:commit . "b96c008e9c3b8dc210d8b536ee7b76b8690c8af6") (:keywords "languages" "kawa" "scheme" "geiser") (:authors ("spellcard199" . "")) (:maintainer "spellcard199" . "") (:url . ""))])
(general . [(20200425 1425) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Convenience wrappers for keybindings." tar ((:commit . "42e38034cd2305fa7432866323c923979d8f9b06") (:keywords "vim" "evil" "leader" "keybindings" "keys") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))])
(genrnc . [(20140612 1237) ((deferred (0 3 1)) (concurrent (0 3)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "generate RELAX NG Compact Schema from RELAX NG Schema, XML Schema and DTD." tar ((:commit . "da75b1966a73ad215ec2ced4522c25f4d0bf1f9a") (:keywords "xml") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(geoip . [(20200310 911) ((emacs (25 1))) "Find out where an IP address is located via GeoIP2" single ((:commit . "25eb1278788b942c38405c233d3614a1de92ddea") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1616,7 +1620,7 @@
(ghost-blog . [(20171023 742) ((markdown-mode (1 0))) "A package to manage Ghost blog" single ((:commit . "71b358643cc9a2db1bf752281ff94aba9b59e4cc") (:keywords "ghost" "blog") (:authors ("Javier Aguirre" . "")) (:maintainer "Javier Aguirre" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ghq . [(20160803 1557) nil "Ghq interface for emacs" single ((:commit . "aae4b8cb22fd6c24d2c9e3962c7e8e9dac6d9825") (:keywords "ghq") (:authors ("Roman Coedo" . "")) (:maintainer "Roman Coedo" . ""))])
(ghub+ . [(20191229 1748) ((emacs (25)) (ghub (2 0)) (apiwrap (0 5))) "a thick GitHub API client built on ghub" single ((:commit . "b1adef2402d7599911d4dd447a987a0cea04e6fe") (:keywords "extensions" "multimedia" "tools") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ghub . [(20200425 2233) ((emacs (25 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (treepy (0 1 1))) "Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs." tar ((:commit . "03d2546614619f42ac2983e79d0069ca4cbcfbfc"))])
+ (ghub . [(20200425 2233) ((emacs (25 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (treepy (0 1 1))) "Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs." tar ((:commit . "206f2b5b2ab622efda8da85feaa3bc2a1e0f3da3"))])
(gif-screencast . [(20200327 1332) ((emacs (25 1))) "One-frame-per-action GIF recording" single ((:commit . "e39786458fb30e2e9683094c75c6c2cef537d9c4") (:keywords "multimedia" "screencast") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gift-mode . [(20180530 1235) nil "major mode for editing GIFT format quizzes" single ((:commit . "b0441ae6e02f343be3b611a2d4b40495ecd932f0") (:authors ("Christophe Rhodes" . "")) (:maintainer "Christophe Rhodes" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gildas-mode . [(20181022 649) ((polymode (0 1 5)) (emacs (25))) "Major mode for Gildas" single ((:commit . "d0c9e997e2aa0bcd9b8b7db082d69100448cb1b2") (:keywords "languages" "gildas") (:authors ("Sébastien Maret" . "")) (:maintainer "Sébastien Maret" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1629,7 +1633,7 @@
(git-backup-ivy . [(20200424 1049) ((ivy (0 12 0)) (git-backup (0 0 1)) (emacs (25 1))) "An ivy interface to git-backup" single ((:commit . "d9361c9ad903e0d58f25ccebad99d9a753f1937a") (:keywords "backup" "convenience" "files" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-blamed . [(20161028 1926) nil "Minor mode for incremental blame for Git" single ((:commit . "cef196abf398e2dd11f775d1e6cd8690567408aa") (:keywords "git" "version control" "release management"))])
(git-command . [(20191028 333) ((term-run (0 1 4)) (with-editor (2 3 1))) "A Git Command-Line interface" single ((:commit . "a773d40da39dfb1c6ecf2b0758aa370ddea8f06d") (:keywords "utility" "git") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
- (git-commit . [(20200207 1819) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910)) (transient (20190812)) (with-editor (20181103))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "d27d6e467857ed4a78c7cf7d609561df789e2a6c") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (git-commit . [(20200207 1819) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910)) (transient (20190812)) (with-editor (20181103))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "9a388a61d95761b9c748dc186602ba7c691d580f") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-commit-insert-issue . [(20191008 950) ((projectile (0)) (s (0)) (github-issues (0)) (gitlab (0)) (bitbucket (0))) "Get issues list when typing \"Fixes #\"" single ((:commit . "51c863d9ba21bf11f6681b54be19b4c04d50d1ba") (:keywords "git" "github" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "commit" "issues") (:authors ("Vindarel")) (:maintainer "Vindarel") (:url . ""))])
(git-dwim . [(20170126 1214) nil "Context-aware git commands such as branch handling" single ((:commit . "485c732130686c2f28a026e385366006435394b9") (:keywords "git" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(git-gutter+ . [(20151204 1723) ((git-commit (0)) (dash (0))) "Manage Git hunks straight from the buffer" single ((:commit . "b7726997806d9a2da9fe84ff00ecf21d62b6f975") (:keywords "git" "vc") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1673,7 +1677,7 @@
(gitter . [(20180122 856) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "An Emacs Gitter client" single ((:commit . "11cb9b4b45f67bdc24f055a9bfac21d2bd19ea1a") (:keywords "gitter" "chat" "client" "internet") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gl-conf-mode . [(20170714 1310) ((emacs (24 3))) "Mode for editing gitolite config files" single ((:commit . "9136a9b737e0a5b6471a91571d104c487c43f35b") (:keywords "git" "gitolite" "languages") (:authors ("Luis Lloret")) (:maintainer "Luis Lloret") (:url . ""))])
(global-tags . [(20200427 1637) ((emacs (26 1))) "Elisp API and editor integration for GNU global" single ((:commit . "8a273c9bfa57776b00095a648c2aa053cc418e91") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:authors ("Felipe Lema" . "")) (:maintainer "Felipe Lema" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (glsl-mode . [(20200420 1839) nil "major mode for Open GLSL shader files" single ((:commit . "9bf168017eb3af7a396165a79a7b870572d59666") (:keywords "languages" "opengl" "gpu" "spir-v" "vulkan") (:url . ""))])
+ (glsl-mode . [(20200501 2304) nil "major mode for Open GLSL shader files" single ((:commit . "b07112016436d9634cd4ef747f9af6b01366d136") (:keywords "languages" "opengl" "gpu" "spir-v" "vulkan") (:url . ""))])
(gmail-message-mode . [(20160627 1847) ((ham-mode (1 0))) "A major-mode for editing gmail messages using markdown syntax." single ((:commit . "ec36672a9dc93c09ebe2f77597b498d11883d008") (:keywords "mail" "convenience" "emulation") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gmail2bbdb . [(20170423 1144) nil "import email and name into bbdb from vcard." single ((:commit . "a84fa385cfaec7fc5f1518c368e52722da139f99") (:keywords "vcard" "bbdb" "email" "contact" "gmail") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gmpl-mode . [(20171031 2054) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing GMPL(MathProg) files" single ((:commit . "c5d362169819ee8b8e8954145daee7e260c54921") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))])
@@ -1687,6 +1691,7 @@
(gnuplot-mode . [(20171013 1616) nil "Major mode for editing gnuplot scripts" single ((:commit . "601f6392986f0cba332c87678d31ae0d0a496ce7") (:keywords "gnuplot" "plotting") (:url . ""))])
(gnus-alias . [(20150316 42) nil "an alternative to gnus-posting-styles" single ((:commit . "9447d3ccb4c0e75d0468899cccff7aa249657bac") (:keywords "personality" "identity" "news" "mail" "gnus") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark A. Hershberger" . ""))])
(gnus-desktop-notify . [(20180623 1538) ((gnus (1 0))) "Gnus Desktop Notification global minor mode" single ((:commit . "b438feb59136621a8ab979f0e2784f7002398d06") (:authors ("Yuri D'Elia <wavexx AT>")) (:maintainer "Yuri D'Elia <wavexx AT>") (:url . ""))])
+ (gnus-notes . [(20200509 1942) ((emacs (25 1)) (bbdb (3 1)) (helm (3 1)) (hydra (0 13 0)) (org (8 3)) (s (0 0)) (lv (0 0)) (async (1 9 1))) "Keep handy notes of read Gnus articles with helm and org" tar ((:commit . "053a4303b8e9d3b8a67fe58e6f87ba6c76c90a97") (:keywords "convenience" "mail" "bbdb" "gnus" "helm" "org" "hydra") (:authors ("Deus Max" . "")) (:maintainer "Deus Max" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gnus-recent . [(20190423 1146) ((emacs (25 3 2))) "article breadcrumbs for Gnus" single ((:commit . "d9375cfad0054a05c910c1210f0f37aa601aebba") (:keywords "convenience" "mail") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gnus-select-account . [(20170722 511) nil "Select an account before writing a mail in gnus" single ((:commit . "ddc8c135eeaf90f5b6692a033af2badae36e68ce") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Feng Shu " . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu " . "") (:url . ""))])
(gnus-summary-ext . [(20180113 1316) nil "Extra limit and process mark commands for the gnus summary buffer" single ((:commit . "025fd853fe9280ae696a89ec2c2cac9befd010aa") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Joe Bloggs" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1709,6 +1714,7 @@
(go-impl . [(20170125 1552) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 3 0))) "impl integration for go-mode" single ((:commit . "69f0d0ef05771487e15abec500cd06befd171abf") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(go-imports . [(20190715 1647) nil "Insert go import statement given package name" tar ((:commit . "55681e815da93b6f927213c4aa352ae33db97c37") (:keywords "tools" "go" "import") (:authors ("Yaz Saito")) (:maintainer "Yaz Saito") (:url . ""))])
(go-mode . [(20200425 1740) nil "Major mode for the Go programming language" single ((:commit . "734d5232455ffde088021ea5908849ac570e890f") (:keywords "languages" "go") (:authors ("The go-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The go-mode Authors") (:url . ""))])
+ (go-noisegate . [(20200502 703) ((emacs (24 4))) "Run Golang tests with Noise Gate" single ((:commit . "e3fc198c234131c94f7d307b7f7c6ef623fb93b7") (:keywords "languages" "go" "test") (:authors ("The Noise Gate Authors")) (:maintainer "The Noise Gate Authors") (:url . ""))])
(go-playground . [(20190625 1855) ((emacs (24)) (go-mode (1 4 0)) (gotest (0 13 0))) "Local Golang playground for short snippets." single ((:commit . "508294fbc22b22b37f587b2dbc8f3a48a16a07a6") (:keywords "tools" "golang") (:authors ("Alexander I.Grafov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander I.Grafov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(go-playground-cli . [(20160503 914) ((emacs (24)) (request (0 2 0)) (deferred (0 3 2)) (names (20151201 404)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Go Playground client tool" single ((:commit . "60beebd98e3930641d41cee0189c579626f223bc") (:authors ("KOBAYASHI Shigeru (kosh)" . "")) (:maintainer "KOBAYASHI Shigeru (kosh)" . "") (:url . ""))])
(go-projectile . [(20181023 2144) ((projectile (0 10 0)) (go-mode (0)) (go-eldoc (0 16)) (go-rename (0)) (go-guru (0))) "Go add-ons for Projectile" single ((:commit . "7910884b4de560f3fc70b53752f658ef9cdc02cd") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Doug MacEachern" . "")) (:maintainer "Doug MacEachern" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1738,13 +1744,13 @@
(gore-mode . [(20151123 1927) ((go-mode (1 0 0))) "Simple mode for gore, a command-line evaluator for golang." single ((:commit . "94d7f3e99104e06167967c98fdc201049c433c2d") (:keywords "go" "repl") (:authors ("Sergey Pashaev" . "")) (:maintainer "Sergey Pashaev" . ""))])
(gorepl-mode . [(20170905 945) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (hydra (0 13 0))) "Go REPL Interactive Development in top of Gore" single ((:commit . "6a73bf352e8d893f89cad36c958c4db2b5e35e07") (:keywords "languages" "go" "golang" "gorepl") (:authors ("Manuel Alonso" . "")) (:maintainer "Manuel Alonso" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gotest . [(20191128 1111) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (go-mode (1 5 0))) "Launch GO unit tests" single ((:commit . "70f63eafda1f6a2f0a01a9320cc4d2edee9a17b2") (:keywords "languages" "go" "tests") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (gotham-theme . [(20191022 1809) nil "A very dark Emacs color theme." single ((:commit . "02a7c7cd280747737792f4620b0df2e0b826e2c7") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (gotham-theme . [(20200506 1250) nil "A very dark Emacs color theme." single ((:commit . "0e5965f897c8c976d6b2ca2471dec0dec9b29bbb") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-char-preview . [(20190418 829) ((emacs (24 3))) "Preview character when executing `goto-char` command." single ((:commit . "c0209143fbeafcc9ba93bc2333dd08e72211fa20") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-chg . [(20190110 2114) ((undo-tree (0 1 3))) "goto last change" single ((:commit . "1829a13026c597e358f716d2c7793202458120b5") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("David Andersson <l.david.andersson(at)>")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-last-change . [(20150109 1823) nil "Move point through buffer-undo-list positions" single ((:commit . "58b0928bc255b47aad318cd183a5dce8f62199cc") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Kevin Rodgers" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Rodgers" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-last-point . [(20190525 1855) ((emacs (24 3))) "Record and jump to the last point in the buffer." single ((:commit . "7ea191df18ff4774cf1dc568e1726143dd54ea02") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "") (:url . ""))])
(goto-line-preview . [(20190308 736) ((emacs (25))) "Preview line when executing `goto-line` command." single ((:commit . "1f0afb261a4e4a1b0a2fae3959b0ce5d30bce2a1") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (govc . [(20191213 2131) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (1 5 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (magit-popup (2 0 50)) (json-mode (1 6 0))) "Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter" single ((:commit . "2c427a74b62e627f9f7993876c073d4a2b2f8a65") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("The govc developers")) (:maintainer "The govc developers") (:url . ""))])
+ (govc . [(20191213 2131) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (1 5 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (magit-popup (2 0 50)) (json-mode (1 6 0))) "Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter" single ((:commit . "d3d5c59428e3f27a166d29641651b68690ba41d3") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("The govc developers")) (:maintainer "The govc developers") (:url . ""))])
(govet . [(20170808 1724) nil "linter/problem finder for the Go source code" single ((:commit . "1c05817cf8b96589076c7ac4e52ee58a860a0cbf") (:url . ""))])
(gpastel . [(20181229 1404) ((emacs (25 1))) "Integrates GPaste with the kill-ring" single ((:commit . "d5fc55bc825203f998537c5834718e665bb87c29") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(grab-mac-link . [(20190419 1307) ((emacs (24))) "Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs" single ((:commit . "b52d29cd78a60cfe874667a8987ed10e8eb0f172") (:keywords "mac" "hyperlink") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1777,7 +1783,7 @@
(groovy-mode . [(20191031 2256) ((s (1 12 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Major mode for Groovy source files" tar ((:commit . "cafdd98e06a3bbff213f3ccb163de2c42d412b66") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Russel Winder" . "") ("Jim Morris" . "") ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . ""))])
(gruber-darker-theme . [(20200227 2238) nil "Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "7f95ce96079eb22b9214435ed25c5af98f60b482") (:authors ("Alexey Kutepov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexey Kutepov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(grunt . [(20160316 1528) ((dash (2 9 0)) (ansi-color (3 4 2)) (emacs (24 3))) "Some glue to stick Emacs and Gruntfiles together" single ((:commit . "4c269e2738658643ec2ed9ef61a2a3d71b08d304") (:keywords "convenience" "grunt") (:authors ("Daniel Gempesaw" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Gempesaw" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (gruvbox-theme . [(20200428 337) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "c9a0e00fa28f0e9748fe3f72b9c3ad884e231a3e") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (gruvbox-theme . [(20200505 852) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "6e2fcbdb0608e6381ab86287ef84451d672bd3ef") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(gs-mode . [(20151202 1006) nil "Major mode for editing GrADS script files" single ((:commit . "1a13051db21b999c7682a015b33a03096ff9d891") (:keywords "grads" "script" "major-mode") (:authors ("Joe Wielgosz" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Wielgosz" . ""))])
(gscholar-bibtex . [(20190130 555) nil "Retrieve BibTeX from Google Scholar and other online sources(ACM, IEEE, DBLP)" single ((:commit . "3b651e3de116860eb1f1aef9b547a561784871fe") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))])
(gsettings . [(20190513 1003) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 16 0)) (gvariant (1 0 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "GSettings (Gnome) helpers" single ((:commit . "3009335a077636347defd08d24fb092495d16d3e") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1828,17 +1834,17 @@
(hcl-mode . [(20200315 2129) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for Hashicorp" single ((:commit . "c3d1158ad1a64f06aa8986ab1cdea6b7fbdd4bf7") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(headlong . [(20150417 1526) nil "reckless completion" single ((:commit . "f6830f87f236eee88263cb6976125f72422abe72") (:keywords "completion") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(heaven-and-hell . [(20190713 1830) ((emacs (24 4))) "easy toggle light/dark themes" single ((:commit . "e1febfd60d060c110a1e43c5f093cd8537251308") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Valentin Ignatev" . "")) (:maintainer "Valentin Ignatev" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (helm . [(20200501 603) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 4)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 6 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "b448bc10429775e6a6b092832c5406f523488043") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm . [(20200509 1001) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 4)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 6 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "e4a96c334dd497f12c672a98b2ca51648b4bc7f3") (:url . ""))])
(helm-R . [(20120820 14) ((helm (20120517)) (ess (20120509))) "helm-sources and some utilities for GNU R." single ((:commit . "b0eb9d5f6a483a9dbe6eb6cf1f2024d4f5938bc2") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
(helm-ack . [(20141030 1226) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Ack command with helm interface" single ((:commit . "889bc225318d14c6e3be80e73b1d9d6fb30e48c3") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-ad . [(20151209 1015) ((dash (2 8 0)) (helm (1 6 2))) "helm source for Active Directory" single ((:commit . "8ac044705d8620ee354a9cfa8cc1b865e83c0d55") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Takahiro Noda" . "")) (:maintainer "Takahiro Noda" . ""))])
(helm-addressbook . [(20170903 728) ((helm (2 8 2)) (addressbook-bookmark (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm for addressbook bookmarks." single ((:commit . "62497f72d46afd3a9f9f94b27d062a82fb232de4") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-ag . [(20200426 1427) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0))) "the silver searcher with helm interface" single ((:commit . "6387437acf687a64af66138649f8604d65eb6789") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-ag . [(20200510 223) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0))) "the silver searcher with helm interface" single ((:commit . "429d3d9d8d90d3b7e8d35032c42206e930f9e481") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-ag-r . [(20131123 1531) ((helm (1 0))) "Search something by ag and display by helm" single ((:commit . "67de4ebafe9b088db950eefa5ef590a6d78b4ac8") (:keywords "searching") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">") (:url . ""))])
(helm-aws . [(20180514 1032) ((helm (1 5 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (s (1 9 0))) "Manage AWS EC2 server instances directly from Emacs" single ((:commit . "b36c744b3f00f458635a91d1f5158fccbb5baef6") (:authors ("istib")) (:maintainer "istib") (:url . ""))])
(helm-backup . [(20180911 614) ((helm (1 5 5)) (s (1 8 0)) (cl-lib (0))) "Backup each file change using git" single ((:commit . "691fe542f38fc7c8cca409997f6a0ff5d76ad6c2") (:keywords "backup" "convenience" "files" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-bbdb . [(20190728 1325) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (1 5)) (bbdb (3 1 2))) "Helm interface for bbdb" single ((:commit . "db69114ff1af8bf48b5a222242e3a8dd6e101e67") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-bibtex . [(20200429 1606) ((bibtex-completion (1 0 0)) (helm (1 5 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "A bibliography manager based on Helm" single ((:commit . "6a884fe8ae939447849e76abf48d1bdf6a9bdcbb") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-bibtex . [(20200429 1606) ((bibtex-completion (1 0 0)) (helm (1 5 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "A bibliography manager based on Helm" single ((:commit . "3e773f7957c1acabb8390c00cc8d49e192ee36bd") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-bibtexkey . [(20140214 1504) ((helm (1 5 8))) "Bibtexkey source for helm" tar ((:commit . "aa1637ea5c8c5f1817e480fc2a3750cafab3d99f") (:keywords "bib" "tex") (:authors ("TAKAGI Kentaro <>")) (:maintainer "TAKAGI Kentaro <>") (:url . ""))])
(helm-bind-key . [(20141109 515) ((bind-key (1 0)) (helm (1 6 4))) "helm-source for for bind-key." single ((:commit . "9da6ad8b7530e72fb4ac67be8c6a482898dddc25") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation") (:authors ("Yuhei Maeda <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe"))])
(helm-bitbucket . [(20190422 1102) ((emacs (24)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Search Bitbucket with Helm" single ((:commit . "c722016622ad019202419cca60c3be3c53e56130") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Peter Urbak" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter Urbak" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1862,7 +1868,7 @@
(helm-codesearch . [(20190412 1153) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (helm (1 7 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm interface for codesearch" single ((:commit . "72f1d1de746115ab7e861178b49fa3c0b6b58d90") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Youngjoo Lee" . "")) (:maintainer "Youngjoo Lee" . ""))])
(helm-commandlinefu . [(20150611 545) ((emacs (24 1)) (helm (1 7 0)) (json (1 3)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "Search and browse from helm" single ((:commit . "9ee7e018c5db23ae9c8d1c8fa969876f15b7280d") (:keywords "") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-company . [(20190812 1429) ((helm (1 5 9)) (company (0 6 13))) "Helm interface for company-mode" single ((:commit . "6eb5c2d730a60e394e005b47c1db018697094dde") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Ralston" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-core . [(20200429 1931) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 4))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "b448bc10429775e6a6b092832c5406f523488043") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-core . [(20200504 544) ((emacs (24 4)) (async (1 9 4))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "e4a96c334dd497f12c672a98b2ca51648b4bc7f3") (:url . ""))])
(helm-cscope . [(20190615 41) ((xcscope (1 0)) (helm (1 6 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Helm interface for xcscope.el." single ((:commit . "af1d9e7f4460a88d7400b5a74d5da68084089ac1") (:keywords "cscope" "helm") (:authors ("alpha22jp" . "")) (:maintainer "alpha22jp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-css-scss . [(20191230 1549) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (1 0))) "CSS/SCSS/LESS Selectors with helm interface" single ((:commit . "48b996f73af1fef8d6e88a1c545d98f8c50b0cf3") (:keywords "convenience" "scss" "css" "less" "selector" "helm") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama -")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama -") (:url . ""))])
(helm-ctest . [(20191031 1435) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (helm-core (1 7 4))) "Run ctest from within emacs" single ((:commit . "2a29cfb4ec583da247fa2ae7bac88790b1223e40") (:keywords "helm" "ctest") (:authors ("Dan LaManna" . "")) (:maintainer "Dan LaManna" . ""))])
@@ -1879,7 +1885,7 @@
(helm-emms . [(20200322 1309) ((helm (1 5)) (emms (0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Emms for Helm." single ((:commit . "37e5aa029abfa5a5c48636314de8157142944fa2") (:url . ""))])
(helm-esa . [(20190721 1429) ((emacs (26 2)) (helm (3 2)) (request (0 3 0))) "Esa with helm interface" single ((:commit . "d93b4af404346870cb2cf9c257d055332ef3f577") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-etags-plus . [(20170113 1414) ((helm (1 7 8))) "Another Etags helm.el interface" single ((:commit . "704f0991ee4a2298b01c33aafc224eef322e15e3") (:keywords "helm" "etags") (:authors ("纪秀峰(Joseph)" . "")) (:maintainer "纪秀峰(Joseph)" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-evil-markers . [(20190719 539) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0 0)) (evil (1 2 10))) "Show evil markers with helm" single ((:commit . "bb04e3a25920c2fd676132703970c6879dade802") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Bill Xue")) (:maintainer "Bill Xue") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-evil-markers . [(20200506 715) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0 0)) (evil (1 2 10))) "Show evil markers with helm" single ((:commit . "0245f0c268e0eaec85df51ab2deba7ac961f6770") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Bill Xue")) (:maintainer "Bill Xue") (:url . ""))])
(helm-eww . [(20190315 907) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 8 6)) (seq (1 8))) "Helm UI wrapper for EWW." single ((:commit . "76ba59fda8dd6f32a1bc7c6df0b43c6f76169911") (:keywords "helm" "packages") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-ext . [(20180526 350) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 5 3))) "A few extensions to Helm" tar ((:commit . "90b788aced21ec467a234b6b77b5a6ebae6de75f") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))])
(helm-exwm . [(20200325 1022) ((emacs (25 2)) (helm (2 8 5)) (exwm (0 15))) "Helm for EXWM buffers" single ((:commit . "00ddb4d2a127087a0b99f0a440562bd54408572d") (:keywords "helm" "exwm") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1887,7 +1893,7 @@
(helm-file-preview . [(20190903 331) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0))) "Preview the current helm file selection." single ((:commit . "6ab26c5fb414a0c1232974fd3f888839b6844203") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-filesets . [(20140929 1835) ((helm (1 6 3)) (filesets+ (0))) "A helm source for emacs filesets" single ((:commit . "b352910af4c3099267a8aa0169c7f743b35bb1fa") (:keywords "filesets") (:authors ("Graham Clark" . "")) (:maintainer "Graham Clark" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-firefox . [(20200306 1408) ((helm (1 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Firefox bookmarks" single ((:commit . "7065e01188ed17b86a7b4f01b95ace575a15eef1") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-fish-completion . [(20191230 1717) ((emacs (25)) (helm (3)) (fish-completion (1 2))) "Helm interface for fish completion" single ((:commit . "b579193c9eca37e45ac54b66114032e9fb78aa69") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-fish-completion . [(20200509 1056) ((emacs (25)) (helm (3)) (fish-completion (1 2))) "Helm interface for fish completion" single ((:commit . "fd730198afe01f6eecc6c5841358a8eea4cf4b09") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-flx . [(20180103 516) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 7 9)) (flx (0 5))) "Sort helm candidates by flx score" single ((:commit . "6640fac5cb16bee73c95b8ed1248a4e5e113690e") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "fuzzy" "flx") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-flycheck . [(20160710 829) ((dash (2 12 1)) (flycheck (28)) (helm-core (1 9 8))) "Show flycheck errors with helm" single ((:commit . "3cf7d3bb194acacc6395f88360588013d92675d6") (:keywords "helm" "flycheck") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-flymake . [(20160610 2) ((helm (1 0))) "helm interface for flymake" single ((:commit . "72cf18a1a1f843db9bb5d58301739ea9ccb1655b") (:authors ("Akira Tamamori" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Tamamori" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1946,7 +1952,7 @@
(helm-notmuch . [(20190320 1048) ((helm (1 9 3)) (notmuch (0 21))) "Search emails with Notmuch and Helm" single ((:commit . "97a01497e079a7b6505987e9feba6b603bbec288") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-open-github . [(20170220 159) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm-core (1 7 7)) (gh (0 8 2))) "Utilities of Opening Github Page" single ((:commit . "2f03d97552a1233db7694116d5f80ecde7612756") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-org . [(20200311 633) ((helm (3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm for org headlines and keywords completion" single ((:commit . "b7a18dfc17e8b933956d61d68c435eee03a96c24") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-org-multi-wiki . [(20200419 1833) ((emacs (25 1)) (org-multi-wiki (0 3)) (org-ql (0 4)) (dash (2 12)) (helm-org (1 0)) (helm (3 5))) "Helm interface to org-multi-wiki" single ((:commit . "aef5975ac18d7cb101c0fb688333cc241782a8a0") (:keywords "org" "outlines") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-org-multi-wiki . [(20200505 1053) ((emacs (26 1)) (org-multi-wiki (0 3)) (org-ql (0 4)) (dash (2 12)) (helm-org (1 0)) (helm (3 5))) "Helm interface to org-multi-wiki" single ((:commit . "8b056103d6f5320563e9fd794a008fd4e0719702") (:keywords "org" "outlines") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-org-rifle . [(20190809 1831) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12)) (f (0 18 1)) (helm (1 9 4)) (s (1 10 0))) "Rifle through your Org files" single ((:commit . "abc14bb85427a6585aa354894eaef6926881d585") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-orgcard . [(20151001 1524) ((helm-core (1 7 7))) "browse the orgcard by helm" single ((:commit . "9655ac340d1ccc5f3d1c0f7c49be8dd3556d4d0d") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "org") (:authors ("Yuhei Maeda <>")) (:maintainer "Yuhei Maeda") (:url . ""))])
(helm-osx-app . [(20190717 958) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Launch macOS apps with helm" single ((:commit . "634ed5d721a20af265825a018e9df3ee6640daee") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1973,7 +1979,7 @@
(helm-rhythmbox . [(20160524 1158) ((helm (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "control Rhythmbox's play queue via Helm" single ((:commit . "c92e1ded34ddd4e62e7e9a558259c232e05193fa") (:authors ("Thomas Winant" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas Winant" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-robe . [(20151209 355) ((helm (1 7 7))) "completing read function for robe" single ((:commit . "6e69543b4ee76c5f8f3f2510c76e6d9aed17a370") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-ros . [(20160812 1752) ((helm (1 9 9)) (xterm-color (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Interfaces ROS with helm" single ((:commit . "92b0b215f6a017f0f57f1af15466cc0b2a5a0135") (:keywords "helm" "ros") (:authors ("David Landry" . "")) (:maintainer "David Landry" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((helm (2 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((helm (2 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-rubygems-local . [(20130712 111) ((helm (1 5 3))) "Installed local rubygems find-file for helm" single ((:commit . "289cb33d41c703af9791d6da46b55f070013c2e3") (:authors ("hadashiA" . "")) (:maintainer "hadashiA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-rubygems-org . [(20140826 1156) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 6 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use helm to search" single ((:commit . "6aaed984f698cbdf9f9aceb0221404563e28764d") (:keywords "ruby" "rubygems" "gemfile" "helm") (:authors ("Chad Albers" . "")) (:maintainer "Chad Albers" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-safari . [(20160404 324) ((helm (1 9 1)) (emacs (24))) "Browse your Safari bookmarks and history" single ((:commit . "664c7f4488829228eed7e90cd53002e14bec555b") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -1989,7 +1995,7 @@
(helm-sql-connect . [(20170319 1251) ((helm (0 0 0))) "Choose a database to connect to via Helm." single ((:commit . "5aead55b6f8636140945714d8c332b287ab9ef10") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "comm") (:authors ("Eric Hansen" . "")) (:maintainer "Eric Hansen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-switch-shell . [(20191223 1418) ((emacs (25)) (helm (2 8 8)) (dash (2 16 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "A Helm source for switching between shell buffers" single ((:commit . "690e20f0d95f81151b34cb424a201f39d93eb430") (:keywords "matching" "processes" "terminals" "tools") (:authors ("James N. V. Cash" . "")) (:maintainer "James N. V. Cash" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-swoop . [(20200321 231) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (3 2))) "Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by helm interface" single ((:commit . "069dc0b3970f1e796e34b7789ae51b1b7979ee30") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "swoop" "inner" "buffer" "search") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama -")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama -") (:url . ""))])
- (helm-system-packages . [(20190809 1508) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 8 7)) (seq (1 8))) "Helm UI wrapper for system package managers." tar ((:commit . "427c40d18ae1b5593df6bef72aa1d62ce89fc652") (:keywords "helm" "packages") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helm-system-packages . [(20200502 751) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 8 7)) (seq (1 8))) "Helm UI wrapper for system package managers." tar ((:commit . "4e257fc84472d3d85ee2b413ca8a45aa0fd0118c") (:keywords "helm" "packages") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-systemd . [(20180131 434) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 9 2)) (with-editor (2 5 0))) "helm's systemd interface" single ((:commit . "96f5cd3ee3412539c2f8d145201f47c4f8e53b4f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors (nil . "<lompik@oriontabArch>")) (:maintainer nil . "<lompik@oriontabArch>"))])
(helm-tail . [(20181124 439) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 7 0))) "Read recent output from various sources" single ((:commit . "1f5a6355aa3bdb00b9b0bc93db29c17f0d6701e3") (:keywords "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-taskswitch . [(20190304 1414) ((emacs (24)) (helm (3 0))) "Use helm to switch windows and buffers" single ((:commit . "59f7cb99defa6e6bf6e7d599559fa8d5786cf8a9") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Brian Caruso" . "")) (:maintainer "Brian Caruso" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2005,7 +2011,7 @@
(helm-z . [(20171204 325) ((helm (1 0))) "Show z directory list with helm.el support." single ((:commit . "37212220bebea8b9c238cb1bbacd8332b7f26c03") (:authors ("yynozk" . "")) (:maintainer "yynozk" . "") (:url . ""))])
(helm-zhihu-daily . [(20160625 1145) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm interface for 知乎日报 (" single ((:commit . "be27dcc6be1eb97663b65581a9a5c0fc81cfaba7") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(help-find-org-mode . [(20181204 234) ((emacs (24 4))) "Advise help to find org source over tangled code" single ((:commit . "aeda7f92c086dab9d8dfcd580fe80b332887a548") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Eric Crosson" . "")) (:maintainer "Eric Crosson" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (helpful . [(20200111 2324) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 12 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (elisp-refs (1 2))) "a better *help* buffer" single ((:commit . "c54e9ddbd6a77858048c1a4c4b549de98af8f88e") (:keywords "help" "lisp") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (helpful . [(20200506 816) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 12 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (elisp-refs (1 2))) "a better *help* buffer" single ((:commit . "c0662aa07266fe204f4e6d72ccaa6af089400556") (:keywords "help" "lisp") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hemera-theme . [(20180916 924) ((emacs (24))) "Light theme" single ((:commit . "b67c902b210b37b00cac68726822404543147ba8") (:keywords "themes" "light-theme") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hemisu-theme . [(20130508 1844) nil "Hemisu for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5c206561aa2c844ecdf3e3b672c3235e559ddd7f") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))])
(hercules . [(20200420 747) ((emacs (24 4)) (which-key (3 3 2))) "An auto-magical, which-key-based hydra banisher." single ((:commit . "557da39878d0637395fdded91243b340c37eff7b") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2074,7 +2080,7 @@
(hound . [(20200122 1700) ((request (0 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Display hound search results in a compilation window" single ((:commit . "35e2cdc81fcc904b450a7ef3ec00fd25df6a4431") (:authors ("Ryan Young")) (:maintainer "Ryan Young"))])
(hover . [(20200321 1819) ((emacs (24 5))) "Package to use hover with flutter" single ((:commit . "6f9ed1a6517e3a43ef2deafc2f86c70b2abce008") (:keywords "hover" "flutter" "mobile" "tools") (:authors ("Eric Dallo")) (:maintainer "Eric Dallo") (:url . ""))])
(howdoi . [(20150204 43) nil "Instant coding answers via Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5fbf7069ee160c597a328e5ce5fb32920e1ca88f"))])
- (howdoyou . [(20191118 2222) ((emacs (25 1)) (promise (1 1)) (request (0 3 0)) (org (9 2))) "A stackoverflow and its sisters' sites reader" single ((:commit . "ef7f42c14f0f4aec475b74d56931daa36aded6c8") (:authors ("Thanh Vuong" . "")) (:maintainer "Thanh Vuong" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (howdoyou . [(20191118 2222) ((emacs (25 1)) (promise (1 1)) (request (0 3 0)) (org (9 2))) "A stackoverflow and its sisters' sites reader" single ((:commit . "23407fb7a950f08498b5586062ba69962a20ea24") (:authors ("Thanh Vuong" . "")) (:maintainer "Thanh Vuong" . "") (:url . ""))])
(howm . [(20190818 1144) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Wiki-like note-taking tool" tar ((:commit . "4f550d35935abc943e37e1f2da78c52218ac7c8d") (:authors ("HIRAOKA Kazuyuki" . "")) (:maintainer "HIRAOKA Kazuyuki" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hsluv . [(20181127 1206) ((seq (2 20))) "hsluv color space conversions" single ((:commit . "c3bc5228e30d66e7dee9ff1a0694c2b976862fc0") (:keywords "color" "hsluv") (:authors ("Geert Vermeiren")) (:maintainer "Geert Vermeiren") (:url . ""))])
(ht . [(20200217 2331) ((dash (2 12 0))) "The missing hash table library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "fff8c43f0e03d5b98deb9f988522b839ce2ca253") (:keywords "hash table" "hash map" "hash") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
@@ -2094,11 +2100,11 @@
(humanoid-themes . [(20200403 1939) ((emacs (24 3))) "Color themes with a dark and light variant" tar ((:commit . "22c9a0987c7d746d7eb9fe850f93f232d91cae14") (:keywords "faces" "color" "theme") (:authors ("Thomas Friese")) (:maintainer "Thomas Friese") (:url . ""))])
(hungarian-holidays . [(20161020 1138) nil "Adds a list of Hungarian public holidays to Emacs calendar" single ((:commit . "653108769279499d84a79267c90e640d98823872") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Gergely Polonkai" . "")) (:maintainer "Gergely Polonkai" . ""))])
(hungry-delete . [(20200309 209) nil "hungry delete minor mode" single ((:commit . "4a341cfa3a19185c5ecb687970e299082e1144e3") (:authors ("Nathaniel Flath" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathaniel Flath" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (hy-mode . [(20191003 1902) ((dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (emacs (24))) "Major mode for Hylang" tar ((:commit . "e2d5fecdaec602788aa7123ed13651c888b8d94b") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "python") (:url . ""))])
+ (hy-mode . [(20200508 502) ((dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (emacs (24))) "Major mode for Hylang" tar ((:commit . "a18b0b8bfcd79a30bfe9ef960244ec6748a9430d") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "python") (:url . ""))])
(hyai . [(20170301 1447) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Haskell Yet Another Indentation" single ((:commit . "9efad2ac6a57059b3be624588f649e276a96fdd4") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hydandata-light-theme . [(20190809 1925) nil "A light color theme that is easy on your eyes" single ((:commit . "180c3797fa7ef3e4bb679baaf5b492c33bbb9b8b") (:keywords "color-theme" "theme") (:authors ("David Chkhikvadze" . "")) (:maintainer "David Chkhikvadze" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hyde . [(20160508 308) nil "Major mode to help create and manage Jekyll blogs" tar ((:commit . "a8cd6ed00ecd8d7de0ded2f4867015b412b15b76"))])
- (hydra . [(20200306 913) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (lv (0))) "Make bindings that stick around." tar ((:commit . "16fa8d109ec5799931a793b2e866ea9d593bee84") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (hydra . [(20200504 1747) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (lv (0))) "Make bindings that stick around." tar ((:commit . "87873d788891029d9e44fa5458321d6a05849b94") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(hyperspace . [(20190908 550) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 12 0))) "Get there from here" single ((:commit . "825ac47887bf2f63e7dc2ecce264a52d9f0fae70") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Eure" . "") (:url . ""))])
(i2b2-mode . [(20140710 104) nil "Highlights corresponding PHI data in the text portion of an i2b2 XML Document." single ((:commit . "db10efcfc8bed369a516bbf7526ede41f98cb95a") (:keywords "xml" "phi" "i2b2" "deidi2b2") (:authors ("Dan LaManna" . "")) (:maintainer "Dan LaManna" . ""))])
(i3wm . [(20170822 1438) nil "i3wm integration library" single ((:commit . "71391dc61063fee77ad174f3b2ca25c60b41009e") (:keywords "convenience" "extensions") (:authors ("Samuel W. Flint" . "")) (:maintainer "Samuel W. Flint" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2111,7 +2117,8 @@
(ibuffer-sidebar . [(20180219 131) ((emacs (25 1))) "Sidebar for `ibuffer'" single ((:commit . "7ddf1b5a158b33e9a7d3fe5dad7ea626a464d2bc") (:keywords "ibuffer" "files" "tools") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ibuffer-tramp . [(20151118 1739) nil "Group ibuffer's list by TRAMP connection" single ((:commit . "bcad0bda3a67f55d1be936bf8fa9ef735fe1e3f3") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Svend Sorensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Svend Sorensen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ibuffer-vc . [(20200304 2207) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 2))) "Group ibuffer's list by VC project, or show VC status" single ((:commit . "1249c1e30cf11badfe032ac3b1058f24ba510ace") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (icomplete-vertical . [(20200427 2251) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display icomplete candidates vertically" single ((:commit . "f737bc8117326469a15747ed53f43d39eba2a9dc") (:keywords "convenience" "completion") (:authors ("Omar Antolín Camarena" . "")) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (iceberg-theme . [(20200510 552) ((emacs (26 1)) (solarized-theme (1 3))) "Well-designed, eye-friendly, dark blue color scheme" single ((:commit . "50dc87567d450e32f91436badf25b45708126edf") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (icomplete-vertical . [(20200504 1916) ((emacs (24 4))) "Display icomplete candidates vertically" single ((:commit . "fe835acce91b0f088c8d27801bf42e24bb2dbab5") (:keywords "convenience" "completion") (:authors ("Omar Antolín Camarena" . "")) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena" . "") (:url . ""))])
(icsql . [(20190815 501) ((emacs (26)) (choice-program (0 8)) (buffer-manage (0 10))) "Interactive iSQL iteraface to ciSQL." single ((:commit . "5e5cd04e3f3ad9963c29759293c1f7a54257866b") (:keywords "isql" "sql" "rdbms" "data") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:url . ""))])
(id-manager . [(20170320 1246) nil "id-password management" single ((:commit . "14ebc35db298aac4dedc8aa188bc46bacab81f3b") (:keywords "password" "convenience") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai atmark>")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai atmark>"))])
(idea-darkula-theme . [(20160416 2303) ((emacs (24 1))) "Color theme based on IntelliJ IDEA Darkula color theme" single ((:commit . "52602d9b91883e1f297d000951aeed48bf60176e") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Alexey Veretennikov <alexey dot veretennikov at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2182,6 +2189,8 @@
(info-buffer . [(20170112 1422) nil "Display info topics in separate buffers" single ((:commit . "d35dad6e766c6e2ddb8dc6acb4ce5b6e10fbcaa7") (:keywords "docs" "info") (:authors ("Lluís Vilanova" . "")) (:maintainer "Lluís Vilanova" . "") (:url . ""))])
(info-colors . [(20200125 1447) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Extra colors for Info-mode" single ((:commit . "47ee73cc19b1049eef32c9f3e264ea7ef2aaf8a5") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Tuấn-Anh Nguyễn" . "")) (:maintainer "Tuấn-Anh Nguyễn" . "") (:url . ""))])
(info-rename-buffer . [(20200328 1450) ((emacs (24 3))) "Rename Info buffers to match manuals" single ((:commit . "87fb263b18717538fd04878e3358e1e720415db8") (:keywords "help") (:authors ("Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "")) (:maintainer "Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (inform . [(20200507 1746) ((emacs (25 1))) "Symbol links in Info buffers to their help documentation." tar ((:commit . "6bbe65dc4cf07165b3b0b37dfef8840852ed441a") (:url . "") (:maintainer "H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "") (:authors ("H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "")) (:keywords "help" "docs" "convenience"))])
+ (inform7 . [(20200430 1539) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 12 0))) "Major mode for working with Inform 7 files" single ((:commit . "a409bbc6f04264f7f00616a995fa6ecf59d33d0d") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ben Moon" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Moon" . "") (:url . ""))])
(inherit-local . [(20170409 1649) ((emacs (24 3))) "Inherited buffer-local variables" single ((:commit . "b1f4ff9c41f9d64e4adaf5adcc280b82f084cdc7") (:authors ("Shea Levy")) (:maintainer "Shea Levy") (:url . ""))])
(ini-mode . [(20170424 909) nil "Major mode for Windows-style ini files." single ((:commit . "2194cfa2fd13196a37350ec20b3f00dcf6162b7c") (:keywords "languages" "faces") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))])
(init-loader . [(20160528 1315) nil "Loader for configuration files" single ((:commit . "5d3cea1004c11ff96b33020e337b03b925c67c42") (:authors ("IMAKADO" . "")) (:maintainer "IMAKADO" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2192,7 +2201,7 @@
(inline-crypt . [(20170824 900) nil "Simple inline encryption via openssl" tar ((:commit . "281385b383f850fd2e895926b1cef804dd052633"))])
(inline-docs . [(20170523 450) ((emacs (24 3))) "Show inline contextual docs." single ((:commit . "b57f1681be6147f999cdc12abff414a0442e8897") (:keywords "inline" "docs" "overlay") (:authors ("stardiviner" . "")) (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(inlineR . [(20191017 1920) nil "insert Tag for inline image of R graphics" single ((:commit . "bf6450a3540aa3538546d312324c41befd0a4e54") (:keywords "convenience" "iimage.el" "cacoo.el") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
- (insert-kaomoji . [(20200325 2248) ((emacs (24 4))) "Easily insert kaomojis" tar ((:commit . "b943fe73327acc08dcd431eb8168a01609b9ab76") (:keywords "wp") (:authors ("Philip K." . "")) (:maintainer "Philip K." . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (insert-kaomoji . [(20200325 2248) ((emacs (24 4))) "Easily insert kaomojis" tar ((:commit . "d18423f78cc02ba866b1a1dfb0617476cd941c54") (:keywords "wp") (:authors ("Philip K." . "")) (:maintainer "Philip K." . "") (:url . ""))])
(insert-shebang . [(20180403 1214) nil "Insert shebang line automatically." single ((:commit . "af5f95ff98e2432837f5aa848ba38dd626e82fce") (:keywords "shebang" "tool" "convenience") (:authors ("Sachin Patil" . "")) (:maintainer "Sachin Patil" . "") (:url . ""))])
(insfactor . [(20141117 2) nil "Client for a Clojure project with insfactor in it" single ((:commit . "7ef5446cebb08a17d4106d2e6f3c053e49e1e829") (:keywords "clojure") (:authors ("John D. Hume" . "")) (:maintainer "John D. Hume" . "") (:url . ""))])
(instapaper . [(20110419 1355) nil "No description available." single ((:commit . "f21531bcb935e7e9b9e8df83dd0e0838adbf9b1b"))])
@@ -2227,12 +2236,12 @@
(iss-mode . [(20141001 1913) nil "Mode for InnoSetup install scripts" single ((:commit . "3b517aff31529bab33f8d7b562bd17aff0107fd1") (:authors ("Stefan Reichoer," . "")) (:maintainer "Stefan Reichoer," . ""))])
(itail . [(20171112 804) nil "An interactive tail mode" single ((:commit . "6e43c20da03be3b9c6ece93b7dc3495975ec1888") (:keywords "tail") (:authors ("atom smith")) (:maintainer "atom smith") (:url . ""))])
(itasca . [(20170601 1622) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major modes for Itasca software data files." tar ((:commit . "3d15dd1b70d6db69b0f4758a3e28b8b506cc84ca") (:keywords "itasca" "flac" "3dec" "udec" "flac3d" "pfc" "pfc2d" "pfc3d" "fish") (:authors ("Jason Furtney" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Furtney" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (iter2 . [(20190113 1424) ((emacs (25 1))) "Reimplementation of Elisp generators" single ((:commit . "698ffb93954817be0064ca6739f295d846707439") (:keywords "elisp" "extensions") (:authors ("Paul Pogonyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul Pogonyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (iter2 . [(20190113 1424) ((emacs (25 1))) "Reimplementation of Elisp generators" single ((:commit . "4da966081ad45a9623ef66b3b0aaf8e8f9a314a2") (:keywords "elisp" "extensions") (:authors ("Paul Pogonyshev" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul Pogonyshev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(iterator . [(20170207 838) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A library to create and use elisp iterators objects." single ((:commit . "9da54f9aed945b46866782cdf962c9e530419297") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto <thierry dot volpiatto at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto <thierry dot volpiatto at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(ivariants . [(20170823 224) ((emacs (24 3)) (ivs-edit (1 0))) "Ideographic variants editor and browser" tar ((:commit . "ca0b74d32b5d2d77a45cc6ad6edc00be0ee85284") (:keywords "i18n" "languages") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
(ivs-edit . [(20170818 1441) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 6 0)) (cl-lib (1 0))) "IVS (Ideographic Variation Sequence) editing tool" tar ((:commit . "5db39c234aa7393b591168a4fd0a9a4cbbca347d") (:keywords "text") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
- (ivy . [(20200430 2237) ((emacs (24 5))) "Incremental Vertical completYon" tar ((:commit . "1bf5b98dc2a01ff4d3255e349cf32817ffaccea1") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ivy-bibtex . [(20200429 1606) ((bibtex-completion (1 0 0)) (swiper (0 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A bibliography manager based on Ivy" single ((:commit . "6a884fe8ae939447849e76abf48d1bdf6a9bdcbb") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ivy . [(20200504 1931) ((emacs (24 5))) "Incremental Vertical completYon" tar ((:commit . "84efa3a2cbb9c5b0bbcc8d2e90671434eed74f94") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ivy-bibtex . [(20200429 1606) ((bibtex-completion (1 0 0)) (swiper (0 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A bibliography manager based on Ivy" single ((:commit . "3e773f7957c1acabb8390c00cc8d49e192ee36bd") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-clipmenu . [(20200302 1419) ((emacs (26 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 16 0)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Ivy client for clipmenu" single ((:commit . "ef25acf3f058fe1ede3a29fae2e9cdac8b08cd17") (:authors ("William Carroll" . "")) (:maintainer "William Carroll" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-clojuredocs . [(20190907 2053) ((edn (1 1 2)) (ivy (0 12 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Search for help in" single ((:commit . "dd33a25f1de4339f75f05689ed60fe1b1c97f554") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Wanderson Ferreira" . "")) (:maintainer "Wanderson Ferreira" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-dired-history . [(20170626 556) ((ivy (0 9 0)) (counsel (0 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "use ivy to open recent directories" single ((:commit . "c9c67ea1ee5e68443f0e6006ba162d6c8d868b69") (:authors ("纪秀峰" . "")) (:maintainer "纪秀峰" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2242,7 +2251,7 @@
(ivy-fuz . [(20191222 946) ((emacs (25 1)) (fuz (1 3 0)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Integration between fuz and ivy." single ((:commit . "f171ac73422a4bae1503d63d804e691482ed35b2") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Zhu Zihao" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-gitlab . [(20181228 826) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (gitlab (0 8))) "Ivy interface to Gitlab" single ((:commit . "8c2324c02119500f094c2f92dfaba4c9977ce1ba") (:keywords "gitlab" "ivy") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-historian . [(20190111 313) ((emacs (24 4)) (historian (20170111)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (flx (0 6 1))) "Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates" single ((:commit . "ac1bea7d99dd6965c72fabeb72d5fdc38c5380a4") (:keywords "convenience" "ivy") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ivy-hydra . [(20200421 1120) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0)) (hydra (0 15 0))) "Additional key bindings for Ivy" single ((:commit . "1bf5b98dc2a01ff4d3255e349cf32817ffaccea1") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ivy-hydra . [(20200421 1120) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0)) (hydra (0 15 0))) "Additional key bindings for Ivy" single ((:commit . "84efa3a2cbb9c5b0bbcc8d2e90671434eed74f94") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-lobsters . [(20171202 2041) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Browse stories with ivy." single ((:commit . "4364df4b3685fd1b50865ac9360fb948c0288dd1") (:authors ("Julien Blanchard <>")) (:maintainer "Julien Blanchard <>") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-mpdel . [(20190428 920) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (libmpdel (1 0 0)) (mpdel (1 0 0))) "Ivy interface to navigate MPD" single ((:commit . "a42dcc943914c71975c115195d38c739f25e475c") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-omni-org . [(20200125 807) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10)) (dash (2 12))) "Browse anything in Org mode" single ((:commit . "113477ae46ec857c5794fc0a031c1e579615f0a9") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2250,10 +2259,10 @@
(ivy-pass . [(20170812 1955) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (password-store (1 6 5))) "ivy interface for pass" single ((:commit . "5b523de1151f2109fdd6a8114d0af12eef83d3c5") (:keywords "pass" "password" "convenience" "data") (:authors ("ecraven")) (:maintainer "ecraven") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-phpunit . [(20180219 915) ((ivy (0 10 0)) (phpunit (0 7 0)) (emacs (25))) "Ivy integration for phpunit.el" single ((:commit . "ffedb0138d36564e8e36a28fd9bc71ea8944681f") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "ivy" "phpunit" "php") (:authors ("12pt")) (:maintainer "12pt") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-posframe . [(20200331 536) ((emacs (26 0)) (posframe (0 1 0)) (ivy (0 11 0))) "Using posframe to show Ivy" single ((:commit . "ae9bafe94fe6b77b6fe45766ae6172646f6a5d50") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "ivy") (:authors ("Feng Shu")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ivy-prescient . [(20200415 1457) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (4 1)) (ivy (0 11 0))) "prescient.el + Ivy" single ((:commit . "0f4a89bdec61395138d968a38d375e63ccfbed63") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ivy-prescient . [(20200415 1457) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (4 1)) (ivy (0 11 0))) "prescient.el + Ivy" single ((:commit . "3ab7605d997fb8337bf5ded2ad960b98ac0e1fd7") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-purpose . [(20160724 1003) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 8)) (window-purpose (1 5))) "Ivy Interface for Purpose" single ((:commit . "0495f2f3aed64d7e0028125e76a9a68f8fc4107e") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2016)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2016)") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-rich . [(20200428 110) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 8 0))) "More friendly display transformer for ivy." single ((:commit . "3f818b201769bc13cc75aa73645217e374136aca") (:keywords "ivy") (:authors ("Yevgnen Koh" . "")) (:maintainer "Yevgnen Koh" . ""))])
- (ivy-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((ivy (0 7 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags completion back-end for ivy" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ivy-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((ivy (0 7 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags completion back-end for ivy" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-todo . [(20200323 2005) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (25))) "Manage org-mode TODOs with ivy" single ((:commit . "d74501cd334b7d709659946c5e02b21cfd5507de") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-xcdoc . [(20160917 1055) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Search Xcode documents with ivy interface." single ((:commit . "5ea22af36c4c2737fb0bec53432c233482d8b314") (:keywords "ivy" "xcode" "xcdoc") (:authors ("C.T.Chen" . "")) (:maintainer "C.T.Chen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ivy-xref . [(20191126 401) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10 0))) "Ivy interface for xref results" single ((:commit . "3d4c35fe2b243d948d8fe02a1f0d76a249d63de9") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2267,8 +2276,8 @@
(jabber-otr . [(20150918 1144) ((emacs (24)) (jabber (0 8 92))) "Off-The-Record messaging for jabber.el" tar ((:commit . "2692b1530234e0ba9a0d6c1eaa1cbe8679f193c0") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(jack-connect . [(20200325 1639) nil "Manage jack connections within Emacs" single ((:commit . "c227d1ed3016960c8666a60e4215bbb029436bc7") (:authors ("Stefano Barbi" . "")) (:maintainer "Stefano Barbi" . ""))])
(jade-mode . [(20160525 1441) nil "Major mode for editing .jade files" single ((:commit . "4dbde92542fc7ad61df38776980905a4721d642e") (:authors ("Brian M. Carlson and other contributors")) (:maintainer "Brian M. Carlson and other contributors") (:url . ""))])
- (jammer . [(20160310 859) nil "Punish yourself for using Emacs inefficiently" single ((:commit . "48aa795df6df7ae6484518bcd0398293ca49d7c6") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (janet-mode . [(20200429 1430) ((emacs (24 3))) "Defines a major mode for Janet" single ((:commit . "74379a8b83b6a4bd01a3b5e48a3552528f08b3eb") (:authors ("Adam Schwalm" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwalm" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (jammer . [(20200506 1247) nil "Punish yourself for using Emacs inefficiently" single ((:commit . "76e006dddd491aecccfcb06939db56f9f7daa56d") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (janet-mode . [(20200509 1651) ((emacs (24 3))) "Defines a major mode for Janet" single ((:commit . "2f5bcabcb6953e1ed1926ba6a2328c453e8b4ac7") (:authors ("Adam Schwalm" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwalm" . "") (:url . ""))])
(japanese-holidays . [(20190317 1220) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "calendar functions for the Japanese calendar" single ((:commit . "45e70a6eaf4a555fadc58ab731d522a037a81997") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Takashi Hattori" . "") ("Hiroya Murata" . "")) (:maintainer "Takashi Hattori" . "") (:url . ""))])
(japanlaw . [(20160615 643) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Japan law from" single ((:commit . "1bbdef942f28c61a0adb89d1b3c2cca5b10ca2dc") (:keywords "docs" "help") (:authors ("Kazushi NODA (")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . ""))])
(jape-mode . [(20140903 1506) nil "An Emacs editing mode mode for GATE's JAPE files" single ((:commit . "85b9182850707b5d107391f6caee5bd401507a7d") (:keywords "languages" "jape" "gate") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2304,7 +2313,7 @@
(jonprl-mode . [(20160819 59) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "A major mode for editing JonPRL files" tar ((:commit . "6059bb64891fae45827174e044d6a87ac07172d8") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("David Raymond Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Raymond Christiansen" . ""))])
(jpop . [(20170410 1250) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 11 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Lightweight project caching and navigation framework" tar ((:commit . "7628b03260be96576b34459d45959ee77d8b2110") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Dom Charlesworth" . "")) (:maintainer "Dom Charlesworth" . "") (:url . ""))])
(jq-format . [(20190428 1434) ((emacs (24)) (reformatter (0 3))) "Reformat JSON and JSONLines using jq" single ((:commit . "47e1c5adb89b37b4d53fe01302d8c675913c20e7") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (jq-mode . [(20200317 852) ((emacs (25 1))) "Edit jq scripts." tar ((:commit . "bc904840f27fe7b0e6dbdaeb912a7175a3837110") (:authors ("Bjarte Johansen <Bjarte dot Johansen at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Bjarte Johansen <Bjarte dot Johansen at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
+ (jq-mode . [(20200510 1041) ((emacs (25 1))) "Edit jq scripts." tar ((:commit . "8525416b6d166ea022192e6f694c8405edc94160") (:authors ("Bjarte Johansen <Bjarte dot Johansen at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Bjarte Johansen <Bjarte dot Johansen at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(jquery-doc . [(20150812 758) nil "jQuery api documentation interface for emacs" tar ((:commit . "24032284919b942ec27707d929bdd8bf48420062") (:keywords "docs" "jquery") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . ""))])
(js-auto-beautify . [(20161031 509) ((web-beautify (0 3 1)) (web-mode (14 0 27))) "auto format you js/jsx file" single ((:commit . "180d15af7b5dfaab4ee1954cca2fdc797932f9de") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . ""))])
(js-auto-format-mode . [(20180807 1352) ((emacs (24))) "Minor mode for auto-formatting JavaScript code" single ((:commit . "306abcfb9f6e46962061a34b68d4f6baa8c7aba4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Masafumi Koba" . "")) (:maintainer "Masafumi Koba" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2333,10 +2342,10 @@
(jss . [(20130508 1423) ((emacs (24 1)) (websocket (0)) (js2-mode (0))) "An emacs interface to webkit and mozilla debuggers" tar ((:commit . "41749257aecf13c7bd6ed489b5ab3304d06e40bc") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Marco Baringer" . "")) (:maintainer "Marco Baringer" . ""))])
(jst . [(20150604 1138) ((s (1 9)) (f (0 17)) (dash (2 10)) (pcache (0 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "JS test mode" single ((:commit . "2a3fd16c992f7790dc67134ef06a814c3d20579c") (:keywords "js" "javascript" "jasmine" "coffee" "coffeescript") (:authors ("Cheung Hoi Yu" . "")) (:maintainer "Cheung Hoi Yu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(jtags . [(20160211 2029) nil "enhanced tags functionality for Java development" tar ((:commit . "b50daa48510f71e74ce0ec2eb85030896a79cf96") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Alexander Baltatzis" . "") ("Johan Dykstrom" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Dykstrom" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (julia-mode . [(20200331 1658) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Julia source code" tar ((:commit . "88d7d875ef32eb9fb76917c97150654bb91ac96a") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
+ (julia-mode . [(20200504 1726) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Julia source code" tar ((:commit . "839726af374991223ffe56f7e7d10bef81033d09") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
(julia-repl . [(20200310 1145) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 12))) "A minor mode for a Julia REPL" tar ((:commit . "5fa04de4e76e10d5ee37d4244f48ddae4503faa1") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Tamas Papp" . "")) (:maintainer "Tamas Papp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(julia-shell . [(20161125 1910) ((julia-mode (0 3))) "Major mode for an inferior Julia shell" tar ((:commit . "583a0b2ca20461ab4356929fd0f2212c22341b69") (:authors ("Dennis Ogbe" . "")) (:maintainer "Dennis Ogbe" . ""))])
- (julia-snail . [(20200427 1929) ((emacs (26 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 16 0)) (julia-mode (0 3)) (s (1 12 0)) (parsec (0 1 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (vterm (0 0 1))) "Julia Snail" tar ((:commit . "4b179dc87adcd793cf60a4cb3423916686a971a3") (:url . ""))])
+ (julia-snail . [(20200505 1504) ((emacs (26 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 16 0)) (julia-mode (0 3)) (s (1 12 0)) (parsec (0 1 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (vterm (0 0 1))) "Julia Snail" tar ((:commit . "e2f1e60098b1a2b3e166130e989489f7b845f8e1") (:url . ""))])
(jumblr . [(20170727 2043) ((s (1 8 0)) (dash (2 2 0))) "an anagram game for emacs" tar ((:commit . "34533dfb9db8538c005f4eaffafeff7ed193729f") (:keywords "anagram" "word game" "games") (:url . ""))])
(jump . [(20161127 128) ((findr (0 7)) (inflections (2 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "build functions which contextually jump between files" single ((:commit . "e4f1372cf22e811faca52fc86bdd5d817498a4d8") (:keywords "project" "convenience" "navigation") (:authors ("Eric Schulte")) (:maintainer "Eric Schulte") (:url . ""))])
(jump-char . [(20180601 1348) nil "navigation by char" single ((:commit . "1e31a3c687f2b3c71bbfab881c6d75915534bb9e") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2356,7 +2365,7 @@
(kanban . [(20170418 810) nil "Parse org-todo headlines to use org-tables as Kanban tables" single ((:commit . "dd11d722b20ae720f29b8aa93a3b1cad87650b33") (:keywords "outlines" "convenience") (:authors ("Arne Babenhauserheide" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Babenhauserheide" . ""))])
(kanji-mode . [(20160826 1139) nil "View stroke order for kanji characters at cursor" tar ((:commit . "eda4f8666486689d36317db7dbda54fb73d3e3d2") (:authors ("Wojciech Gac" . "")) (:maintainer "Wojciech Gac" . "") (:url . " "))])
(kaocha-runner . [(20190904 1950) ((emacs (26)) (s (1 4 0)) (cider (0 21 0)) (parseedn (0 1 0))) "A package for running Kaocha tests via CIDER." single ((:commit . "1376d50f1fc91f9345351aeb4960b54bf83be59e") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (kaolin-themes . [(20200324 1349) ((emacs (25 1)) (autothemer (0 2 2)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A set of eye pleasing themes" tar ((:commit . "9877c12ad412e79b3d88423f911be1ff59a72e0e") (:keywords "dark" "light" "teal" "blue" "violet" "purple" "brown" "theme" "faces") (:authors ("Ogden Webb" . "")) (:maintainer "Ogden Webb" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (kaolin-themes . [(20200508 1621) ((emacs (25 1)) (autothemer (0 2 2)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A set of eye pleasing themes" tar ((:commit . "15e2612eba2eeb223f6b4e5ac4a55dc5da09b14a") (:keywords "dark" "light" "teal" "blue" "violet" "purple" "brown" "theme" "faces") (:authors ("Ogden Webb" . "")) (:maintainer "Ogden Webb" . "") (:url . ""))])
(kaomoji . [(20171227 440) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm-core (1 9 1))) "Input kaomoji superb easily" tar ((:commit . "90a1490743b2a30762f5454c9d9309018eff83dd") (:keywords "tools" "fun") (:authors ("Ono Hiroko" . "")) (:maintainer "Ono Hiroko" . "") (:url . ""))])
(kapacitor . [(20190414 1908) ((emacs (25 1)) (magit (2 13 0)) (magit-popup (2 12 4))) "Main file for kapacitor-mode" single ((:commit . "e3300d8b4017a2f66b0d929cb85bcc7ee2612072") (:keywords "kapacitor" "emacs" "magit" "tools") (:authors ("Manoj Kumar Manikchand" . "")) (:maintainer "Manoj Kumar Manikchand" . "") (:url . ""))])
(karma . [(20160220 1245) ((pkg-info (0 4)) (emacs (24))) "Karma Test Runner Emacs Integration" single ((:commit . "31d3e7708246183d7ed0686be92bf23140af348c") (:keywords "language" "javascript" "js" "karma" "testing") (:authors ("Samuel Tonini")) (:maintainer "Samuel Tonini") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2389,8 +2398,8 @@
(killer . [(20190128 10) nil "kill and delete text" single ((:commit . "ace0547944933440384ceeb5876b1f68c082d540") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(kite . [(20130201 1938) ((json (1 2)) (websocket (0 93 1))) "WebKit inspector front-end" tar ((:commit . "7ed74d1147a6ddd152d3da65dc30df3517d53144") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Julian Scheid" . "")) (:maintainer "Julian Scheid" . ""))])
(kite-mini . [(20160508 1106) ((dash (2 11 0)) (websocket (1 5))) "Remotely evaluate JavaScript in the WebKit debugger" tar ((:commit . "a68619dbc109c7989f3448426d8c1ee9e797c11f") (:keywords "webkit") (:authors ("Tung Dao" . "")) (:maintainer "Tung Dao" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (kivy-mode . [(20180702 2029) nil "Emacs major mode for editing Kivy files" single ((:commit . "b6eddbb2fcf97a21b7f0c4cfbf0d8ccdb74fb3ec") (:authors ("Dean Serenevy" . "")) (:maintainer "Dean Serenevy" . ""))])
- (kiwix . [(20200428 339) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 3 0))) "Searching offline Wikipedia through Kiwix." tar ((:commit . "2011a9fce5584cdce9c99424c1d216ad437c8bbf") (:keywords "kiwix" "wikipedia") (:authors ("stardiviner" . "")) (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (kivy-mode . [(20180702 2029) nil "Emacs major mode for editing Kivy files" single ((:commit . "db44e647c5e51251f0318b9b14e2c194163b4929") (:authors ("Dean Serenevy" . "")) (:maintainer "Dean Serenevy" . ""))])
+ (kiwix . [(20200503 2312) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 3 0))) "Searching offline Wikipedia through Kiwix." tar ((:commit . "7fda4115d5f762f9a2c1db10406ab2562119050e") (:keywords "kiwix" "wikipedia") (:authors ("stardiviner" . "")) (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(kixtart-mode . [(20150611 1604) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for Kixtart scripting files" single ((:commit . "1c2356797e7b766bbaaa2b341176a8b10499cd79") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ryrun <>")) (:maintainer "Ryrun <>") (:url . ""))])
(klere-theme . [(20180415 1823) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with lambent color highlights and incremental grays" single ((:commit . "c064f9e5c44173c239fce239a62c8d5e61827672") (:authors ("Wamm K. D." . "")) (:maintainer "Wamm K. D." . "") (:url . ""))])
(know-your-http-well . [(20160208 2304) nil "Look up the meaning of HTTP headers, methods, relations, status codes" tar ((:commit . "3cc5ab6d2764ab7aacb1b6e026abaccbeb6c37f2"))])
@@ -2399,7 +2408,7 @@
(kooten-theme . [(20161023 905) ((emacs (24 1))) "Dark color theme" single ((:commit . "d10197b4dd7af02cd14aeab2573c273a294798c3") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Pascal van Kooten" . "")) (:maintainer "Pascal van Kooten" . "") (:url . ""))])
(korean-holidays . [(20190102 1558) nil "Korean holidays for calendar." single ((:commit . "3f90ed86f46f8e5533f23baa40e2513ac497ca2b") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("SeungKi Kim" . "")) (:maintainer "SeungKi Kim" . "") (:url . ""))])
(kosmos-theme . [(20170502 1850) ((emacs (24))) "Black and lightgray theme with not so much syntax highlighting." single ((:commit . "616456d2376a75dc31190ad65137d179fbad4336") (:authors ("Maxim Kim" . "")) (:maintainer "Maxim Kim" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (kotlin-mode . [(20191102 1510) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for kotlin" tar ((:commit . "ab610996820b5cbdb032edbf8747661131603ab8") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Shodai Yokoyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Shodai Yokoyama" . ""))])
+ (kotlin-mode . [(20191102 1510) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for kotlin" tar ((:commit . "8e6dd578f2b3d77ac33b6384d2bfe1b1f6799a1a") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Shodai Yokoyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Shodai Yokoyama" . ""))])
(kpm-list . [(20170924 1352) nil "An emacs buffer list that tries to intelligently group together buffers." single ((:commit . "e0f5112e5ce8ec1b603f4428fa51681c68bb28f5") (:authors ("Kevin Mahoney")) (:maintainer "Kevin Mahoney") (:url . ""))])
(kroman . [(20150827 2340) nil "Korean hangul romanization" single ((:commit . "90402b6ae40383e75d8ba97d66eee93eebf40f70") (:keywords "korean" "roman") (:authors ("Zhang Kai Yu" . "")) (:maintainer "Zhang Kai Yu" . ""))])
(ksp-cfg-mode . [(20190414 2348) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "major mode for editing KSP CFG files" single ((:commit . "faec8bd8456c67276d065eb68c88a30efcef59ef") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("Emily Backes" . "")) (:maintainer "Emily Backes" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2416,14 +2425,14 @@
(lab-themes . [(20200204 1931) ((emacs (24))) "A custom theme carefully constructed in the LAB space" tar ((:commit . "2cd61072d2b4c563d961f80918fc6b1dc45f7ba4") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("MetroWind" . "")) (:maintainer "MetroWind" . "") (:url . ""))])
(labburn-theme . [(20200309 1556) nil "A lab color space zenburn theme." single ((:commit . "d11537a2060df7e992217ede8f65d6c11de49458") (:keywords "theme" "zenburn") (:authors ("Johannes Goslar")) (:maintainer "Johannes Goslar") (:url . ""))])
(laguna-theme . [(20191229 19) nil "A theme that's easy on the eyes & focuses on importance." single ((:commit . "0da19f68ba22a39c02d83063f5b4936401ce4d97") (:authors ("Henry Newcomer" . "")) (:maintainer "Henry Newcomer" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (lambdapi-mode . [(20200429 546) ((emacs (26 1)) (eglot (1 5)) (math-symbol-lists (1 2 1))) "A major mode for editing Lambdapi source code" tar ((:commit . "27a7e9190bdad0a4c568104995ac641d0e5e566e") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Rodolphe Lepigre, Gabriel Hondet")) (:maintainer "Deducteam" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (lambdapi-mode . [(20200508 437) ((emacs (26 1)) (eglot (1 5)) (math-symbol-lists (1 2 1))) "A major mode for editing Lambdapi source code" tar ((:commit . "f54599fe7656515320bec1e5e5fc16f7ee9c7a64") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Rodolphe Lepigre, Gabriel Hondet")) (:maintainer "Deducteam" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lammps-mode . [(20180801 1319) ((emacs (24 4))) "basic syntax highlighting for LAMMPS files" single ((:commit . "a5b68d7a59975770b56ee8f6e66fa4f703a72ffe") (:keywords "languages" "faces") (:authors ("Aidan Thompson <athomps at>")) (:maintainer "Rohit Goswami <r95g10 at>") (:url . ""))])
(lang-refactor-perl . [(20131122 2127) nil "Simple refactorings, primarily for Perl" single ((:commit . "691bd69639de6b7af357e3b7143563ececd9c497") (:keywords "languages" "refactoring" "perl") (:authors (nil . "Johan Lindstrom <buzzwordninja>")) (:maintainer nil . "Johan Lindstrom <buzzwordninja>") (:url . ""))])
(langdoc . [(20150218 645) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Help to define help document mode for various languages" single ((:commit . "2c7223bacb116992d700ecb19a60df5c09c63424") (:keywords "convenience" "eldoc") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "") (:url . ""))])
(langtool . [(20200117 441) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Grammar check utility using LanguageTool" single ((:commit . "a71ed02ce06920ae3cafd6708de1c21811ce14c3") (:keywords "docs") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(language-detection . [(20161123 1813) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Automatic language detection from code snippets" single ((:commit . "54a6ecf55304fba7d215ef38a4ec96daff2f35a4") (:authors ("Andreas Jansson" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Jansson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(language-id . [(20200409 607) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Library to work with programming language identifiers" single ((:commit . "bf17d80b6c4b58fb66cddc2b2914f57d48468e97") (:keywords "languages" "util") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (languagetool . [(20200229 145) ((emacs (25 1))) "LanguageTool integration for grammar check" single ((:commit . "13a8cc6835c48b72a3b7917a1631eeab429dca5b") (:keywords "grammar" "text" "docs" "tools") (:authors ("Joar Buitrago" . "")) (:maintainer "Joar Buitrago" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (languagetool . [(20200507 610) ((emacs (25 1))) "LanguageTool integration for grammar check" tar ((:commit . "e7faecf8a7eec8086aafc48a5c4f1908bb5c4300") (:keywords "grammar" "text" "docs" "tools") (:authors ("Joar Buitrago" . "")) (:maintainer "Joar Buitrago" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lastfm . [(20200320 1839) ((emacs (26 1)) (request (0 3 0)) (anaphora (1 0 4)) (memoize (1 1)) (elquery (0 1 0)) (s (1 12 0))) " API for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "54636059512adec0176950e8fce3b9bf7423619d") (:keywords "multimedia" "api") (:authors ("Mihai Olteanu" . "")) (:maintainer "Mihai Olteanu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lastpass . [(20200320 2117) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (1 9)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "LastPass command wrapper" single ((:commit . "ac472f844bd1e109c62479253cbc40bb5e50ed8f") (:keywords "extensions" "processes" "lpass" "lastpass") (:authors ("Petter Storvik")) (:maintainer "Petter Storvik") (:url . ""))])
(latex-extra . [(20170817 147) ((auctex (11 86 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Adds several useful functionalities to LaTeX-mode." single ((:commit . "82d99b8b0c2db20e5270749582e03bcc2443ffb5") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2448,7 +2457,7 @@
(leanote . [(20161223 139) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2)) (let-alist (1 0 3)) (pcache (0 4 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (async (1 9))) "A minor mode writing markdown leanote" single ((:commit . "d499e7b59bb1f1a2fabc0e4c26fb101ed62ebc7b") (:keywords "leanote" "note" "markdown") (:authors ("Aborn Jiang" . "")) (:maintainer "Aborn Jiang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(learn-ocaml . [(20200224 2229) ((emacs (25 1))) "Emacs frontend for learn-ocaml" single ((:commit . "e3424b3ae3f7d85ef020d030c2fa58df86ed8955") (:url . ""))])
(ledger-import . [(20200302 943) ((emacs (25 1)) (ledger-mode (3 1 1))) "Fetch OFX files from bank and push them to Ledger" single ((:commit . "955e915fef9d46c968ef9101f7770870e2d2d80f") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ledger-mode . [(20200425 1517) ((emacs (24 3))) "Helper code for use with the \"ledger\" command-line tool" tar ((:commit . "021eff5f88bf6392d7b3e511593e07471eb7833d"))])
+ (ledger-mode . [(20200509 1136) ((emacs (24 3))) "Helper code for use with the \"ledger\" command-line tool" tar ((:commit . "5a517cee3dfedfd1b90c2f01d6d8e01198a198d1"))])
(leerzeichen . [(20170422 1313) nil "Minor mode to display whitespace characters." single ((:commit . "5acf9855ecb2b2cd5da4402bb48df149e7525cc5") (:keywords "whitespace" "characters") (:authors ("Felix Geller" . "")) (:maintainer "Felix Geller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(leetcode . [(20200101 1111) ((emacs (26)) (dash (2 16 0)) (graphql (0 1 1)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (aio (1 0))) "An leetcode client." single ((:commit . "28b78c45c86570cb1e3538f275eb4de1cf28cd04") (:keywords "extensions" "tools") (:authors ("Wang Kai" . "")) (:maintainer "Wang Kai" . "") (:url . ""))])
(legalese . [(20200119 2248) nil "Add legalese to your program files" single ((:commit . "e465471d2d5a62d35073d93e0f8d40387a82e302") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2459,7 +2468,7 @@
(less-css-mode . [(20161001 453) nil "Major mode for editing LESS CSS files (" single ((:commit . "c7fa3d56d83206b28657f2e56439dc62280a2bf2") (:keywords "less" "css" "mode") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(letcheck . [(20160202 1948) nil "Check the erroneous assignments in let forms" single ((:commit . "edf188ca2f85349e971b83f164c6484264e79426") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(letterbox-mode . [(20170702 125) ((emacs (24 3))) "hide sensitive text on a buffer" single ((:commit . "88c67a51d67216d569a28e8423200883fde096dd") (:keywords "password" "convenience") (:authors ("Fernando Leboran" . "")) (:maintainer "Fernando Leboran" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (leuven-theme . [(20200425 756) nil "Awesome Emacs color theme on white background" tar ((:commit . "e6b6c3a918cfbcb4374a3bca559ee59701fbe89b") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Fabrice Niessen <(concat \"fniessen\" at-sign \"\")>")) (:maintainer "Fabrice Niessen <(concat \"fniessen\" at-sign \"\")>") (:url . ""))])
+ (leuven-theme . [(20200505 1811) nil "Awesome Emacs color theme on white background" tar ((:commit . "f25e4011fc30a35983ab08041f4e972daad4b106") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:authors ("Fabrice Niessen <(concat \"fniessen\" at-sign \"\")>")) (:maintainer "Fabrice Niessen <(concat \"fniessen\" at-sign \"\")>") (:url . ""))])
(levenshtein . [(20090830 1040) nil "Edit distance between two strings." single ((:commit . "070925197ebf6b704e6e00c4f2d2ec783f3df38c") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Aaron S. Hawley <ashawley at uvm dot edu>,") ("Art Taylor")) (:maintainer "Aaron S. Hawley <ashawley at uvm dot edu>,"))])
(lexbind-mode . [(20141027 1429) nil "Puts the value of lexical-binding in the mode line" single ((:commit . "fa0a6848c1cfd3fbf45db43dc2deef16377d887d") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp") (:authors ("Andrew Kirkpatrick" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Kirkpatrick" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lfe-mode . [(20170121 1254) nil "Lisp Flavoured Erlang mode" tar ((:commit . "a6c9922f31f59686bb48db1b8d5b75e74e79757a"))])
@@ -2492,7 +2501,7 @@
(list-environment . [(20151227 256) nil "A tabulated process environment editor" single ((:commit . "b7ca30b05905047be2e55199a6475f8d98ce318b") (:keywords "processes" "unix") (:authors ("Charles L.G. Comstock" . "")) (:maintainer "Charles L.G. Comstock" . ""))])
(list-packages-ext . [(20151115 1716) ((s (1 6 0)) (ht (1 5 0)) (persistent-soft (0 8 6))) "Extras for list-packages" single ((:commit . "b4dd644e4369c9aa66f5bb8895ea49ebbfd0a27a") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Alessandro Piras" . "")) (:maintainer "Alessandro Piras" . ""))])
(list-unicode-display . [(20181121 2316) ((emacs (24 3))) "Search for and list unicode characters by name" single ((:commit . "0ecc2402b258990e7a0cf7e60847712c69444070") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . ""))])
- (list-utils . [(20160414 1402) nil "List-manipulation utility functions" single ((:commit . "acf18aca1131a90f8d673974673e3c5d8fdc6a86") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (list-utils . [(20200502 1309) nil "List-manipulation utility functions" single ((:commit . "9bb2487c83ec46a0b6e6c4158af69334ac797b82") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lit-mode . [(20141123 1736) nil "Major mode for lit" single ((:commit . "c61c403afc8333a5649c5421ab1a6341dc1c7d92") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Hector A Escobedo" . "")) (:maintainer "Hector A Escobedo" . ""))])
(litable . [(20200130 1329) ((dash (2 6 0))) "dynamic evaluation replacement with emacs" single ((:commit . "02247ca284cbc79f3afb783d62ed092bfc5b8d83") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . ""))])
(litanize . [(20200211 621) ((emacs (24 1)) (enlive (0 0 1)) (s (1 12 0))) "Generate \"Latour Litanies\"" single ((:commit . "ba73259e35b4649884ba56542d3a55f43bd3b80b") (:keywords "tools" "latour litany" "alien phenomenology" "ontography" "metaphorism" "carpentry") (:authors ("nik gaffney" . "")) (:maintainer "nik gaffney" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2503,7 +2512,7 @@
(literate-starter-kit . [(20150730 1854) ((emacs (24 3))) "A literate starter kit to configure Emacs using Org-mode files." tar ((:commit . "6dce1d01781966c14558aa553cfc85008c06e115"))])
(live-code-talks . [(20180907 1647) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (narrowed-page-navigation (0 1))) "Support for slides with live code in them" single ((:commit . "97f16a9ee4e6ff3e0f9291eaead772c66e3e12ae") (:keywords "docs" "multimedia") (:authors ("David Raymond Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Raymond Christiansen" . ""))])
(live-preview . [(20200419 2143) ((emacs (24 4))) "Live preview by any shell command while editing" single ((:commit . "7af1c74e0479c5b91d6368a4a3ff1342b83ef477") (:keywords "languages" "util") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (live-py-mode . [(20200401 420) ((emacs (24 3))) "Live Coding in Python" tar ((:commit . "ab15012313217114d3f3940a6578df31ad223010") (:keywords "live" "coding") (:authors ("Don Kirkby")) (:maintainer "Don Kirkby") (:url . ""))])
+ (live-py-mode . [(20200401 420) ((emacs (24 3))) "Live Coding in Python" tar ((:commit . "7de55e832e331d673cc44ca094a588cc8780383d") (:keywords "live" "coding") (:authors ("Don Kirkby")) (:maintainer "Don Kirkby") (:url . ""))])
(lively . [(20171005 754) nil "interactively updating text" single ((:commit . "348675828c6a81bfa1ac311ca465aad813542c1b") (:authors ("Luke Gorrie" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . ""))])
(livereload . [(20170629 650) ((emacs (25)) (websocket (1 8))) "Livereload server" tar ((:commit . "1e501d7e46dbd476c2c7cc9d20b5ac9d41fb1955") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("João Távora" . "")) (:maintainer "João Távora" . ""))])
(livescript-mode . [(20140613 421) nil "Major mode for editing LiveScript files" single ((:commit . "90a918d9686e256e6d4d439cc20f24dad8d3b804") (:keywords "languages" "livescript") (:authors ("Hisamatsu Yasuyuki" . "")) (:maintainer "Hisamatsu Yasuyuki" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2533,32 +2542,33 @@
(loop . [(20160813 1407) nil "friendly imperative loop structures" single ((:commit . "e22807f83a0890dc8a904c51ee0742c34efccc6c") (:keywords "loop" "while" "for each" "break" "continue") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(lorem-ipsum . [(20190819 2042) nil "Insert dummy pseudo Latin text." single ((:commit . "da75c155da327c7a7aedb80f5cfe409984787049") (:keywords "tools" "language" "convenience") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Theberge" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Schafer" . ""))])
(love-minor-mode . [(20170727 536) ((lua-mode (20130419))) "Minor mode for working on LÖVE projects" single ((:commit . "3ca8f3405338f2d6f4fbcdd5e89342a46378543a") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "Eric James Michael Ritz") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-dart . [(20200430 1504) ((emacs (25 2)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (dap-mode (0 3)) (ht (2 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (dash (2 14 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (dart-mode (1 0 5))) "Dart support lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "80f8ecaf629e8918149fd4e308be50d5451642ec") (:keywords "languages" "extensions") (:url . ""))])
+ (lpy . [(20200504 1918) ((emacs (25 1)) (lispy (0 27 0))) "A lispy interface to Python" tar ((:commit . "39d05463939398168dd8c8dca22d76af93aa87ae") (:keywords "python" "lisp") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-dart . [(20200509 1700) ((emacs (25 2)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (dap-mode (0 3)) (ht (2 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (dash (2 14 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (dart-mode (1 0 5))) "Dart support lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "c875ffa16b6c732f44abb06b4f3be878e822d69e") (:keywords "languages" "extensions") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-docker . [(20200222 505) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (lsp-mode (6 2 1))) "LSP Docker integration" single ((:commit . "af56404c383102344f9b99e2e168e69b7d8d50d0") (:keywords "languages" "langserver") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-elixir . [(20190105 2059) ((lsp-mode (20190104 2105)) (emacs (24 4))) "Elixir tooling integration into Emacs" tar ((:commit . "9fd091c092144a09c0df2d477257c1f4c37bb985") (:keywords "languages" "elixir" "elixirc" "mix" "hex" "alchemist") (:authors ("Aldric Giacomoni" . "")) (:maintainer "Aldric Giacomoni" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-haskell . [(20200407 2216) ((lsp-mode (3 0)) (haskell-mode (1 0))) "Haskell support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "f7d1f190ebacc96ddbc722e76730ca2db3c4ce38") (:keywords "haskell") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-haskell . [(20200510 941) ((lsp-mode (3 0)) (haskell-mode (1 0))) "Haskell support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "1a541e2459b918012cd655407920600ad35736ef") (:keywords "haskell") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-intellij . [(20180831 2051) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (4 1))) "intellij lsp client" single ((:commit . "cf30f0ac63bd0140e758840b8ab070e8313697b2") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Ruin0x11" . "")) (:maintainer "Ruin0x11" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-ivy . [(20200418 1500) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (lsp-mode (6 2 1)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "LSP ivy integration" single ((:commit . "81e81ced99829358674c5a6bbe2c3e15cecd4ed8") (:keywords "languages" "debug") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-java . [(20200425 1842) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (treemacs (2 5))) "Java support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "4f66649c2f02978145bd2e51ff8e6444b8631964") (:keywords "languague" "tools") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-java . [(20200430 1659) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (treemacs (2 5))) "Java support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "f686a71e32e88541a796bf3e3356848d9c28a3f6") (:keywords "languague" "tools") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-javacomp . [(20190124 1755) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 0)) (s (1 2 0))) "Provide Java IDE features powered by JavaComp." single ((:commit . "82aa4ad6ca03a74565c35e855b318b1887bcd89b") (:keywords "java" "tools" "lsp") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-julia . [(20200408 1412) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (julia-mode (0 3))) "Julia support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "9f158a290168149fd301a1c1c2016600106ad5be") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Martin Wolke" . "") ("Adam Beckmeyer" . "") ("Guido Kraemer" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Beckmeyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-latex . [(20200425 920) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "lsp-mode client for LaTeX, on texlab" single ((:commit . "5cd7b6bb35bc54f3e9341d6a64605a3bb50db0a0") (:keywords "languages" "tex") (:authors ("ROCKTAKEY" . "")) (:maintainer "ROCKTAKEY" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-mode . [(20200430 1505) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (lv (0))) "LSP mode" tar ((:commit . "2b4a941d5d5dfe73ba9315e4125e5e27d7a2cf15") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-mssql . [(20191204 1150) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 2)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1))) "MSSQL LSP bindings" tar ((:commit . "e16e91d6a2a6cdb406ee9b98cfb47f7a32e41d61") (:keywords "data" "languages") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-mode . [(20200508 1525) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (lv (0))) "LSP mode" tar ((:commit . "35d4630015c2b991428c6adc9efea58fea77135c") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant, Fangrui Song, Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-mssql . [(20191204 1150) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (6 2)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1))) "MSSQL LSP bindings" tar ((:commit . "b462cfa9b8071c624b905baf37a255d808ac6376") (:keywords "data" "languages") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-origami . [(20190331 1723) ((origami (1 0)) (lsp-mode (20190326 522))) "origami.el support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "c7653602a2f2396b1a42d6053fd2be55fce8e0a2") (:keywords "languages" "lsp-mode") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-p4 . [(20190127 1049) ((lsp-mode (3 0))) "P4 support for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "54dd19d88cd561061ac3103dc452d6854e5899fa") (:keywords "lsp" "p4") (:authors ("Dmitri Makarov")) (:maintainer "Dmitri Makarov") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-pascal . [(20200422 1610) ((emacs (24 4)) (lsp-mode (6 3))) "LSP client for Pascal" single ((:commit . "b132bdf66748e4abe0d4140f6d061b1ccd56082a") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Arjan Adriaanse" . "")) (:maintainer "Arjan Adriaanse" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-pyre . [(20190406 335) ((lsp-mode (6 0))) "lsp-mode client for python using pyre" single ((:commit . "e177b8f5efd1a955b5753aeb5d1894e6d21be35a") (:authors ("John Allen" . "")) (:maintainer "John Allen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-python-ms . [(20200425 555) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "The lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server" single ((:commit . "19feb4aaaa03382e5d9841f237dd1685d8fe2994") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Charl Botha")) (:maintainer "Andrew Christianson, Vincent Zhang") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-python-ms . [(20200501 1408) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "The lsp-mode client for Microsoft python-language-server" single ((:commit . "324a0bf50be2ebbdafcfb532c573ac22d5170d10") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Charl Botha")) (:maintainer "Andrew Christianson, Vincent Zhang") (:url . ""))])
(lsp-scala . [(20190604 1237) ((emacs (24 4)) (lsp-mode (5 0)) (sbt-mode (2 0))) "Scala support for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "06f189aa5cafe93cecbdaa234bccd900def7bc68") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "scala" "lsp" "metals") (:authors ("Ross A. Baker" . "")) (:maintainer "Ross A. Baker" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-sourcekit . [(20181216 1450) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (5))) "sourcekit-lsp client for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "04d75b6a0be5894fea4a55fec0b2ccedf5b3be58") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "swift" "objective-c" "c++") (:authors ("Daniel Martín")) (:maintainer "Daniel Martín") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-treemacs . [(20200414 407) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (treemacs (2 5)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "LSP treemacs" tar ((:commit . "9d1a42b7d7abb112035f05f50ffde9834da034ae") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
- (lsp-ui . [(20200430 1858) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "UI modules for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "43f71e3837b07f377444ad631b12f8198c495aa7") (:keywords "lsp") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis <>, Fangrui Song" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis <>, Fangrui Song" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (lua-mode . [(20200405 1305) ((emacs (24 3))) "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" tar ((:commit . "658bf8f6c2bdcfe41cd14f5fb651563b41d0fbaa") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("2011-2013 immerrr" . "") ("2010-2011 Reuben Thomas" . "") ("2006 Juergen Hoetzel" . "") ("2004 various (support for Lua 5 and byte compilation)") ("2001 Christian Vogler" . "") ("1997 Bret Mogilefsky" . "") ("tcl-mode by Gregor Schmid" . "") ("with tons of assistance from") ("Paul Du Bois" . "") ("Aaron Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "2011-2013 immerrr" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-sourcekit . [(20181216 1450) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (5))) "sourcekit-lsp client for lsp-mode" single ((:commit . "130f7a8f7a37869515953aa7715b3b969c3d7a0b") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "swift" "objective-c" "c++") (:authors ("Daniel Martín")) (:maintainer "Daniel Martín") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-treemacs . [(20200503 1640) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (ht (2 0)) (treemacs (2 5)) (lsp-mode (6 0))) "LSP treemacs" tar ((:commit . "bd2c3727dd1e46e972477f11ba84999697ed842c") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski") (:url . ""))])
+ (lsp-ui . [(20200503 1650) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 14)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "UI modules for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "ab55e306af9dd9eb62fe7463e4e05d948ad3dfc6") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis <>, Fangrui Song" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis <>, Fangrui Song" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (lua-mode . [(20200508 1316) ((emacs (24 3))) "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" tar ((:commit . "a3a71b155ab63a64c077a48d1f83596b388bd564") (:keywords "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("2011-2013 immerrr" . "") ("2010-2011 Reuben Thomas" . "") ("2006 Juergen Hoetzel" . "") ("2004 various (support for Lua 5 and byte compilation)") ("2001 Christian Vogler" . "") ("1997 Bret Mogilefsky" . "") ("tcl-mode by Gregor Schmid" . "") ("with tons of assistance from") ("Paul Du Bois" . "") ("Aaron Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "2011-2013 immerrr" . "") (:url . ""))])
(luarocks . [(20170430 2305) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "luarocks tools" single ((:commit . "cee27ba0716edf338077387969883226dd2b7484") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lush-theme . [(20180816 2200) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with lush colors" single ((:commit . "645e1959143532df8f7ef90e1184e9556df18af7") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "strong colors") (:authors ("Andre Richter" . "")) (:maintainer "Andre Richter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lusty-explorer . [(20200415 1456) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0))) "Dynamic filesystem explorer and buffer switcher" single ((:commit . "1b7053b41083666c6805bcaeb55ece6dcc0d77cb") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "matching" "tools") (:url . ""))])
- (lv . [(20200227 1301) nil "Other echo area" single ((:commit . "16fa8d109ec5799931a793b2e866ea9d593bee84") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel"))])
+ (lv . [(20200507 1518) nil "Other echo area" single ((:commit . "87873d788891029d9e44fa5458321d6a05849b94") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel"))])
(lxc . [(20140410 2022) nil "lxc integration with Emacs" single ((:commit . "88bed56c954d1edd9ff5ce0ced2c02dcf9f71835") (:keywords "processes") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "") (:url . ""))])
(lxc-tramp . [(20200414 1445) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "TRAMP integration for LXC containers" single ((:commit . "1585e55a5deb89e2f4e30a0ad9e0f121d1e0ebcb") (:keywords "lxc" "convenience") (:authors ("montag451")) (:maintainer "montag451") (:url . ""))])
(lxd-tramp . [(20181023 7) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "TRAMP integration for LXD containers" single ((:commit . "f335c76245f62b02cf67a9376eca6f3863c8a75a") (:keywords "lxd" "lxc" "convenience") (:authors ("Yc.S" . "")) (:maintainer "Yc.S" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2573,7 +2583,7 @@
(magic-filetype . [(20180219 1552) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 9 0))) "Enhance filetype major mode" single ((:commit . "019494add5ff02dd36cb3f500142fc51125522cc") (:keywords "emulations" "vim" "ft" "file" "magic-mode") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magic-latex-buffer . [(20191106 241) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Magically enhance LaTeX-mode font-locking for semi-WYSIWYG editing" single ((:commit . "8597f4db70732d6e479396e2f2a7e78742387253") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(magik-mode . [(20200304 1323) nil "mode for editing Magik + some utils." tar ((:commit . "e54f934952cde3f96d6a131968295d993b3cf624") (:keywords "languages") (:url . ""))])
- (magit . [(20200429 1950) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (20180527)) (dash (20180910)) (git-commit (20181104)) (transient (20190812)) (with-editor (20181103))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." tar ((:commit . "d27d6e467857ed4a78c7cf7d609561df789e2a6c") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc"))])
+ (magit . [(20200503 1905) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (20180527)) (dash (20180910)) (git-commit (20181104)) (transient (20190812)) (with-editor (20181103))) "A Git porcelain inside Emacs." tar ((:commit . "9a388a61d95761b9c748dc186602ba7c691d580f") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc"))])
(magit-annex . [(20200428 9) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (magit (2 90 0))) "Control git-annex from Magit" single ((:commit . "ef5dce6267e9118a5eca82a22bcad0b67826c23a") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Kyle Meyer" . "") ("Rémi Vanicat" . "")) (:maintainer "Kyle Meyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-circleci . [(20191209 2113) ((dash (2 16 0)) (transient (0 1 0)) (magit (2 90 0)) (emacs (25 3))) "CircleCI integration for Magit" single ((:commit . "3425ad5b16cb48d6802b7e9ed044b4cd7a99c785") (:keywords "circleci" "continuous" "integration" "magit" "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Adrien Brochard")) (:maintainer "Adrien Brochard") (:url . ""))])
(magit-diff-flycheck . [(20190524 551) ((magit (2)) (flycheck (31)) (seq (2)) (emacs (25 1))) "Report errors in diffs" single ((:commit . "28acf74f59e385865746cccf4b1e4c4025ae9433") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:authors ("Alex Ragone" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Ragone" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2584,14 +2594,14 @@
(magit-gitflow . [(20170929 824) ((magit (2 1 0)) (magit-popup (2 2 0))) "gitflow extension for magit" single ((:commit . "cc41b561ec6eea947fe9a176349fb4f771ed865b") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Jan Tatarik" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Tatarik" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-imerge . [(20191105 2245) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 10 0))) "Magit extension for git-imerge" single ((:commit . "3b588991d30a69d2209dbcbb041777ae8af62bd0") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Kyle Meyer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kyle Meyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-lfs . [(20190831 118) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 10 3)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Magit plugin for Git LFS" single ((:commit . "75bf6d3310eae24889589a09e96a4a855e1a11c4") (:keywords "magit" "git" "lfs" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Junyoung Clare Jang" . "")) (:maintainer "Junyoung Clare Jang" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (magit-libgit . [(20200102 2204) ((emacs (26 1)) (magit (0)) (libgit (0))) "Libgit functionality" single ((:commit . "d27d6e467857ed4a78c7cf7d609561df789e2a6c") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (magit-libgit . [(20200102 2204) ((emacs (26 1)) (magit (0)) (libgit (0))) "Libgit functionality" single ((:commit . "9a388a61d95761b9c748dc186602ba7c691d580f") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-org-todos . [(20180709 1950) ((magit (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Add local todo items to the magit status buffer" single ((:commit . "9ffa3efb098434d837cab4bacd1601fdfc6fe999") (:keywords "org-mode" "magit" "tools") (:authors ("Daniel Ma")) (:maintainer "Daniel Ma") (:url . ""))])
(magit-p4 . [(20170414 1246) ((magit (2 1)) (magit-popup (2 1)) (p4 (12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "git-p4 plug-in for Magit" single ((:commit . "cdc05f2d564409baac9ca15b1a2a0110a6ff12b7") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Damian T. Dobroczy\\\\'nski" . "")) (:maintainer "Aleksey Fedotov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-patch-changelog . [(20200217 1202) ((emacs (25 1)) (magit (2 91 0))) "Generate a patch according to emacs-mirror/CONTRIBUTE" single ((:commit . "876c780bdb676b6ece64861704e199b94f33cf71") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:url . ""))])
- (magit-popup . [(20200306 223) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos" tar ((:commit . "f316a085b9f66804692554df46c0f4f536a45b78") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (magit-popup . [(20200306 223) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Define prefix-infix-suffix command combos" tar ((:commit . "b8e886c4f2242d6c58f84d4549af712e86360db1") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-rbr . [(20181009 2016) ((magit (2 13 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Support for git rbr in Magit" single ((:commit . "029203b3e48537205052a058e964f058cd802c3c") (:keywords "git" "magit" "rbr" "tools") (:authors ("Anatoly Fayngelerin" . "")) (:maintainer "Anatoly Fayngelerin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-reviewboard . [(20190211 2244) ((emacs (25 2)) (magit (2 13 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (request (0 3 0))) "Show open Reviewboard reviews in Magit" single ((:commit . "f3d5ed914243e3930f9c06f59021305e7e43e67d") (:keywords "magit" "vc") (:authors ("Jules Tamagnan" . "")) (:maintainer "Jules Tamagnan" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (magit-section . [(20200425 2044) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910))) "Sections for read-only buffers" tar ((:commit . "d27d6e467857ed4a78c7cf7d609561df789e2a6c") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (magit-section . [(20200425 2044) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20180910))) "Sections for read-only buffers" tar ((:commit . "9a388a61d95761b9c748dc186602ba7c691d580f") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(magit-stgit . [(20190313 1158) nil "No description available." single ((:commit . "8294f34e4927798d9db883cafe946a9041b7e331"))])
(magit-svn . [(20190821 1455) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 1 0))) "Git-Svn extension for Magit" single ((:commit . "2cff1a30a30f2b3963342a7d185ec13fc12279c3") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Jackson" . "")) (:maintainer "Phil Jackson" . ""))])
(magit-tbdiff . [(20190918 6) ((emacs (24 4)) (magit (2 10 0))) "Magit extension for range diffs" single ((:commit . "0162390581c1165a0c4c68081d8fc5ffae4cf1a9") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:authors ("Kyle Meyer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kyle Meyer" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2626,10 +2636,10 @@
(mark-tools . [(20130614 1025) nil "Some simple tools to access the mark-ring in Emacs" single ((:commit . "a11b61effa90bd0abc876d12573674d36fc17f0c") (:authors ("Alex Bennée" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Bennée" . "") (:url . ""))])
(markdown-changelog . [(20200120 2253) ((emacs (26)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Maintain changelog entries" single ((:commit . "1a2c3a4c3e4196f2b5dbb145b01b4bc435a93a96") (:keywords "markdown" "changelog" "files") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:url . ""))])
(markdown-mode+ . [(20170320 2104) ((markdown-mode (20111229))) "extra functions for markdown-mode" tar ((:commit . "411d079f4430a33c34ec0bbcb1535fe1145a2509") (:keywords "markdown" "latex" "osx" "rtf") (:authors ("Donald Ephraim Curtis")) (:maintainer "Donald Ephraim Curtis") (:url . ""))])
- (markdown-mode . [(20200430 1622) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Markdown-formatted text" single ((:commit . "c927a114b1b23cf7538181d62fd14679cce7fa25") (:keywords "markdown" "github flavored markdown" "itex") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (markdown-mode . [(20200509 1525) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Markdown-formatted text" single ((:commit . "82155507032d0d1efe0b96fd3269506fbfa338c6") (:keywords "markdown" "github flavored markdown" "itex") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(markdown-preview-eww . [(20160111 1502) ((emacs (24 4))) "Realtime preview by eww" single ((:commit . "5853f836425c877c8a956501f0adda137ef1d3b7") (:authors ("niku" . "")) (:maintainer "niku" . "") (:url . ""))])
(markdown-preview-mode . [(20181213 1339) ((emacs (24 3)) (websocket (1 6)) (markdown-mode (2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (web-server (0 1 1))) "markdown realtime preview minor mode." tar ((:commit . "f98d9114ca87e3e8e5ce70e601d13061eda15415") (:keywords "markdown" "gfm" "convenience") (:authors ("Igor Shymko" . "")) (:maintainer "Igor Shymko" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (markdown-toc . [(20200428 1649) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (markdown-mode (2 1))) "A simple TOC generator for markdown file" tar ((:commit . "eda9650a1bf0015e52e9678bd92b0a8beb1d7d71"))])
+ (markdown-toc . [(20200502 742) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (markdown-mode (2 1))) "A simple TOC generator for markdown file" tar ((:commit . "a9f13eecd0c7d8be960055dbc2d6f5d3fe6f40ca"))])
(markdownfmt . [(20160609 1241) ((emacs (24))) "Format markdown using markdownfmt" single ((:commit . "187a74eb4fd9e8520ce08da42d1d292b9af7f2b7") (:keywords "markdown") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(markless . [(20190306 1002) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for Markless documents" single ((:commit . "75fdef45df96978e9326ea4d9bf4e534a250c4c0") (:keywords "languages" "wp") (:authors ("Nicolas Hafner" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Hafner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(markup . [(20170420 1129) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Simple markup generation helpers." single ((:commit . "876da2d3f23473475bb0fd0a1480ae11d2671291") (:keywords "convenience" "markup" "html") (:authors ("Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2656,7 +2666,7 @@
(md-readme . [(20191112 1943) nil "Markdown-formatted READMEs for your ELisp" tar ((:commit . "ca99f44de11fab18d1f50d4b1722f2ceee3c814d") (:keywords "lisp" "help" "readme" "markdown" "header" "documentation" "github") (:authors ("Thomas Kappler" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas Kappler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(md4rd . [(20191113 2108) ((emacs (25 1)) (hierarchy (0 7 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (tree-mode (1 0 0))) "Mode for reddit (browse it)." single ((:commit . "ff7d95fc0fdf46a3cb6b3bbe52396dc4e474b8fd") (:keywords "ahungry" "reddit" "browse" "news") (:authors ("Matthew Carter" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mediawiki . [(20170813 555) nil "mediawiki frontend" single ((:commit . "8473e12d1839f5287a4227586bf117dad820f867") (:keywords "mediawiki" "wikipedia" "network" "wiki") (:authors ("Mark A. Hershberger" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark A. Hershberger" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (meghanada . [(20191215 1353) ((emacs (24 3)) (yasnippet (0 6 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (flycheck (0 23))) "A better java development mode" tar ((:commit . "70bfbf553c7b7fb1928672e9a95b7137e02c2d4b") (:keywords "languages" "java") (:authors ("Yutaka Matsubara" . "")) (:maintainer "Yutaka Matsubara" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (meghanada . [(20200506 743) ((emacs (24 3)) (yasnippet (0 6 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (flycheck (0 23))) "A better java development mode" tar ((:commit . "e119c7b3271281d60892b80a0cc6488503baf38f") (:keywords "languages" "java") (:authors ("Yutaka Matsubara" . "")) (:maintainer "Yutaka Matsubara" . "") (:url . ""))])
(melancholy-theme . [(20200305 133) nil "No description available." single ((:commit . "ffed56cb756f8acba93ce7edc664c950d75927d9"))])
(mellow-theme . [(20170808 1317) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Mellow (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "2bdf18f05f5212b6f269d9a94afe2cf201766891") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . ""))])
(melpa-upstream-visit . [(20130720 1033) ((s (1 6 0))) "A set of kludges to visit a melpa-hosted package's homepage" single ((:commit . "7310c74fdead3c0f86ad6eff76cf989e63f70f66") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alessandro Piras" . "")) (:maintainer "Alessandro Piras" . ""))])
@@ -2664,19 +2674,20 @@
(memoize . [(20200103 2036) nil "Memoization functions" single ((:commit . "51b075935ca7070f62fae1d69fe0ff7d8fa56fdd") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))])
(memolist . [(20150804 1721) ((markdown-mode (22 0)) (ag (0 45))) "memolist.el is Emacs port of memolist.vim." single ((:commit . "c437a32d3955f859d9bbcbadf0911bbe27d877ff") (:keywords "markdown" "memo") (:authors ("mikanfactory <>")) (:maintainer "mikanfactory") (:url . ""))])
(mentor . [(20190511 1638) ((xml-rpc (1 6 9)) (seq (1 11)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (async (1 9 3))) "Frontend for the rTorrent bittorrent client" tar ((:commit . "b5e441b7dc077d5532a3818b5441e52baefad839") (:keywords "comm" "processes" "bittorrent") (:authors ("Stefan Kangas" . "")) (:maintainer "Stefan Kangas" . ""))])
- (meow . [(20200425 1327) ((emacs (26 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Modal Editing On Wheel" tar ((:commit . "f9e4296ed96ca31c8197ba8a5576fc94ee433755") (:keywords "convenience" "modal-editing") (:authors ("Shi Tianshu")) (:maintainer "Shi Tianshu") (:url . ""))])
- (merlin . [(20191025 851) nil "Mode for Merlin, an assistant for OCaml." tar ((:commit . "65c9bf03d1e0199491071c979ce826946cf32a44") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour(_)>")) (:maintainer "Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour(_)>") (:url . ""))])
+ (meow . [(20200510 154) ((emacs (26 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Modal Editing On Wheel" tar ((:commit . "56e7ba100eb0ae92a37bcd0fcce77affa26d2fb8") (:keywords "convenience" "modal-editing") (:authors ("Shi Tianshu")) (:maintainer "Shi Tianshu") (:url . ""))])
+ (merlin . [(20191025 851) nil "Mode for Merlin, an assistant for OCaml." tar ((:commit . "db957668fa2be7b9d076f0c066178a65c48dd085") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour(_)>")) (:maintainer "Frédéric Bour <frederic.bour(_)>") (:url . ""))])
(merlin-eldoc . [(20190830 517) ((emacs (24 4)) (merlin (3 0))) "eldoc for OCaml and Reason" single ((:commit . "db7fab1eddfe34781b7e79694f8923b285698032") (:keywords "merlin" "ocaml" "languages" "eldoc") (:authors ("Louis Roché" . "")) (:maintainer "Louis Roché" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mermaid-mode . [(20200420 2258) ((f (0 20 0)) (emacs (25 3))) "major mode for working with mermaid graphs" single ((:commit . "b8673381ff8bbfbdf3f165ae928e7c775a3117e9") (:keywords "mermaid" "graphs" "tools" "processes") (:authors ("Adrien Brochard")) (:maintainer "Adrien Brochard") (:url . ""))])
(meson-mode . [(20200216 2254) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for the Meson build system files" tar ((:commit . "bc6c09136c7f7de6f4b6ce9294e9b998e24b93c7") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Michal Sojka" . "")) (:maintainer "Michal Sojka" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (message-attachment-reminder . [(20200428 124) ((emacs (24 1))) "Remind if missing attachment" single ((:commit . "a8b761d665c17694a04eccf1c2bc135d35bdf482") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "") (:url . ""))])
(messages-are-flowing . [(20191029 954) nil "visible indication when composing \"flowed\" emails" single ((:commit . "d582a564a63b7b90764ffc5c618bc5300225d0ab") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . ""))])
(meta-presenter . [(20190414 1720) nil "A simple multi-file presentation tool for Emacs" single ((:commit . "704a2e0f2a3e6bb72578e00eccb772dfcf0670fc") (:keywords "productivity" "presentation") (:authors ("Mohammed Ismail Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Mohammed Ismail Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))])
(metalheart-theme . [(20160710 641) ((emacs (24))) "Low-contrast theme with a dark blue-green background." single ((:commit . "ec98ea2c11dc1213dae8cbe1fe0cee73ca138bb2") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))])
(metamorph . [(20180930 2028) ((emacs (24 4))) "Transform your buffers with lisp" single ((:commit . "d9dc7037b7eed7b3fe85ea50e91f332e3f831514") (:keywords "metaprogramming" "wp") (:authors ("Adam Niederer" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(metascript-mode . [(20150709 57) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for the Metascript programming language" single ((:commit . "edb361c7b0e5de231e5334a17b90652fb1df78f9") (:keywords "languages" "metascript" "mjs") (:url . ""))])
(metaweblog . [(20191018 242) ((emacs (26 3))) "An XML-RPC MetaWeblog and WordPress API client." single ((:commit . "60eae1c8a7f82fbcc2660d785b33601daaa29f4b") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Puneeth Chaganti" . "")) (:maintainer "Grant Rettke" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (metrics-tracker . [(20200429 1014) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Generate reports of personal metrics from diary entries" single ((:commit . "185c97788d2e19548e0ab71b09ae8d4c9f8f81ca") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Ian Martins" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Martins" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (metronome . [(20200309 1918) ((emacs (25 1))) "A simple metronome" single ((:commit . "ab9478da0da3aadba26c65beba938c3928c823c3") (:authors ("Jonathan Gregory <jgrg at autistici dot org>")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Gregory <jgrg at autistici dot org>") (:url . ""))])
+ (metrics-tracker . [(20200503 1425) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Generate reports of personal metrics from diary entries" single ((:commit . "6d68118eee409a2b671537129eae1154421ba82c") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Ian Martins" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Martins" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (metronome . [(20200502 1748) ((emacs (25 1))) "A simple metronome" single ((:commit . "18257ecdd7b3d816104e83a5f0f96e676cc9fbfc") (:authors ("Jonathan Gregory <jgrg at autistici dot org>")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Gregory <jgrg at autistici dot org>") (:url . ""))])
(mew . [(20200316 221) nil "Messaging in the Emacs World" tar ((:commit . "5145145f87bfbe80fd91e82ded33033cf78ef54f") (:authors ("Kazu Yamamoto" . "")) (:maintainer "Kazu Yamamoto" . ""))])
(mexican-holidays . [(20190506 245) nil "Mexico holidays for Emacs calendar." single ((:commit . "663633be1d693f6081d7d000e05d15ddbf71aa10") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Saúl Gutiérrez" . "")) (:maintainer "Saúl Gutiérrez" . "") (:url . ""))])
(meyvn . [(20200311 2209) ((emacs (25 1)) (cider (0 23)) (projectile (2 1)) (s (1 12)) (dash (2 17)) (parseedn (0 1 0))) "Meyvn client" single ((:commit . "5eb0423d4b7083cb330a73ef1cfd3e0dd8538567") (:authors ("Daniel Szmulewicz" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Szmulewicz" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2689,7 +2700,7 @@
(milkode . [(20140927 529) nil "Command line search and direct jump with Milkode" single ((:commit . "ba97e2aeefa1d9d0b3835bf08edd0de248b0c513") (:keywords "milkode" "search" "grep" "jump" "keyword") (:authors ("ongaeshi")) (:maintainer "ongaeshi"))])
(minesweeper . [(20200416 2342) nil "play minesweeper in Emacs" single ((:commit . "d4248e3c9b3e9e7277cb9e6d081330611898f334") (:keywords "game" "fun" "minesweeper" "inane" "diversion") (:authors ("Zachary Kanfer" . "")) (:maintainer "Zachary Kanfer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mingus . [(20190106 1443) ((libmpdee (2 1))) "MPD Interface" tar ((:commit . "4223be618f57f10f18114a74393a71955b568884") (:keywords "multimedia" "elisp" "music" "mpd") (:authors ("Niels Giesen <pft on #emacs>")) (:maintainer "Niels Giesen <pft on #emacs>") (:url . ""))])
- (mini-frame . [(20200430 721) ((emacs (26 1))) "Show minibuffer in child frame on read-from-minibuffer" single ((:commit . "6ec70035f4b5bf692ff34649e82c32bb80ed1b74") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (mini-frame . [(20200430 721) ((emacs (26 1))) "Show minibuffer in child frame on read-from-minibuffer" single ((:commit . "78d9bbb272acc5f2927648cc706321f95e2955c9") (:keywords "frames") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mini-header-line . [(20170621 1221) ((emacs (24 4))) "a minimal header-line" single ((:commit . "73b6724e0a26c4528d93768191c8aa59e6bce2e5") (:keywords "header-line" "mode-line") (:authors ("Johannes Goslar")) (:maintainer "Johannes Goslar") (:url . ""))])
(mini-modeline . [(20200424 647) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Display modeline in minibuffer" single ((:commit . "4f1dce78916cccd2e7066345ae2be3394a675c46") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Kien Nguyen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kien Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(minibuf-isearch . [(20151226 1943) nil "incremental search on minibuffer history" single ((:commit . "2846c6ac369ee623dad4cd3c8a7a6d9078965516") (:keywords "minibuffer" "history" "incremental search") (:authors ("Keiichiro Nagano" . "") ("Hideyuki SHIRAI " . "")) (:maintainer "Keiichiro Nagano" . ""))])
@@ -2699,7 +2710,7 @@
(minimal-session-saver . [(20140508 2041) nil "Very lean session saver" single ((:commit . "cf654ac549850746dc21091746e4bcc1aef7668e") (:keywords "tools" "frames" "project") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(minimal-theme . [(20190113 2132) nil "A light/dark minimalistic Emacs 24 theme." tar ((:commit . "063b4d8ca33d55d04c341f0b2b777ec241a3e201") (:keywords "color" "theme" "minimal") (:authors ("Anler Hp <anler86 [at]>")) (:maintainer "Anler Hp <anler86 [at]>") (:url . ""))])
(minions . [(20200204 1950) ((emacs (25 2)) (dash (2 13 0))) "A minor-mode menu for the mode line" single ((:commit . "bc1edab09d3fc1b248c17775ae2eb7d35b96be40") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (minitest . [(20200224 1823) ((dash (1 0 0))) "An Emacs mode for ruby minitest files" tar ((:commit . "97d7d1760b24e117ffd163531b0f57fd4321677b") (:authors ("Arthur Neves")) (:maintainer "Arthur Neves") (:url . ""))])
+ (minitest . [(20200506 308) ((dash (1 0 0))) "An Emacs mode for ruby minitest files" tar ((:commit . "ddd152c990a528ad09a696bfad23afa4330ea4d7") (:authors ("Arthur Neves")) (:maintainer "Arthur Neves") (:url . ""))])
(minizinc-mode . [(20180201 1450) ((emacs (24 1))) "Major mode for MiniZinc code" single ((:commit . "2512521ba7f8e263a06db88df663fc6b3cca7e16") (:keywords "languages" "minizinc") (:url . ""))])
(minor-mode-hack . [(20170926 34) nil "Change priority of minor-mode keymaps" single ((:commit . "9688994e23ccb2de568225ef125b41c46e5667c3") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(minsk-theme . [(20200306 1220) ((emacs (24))) "Minsk, a theme in deep muted greens" single ((:commit . "d1e04ca03aadb942dc4bee82f44848c3ce52b25c") (:keywords "theme" "faces") (:authors ("Jean Lo" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean Lo" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2725,8 +2736,8 @@
(modern-cpp-font-lock . [(20190331 1528) nil "Font-locking for \"Modern C++\"" single ((:commit . "02f104701bc34c146d22e3143ae59ef362999098") (:keywords "languages" "c++" "cpp" "font-lock") (:authors ("Ludwig PACIFICI" . "")) (:maintainer "Ludwig PACIFICI" . "") (:url . ""))])
(modern-fringes . [(20200321 1817) nil "Replaces default fringe bitmaps with better looking ones" single ((:commit . "108daba8407dc8acf140157e7f49137c397a0af7") (:keywords "themes" "fringes" "convenience") (:authors ("Quen Jankosky" . "")) (:maintainer "Quen Jankosky" . "") (:url . ""))])
(modtime-skip-mode . [(20140128 2201) nil "Minor mode for disabling modtime and supersession checks on files." single ((:commit . "c0e49523aa26b2263a8693691ac775988015f592") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo" . "")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (modus-operandi-theme . [(20200501 252) ((emacs (26 1))) "Accessible light theme (WCAG AAA)" single ((:commit . "89a31f6242dac52071ee6be18feadcb604b548d7") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "accessibility") (:authors ("Protesilaos Stavrou" . "")) (:maintainer "Protesilaos Stavrou" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (modus-vivendi-theme . [(20200501 252) ((emacs (26 1))) "Accessible dark theme (WCAG AAA)" single ((:commit . "89a31f6242dac52071ee6be18feadcb604b548d7") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "accessibility") (:authors ("Protesilaos Stavrou" . "")) (:maintainer "Protesilaos Stavrou" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (modus-operandi-theme . [(20200510 1103) ((emacs (26 1))) "Accessible light theme (WCAG AAA)" single ((:commit . "7a8a7cbe570d57f0e879e9107eabaaa3e33f8fad") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "accessibility") (:authors ("Protesilaos Stavrou" . "")) (:maintainer "Protesilaos Stavrou" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (modus-vivendi-theme . [(20200507 1718) ((emacs (26 1))) "Accessible dark theme (WCAG AAA)" single ((:commit . "7a8a7cbe570d57f0e879e9107eabaaa3e33f8fad") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "accessibility") (:authors ("Protesilaos Stavrou" . "")) (:maintainer "Protesilaos Stavrou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(moe-theme . [(20200216 1927) nil "A colorful eye-candy theme. Moe, moe, kyun!" tar ((:commit . "01d00a8d75b19f641b639ba23793cdd507c61f05") (:url . ""))])
(molecule . [(20180527 743) ((emacs (25 1))) "Simple wrapper for molecule" single ((:commit . "2ef72b81d9aa24ea782b71a061a3abdad6cae162") (:keywords ":" "languages" "terminals") (:authors (": drymer <drymer [ AT ]>")) (:maintainer ": drymer <drymer [ AT ]>") (:url . ""))])
(molokai-theme . [(20151016 1545) nil "molokai theme with Emacs theme engine" single ((:commit . "04a44f21184b6a26caae4f2c92db9019d883309c") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2735,7 +2746,7 @@
(monky . [(20190619 1637) nil "Control Hg from Emacs." tar ((:commit . "9d379a2306a8b7cd9c4faba20490480acdc1d763") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . "") (:url . ""))])
(monochrome-theme . [(20140326 1050) nil "A dark Emacs 24 theme for your focused hacking sessions" tar ((:commit . "bfca67fe7365310bc47ae9ca96c417caada54896") (:authors ("Xavier Noria" . "")) (:maintainer "Xavier Noria" . ""))])
(monokai-alt-theme . [(20170630 2048) ((emacs (24))) "Theme with a dark background. Based on sublime monokai theme." single ((:commit . "f342b6afc31f929be0626eca2d696ee9fab78011") (:authors ("Dmytro Koval")) (:maintainer "Dmytro Koval") (:url . ""))])
- (monokai-pro-theme . [(20200318 830) nil "A simple theme based on the Monokai Pro Sublime color schemes" single ((:commit . "90f34d48baad78a86f60eb3fae902c545bb82505") (:authors ("Kaleb Elwert" . "")) (:maintainer "Kaleb Elwert" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (monokai-pro-theme . [(20200504 237) nil "A simple theme based on the Monokai Pro Sublime color schemes" single ((:commit . "06f907e4a954688ec2096420fea1c9935d819e07") (:authors ("Kaleb Elwert" . "")) (:maintainer "Kaleb Elwert" . "") (:url . ""))])
(monokai-theme . [(20200416 2001) nil "A fruity color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "4281fc13dadef98942c8d43024de024f2392fec5") (:authors ("Kelvin Smith" . "")) (:maintainer "Kelvin Smith" . "") (:url . ""))])
(monotropic-theme . [(20181015 1230) ((emacs (24))) "Monotropic Theme" single ((:commit . "36df566aa8225e303f6c9d90c00740dd678a415e") (:authors ("caffo")) (:maintainer "caffo") (:url . ""))])
(monroe . [(20190912 1624) nil "Yet another client for nREPL" single ((:commit . "508f5ed0f88b0b5e01a37d456186ea437f44d93c") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "nrepl" "lisp") (:authors ("Sanel Zukan" . "")) (:maintainer "Sanel Zukan" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2751,7 +2762,7 @@
(mote-mode . [(20160123 29) ((ruby-mode (1 1))) "Mote minor mode" single ((:commit . "666c6641addbd3b337a7aa01fd2742ded2f41b83") (:authors ("Leandro López (inkel)" . "")) (:maintainer "Leandro López (inkel)" . "") (:url . ""))])
(motion-mode . [(20140920 156) ((flymake-easy (0 7)) (flymake-cursor (1 0 2))) "major mode for RubyMotion enviroment" tar ((:commit . "4c94180e3ecea611a61240a0c0cd48f1032c4a55") (:authors ("Satoshi Namai")) (:maintainer "Satoshi Namai") (:url . ""))])
(mouse-slider-mode . [(20161021 1914) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "scale numbers dragged under the mouse" single ((:commit . "b3c19cd231edecce76787c5a9bbe5e4046d91f88") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (move-dup . [(20200311 1424) nil "Eclipse-like moving and duplicating lines or rectangles." single ((:commit . "7a384e0e0889e07a9a81d007d8ccc654c7c89bd2") (:keywords "convenience" "text" "edit") (:authors ("Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong" . "")) (:maintainer "Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (move-dup . [(20200506 2305) nil "Eclipse-like moving and duplicating lines or rectangles." single ((:commit . "fa9be365fcd6a2b89388b4d27dec93928d506678") (:keywords "convenience" "text" "edit") (:authors ("Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong" . "")) (:maintainer "Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong" . "") (:url . ""))])
(move-text . [(20170909 330) nil "Move current line or region with M-up or M-down." single ((:commit . "7cbc941a9150468609010a93c429117da2523903") (:keywords "edit") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mowedline . [(20161122 235) nil "elisp utilities for using mowedline" single ((:commit . "6121b7d4aacd18f7b24da226e61dbae054e50a7c") (:authors ("John Foerch" . "")) (:maintainer "John Foerch" . ""))])
(moz . [(20150805 1706) nil "Lets current buffer interact with inferior mozilla." single ((:commit . "ab3e79914445039ceb62f7f2dc342358fec3492e") (:authors ("Massimiliano Mirra, <bard [at] hyperstruct [dot] net>")) (:maintainer "Massimiliano Mirra, <bard [at] hyperstruct [dot] net>") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2771,11 +2782,11 @@
(msvc . [(20191211 540) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (cedet (1 0)) (ac-clang (2 0 0))) "Microsoft Visual C/C++ mode" tar ((:commit . "9fe50e5961fa63fc5cf7326370f441993e9d5cfc") (:keywords "languages" "completion" "syntax check" "mode" "intellisense") (:authors ("yaruopooner []")) (:maintainer "yaruopooner []") (:url . ""))])
(mtg-deck-mode . [(20180613 2010) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode to edit MTG decks" tar ((:commit . "8265b8ed17fcd4406760c19aa6ee9c76068b1ab0") (:keywords "data" "mtg" "magic") (:authors ("Mattias Bengtsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Mattias Bengtsson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mu-cite . [(20190803 439) ((flim (1 14 9))) "A library to provide MIME features." tar ((:commit . "b2c83bbce4646d100b942f0f0de0877a8d47298c"))])
- (mu2tex . [(20200329 758) nil "Convert plain text molecule names and units to TeX" single ((:commit . "536a7a0db4ddbdb30a16fdd56c79b78c9b50d865") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik" . "")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (mu2tex . [(20200506 754) nil "Convert plain text molecule names and units to TeX" single ((:commit . "fef2f2390c002e21811375ce4d7a1c7a308248b1") (:keywords "tex") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik" . "")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mu4e-alert . [(20190418 558) ((alert (1 2)) (s (1 10 0)) (ht (2 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Desktop notification for mu4e" single ((:commit . "91f0657c5b245a9de57aa38391221fb5d141d9bd") (:keywords "mail" "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mu4e-conversation . [(20190609 812) ((emacs (25 1))) "Show a complete thread in a single buffer" single ((:commit . "98110bb9c300fc9866dee8e0023355f9f79c9b96") (:keywords "mail" "convenience" "mu4e") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mu4e-jump-to-list . [(20190419 1442) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "mu4e jump-to-list extension" single ((:commit . "358bba003543b49ffa266e503e54aebd0ebe614b") (:keywords "mu4e" "mail" "convenience") (:authors ("Yuri D'Elia" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuri D'Elia" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (mu4e-maildirs-extension . [(20200410 820) ((dash (0 0 0))) "Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view" single ((:commit . "36b1f3a561af173eccc7bebf10ee060af44ed6e7") (:authors ("Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (mu4e-maildirs-extension . [(20200508 712) ((dash (0 0 0))) "Show mu4e maildirs summary in mu4e-main-view" single ((:commit . "4d2ece2226fa69a0e0bb23517a418145b92bd573") (:authors ("Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreu Gil Pàmies" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mu4e-overview . [(20200218 546) ((emacs (26))) "Show overview of maildir" single ((:commit . "151d5d9e0dd5e8e8c775035203d3e17538151f33") (:keywords "mail" "tools") (:authors ("Michał Krzywkowski" . "")) (:maintainer "Michał Krzywkowski" . "") (:url . ""))])
(mu4e-query-fragments . [(20170923 1322) ((emacs (24 4))) "mu4e query fragments extension" single ((:commit . "34ddad4e6785f575333efcc66153d892daa1c884") (:keywords "mu4e" "mail" "convenience") (:authors ("Yuri D'Elia" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuri D'Elia" . "") (:url . ""))])
(muban . [(20180415 1219) ((emacs (25))) "Lightweight template expansion tool" single ((:commit . "7078e439ee0433a8fbd1cb174464496f9a9d00fa") (:keywords "abbrev" "tools") (:authors ("Jiahao Li" . "")) (:maintainer "Jiahao Li" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2790,6 +2801,7 @@
(multicolumn . [(20150202 2251) nil "Creating and managing multiple side-by-side windows." single ((:commit . "c7a3afecd470859b2e60aa7c554d6e4d436df7fa") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))])
(multifiles . [(20130615 2133) nil "View and edit parts of multiple files in one buffer" single ((:commit . "dddfe64b8e1c1cd1f9ccc1f03405477fc0d53897") (:keywords "multiple" "files") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))])
(multiple-cursors . [(20191210 1759) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Multiple cursors for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "b880554d04b8f61165afba7d4de19ac9e39bb7ab"))])
+ (multistate . [(20200506 1536) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ht (2 3))) "Multistate mode" single ((:commit . "e1175bae0cac6c16e3533c7e82347f0f15796afa") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Matsievskiy S.V.")) (:maintainer "Matsievskiy S.V.") (:url . ""))])
(multitran . [(20200201 55) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Interface to multitran" single ((:commit . "475e2a92795dbed1aa3b1c5eba2c6c779cac4508") (:keywords "dictionary" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Zajcev Evgeny" . "")) (:maintainer "Zajcev Evgeny" . ""))])
(mustache . [(20190905 2214) ((ht (0 9)) (s (1 3 0)) (dash (1 2 0))) "a mustache templating library in emacs lisp" tar ((:commit . "6443e1563ddf4eee2236ca1bb1fe87ddfde4b2bb"))])
(mustache-mode . [(20141024 1432) nil "A major mode for editing Mustache files." single ((:commit . "bf9897eb287ca47ced65d7d4e07ea61ea0aec39f") (:authors ("Tony Gentilcore") ("Chris Wanstrath") ("Daniel Hackney")) (:maintainer "Tony Gentilcore"))])
@@ -2805,7 +2817,7 @@
(mykie . [(20150808 2205) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Command multiplexer: Register multiple functions to a keybind" tar ((:commit . "7676f0e883af1d1054e404e97691f3c13aba196f") (:keywords "emacs" "configuration" "keybind") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">") (:url . ""))])
(mynt-mode . [(20150512 2049) ((virtualenvwrapper (20131514))) "Minor mode to work with the mynt static site generator" single ((:commit . "23d4489167bfa899634548cb41ed32fdeb3600c9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Christian Brassat")) (:maintainer "Christian Brassat") (:url . ""))])
(myrddin-mode . [(20191225 2120) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Myrddin source files" single ((:commit . "51c0a2cb9dfc9526cd47e71313f5a745c99cadcc") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Jakob L. Kreuze" . "")) (:maintainer "Jakob L. Kreuze" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (mysql-to-org . [(20181012 2034) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0))) "Minor mode to output the results of mysql queries to org tables" single ((:commit . "7c986065adcbe13a525e1da5db8aa4c80b0ef7a3") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
+ (mysql-to-org . [(20200503 1239) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0))) "Minor mode to output the results of mysql queries to org tables" single ((:commit . "7dcd6486f374814908bdb3c6d4c88cd6cece1e2f") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
(myterminal-controls . [(20190426 421) ((emacs (24))) "Quick toggle controls at a key-stroke" single ((:commit . "733cdd7ab4f172b6dca09720fc5ae7dbc248c822") (:keywords "convenience" "shortcuts") (:authors ("Mohammed Ismail Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Mohammed Ismail Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))])
(n4js . [(20150714 231) ((emacs (24)) (cypher-mode (0))) "Neo4j Shell" single ((:commit . "3991ed8975151d5e8d568e952362df810f7ffab7") (:keywords "neo4j" "shell" "comint") (:authors ("TruongTx" . "")) (:maintainer "TruongTx" . "") (:url . ""))])
(name-this-color . [(20151014 2030) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Match RGB codes to names easily and precisely" single ((:commit . "e37cd1291d5d68d4c8d6386eab9cb9d94fd3bcfa") (:keywords "lisp" "color" "hex" "rgb" "shade" "name") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2824,7 +2836,7 @@
(narrowed-page-navigation . [(20150109 519) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A minor mode for showing one page at a time" single ((:commit . "b215adbac4873f56fbab65772062f0f5be8058a1") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("David Raymond Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Raymond Christiansen" . ""))])
(nash-mode . [(20160830 1212) nil "Nash major mode" single ((:commit . "2cd96535eb7d669a94306183e95ee37333872c1a") (:keywords "nash" "languages") (:authors ("Tiago Natel de Moura")) (:maintainer "Tiago Natel de Moura") (:url . ""))])
(nasm-mode . [(20190410 342) ((emacs (24 3))) "NASM x86 assembly major mode" single ((:commit . "65ca6546fc395711fac5b3b4299e76c2303d43a8") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (native-complete . [(20200424 1635) ((emacs (25 1))) "Shell completion using native complete mechanisms" single ((:commit . "ccb5b52940a9374fbfe92947f0101e7254ba445d") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (native-complete . [(20200424 1635) ((emacs (25 1))) "Shell completion using native complete mechanisms" single ((:commit . "0f290514564d3733b35e4b48d70446c1a6eb4b41") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nav . [(20120507 707) nil "Emacs mode for filesystem navigation" tar ((:commit . "c5eb234c063f435dbdcd1f8bdc46cfc68c973ebe") (:authors ("Issac Trotts" . "")) (:maintainer "Issac Trotts" . ""))])
(nav-flash . [(20191204 1427) nil "Briefly highlight the current line" single ((:commit . "dbb91216637e0a1e8bfd59aa883c75d45db70daf") (:keywords "extensions" "navigation" "interface") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(navi-mode . [(20190720 2003) ((outshine (2 0)) (outorg (2 0))) "major-mode for easy buffer-navigation" single ((:commit . "7eb7cf0c4a6ee537ec462f5ec90f00d12e3ca9c2") (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2843,7 +2855,7 @@
(netherlands-holidays . [(20150202 1617) nil "Netherlands holidays for Emacs calendar." single ((:commit . "26236178cdd650df9958bf5a086e184096559f00") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(netrunner . [(20160910 2332) ((popup (0 5 3)) (company (0 9 0)) (helm (1 9 5))) "Create Android: Netrunner decklists using Company, Helm and org-mode" single ((:commit . "c64672992175c8c1073c0f56c2e471839db71a0f") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand") (:url . ""))])
(network-watch . [(20171123 1146) ((emacs (24 3))) "Support for intermittent network connectivity" single ((:commit . "958dd0d419e4f9402648a86b754091ba346e01b8") (:keywords "unix" "tools" "hardware" "lisp") (:authors ("Juan Amiguet Vercher" . "")) (:maintainer "Juan Amiguet Vercher" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (neuron-mode . [(20200430 1956) ((emacs (26 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (counsel (0 13 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "Major mode for editing zettelkasten notes using neuron" single ((:commit . "e3bdf44e5ca5b1e212d8463bb946fe6f9915d60f") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("felko <http://github/felko>")) (:maintainer "felko <http://github/felko>") (:url . ""))])
+ (neuron-mode . [(20200503 930) ((emacs (26 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (counsel (0 13 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3))) "Major mode for editing zettelkasten notes using neuron" single ((:commit . "4329de608ca14dc67448ad576645eabb084009ef") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("felko <http://github/felko>")) (:maintainer "felko <http://github/felko>") (:url . ""))])
(never-comment . [(20140104 2207) nil "Never blocks are comment" single ((:commit . "74ded8f1e7f23240f5f6032d0451fb0a51733bc4") (:authors ("Scott Frazer")) (:maintainer "Toon Claes") (:url . ""))])
(newlisp-mode . [(20160226 1545) nil "newLISP editing mode for Emacs" single ((:commit . "ac23be40c81a360988ab803d365f1510733f6db4") (:keywords "language" "lisp" "newlisp") (:authors ("KOBAYASHI Shigeru <shigeru.kb[at]>")) (:maintainer "KOBAYASHI Shigeru <shigeru.kb[at]>") (:url . ""))])
(nexus . [(20140114 1305) nil "REST Client for Nexus Maven Repository servers" tar ((:commit . "c46f499951b90839aa8683779fe43d8f01672a60") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Juergen Hoetzel" . "")) (:maintainer "Juergen Hoetzel" . ""))])
@@ -2859,7 +2871,7 @@
(nix-buffer . [(20180212 1518) ((f (0 17 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Set up buffer environments with nix" single ((:commit . "db57cda36e7477bdc7ef5a136357b971b1d4d099") (:authors ("Shea Levy")) (:maintainer "Shea Levy") (:url . ""))])
(nix-env-install . [(20200113 751) ((emacs (25 1))) "Install packages using nix-env" single ((:commit . "b343a7e885206e78544da7313b860442abbd7440") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nix-haskell-mode . [(20190615 135) ((emacs (25)) (haskell-mode (16 0)) (nix-mode (1 3 0))) "haskell-mode integrations for Nix" single ((:commit . "68efbcbf949a706ecca6409506968ed2ef928a20") (:keywords "nix" "haskell" "languages" "processes") (:authors ("Matthew Bauer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew Bauer" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (nix-mode . [(20190904 1440) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for editing .nix files" tar ((:commit . "5b5961780f3b1c1b62453d2087f775298980f10d") (:keywords "nix" "languages" "tools" "unix") (:maintainer "Matthew Bauer" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (nix-mode . [(20200510 212) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for editing .nix files" tar ((:commit . "32b013cd622a37cd553c8899332064397c90105b") (:keywords "nix" "languages" "tools" "unix") (:maintainer "Matthew Bauer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nix-sandbox . [(20191126 759) ((dash (2 12 1)) (s (1 10 0))) "Utility functions to work with nix-shell sandboxes" single ((:commit . "977b9a505ffc8b33b70ec7742f90e469b3168297") (:authors ("Sven Keidel" . "")) (:maintainer "Sven Keidel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nix-update . [(20190124 1935) ((emacs (25))) "Update \"fetch\" blocks in .nix expressions" single ((:commit . "fc6c39c2da3fcfa62f4796816c084a6389c8b6e7") (:keywords "nix") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nixos-options . [(20160209 1841) ((emacs (24))) "Interface for browsing and completing NixOS options." single ((:commit . "977b9a505ffc8b33b70ec7742f90e469b3168297") (:keywords "unix") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2888,10 +2900,11 @@
(nordless-theme . [(20200213 2057) ((colorless-themes (0 1))) "A mostly colorless version of nord-theme" single ((:commit . "2b4c341640c8191a39e4bc28d6cd04c7d6dcbb37") (:keywords "faces" "theme") (:authors ("Thomas Letan" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas Letan" . "") (:url . ""))])
(northcode-theme . [(20180423 1649) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme focused on blue and orange colors." single ((:commit . "4d3750461ba25ec45321318b5f1af4e8fdf16147") (:authors ("Andreas Larsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Larsen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nose . [(20140520 1648) nil "Easy Python test running in Emacs" single ((:commit . "194d7789bf797f31ea0adc45f08beb66ae9ea98e") (:keywords "nose" "python" "testing"))])
- (notmuch . [(20200427 1036) nil "run notmuch within emacs" tar ((:commit . "9055dfdae41ba762b12434fe678fc524ea3ed618") (:url . ""))])
+ (nothing-theme . [(20200504 402) ((emacs (24 1))) "Monochrome theme" single ((:commit . "d2514bb9707f66dda0d60f40f465e79914c50946") (:authors ("Jared Gorski," . "")) (:maintainer "Jared Gorski," . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (notmuch . [(20200427 1036) nil "run notmuch within emacs" tar ((:commit . "627460d7bbbb6b95a07084c2b6fc7f647a5547e1") (:url . ""))])
(notmuch-bookmarks . [(20200322 1925) ((seq (2 20)) (emacs (26 1)) (notmuch (0 29 3))) "Add bookmark handling for notmuch buffers" single ((:commit . "ec8edfdbd1ac475530591d73a570ded5c18ed86a") (:keywords "mail") (:authors ("Jörg Volbers" . "")) (:maintainer "Jörg Volbers" . "") (:url . ""))])
(notmuch-labeler . [(20131230 1719) ((notmuch (0))) "Improve notmuch way of displaying labels" tar ((:commit . "d65d1129555d368243df4770ecc1e7ccb88efc58") (:keywords "emacs" "package" "elisp" "notmuch" "emails") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (nov . [(20200220 939) ((dash (2 12 0)) (esxml (0 3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Featureful EPUB reader mode" single ((:commit . "cd1b264b3f978a9285fa9297e40ad29d1434adf5") (:keywords "hypermedia" "multimedia" "epub") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (nov . [(20200506 1245) ((dash (2 12 0)) (esxml (0 3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Featureful EPUB reader mode" single ((:commit . "55a3b41aa71740826a1cd410fa8d24a313f27b7c") (:keywords "hypermedia" "multimedia" "epub") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nova-theme . [(20200213 102) ((emacs (24 3))) "A dark, pastel color theme" single ((:commit . "4553fabbcd340f3f2fa59dbfb6f3f32ecb016e6f") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "nova" "pastel" "faces") (:authors ("Muir Manders" . "")) (:maintainer "Muir Manders" . "") (:url . ""))])
(noxml-fold . [(20170823 1357) nil "Fold away XML things." single ((:commit . "46c7f6a008672213238a9f8d7a416ce80916aa62") (:keywords "xml" "folding") (:authors ("Patrick McAllister" . "")) (:maintainer "Patrick McAllister" . "") (:url . ""))])
(npm . [(20200406 1429) ((emacs (25 1)) (transient (0 1 0))) "Run your npm workflows" single ((:commit . "187ddd2732deb49df1e87fbaace153afb8a3e7e1") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Shane Kennedy")) (:maintainer "Shane Kennedy") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2908,7 +2921,7 @@
(numbers . [(20170802 1134) ((emacs (24))) "Display information and trivia about numbers" single ((:commit . "dd02508b788a13b7d4dbcc4923fa23134b783ab3") (:keywords "games" "trivia" "maths" "numbers") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nummm-mode . [(20131117 1014) nil "Display the number of minor modes instead of their names" single ((:commit . "81951e12032274543c5f7a585b29bd93961e94e4") (:authors ("Andreu Gil" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreu Gil" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nv-delete-back . [(20170224 1249) ((emacs (24))) "backward delete like modern text editors" single ((:commit . "b17cb826f14c18c2875d112574edb5e4f46f5296") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Nicolas Vaughan <n.vaughan [at]>")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Vaughan <n.vaughan [at]>"))])
- (nvm . [(20190912 626) ((s (1 8 0)) (dash (2 4 0)) (f (0 14 0)) (dash-functional (2 4 0))) "Manage Node versions within Emacs" single ((:commit . "e93e5216e311c665c593ac68c5456d624120ea42") (:keywords "node" "nvm") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (nvm . [(20200501 1414) ((s (1 8 0)) (dash (2 4 0)) (f (0 14 0)) (dash-functional (2 4 0))) "Manage Node versions within Emacs" single ((:commit . "fc925b9afe738264cb15d5135c7426f999aeda47") (:keywords "node" "nvm") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nyan-mode . [(20170423 740) nil "Nyan Cat shows position in current buffer in mode-line." tar ((:commit . "a85ac925367ddc542827182a2d9f0133b421c41b") (:keywords "nyan" "cat" "lulz" "scrolling" "pop tart cat" "build something amazing") (:authors ("Jacek \"TeMPOraL\" Zlydach" . "")) (:maintainer "Jacek \"TeMPOraL\" Zlydach" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nyx-theme . [(20170910 1307) ((emacs (24))) "Dark theme" single ((:commit . "afe2b8c3b5421b4c292d182dcf77079b278e93d8") (:keywords "themes" "dark-theme") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(nz-holidays . [(20190415 703) nil "New Zealand public holidays for calendar." single ((:commit . "afc875cf40789fa45a4a811685b0a7c4f239392f") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Sod Oscarfono" . "")) (:maintainer "Sod Oscarfono" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -2971,7 +2984,7 @@
(octicons . [(20151101 340) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "octicons utility" tar ((:commit . "a61e561966ffd8faa3b48ce5b3a4eec10c59708b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(octo-mode . [(20161008 1229) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for Octo assembly language" single ((:commit . "bd4db7e5e3275b24c74e6a23c11d04f54e9feca5") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "")) (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(octopress . [(20190123 107) nil "A lightweight wrapper for Jekyll and Octopress." tar ((:commit . "f2c92d5420f14fc9167c7de1873836510e652de2") (:keywords "octopress" "blog") (:authors ("Aaron Bieber" . "")) (:maintainer "Aaron Bieber" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (oer-reveal . [(20200428 1108) ((emacs (24 4)) (org-re-reveal (2 12 0))) "OER with reveal.js, plugins, and org-re-reveal" tar ((:commit . "5d80054380e0cae366bdd65feabf491677fb189e") (:keywords "hypermedia" "tools" "slideshow" "presentation" "oer") (:authors ("Jens Lechtenbörger")) (:maintainer "Jens Lechtenbörger") (:url . ""))])
+ (oer-reveal . [(20200503 853) ((emacs (24 4)) (org-re-reveal (2 12 0))) "OER with reveal.js, plugins, and org-re-reveal" tar ((:commit . "b5ac03800294272d2deba115bcd08c9176580691") (:keywords "hypermedia" "tools" "slideshow" "presentation" "oer") (:authors ("Jens Lechtenbörger")) (:maintainer "Jens Lechtenbörger") (:url . ""))])
(offlineimap . [(20150916 1158) nil "Run OfflineIMAP from Emacs" single ((:commit . "cc3e067e6237a1eb7b21c575a41683b1febb47f1") (:authors ("Julien Danjou" . "")) (:maintainer "Julien Danjou" . "") (:url . ""))])
(old-norse-input . [(20170816 1842) ((emacs (24))) "An input method for Old Norse" single ((:commit . "c2e21ee72c3768e9152aff6baf12a19cde1d0c53") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("David Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Christiansen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(oldlace-theme . [(20150705 1300) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with an 'oldlace' background." single ((:commit . "5c6f437203b0783b36a7aff4a578de4a0c8c4ee6") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler"))])
@@ -3000,7 +3013,7 @@
(openwith . [(20120531 2136) nil "Open files with external programs" single ((:commit . "1dc89670822966fab6e656f6519fdd7f01e8301a") (:keywords "files" "processes") (:authors ("Markus Triska" . "")) (:maintainer "Markus Triska" . "") (:url . ""))])
(operate-on-number . [(20150707 623) nil "Operate on number at point with arithmetic functions" single ((:commit . "ceb3be565a29326c1098244fac0c50606723a56e") (:keywords "editing") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(orca . [(20200122 1511) ((emacs (24 3))) "Org Capture" single ((:commit . "654f185861ed4fedfe1394db48a83639a0be57f6") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (orderless . [(20200429 2354) ((emacs (24 4))) "Completion style for matching regexps in any order" single ((:commit . "99e90bf139fe4aa5722ed60e63df03d7baa656c7") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Omar Antolín Camarena" . "")) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (orderless . [(20200504 706) ((emacs (24 4))) "Completion style for matching regexps in any order" single ((:commit . "5b292ac136b891d574f0d9827904e6ad527a9c35") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Omar Antolín Camarena" . "")) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ordinal . [(20190104 1421) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Convert number to ordinal number notation" single ((:commit . "75af95abbac3e30c4dd804411cb3e867c741a747") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-ac . [(20170401 1307) ((auto-complete-pcmp (0 0 1)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "Some auto-complete sources for org-mode" single ((:commit . "41e3ef8e4039619d0370c23c66730b3b2e9e32ed") (:keywords "org" "completion") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-agenda-property . [(20140626 2116) ((emacs (24 2))) "Display org properties in the agenda buffer." single ((:commit . "3b469f3e93de0036547f3631cd0366d53f7584c8") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3012,9 +3025,10 @@
(org-beautify-theme . [(20170908 2218) nil "A sub-theme to make org-mode more beautiful." single ((:commit . "df6a1114fda313e1689363e196c8284fbe2a2738") (:keywords "org" "theme") (:authors ("Jonathan Arkell" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Arkell" . ""))])
(org-board . [(20190203 1424) nil "bookmarking and web archival system for Org mode." single ((:commit . "2e01e801abc04b8fb718ca4bc19636242ac0cb52") (:keywords "org" "bookmarks" "archives") (:authors ("Charles A. Roelli " . "")) (:maintainer "Charles A. Roelli " . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-bookmark-heading . [(20200103 514) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 17 2))) "Emacs bookmark support for org-mode" single ((:commit . "38a2813f72ff65f3ae91e2ebb23e0bbb42a8d1df") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-brain . [(20200426 1410) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 2))) "Org-mode concept mapping" single ((:commit . "ae7fe0f628bd093526786ece6917f7a4310e5e4d") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-books . [(20200510 844) ((enlive (0 0 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (helm (2 9 2)) (helm-org (1 0)) (dash (2 14 1)) (emacs (25))) "Reading list management with Org mode and helm" single ((:commit . "44aec8dcdf4a498e13a80362dff4027cfa4b74a1") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Abhinav Tushar" . "")) (:maintainer "Abhinav Tushar" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-brain . [(20200508 1159) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 2))) "Org-mode concept mapping" single ((:commit . "6cc46c44ef227f24730cce436da14decb3fd7c22") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-bullets . [(20200317 1740) nil "Show bullets in org-mode as UTF-8 characters" single ((:commit . "767f55feb58b840a5a04eabfc3fbbf0d257c4792") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "D. Williams" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-caldav . [(20191024 724) ((org (7))) "Sync org files with external calendar through CalDAV" single ((:commit . "f530b94b6f8d8d1f8a207e48986da75227bd78a0") (:keywords "calendar" "caldav") (:authors ("David Engster" . "")) (:maintainer "David Engster" . ""))])
+ (org-caldav . [(20200501 1918) ((org (7))) "Sync org files with external calendar through CalDAV" single ((:commit . "3eef9257b083d8bc5c3a91633c50aafe75b3885e") (:keywords "calendar" "caldav") (:authors ("David Engster" . "")) (:maintainer "David Engster" . ""))])
(org-capture-pop-frame . [(20160518 1008) ((emacs (24 4))) "Run org-capture in a new pop frame" single ((:commit . "b16fd712de62cf0d1f9befd03be6ab5983cb3301") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-category-capture . [(20200329 313) ((org (9 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Contextualy capture of org-mode TODOs." single ((:commit . "96a57a43555e24e5e0d81e79f0fbb47001c41bac") (:keywords "org-mode" "todo" "tools" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-chef . [(20200427 1413) ((org (0)) (emacs (24))) "Cookbook and recipe management with org-mode." tar ((:commit . "e8b4ba8a10b8f356a712a75a87f1fe38dac32d9f") (:keywords "convenience" "abbrev" "outlines" "org" "food" "recipes" "cooking") (:authors ("Calvin Beck" . "")) (:maintainer "Calvin Beck" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3030,7 +3044,7 @@
(org-dashboard . [(20171223 1924) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Visually summarize progress in org files" single ((:commit . "02c0699771d199075a286e4502340ca6e7c9e831") (:keywords "outlines" "calendar") (:authors ("Massimiliano Mirra" . "")) (:maintainer "Massimiliano Mirra" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-doing . [(20161017 1620) nil "Keep track of what you're doing" tar ((:commit . "07ddbfc238cba31e4990c9b52e9a2757b39111da") (:keywords "tools" "org") (:authors ("Rudolf Olah")) (:maintainer "Rudolf Olah") (:url . ""))])
(org-dotemacs . [(20190903 2024) ((org (7 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Store your emacs config as an org file, and choose which bits to load." single ((:commit . "ee59739c2d59151fe7d7d3034e87c7691120a5be") (:keywords "local") (:authors ("Joe Bloggs" . "")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-download . [(20200430 2226) ((emacs (24 3)) (async (1 2))) "Image drag-and-drop for Org-mode." single ((:commit . "48d3952ad8ebc5ef5a6a77b8c6a4a0da61653036") (:keywords "multimedia" "images" "screenshots" "download") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-download . [(20200506 1829) ((emacs (24 3)) (async (1 2))) "Image drag-and-drop for Org-mode." single ((:commit . "d248fcb8f2592a40507682e91eed9a31ead4e4a6") (:keywords "multimedia" "images" "screenshots" "download") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel") (:url . ""))])
(org-dp . [(20180311 923) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Declarative Local Programming with Org Elements" tar ((:commit . "e720f1c155a795a5b65a04790ad195c413449716") (:authors ("Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Thorsten Jolitz <tjolitz AT gmail DOT com>") (:url . ""))])
(org-drill . [(20200412 1812) ((emacs (25 3)) (seq (2 14)) (org (9 3)) (persist (0 3))) "Self-testing using spaced repetition" single ((:commit . "35c1ce349949cc213f3076799211210f49431850") (:keywords "games" "outlines" "multimedia") (:authors ("Paul Sexton" . "")) (:maintainer "Phillip Lord" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-drill-table . [(20180115 1009) ((s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (org (8 2)) (emacs (24 1))) "Generate drill cards from org tables" single ((:commit . "2729aaa42c1e2720d9bf7bcc125e92dcf48b7f7d") (:authors ("Chris Barrett" . "")) (:maintainer "Chris Barrett" . ""))])
@@ -3046,10 +3060,11 @@
(org-gcal . [(20200501 24) ((request (20190901)) (request-deferred (20181129)) (alert (0)) (persist (0)) (emacs (26))) "Org sync with Google Calendar" single ((:commit . "2ee2b31547e6f4e33db70fb812d552e55d612fd6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-gnome . [(20150614 1457) ((alert (1 2)) (telepathy (0 1)) (gnome-calendar (0 1))) "Orgmode integration with the GNOME desktop" single ((:commit . "122e14cf6f8104150a65246a9a7c10e1d7939862") (:keywords "org" "gnome") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . ""))])
(org-grep . [(20151202 1229) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Kind of M-x rgrep adapted for Org mode." single ((:commit . "5bdd04c0f53b8a3d656f36ea17bba3df7f0cb684") (:authors ("François Pinard" . "")) (:maintainer "François Pinard" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-id-cleanup . [(20200509 1615) ((org (9 2 6)) (dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Interactively clean up unused IDs of org-id" single ((:commit . "dc0cc6b056aa9d820670e3c668f3bc2c6b3c1809") (:authors ("Marc Ihm" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Ihm" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-if . [(20150920 1513) nil "Interactive Fiction Authoring System for Org-Mode." tar ((:commit . "fab602cc1bbee7a4e99c0083e129219d3f9ed2e8"))])
(org-index . [(20200413 1609) ((emacs (25 1))) "A personal adaptive index for org" single ((:commit . "f95dbec874f39aac3c8391a6e0b9796b981386f3") (:authors ("Marc Ihm" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Ihm" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-iv . [(20171001 1022) ((impatient-mode (1 0 0)) (org (8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "a tool used to view html (in browser) generated by org-file once the org-file changes" tar ((:commit . "7f2bb1b32647655fd9d6684f6f09dcc66b61b0cd"))])
- (org-jira . [(20190930 1406) ((emacs (24 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2 0)) (dash (2 14 1))) "Syncing between Jira and Org-mode." tar ((:commit . "5123c29867e5da54d80e92f9a5a4259144451404") (:keywords "ahungry" "jira" "org" "bug" "tracker") (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-jira . [(20200505 137) ((emacs (24 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2 0)) (dash (2 14 1))) "Syncing between Jira and Org-mode." tar ((:commit . "c3c69aaeff743da4be415579444732c2904e9d3b") (:keywords "ahungry" "jira" "org" "bug" "tracker") (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-journal . [(20200424 1917) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 1))) "a simple org-mode based journaling mode" single ((:commit . "8bf06b28d6f14f52d4968123e2b4b91930c8f947") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold") ("Christian Schwarzgruber")) (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:url . ""))])
(org-journal-list . [(20190221 2052) ((emacs (25))) "Org mode Journal List" single ((:commit . "2b26d00181bb49bff64b31ad020490acd1b6ae02") (:authors ("Huy Tran" . "")) (:maintainer "Huy Tran" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-kanban . [(20200329 543) ((s (0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (org (9 1))) "kanban dynamic block for org-mode." single ((:commit . "544aac80f1c7113cfe42cf1a2b89f5ca6bd9ead6") (:keywords "org-mode" "org" "kanban" "tools") (:authors ("Christian Köstlin" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Köstlin" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3058,12 +3073,12 @@
(org-listcruncher . [(20180815 603) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (2 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Parse Org mode list contents into table" single ((:commit . "65c09c5deba065752eb88875c54dc26abcdfaffb") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Derek Feichtinger" . "")) (:maintainer "Derek Feichtinger" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-lookup-dnd . [(20190622 2224) ((emacs (24 4)) (org-pdfview (0 1))) "Reference the index of a D&D handbook pdf" single ((:commit . "bba86a9b9979bd79e9bfaf4a7b472682b9435490") (:authors ("Malte Lau Petersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Malte Lau Petersen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-make-toc . [(20200409 1436) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 12)) (s (1 10 0)) (org (9 0))) "Automatic tables of contents for Org files" single ((:commit . "26fbd6a7e1e7f8e473fe3a5f74faec715c3a05aa") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-mime . [(20200416 1048) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org html export for text/html MIME emails" single ((:commit . "9f8444603806e6baa94b2b67a23aab0ea52fef97") (:keywords "mime" "mail" "email" "html") (:authors ("Eric Schulte")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin (redguardtoo)") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-mime . [(20200502 1133) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org html export for text/html MIME emails" single ((:commit . "484bf3b0b8af461805b9e30d175510c031bcfbc3") (:keywords "mime" "mail" "email" "html") (:authors ("Eric Schulte")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin (redguardtoo)") (:url . ""))])
(org-mind-map . [(20180826 2340) ((emacs (24)) (dash (1 8 0)) (org (8 2 10))) "Creates a directed graph from org-mode files" single ((:commit . "95347b2f9291f5c5eb6ebac8e726c03634c61de3") (:keywords "orgmode" "extensions" "graphviz" "dot") (:authors ("Ted Wiles" . "")) (:maintainer "Ted Wiles" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-mobile-sync . [(20180606 524) ((emacs (24 3 50)) (org (8 0))) "automatically sync org-mobile on changes" single ((:commit . "06764b943a528827df1e2acc6bc7806cc2c1351f") (:keywords "org-mode" "org" "mobile" "sync" "todo") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:url . ""))])
(org-mru-clock . [(20200128 1208) ((emacs (24 3))) "clock in/out of tasks with completion and persistent history" single ((:commit . "8f9f4f978a3c40adf2ff00eebb56bccfe4caf4e1") (:keywords "convenience" "calendar") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-msg . [(20200422 1615) ((emacs (24 4)) (htmlize (1 54))) "Org mode to send and reply to email in HTML." single ((:commit . "d41426854e6804d752b25346cf6ae79b0612784c") (:keywords "extensions" "mail") (:authors ("Jérémy Compostella" . "")) (:maintainer "Jérémy Compostella" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-multi-wiki . [(20200419 1833) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 12)) (s (1 12)) (org-ql (0 4)) (org (9 3))) "Multiple wikis based on Org mode" single ((:commit . "aef5975ac18d7cb101c0fb688333cc241782a8a0") (:keywords "org" "outlines" "files") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-msg . [(20200507 2043) ((emacs (24 4)) (htmlize (1 54))) "Org mode to send and reply to email in HTML." single ((:commit . "2d0540cbd659e6aaf1899f1e0b51f3850c83d5a6") (:keywords "extensions" "mail") (:authors ("Jérémy Compostella" . "")) (:maintainer "Jérémy Compostella" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-multi-wiki . [(20200419 1833) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 12)) (s (1 12)) (org-ql (0 4)) (org (9 3))) "Multiple wikis based on Org mode" single ((:commit . "8b056103d6f5320563e9fd794a008fd4e0719702") (:keywords "org" "outlines" "files") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-multiple-keymap . [(20191017 1920) ((org (8 2 4)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Set keymap to elements, such as timestamp and priority." single ((:commit . "4eb8aa0aada012b2346cc7f0c55e07783141a2c3") (:keywords "convenience" "org-mode") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
(org-notebook . [(20170322 452) ((emacs (24)) (org (8)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Ease the use of org-mode as a notebook" single ((:commit . "86042d866bf441e2c9bb51f995e5994141b78517") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Paul Elder" . "")) (:maintainer "Paul Elder" . ""))])
(org-noter . [(20191020 1212) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 6)) (org (9 0))) "A synchronized, Org-mode, document annotator" single ((:commit . "9ead81d42dd4dd5074782d239b2efddf9b8b7b3d") (:keywords "lisp" "pdf" "interleave" "annotate" "external" "sync" "notes" "documents" "org-mode") (:authors (nil . "Gonçalo Santos (aka. weirdNox@GitHub)")) (:maintainer nil . "Gonçalo Santos (aka. weirdNox@GitHub)") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3076,7 +3091,6 @@
(org-parser . [(20200417 301) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0)) (ht (2 1))) "parse org files into structured datatypes." single ((:commit . "fd4cb7035ff649378cc968b1ec2c386b5c565706") (:keywords "files" "outlines" "tools") (:url . ""))])
(org-password-manager . [(20180227 1810) ((org (8 2 10)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Password manager for Org Mode." single ((:commit . "4b30a36e71182553a02e4dd415369290d98ec03a") (:keywords "password") (:authors ("Leandro Facchinetti" . "")) (:maintainer "Leandro Facchinetti" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-pdftools . [(20200422 1350) ((emacs (26 1)) (org (9 3 6)) (pdf-tools (0 8)) (org-noter (1 4 1))) "Support for links to documents in pdfview mode" single ((:commit . "8cc15bb8014ed1f047eecc0abd8bf447f86c0505") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Alexander Fu Xi" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Fu Xi" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-pdfview . [(20180225 1006) ((org (8 2 10)) (pdf-tools (0 80))) "Support for links to documents in pdfview mode" single ((:commit . "8b71f313634b95a1fac42fc701934fd796565f3b") (:keywords "org" "pdf-view" "pdf-tools") (:authors ("Markus Hauck" . "")) (:maintainer "Markus Hauck" . ""))])
(org-picklink . [(20191203 59) ((emacs (24 4))) "Pick a headline link from org-agenda" single ((:commit . "f79040ed988bdeec63b098b187e00f2b80d3d570") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-pivotal . [(20191116 530) ((a (0 1 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (emacs (26 1)) (request (0 3 0))) "Sync Pivotal Tracker to org buffer" tar ((:commit . "f073f3ed8c2e78f5080c617d01b1f6bb3df63d1c") (:authors ("Huy Duong" . "")) (:maintainer "Huy Duong" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-pomodoro . [(20190530 1445) ((alert (0 5 10)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Pomodoro implementation for org-mode." tar ((:commit . "aa07c11318f91219336197e62c47bc7a3d090479") (:authors ("Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "")) (:maintainer "Arthur Leonard Andersen" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3087,7 +3101,7 @@
(org-projectile . [(20190130 1439) ((projectile (0 11 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (s (1 9 0)) (org-category-capture (0 0 0))) "Repository todo management for org-mode" single ((:commit . "96a57a43555e24e5e0d81e79f0fbb47001c41bac") (:keywords "org-mode" "projectile" "todo" "tools" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-projectile-helm . [(20180601 1822) ((org-projectile (1 0 0)) (helm (2 3 1)) (emacs (25))) "helm functions for org-projectile" single ((:commit . "96a57a43555e24e5e0d81e79f0fbb47001c41bac") (:keywords "org" "projectile" "todo" "helm" "outlines") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-protocol-jekyll . [(20170328 1639) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Jekyll's handler for org-protocol" single ((:commit . "dec064a42d6dfe81dfde7ba59ece5ca103ac6334") (:authors ("Vladimir S. Ivanov" . "")) (:maintainer "Vladimir S. Ivanov" . ""))])
- (org-ql . [(20200407 1706) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (map (2 1)) (org (9 0)) (org-super-agenda (1 2 -1)) (ov (1 0 6)) (peg (0 6)) (s (1 12 0)) (transient (0 1)) (ts (0 2 -1))) "Org Query Language, search command, and agenda-like view" tar ((:commit . "f4d7399e677904cdc7e220440610704e4bd668bc") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" "agenda") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-ql . [(20200501 1131) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (map (2 1)) (org (9 0)) (org-super-agenda (1 2 -1)) (ov (1 0 6)) (peg (0 6)) (s (1 12 0)) (transient (0 1)) (ts (0 2 -1))) "Org Query Language, search command, and agenda-like view" tar ((:commit . "c847afe0b538a1a44c73e40b067831cbea132ba7") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" "agenda") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-radiobutton . [(20180612 1028) ((dash (2 13 0)) (emacs (24))) "Radiobutton for org-mode lists." single ((:commit . "4182aafbe5ae1bdfb0b07efa435bdba8bbd7199d") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-random-todo . [(20190214 2057) ((emacs (24 3)) (alert (1 3))) "show a random TODO (with alert) every so often" single ((:commit . "4f7677af740e8f3f7cfaf630ae2e594a125af760") (:keywords "org" "todo" "notification" "calendar") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-randomnote . [(20200110 1407) ((f (0 19 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (org (0))) "Find a random note in your Org-Mode files" single ((:commit . "ea8cf4385970637efffff8f79e14576ba6d7ad13") (:authors ("Michael Fogleman" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Fogleman" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3096,25 +3110,25 @@
(org-recent-headings . [(20200228 215) ((emacs (26 1)) (org (9 0 5)) (dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (frecency (0 1)) (s (1 12 0))) "Jump to recently used Org headings" single ((:commit . "bb9c96bea63a0ce8c0d18e8b8b4b24085d4c9d89") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-recur . [(20191216 2353) ((emacs (24)) (org (9 0))) "Recurring org-mode tasks" single ((:commit . "ae20a538b2b4dcec139089bb44f1e4abc5b04f72") (:authors ("Marcin Swieczkowski" . "")) (:maintainer "Marcin Swieczkowski" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-redmine . [(20160711 1114) nil "Redmine tools using Emacs OrgMode" single ((:commit . "e77d013bc3784947c46a5c53f03cd7d3c68552fc") (:keywords "redmine" "org") (:authors ("Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "")) (:maintainer "Wataru MIYAGUNI" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-ref . [(20200430 1700) ((dash (2 17 0)) (htmlize (1 51)) (helm (1 5 5)) (helm-bibtex (2 0 0)) (ivy (0 13 0)) (hydra (0 15)) (key-chord (0)) (s (1 12 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (pdf-tools (0 9))) "citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode" tar ((:commit . "053317a7bdb85279dc9e12021d261bb8c79f1ef1") (:keywords "org-mode" "cite" "ref" "label") (:authors ("John Kitchin" . "")) (:maintainer "John Kitchin" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-ref . [(20200509 1756) ((dash (2 11 0)) (htmlize (1 51)) (helm (1 5 5)) (helm-bibtex (2 0 0)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (key-chord (0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 0)) (pdf-tools (0 7))) "citations, cross-references and bibliographies in org-mode" tar ((:commit . "4ce80644377f2369efb475bd58a57cf6950d8c41") (:keywords "org-mode" "cite" "ref" "label") (:authors ("John Kitchin" . "")) (:maintainer "John Kitchin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-repo-todo . [(20171228 119) nil "Simple repository todo management with org-mode" single ((:commit . "f73ebd91399c5760ad52c6ad9033de1066042003") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("justin talbott" . "")) (:maintainer "justin talbott" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-reverse-datetree . [(20200325 1003) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 12))) "Create reverse date trees in org-mode" single ((:commit . "afac070eb64cc24917c0ab0e14686258da4916f6") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-review . [(20160907 537) nil "schedule reviews for Org entries" single ((:commit . "058e75b7f28d2ad2390290fe17a63d98ef5ab763") (:keywords "org" "review") (:authors ("Alan Schmitt" . "")) (:maintainer "Alan Schmitt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-rich-yank . [(20181120 1354) ((emacs (24 4))) "paste with org-mode markup and link to source" single ((:commit . "d2f350c5296cf05d6c84b02762ba44f09a02b4e3") (:keywords "convenience" "hypermedia" "org") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-roam . [(20200501 957) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 13)) (f (0 17 2)) (s (1 12 0)) (org (9 3)) (emacsql (3 0 0)) (emacsql-sqlite (1 0 0))) "Roam Research replica with Org-mode" tar ((:commit . "1ad3539c542afd715e0e6602046581c238d06269") (:keywords "org-mode" "roam" "convenience") (:authors ("Jethro Kuan" . "")) (:maintainer "Jethro Kuan" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-roam-bibtex . [(20200501 1008) ((emacs (26 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (org (9 3)) (org-roam (1 0 0)) (bibtex-completion (2 0 0))) "Connector between Org-roam, BibTeX-completion, and Org-ref" single ((:commit . "9d03d7cb01ad99d488279e285a0ebc13915aa4ca") (:keywords "org-mode" "roam" "convenience" "bibtex" "helm-bibtex" "ivy-bibtex" "org-ref") (:authors ("Leo Vivier" . "") ("Mykhailo Shevchuk" . "") ("Jethro Kuan" . "")) (:maintainer "Leo Vivier" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-roam . [(20200510 844) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 13)) (f (0 17 2)) (s (1 12 0)) (org (9 3)) (emacsql (3 0 0)) (emacsql-sqlite (1 0 0))) "Roam Research replica with Org-mode" tar ((:commit . "3efe315ff153df53c5a571edea2c1870394a637b") (:keywords "org-mode" "roam" "convenience") (:authors ("Jethro Kuan" . "")) (:maintainer "Jethro Kuan" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-roam-bibtex . [(20200510 5) ((emacs (26 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (org (9 3)) (org-roam (1 0 0)) (bibtex-completion (2 0 0))) "Connector between Org-roam, BibTeX-completion, and Org-ref" tar ((:commit . "b31f737eb73627dc7348a9d4c6db3ef6327f9edd") (:keywords "org-mode" "roam" "convenience" "bibtex" "helm-bibtex" "ivy-bibtex" "org-ref") (:authors ("Leo Vivier" . "") ("Mykhailo Shevchuk" . "") ("Jethro Kuan" . "")) (:maintainer "Leo Vivier" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-rtm . [(20160214 1236) ((rtm (0 1))) "Simple import/export from rememberthemilk to org-mode" single ((:commit . "adc42ad1fbe92ab447ccc9553780f4456f2508d2") (:keywords "outlines" "data") (:authors ("Philipp Middendorf" . "")) (:maintainer "Philipp Middendorf" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-runbook . [(20200412 403) ((emacs (25 1)) (seq (2 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 17 0)) (mustache (0 24)) (ht (0 9))) "Org mode for runbooks" single ((:commit . "8bec754c3007238d4e1c7296454815bf7000b31d") (:keywords "convenience" "processes" "terminals" "files") (:authors ("Tyler Dodge")) (:maintainer "Tyler Dodge") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-runbook . [(20200504 648) ((emacs (25 1)) (seq (2 3)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 17 0)) (mustache (0 24)) (ht (0 9))) "Org mode for runbooks" single ((:commit . "fb4026df05b8e05c6aefd9483bec0e8f43d87d7e") (:keywords "convenience" "processes" "terminals" "files") (:authors ("Tyler Dodge")) (:maintainer "Tyler Dodge") (:url . ""))])
(org-scrum . [(20200131 1129) ((emacs (24 5)) (org (8 2)) (seq (2 3)) (cl-lib (1 0))) "org mode extensions for scrum planning and reporting" single ((:commit . "8b5cd196bb37cebd1aa5b02ed189ad7dadd92078") (:authors ("Ian Martins" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Martins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-seek . [(20161217 502) ((emacs (24 3)) (ag (0 48))) "Searching Org-mode files with search tools." single ((:commit . "1f51e6634e3b9a6a29d335d0d14370a6ffef2265") (:keywords "org" "search" "ag" "pt") (:authors ("stardiviner" . "")) (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-shoplist . [(20190809 2156) ((emacs (25))) "Eat the world" single ((:commit . "9591a4747eb2e5cab53203a120f9b854c75e629b") (:keywords "extensions" "matching") (:authors ("lordnik22")) (:maintainer "lordnik22") (:url . ""))])
- (org-sidebar . [(20200313 1551) ((emacs (26 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (org (9 0)) (org-ql (0 2)) (org-super-agenda (1 0))) "Helpful sidebar for Org buffers" single ((:commit . "d6ddec21fd6f356dc7b77c0a61a633606965a0bf") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" "agenda") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-sidebar . [(20200501 1215) ((emacs (26 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (org (9 0)) (org-ql (0 2)) (org-super-agenda (1 0))) "Helpful sidebar for Org buffers" single ((:commit . "6dfa3a2312e8dacc942980e4ab10f1faea922a49") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" "agenda") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-snooze . [(20181229 1424) ((emacs (24 4))) "Snooze your code, doc and feed" single ((:commit . "8799adc14a20f3489063d279ff69312de3180bf9") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Bill Xue")) (:maintainer "Bill Xue") (:url . ""))])
- (org-special-block-extras . [(20200427 2234) ((s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (26 1)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (org (9 1))) "29 new custom blocks & 32 link types for Org-mode" single ((:commit . "d1054754d0701296bc0cde1fb022619b1f38dfde") (:keywords "org" "blocks" "colors" "convenience") (:authors ("Musa Al-hassy" . "")) (:maintainer "Musa Al-hassy" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-special-block-extras . [(20200502 2057) ((s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (26 1)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (org (9 1))) "29 new custom blocks & 34 link types for Org-mode" single ((:commit . "38c3a0a2c2f9b99e0426334c7c6a9320cc6e39a5") (:keywords "org" "blocks" "colors" "convenience") (:authors ("Musa Al-hassy" . "")) (:maintainer "Musa Al-hassy" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-sql . [(20200217 2130) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 15))) "Org-Mode SQL converter" single ((:commit . "9543ad58bc471abf09705d2615c50c1ead90c660") (:keywords "org-mode" "data") (:authors ("Nathan Dwarshuis" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathan Dwarshuis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-starter . [(20191224 1909) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12)) (dash-functional (1 2 0))) "A basic configuration framework for org mode" tar ((:commit . "4c0f01a493a6dc9ab3fec50e0b458aa0d35464f9") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-starter-swiper . [(20190929 646) ((emacs (25 1)) (swiper (0 11)) (org-starter (0 2 4))) "Swiper for org-starter" single ((:commit . "4c0f01a493a6dc9ab3fec50e0b458aa0d35464f9") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-static-blog . [(20200415 623) ((emacs (24 3))) "a simple org-mode based static blog generator" single ((:commit . "ce92384b364de6421ab67e6399ae56b8ea51df49") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold")) (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-static-blog . [(20200508 654) ((emacs (24 3))) "a simple org-mode based static blog generator" single ((:commit . "38a74456af863e07ab0b838c10830ce796886302") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold")) (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:url . ""))])
(org-sticky-header . [(20191117 549) ((emacs (24 4)) (org (8 3 5))) "Show off-screen Org heading at top of window" single ((:commit . "1053ebdeb3bd14fc8d4538643532efb86d18b73c") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-super-agenda . [(20200310 1337) ((emacs (26 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (dash (2 13)) (org (9 0)) (ht (2 2)) (ts (0 2))) "Supercharge your agenda" tar ((:commit . "dd0d104c269fab9ebe5af7009bc1dd2a3a8f3c12") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" "agenda") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-superstar . [(20200416 2354) ((org (9 1 9)) (emacs (26 1))) "Prettify headings and plain lists in Org mode" single ((:commit . "09ddc28383d363a4b353348a433e24535b4af0e3") (:keywords "faces" "outlines") (:authors ("D. Williams" . "")) (:maintainer "D. Williams" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3131,21 +3145,21 @@
(org-tracktable . [(20161118 1329) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Track your writing progress in an org-table" single ((:commit . "8e0e60a582a034bd66d5efb72d513140b7d4d90a") (:keywords "org" "writing") (:authors ("tty-tourist" . "")) (:maintainer "tty-tourist" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-transform-tree-table . [(20200413 1959) ((dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 3 0))) "Transform org-mode tree with properties to a table, and the other way around" single ((:commit . "d84e7fb87bf2d5fc2be252500de0cddf20facf4f") (:keywords "org-mode" "table" "org-table" "tree" "csv" "convert") (:authors (nil . "Johan Lindstrom <buzzwordninja>")) (:maintainer nil . "Johan Lindstrom <buzzwordninja>") (:url . ""))])
(org-tree-slide . [(20200114 2334) nil "A presentation tool for org-mode" single ((:commit . "7bf09a02bd2d8f1ccfcb5209bfb18fbe02d1f44e") (:keywords "convenience" "org-mode" "presentation" "narrowing") (:authors ("Takaaki ISHIKAWA <takaxp at ieee dot org>")) (:maintainer "Takaaki ISHIKAWA <takaxp at ieee dot org>") (:url . ""))])
- (org-treescope . [(20200324 1959) ((emacs (24 3)) (org (9 2 3)) (org-ql (0 5 -1)) (dash (2 17 0))) "Time scoping sparse trees within org" tar ((:commit . "cad2aa82e5ca73bd7afc31b7a5e764da5ab716c3") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Mehmet Tekman")) (:maintainer "Mehmet Tekman") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-treescope . [(20200503 1609) ((emacs (24 3)) (org (9 2 3)) (org-ql (0 5 -1)) (dash (2 17 0))) "Time scoping sparse trees within org" tar ((:commit . "905029a9e2ce6ed325bb8e10f59dc589c181d148") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Mehmet Tekman")) (:maintainer "Mehmet Tekman") (:url . ""))])
(org-treeusage . [(20200418 1904) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 17 0)) (org (9 1 6))) "Examine the usage of org headings in a tree-like manner" tar ((:commit . "fe4323bc500e2d949848c75e8f59340971b35562") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Mehmet Tekman")) (:maintainer "Mehmet Tekman") (:url . ""))])
- (org-trello . [(20200130 1748) ((request-deferred (0 2 0)) (deferred (0 4 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash-functional (2 12 1)) (dash (2 12 1))) "Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and trello board" tar ((:commit . "cd7bf366d40bb4af4a1a9801446dc98f713eac8a"))])
- (org-variable-pitch . [(20191207 2022) ((emacs (25))) "Minor mode for variable pitch text in org mode." single ((:commit . "eab07dae119129066624e692c1c75a53b2ab10a5") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-trello . [(20200508 1705) ((request-deferred (0 2 0)) (deferred (0 4 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash-functional (2 12 1)) (dash (2 12 1))) "Minor mode to synchronize org-mode buffer and trello board" tar ((:commit . "56c519a00c6e3c8f6923cd0460342089d58c41c9"))])
+ (org-variable-pitch . [(20191207 2022) ((emacs (25))) "Minor mode for variable pitch text in org mode." single ((:commit . "61a14d1a8c17930caca5c5daf893cedc9c23c5f3") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-vcard . [(20191130 703) nil "org-mode support for vCard export and import." tar ((:commit . "4f5d71225e946999f45ac9f96996705fee83df5a") (:keywords "outlines" "org" "vcard") (:authors ("Alexis" . "") ("Will Dey" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-wc . [(20180610 253) nil "Count words in org mode trees." single ((:commit . "0716c1e8276f6953e139e357e97566e792c8be19") (:authors ("Simon Guest")) (:maintainer "Simon Guest"))])
(org-web-tools . [(20191217 1459) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 0)) (dash (2 12)) (esxml (0 3 4)) (s (1 10 0)) (request (0 3 0))) "Display and capture web content with Org-mode" tar ((:commit . "ebc7888f4f4cad26ec1298edd7bf606a5ea2d564") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org" "web") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-wild-notifier . [(20200328 1153) ((alert (1 2)) (async (1 9 3)) (dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Customizable org-agenda notifications" single ((:commit . "4011d7f557da3ae5eee73c56ae514b963fb4d1c1") (:keywords "notification" "alert" "org" "org-agenda" "agenda") (:authors ("Artem Khramov" . "")) (:maintainer "Artem Khramov" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org-working-set . [(20200416 813) ((emacs (25 1))) "Manage a working-set of org-nodes" tar ((:commit . "344d92ee5c117077317616e33d5945703059ac00") (:authors ("Marc Ihm" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Ihm" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (org-working-set . [(20200501 1447) ((emacs (25 1))) "Manage a working-set of org-nodes" single ((:commit . "9f180f037d632906a3043c4e14fafc8e6ed007a8") (:authors ("Marc Ihm" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Ihm" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org-wunderlist . [(20191017 1917) ((request-deferred (0 2 0)) (alert (1 1)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (org (8 2 4)) (s (1 9 0))) "Org sync with Wunderlist" single ((:commit . "1a084bb49be4b5a1066db9cd9b7da2f8efab293f") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("myuhe <>")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:url . ""))])
(org2blog . [(20200317 2136) ((htmlize (1 54)) (hydra (0 15 0)) (xml-rpc (1 6 12)) (metaweblog (1 1 1))) "Blog from Org mode to WordPress" tar ((:commit . "60eae1c8a7f82fbcc2660d785b33601daaa29f4b") (:homepage . "") (:keywords "comm" "convenience" "outlines" "wp") (:maintainer "Grant Rettke" . "") (:authors ("Puneeth Chaganti" . "")))])
(org2ctex . [(20200331 550) ((emacs (24 4))) "Export org to ctex (a latex macro for Chinese)" single ((:commit . "2e40aa5e78b0562516f46f689e7b74cdf451cc2a") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org2elcomment . [(20170324 945) ((org (8 3 4))) "Convert Org file to Elisp comments" single ((:commit . "c88a75d9587c484ead18f7adf08592b09c1cceb0") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . ""))])
(org2issue . [(20190531 941) ((org (8 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (ox-gfm (0 1)) (gh (0 1)) (s (20160405 920))) "export org to github issue" single ((:commit . "910b98c858762fd14b11d261626c5e979dde0833") (:keywords "convenience" "github" "org") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (org2jekyll . [(20170225 915) ((dash-functional (2 11 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (deferred (0 3 1)) (kv (0 0 19))) "Minor mode to publish org-mode post to jekyll without specific yaml" tar ((:commit . "52a19a5d372116262b9d613f4ec8490a3b49e329") (:keywords "org-mode" "jekyll" "blog" "publish") (:authors ("Antoine R. Dumont <eniotna.t AT>")) (:maintainer "Antoine R. Dumont <eniotna.t AT>") (:url . ""))])
+ (org2jekyll . [(20200509 1612) ((dash-functional (2 11 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (deferred (0 3 1)) (kv (0 0 19))) "Minor mode to publish org-mode post to jekyll without specific yaml" tar ((:commit . "0a42d27aa24ad0da6d2091596e449ad5ddfaecdb") (:keywords "org-mode" "jekyll" "blog" "publish") (:authors ("Antoine R. Dumont (@ardumont)" . "")) (:maintainer "Antoine R. Dumont (@ardumont)" . "") (:url . ""))])
(org2web . [(20171005 2317) ((cl-lib (1 0)) (ht (1 5)) (mustache (0 22)) (htmlize (1 47)) (org (8 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (el2org (0 10)) (simple-httpd (0 1))) "A static site generator based on org mode." tar ((:commit . "5243b399927a4c474bb3b8d1c8a00799df1f27d7"))])
(organic-green-theme . [(20200418 2058) nil "Low-contrast green color theme." single ((:commit . "5218473fb500e58ccad3f73cfc4245f161869f89"))])
(organize-imports-java . [(20190922 1520) ((emacs (24)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "Automatically organize imports in Java code." single ((:commit . "8299bdfd65105feb8d7fb85d2951954d73671cd2") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3154,9 +3168,9 @@
(orglink . [(20200413 2124) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 12 1)) (org (9 3))) "use Org Mode links in other modes" single ((:commit . "a5f5da06174d22dc21bbac167a8c2361fa84bf2b") (:keywords "hypertext") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(orglue . [(20200411 311) ((org (9 3)) (epic (0 2))) "more functionality to org-mode." tar ((:commit . "9d5a8e24be9acb8c55bb4d6aa8b98e30e2677401") (:keywords "org") (:authors ("Yoshinari Nomura" . "")) (:maintainer "Yoshinari Nomura" . ""))])
(orgnav . [(20170608 1713) ((helm (2 7 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (1 11 0)) (emacs (24))) "Org tree navigation using helm" tar ((:commit . "9e2cac9c1a67af5f0080e60022e821bf7b70312d") (:keywords "convenience" "outlines") (:authors ("Facet Framer" . "")) (:maintainer "Facet Framer" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (orgtbl-aggregate . [(20200423 2123) nil "Create an aggregated Org table from another one" tar ((:commit . "b4d8ee2b8e0062eaa15eac6805374c02b776bb88") (:keywords "org" "table" "aggregation" "filtering"))])
+ (orgtbl-aggregate . [(20200507 1352) nil "Create an aggregated Org table from another one" tar ((:commit . "1181c37dd1f1bdc48308c6a3d5cd576677e6bb91") (:keywords "org" "table" "aggregation" "filtering"))])
(orgtbl-ascii-plot . [(20200411 711) nil "ascii-art bar plots in org-mode tables" single ((:commit . "59618630205fc8c0fcc74fb34c4581d9712a5181") (:keywords "org" "table" "ascii" "plot") (:authors ("Thierry Banel tbanelwebmin at free dot fr") ("Michael Brand")) (:maintainer "Thierry Banel tbanelwebmin at free dot fr"))])
- (orgtbl-join . [(20200423 2129) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "join columns from another table" tar ((:commit . "9a197de6c3036fbdb6309cbfd35ec31a69b3ebe7") (:keywords "org" "table" "join" "filtering") (:authors ("Thierry Banel tbanelwebmin at free dot fr")) (:maintainer "Thierry Banel tbanelwebmin at free dot fr"))])
+ (orgtbl-join . [(20200505 1546) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "join columns from another table" tar ((:commit . "11e9bd5ea70c74b3cf982fa244ae372104cb84f0") (:keywords "org" "table" "join" "filtering") (:authors ("Thierry Banel tbanelwebmin at free dot fr")) (:maintainer "Thierry Banel tbanelwebmin at free dot fr"))])
(orgtbl-show-header . [(20141023 837) nil "Show the header of the current column in the minibuffer" single ((:commit . "112d54a44682f065318ed0c9c89a8f5b8907342a") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . ""))])
(origami . [(20200331 1019) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 5 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Flexible text folding" tar ((:commit . "e558710a975e8511b9386edc81cd6bdd0a5bda74") (:keywords "folding") (:authors ("Greg Sexton" . "")) (:maintainer "Greg Sexton" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ormolu . [(20200313 1631) ((emacs (24)) (reformatter (0 4))) "Format Haskell source code using the \"ormolu\" program" single ((:commit . "5d991188b511e9d650c84fc578f2f49c9f995693") (:keywords "files" "tools") (:authors ("Vasiliy Yorkin" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasiliy Yorkin") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3182,7 +3196,7 @@
(ov . [(20200326 1042) ((emacs (24 3))) "Overlay library for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "c5b9aa4e1b00d702eb2caedd61c69a22a5fa1fab") (:keywords "convenience" "overlay") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama -")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama -") (:url . ""))])
(overcast-theme . [(20200425 1601) ((emacs (24))) "A dark but vibrant color theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "e02b835a08919ead079d7221d513348ac02ba92e") (:keywords "theme") (:authors ("Mohammed Ismail Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Mohammed Ismail Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))])
(overseer . [(20180226 619) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 10 0)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (f (0 18 1))) "Ert-runner Integration Into Emacs" single ((:commit . "02d49f582e80e36b4334c9187801c5ecfb027789") (:authors ("Samuel Tonini" . "")) (:maintainer "Samuel Tonini" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ovpn-mode . [(20191214 310) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an openvpn management mode" single ((:commit . "8457f72de59929d6c176883e92d1a706163d3170") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Bas Alberts" . "")) (:maintainer "Bas Alberts" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ovpn-mode . [(20200509 236) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an openvpn management mode" single ((:commit . "3fb9b09506f06cfc7678a93b5401f49d2bf538bc") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Bas Alberts" . "")) (:maintainer "Bas Alberts" . "") (:url . ""))])
(owcmd . [(20200427 633) ((emacs (26 3))) "Run a single command in the other window" single ((:commit . "cdd2280f34328f65fe470046c928b0018914584a") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jacob First" . "")) (:maintainer "Jacob First" . "") (:url . ""))])
(owdriver . [(20200410 1901) ((smartrep (0 0 3)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 2 0))) "Quickly perform various actions on other windows" single ((:commit . "3c52a7b11c8275fdb2e4cf98f68f2a48ad09a3ae") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-asciidoc . [(20181230 620) ((org (8 1))) "AsciiDoc Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "e931362e641f97d17dc738d22bb461e54045786d") (:keywords "org" "asciidoc") (:authors ("Yasushi SHOJI" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasushi SHOJI" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3192,7 +3206,7 @@
(ox-gfm . [(20170628 2102) nil "Github Flavored Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "99f93011b069e02b37c9660b8fcb45dab086a07f") (:keywords "org" "wp" "markdown" "github") (:authors ("Lars Tveito")) (:maintainer "Lars Tveito"))])
(ox-haunt . [(20200202 229) ((emacs (24 3)) (org (9 0))) "Haunt-flavored HTML backend for the Org export engine" single ((:commit . "f3c8fda6fee78f45a259e5d218a519dfd11c00c7") (:keywords "convenience" "hypermedia" "wp") (:authors ("Jakob L. Kreuze" . "")) (:maintainer "Jakob L. Kreuze" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-html5slide . [(20131228 606) ((org (8 0))) "Export org-mode to HTML5 slide." single ((:commit . "4703dfbd9d79161509def673d2c1e118d722a58f") (:keywords "html" "presentation") (:authors ("coldnew" . "")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ox-hugo . [(20200420 324) ((emacs (24 4)) (org (9 0))) "Hugo Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" tar ((:commit . "5106b430a139bb9e37beda177a082dfe36b407f5") (:keywords "org" "markdown" "docs") (:url . ""))])
+ (ox-hugo . [(20200501 1317) ((emacs (24 4)) (org (9 0))) "Hugo Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" tar ((:commit . "8f36181977377383cb54803651d93b24e370122d") (:keywords "org" "markdown" "docs") (:url . ""))])
(ox-impress-js . [(20150412 1716) ((org (8))) "impress.js Back-End for Org Export Engine" tar ((:commit . "91c6d2af6af308ade352a03355c4fb551b238c6b") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia" "calendar" "wp") (:authors ("Takumi Kinjo <takumi dot kinjo at gmail dot org>")) (:maintainer "Takumi Kinjo <takumi dot kinjo at gmail dot org>") (:url . ""))])
(ox-ioslide . [(20161015 1338) ((emacs (24 1)) (org (8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (f (0 17 2)) (makey (0 3))) "Export org-mode to Google I/O HTML5 slide." tar ((:commit . "6555680be5364c8ddd2bf446865cb1a82adb6b9e") (:keywords "html" "presentation") (:authors ("coldnew" . "")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-jekyll-md . [(20180831 1732) nil "Export Jekyll on Markdown articles using org-mode." single ((:commit . "ff7b81733354c2b427293e531bb51647fa84fc88") (:keywords "org" "jekyll") (:authors ("Elsa Gonsiorowski" . "")) (:maintainer "Elsa Gonsiorowski" . ""))])
@@ -3206,7 +3220,7 @@
(ox-pandoc . [(20180510 1338) ((org (8 2)) (emacs (24)) (dash (2 8)) (ht (2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "org exporter for pandoc." single ((:commit . "aa37dc7e94213d4ebedb85c384c1ba35007da18e") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi" . "")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-pukiwiki . [(20150124 1716) ((org (8 1))) "Pukiwiki Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "bdbde2c294f5d3de11f08a3fe19f01175d2e011a") (:keywords "org" "pukiwiki") (:authors ("Yasushi SHOJI" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasushi SHOJI" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-qmd . [(20170402 1657) ((org (8 0))) "Qiita Markdown Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "3a24c7a0b3ec80e494b977e14a3dfb94c9f1d8ec") (:keywords "org" "wp" "markdown" "qiita") (:authors ("0x60DF" . "")) (:maintainer "0x60DF" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ox-reveal . [(20200429 1533) ((org (8 3))) "reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "19e81a630513a36a73953bdc935bede2edbc3630") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia" "slideshow" "presentation") (:authors ("Yujie Wen <yjwen.ty at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Yujie Wen <yjwen.ty at gmail dot com>"))])
+ (ox-reveal . [(20200429 1533) ((org (8 3))) "reveal.js Presentation Back-End for Org Export Engine" single ((:commit . "e8b2801ab2210187ab1cfacad09bb07e4b61ca56") (:keywords "outlines" "hypermedia" "slideshow" "presentation") (:authors ("Yujie Wen <yjwen.ty at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Yujie Wen <yjwen.ty at gmail dot com>"))])
(ox-rfc . [(20190926 851) ((emacs (24 3)) (org (8 3))) "RFC Back-End for Org Export Engine" tar ((:commit . "b86c9e6f21d99ea657b4f2224f816300485ed73f") (:keywords "org" "rfc" "wp" "xml") (:authors ("Christian Hopps" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Hopps" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-rst . [(20191013 551) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (8 3))) "Export reStructuredText using org-mode." single ((:commit . "9158bfd18096c559e0a225ae62ab683f1c98a547") (:keywords "org" "rst" "rest" "restructuredtext") (:authors ("Masanao Igarashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Masanao Igarashi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ox-slack . [(20200108 1546) ((emacs (24)) (org (9 1 4)) (ox-gfm (1 0))) "Slack Exporter for org-mode" single ((:commit . "89cedb9da6ea08b78bc1fe77d6a39aa078172c1e") (:keywords "org" "slack" "outlines") (:authors ("Matt Price")) (:maintainer "Matt Price") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3226,8 +3240,8 @@
(package+ . [(20190702 253) ((emacs (24 3))) "Extensions for the package library." single ((:commit . "3d108ff6af00d2fe978787217a13660af057cafc") (:keywords "extensions" "tools") (:authors ("Ryan Davis" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan Davis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(package-build . [(20200426 2253) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Tools for assembling a package archive" tar ((:commit . "5fe5156491145c667286cb92be4191a348eaa31e") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "")) (:maintainer "Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(package-filter . [(20161122 719) nil "package archive whitelist and blacklist" single ((:commit . "bc73b41aea1d65ca44ef1593ca13126df9bbb39e") (:authors ("Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "")) (:maintainer "Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (package-lint . [(20200419 406) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1)) (let-alist (1 0 6))) "A linting library for elisp package authors" tar ((:commit . "fb4662a755572c5add43869cdb6dcc577ca83a7f") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "") ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (package-lint-flymake . [(20191116 45) ((emacs (26 1)) (package-lint (0 5))) "A package-lint Flymake backend" single ((:commit . "fb4662a755572c5add43869cdb6dcc577ca83a7f") (:url . ""))])
+ (package-lint . [(20200419 406) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1)) (let-alist (1 0 6))) "A linting library for elisp package authors" tar ((:commit . "495da67557d35acb146ec1f38f7576126aec6bfc") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "") ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (package-lint-flymake . [(20191116 45) ((emacs (26 1)) (package-lint (0 5))) "A package-lint Flymake backend" single ((:commit . "495da67557d35acb146ec1f38f7576126aec6bfc") (:url . ""))])
(package-safe-delete . [(20150116 1607) ((emacs (24)) (epl (0 7 -4))) "Safely delete package.el packages" single ((:commit . "138171e4fc03c0ef05a8260cbb5cd2e114c1c194") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))])
(package-utils . [(20180514 1415) ((restart-emacs (0 1 1))) "Extensions for package.el" single ((:commit . "5621b95c56b55499f0463fd8b29501da25d861bd") (:keywords "package" "convenience") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "") (:url . ""))])
(packed . [(20180318 1729) ((emacs (24 3))) "package manager agnostic Emacs Lisp package utilities" single ((:commit . "c41c3dfda86ae33832ffc146923e2a4675cbacfa") (:keywords "compile" "convenience" "lisp" "package" "library") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3245,7 +3259,7 @@
(pandoc . [(20161128 1157) ((emacs (24 4))) "Pandoc interface" single ((:commit . "198d262d09e30448f1672338b0b5a81cf75e1eaa") (:keywords "hypermedia" "documentation" "markup" "converter") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pandoc-mode . [(20200303 2322) ((hydra (0 10 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Minor mode for interacting with Pandoc" tar ((:commit . "befd7be704d6dbe3dba69da761fc62e0609c9366") (:keywords "text" "pandoc") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pangu-spacing . [(20190823 401) nil "Minor-mode to add space between Chinese and English characters." single ((:commit . "f92898949ba3bf991fd229416f3bbb54e9c6c223") (:authors ("coldnew" . "")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (paper-theme . [(20190124 1828) ((emacs (24))) "A minimal Emacs colour theme." single ((:commit . "eab07dae119129066624e692c1c75a53b2ab10a5") (:keywords "theme" "paper") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp") (:url . ""))])
+ (paper-theme . [(20200510 5) ((emacs (24))) "A minimal Emacs colour theme." single ((:commit . "61a14d1a8c17930caca5c5daf893cedc9c23c5f3") (:keywords "theme" "paper") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp") (:url . ""))])
(paperless . [(20180224 1245) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 11 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "A major mode for sorting and filing PDF documents." tar ((:commit . "b3b6c05da393f6b1292a3d5937bc4499baabd0b6") (:keywords "pdf" "convenience") (:authors ("Anthony Green" . "")) (:maintainer "Anthony Green" . "") (:url . ""))])
(paradox . [(20191011 1111) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (1 7)) (let-alist (1 0 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (hydra (0 13 2))) "A modern Packages Menu. Colored, with package ratings, and customizable." tar ((:commit . "339fe3518d1d102b2295670340e75caf4f01a29a") (:keywords "package" "packages") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
(parchment-theme . [(20200424 1524) ((autothemer (0 2))) "Light theme inspired by Acme and Leuven" single ((:commit . "766efdbd444cbefd9d01e7c6f55956d4c9a8db6c") (:authors ("Alex Griffin" . "")) (:maintainer "Alex Griffin" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3324,7 +3338,7 @@
(phi-autopair . [(20191220 311) ((paredit (20))) "another simple-minded autopair implementation" single ((:commit . "5685b9541c4c9d4cc8a892743fdf245aceea1682") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(phi-grep . [(20190920 908) ((cl-lib (0 1))) "Interactively-editable recursive grep implementation in elisp" single ((:commit . "06b740e3fb20074be9bae87530f5616a122c3aca") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(phi-rectangle . [(20151208 654) nil "another rectangle-mark command (rewrite of rect-mark)" single ((:commit . "0c12716afc71d803d1f39417469521dc465762d9") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
- (phi-search . [(20191106 233) nil "another incremental search & replace, compatible with \"multiple-cursors\"" tar ((:commit . "2a8fe73aa9ef014e27e202964c5a4f4e94ef24b2") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
+ (phi-search . [(20200510 905) nil "another incremental search & replace, compatible with \"multiple-cursors\"" tar ((:commit . "f567f048b3892062c5528b42d4f6af4b313721a3") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(phi-search-dired . [(20150405 714) ((phi-search (2 2 0))) "interactive filtering for dired powered by phi-search" single ((:commit . "162a5e4507c72512affae22744bb606a906d4193") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(phi-search-mc . [(20160324 1503) ((phi-search (2 0 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 2 1))) "multiple-cursors extension for phi-search" single ((:commit . "7aa671910f766437089aec26c3aa7814222d1356") (:keywords "search" "cursors") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(phi-search-migemo . [(20170618 921) ((phi-search (2 2 0)) (migemo (1 9 1))) "migemo extension for phi-search" single ((:commit . "308909ebfc8003d16673f97ca9eb26a667b72969") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3335,7 +3349,7 @@
(php-boris-minor-mode . [(20140209 1835) ((php-boris (0 0 1)) (highlight (0))) "a minor mode to evaluate PHP code in the Boris repl" single ((:commit . "c70e176dd6545f2d42ca3427e87b469635616d8a") (:keywords "php" "repl" "eval") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:url . ""))])
(php-cs-fixer . [(20200312 1309) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "php-cs-fixer wrapper." single ((:commit . "95eace9bc0ace128d5166e303c76df2b778c4ddb") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Philippe Ivaldi for OVYA")) (:maintainer "Philippe Ivaldi for OVYA") (:url . ""))])
(php-eldoc . [(20140202 1941) nil "eldoc backend for php" tar ((:commit . "df05064146b884d9081e10657e32dc480f070cfe") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "sabof") (:url . ""))])
- (php-mode . [(20200415 1405) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:commit . "4d0b4a04401a2b9f9ff834f6ed58bc7cc5b878c0") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (php-mode . [(20200507 1755) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing PHP code" tar ((:commit . "a7687e454adc2e6c1e13d90beac122af32169eb8") (:keywords "languages" "php") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-refactor-mode . [(20171124 635) nil "Minor mode to quickly and safely perform common refactorings" single ((:commit . "7a794b0618df2882b1bd586fdd698dba0bc5130d") (:keywords "php" "refactor") (:authors ("Matthew M. Keeler" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew M. Keeler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-runtime . [(20181212 1825) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (f (0 20)) (s (1 7))) "Language binding bridge to PHP" single ((:commit . "017e0e70f07d6b25e37d5c5f4d271a914b677631") (:keywords "processes" "php") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(php-scratch . [(20161103 2217) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (php-mode (1 17 0))) "A scratch buffer to interactively evaluate php code" single ((:commit . "3aa66d1d53b84b779374edff7a7e6b5f2cd7575d") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . ""))])
@@ -3365,7 +3379,7 @@
(pixiv-novel-mode . [(20160220 1421) nil "Major mode for pixiv novel" single ((:commit . "0d1ca524d92b91f20a7105402a773bc21779b434") (:keywords "novel" "pixiv") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . ""))])
(pkg-info . [(20150517 1143) ((epl (0 8))) "Information about packages" single ((:commit . "76ba7415480687d05a4353b27fea2ae02b8d9d61") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pkgbuild-mode . [(20200425 616) ((emacs (25 1))) "Interface to the ArchLinux package manager" single ((:commit . "bc22301198b3f581d89352510e847454fb1cb9ff") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Juergen Hoetzel" . "")) (:maintainer "Juergen Hoetzel" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (plain-org-wiki . [(20191013 1833) ((emacs (24 3)) (ivy (0 12 0))) "Simple jump-to-org-files in a directory package" single ((:commit . "887717c184fb22dd219c78851303a8e5b917f877") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (plain-org-wiki . [(20200507 2135) ((emacs (24 3)) (ivy (0 12 0))) "Simple jump-to-org-files in a directory package" single ((:commit . "99cd7f90e5c741cf3327f464852203baee7c488c") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(plain-theme . [(20171124 410) ((emacs (24))) "Plain theme without syntax highlighting" single ((:commit . "48b37b9b19d8f1e0accbf930f30b5346cf7959fe"))])
(plan9-theme . [(20180804 1441) nil "A color theme for Emacs based on Plan9" single ((:commit . "c2da2fcb241e9800d931a1ff19ecd9fd84d30382") (:authors ("John Louis Del Rosario" . "")) (:maintainer "John Louis Del Rosario" . "") (:url . ""))])
(planet-theme . [(20161031 217) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme inspired by Gmail's 'Planets' theme of yore" single ((:commit . "b0a310ff36565fe22224c407cf59569986698a32") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Charlie McMackin" . "")) (:maintainer "Charlie McMackin" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3409,14 +3423,14 @@
(poly-slim . [(20200316 1316) ((emacs (25)) (polymode (0 2 2)) (slim-mode (1 1))) "Polymodes for slim" single ((:commit . "9e9b5164c68955974fd5f5d220aec5af9b5ba3ae") (:keywords "emacs") (:authors ("Siavash Sajjadi and Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))])
(poly-wdl . [(20190712 529) ((emacs (25)) (polymode (0 2)) (wdl-mode (20170709))) "Polymode for WDL" single ((:commit . "963faa828d15d49cee5a63f619c3c30e162c2d0f") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Jean Monlong" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean Monlong" . "") (:url . ""))])
(polymode . [(20200411 915) ((emacs (25))) "Extensible framework for multiple major modes" tar ((:commit . "2a61fb6d3e805bc0e4ca7b6510510a955c6bfb6a") (:keywords "languages" "multi-modes" "processes") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:url . ""))])
- (pomidor . [(20200430 1829) nil "No description available." tar ((:commit . "95ac58aede65e217b13e97c097134e55128163fd"))])
+ (pomidor . [(20200506 1041) nil "No description available." tar ((:commit . "f93b09ee8e5420e728cb8be199ec06504d2df97e"))])
(pomodoro . [(20190201 2152) nil "A timer for the Pomodoro Technique" single ((:commit . "6cd665ceeaca1f70954aa4caef6f085179f94c69") (:authors ("David Kerschner" . "")) (:maintainer "David Kerschner" . ""))])
(pony-mode . [(20170807 1522) nil "Minor mode for working with Django Projects" tar ((:commit . "760684d30b6c234d1b88c9a4673a808f36f7f341"))])
(pony-snippets . [(20200418 354) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Pony" tar ((:commit . "115a0d5066f89554bee9cb1045bcda5a18ebd441") (:keywords "snippets" "pony") (:url . ""))])
- (ponylang-mode . [(20180804 1521) ((dash (2 10 0))) "Major mode for Pony code" single ((:commit . "ea98ba541b4a439accc126f17120c5425f741b67") (:keywords "languages" "programming") (:url . ""))])
+ (ponylang-mode . [(20200510 200) ((dash (2 10 0))) "Major mode for Pony code" single ((:commit . "d72e2a53b4b542ad8adf1807d7b94a7788ab00cf") (:keywords "languages" "programming") (:url . ""))])
(pophint . [(20200420 1429) ((log4e (0 3 3)) (yaxception (0 3))) "Provide navigation using pop-up tips, like Firefox's Vimperator Hint Mode" tar ((:commit . "5e13da4578ae7ba00e6f7bae31eb546d713cc19d") (:keywords "popup") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(poporg . [(20170403 751) nil "Pop a comment or string to an empty buffer for text editing" single ((:commit . "2c58d68c81ecca4140bf179f19ed153ec804b65a") (:keywords "outlines" "tools") (:authors ("François Pinard" . "") ("Joseph Rabinoff" . "")) (:maintainer "Joseph Rabinoff" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (popup . [(20160709 1429) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Visual Popup User Interface" single ((:commit . "80829dd46381754639fb764da11c67235fe63282") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))])
+ (popup . [(20160709 1429) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Visual Popup User Interface" single ((:commit . "4839797cd1db25be6f3f98bc8d401b6c2af01f9f") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))])
(popup-complete . [(20141109 308) ((popup (0 5 0))) "completion with popup" single ((:commit . "caa655a6d8472e9a4bfa1311126d90d7d1b07fca") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(popup-edit-menu . [(20170404 1425) ((emacs (24))) "a popup context edit menu package" single ((:commit . "925600a6e29183841199e866cf55e566a6a1b002") (:keywords "lisp" "pop-up" "context" "edit" "menu") (:authors ("Debugfan Chin" . "")) (:maintainer "Debugfan Chin" . ""))])
(popup-imenu . [(20170326 1040) ((dash (2 12 1)) (popup (0 5 3)) (flx-ido (0 6 1))) "imenu index popup" single ((:commit . "c5e2e69adbd3a630e4cb750965a1aee8c10c1f09") (:keywords "popup" "imenu") (:authors ("Igor Shymko" . "")) (:maintainer "Igor Shymko" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3439,7 +3453,7 @@
(ppp . [(20200418 1551) ((emacs (25 1)) (leaf (4 1 1))) "Extended pretty printer for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "27683aa4a0df67b4539bcaa2e82d865023cf1fae") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "") (:url . ""))])
(prassee-theme . [(20180709 1004) ((emacs (24))) "A high contrast color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "81126f69cdbaab836c00ae7a49aaf89d4229fde1") (:keywords "dark" "high-contrast" "faces") (:authors ("Prassee " . "")) (:maintainer "Prassee " . "") (:url . ""))])
(preproc-font-lock . [(20151107 2018) nil "Highlight C-style preprocessor directives." single ((:commit . "565fda9f5fdeb0598986174a07e9fb09f7604397") (:keywords "c" "languages" "faces") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:url . ""))])
- (prescient . [(20200412 1607) ((emacs (25 1))) "Better sorting and filtering" single ((:commit . "0f4a89bdec61395138d968a38d375e63ccfbed63") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (prescient . [(20200412 1607) ((emacs (25 1))) "Better sorting and filtering" single ((:commit . "3ab7605d997fb8337bf5ded2ad960b98ac0e1fd7") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(preseed-generic-mode . [(20180210 500) nil "Debian preseed file major mode" single ((:commit . "3aa8806c4a659064baa01751400c53fbaf847f66") (:authors ("Tong Sun" . "")) (:maintainer "Tong Sun" . "") (:url . ""))])
(presentation . [(20180427 224) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Display large character for presentation" single ((:commit . "f53f67aeab97e8eea6d1f12df5f7ce3b1b03b879") (:keywords "environment" "faces" "frames") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(prettier-js . [(20180109 726) nil "Minor mode to format JS code on file save" single ((:commit . "e9b73e81d3e1642aec682195f127a42dfb0b5774") (:keywords "convenience" "wp" "edit" "js") (:authors ("James Long and contributors")) (:maintainer "James Long and contributors") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3466,7 +3480,7 @@
(project-persist-drawer . [(20151108 1222) ((project-persist (0 3))) "Use a project drawer with project-persist." tar ((:commit . "35bbe132a4fab6a0fec15ce6c0fd2fe6a4aa9626"))])
(project-root . [(20110206 2030) nil "Define a project root and take actions based upon it." single ((:commit . "a49b1be864357683d9489074148b6d667f4ed23b") (:authors ("Philip Jackson" . "")) (:maintainer "Philip Jackson" . ""))])
(project-shells . [(20191123 914) ((emacs (24 3)) (seq (2 19))) "Manage the shell buffers of each project" single ((:commit . "5aea9ee0de93f2568afb3f18bb7b43a9715a9a2d") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:authors ("\"Huang, Ying\"" . "")) (:maintainer "\"Huang, Ying\"" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (projectile . [(20200427 1153) ((emacs (25 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" single ((:commit . "5cd261dd75f4d711c0016617621349e2a98b43aa") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (projectile . [(20200507 650) ((emacs (25 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Manage and navigate projects in Emacs easily" single ((:commit . "768f0570cad57b6885c4472df803906d097cbc1a") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile-codesearch . [(20180508 1522) ((codesearch (20171122 431)) (projectile (20150405 126))) "Integration of codesearch into projectile" single ((:commit . "f6eb96f034a925444412cfa03e45e0ccbbafe3f2") (:keywords "tools" "development" "search") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile-direnv . [(20160306 138) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (projectile (0 13 0))) "Set environment variables from .envrc" single ((:commit . "d5d29e5228f840b7a25358a2fd50353ef2dc9b16") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Christian Romney" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Romney" . "") (:url . ""))])
(projectile-git-autofetch . [(20191013 1806) ((emacs (25 1)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (alert (1 2))) "automatically fetch git repositories" single ((:commit . "4a3eba7658a52c6e955d5f7085cd3fd62b53b9c6") (:keywords "tools" "vc") (:authors ("Andreas Müller" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Müller" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3484,26 +3498,26 @@
(prompt-text . [(20190408 310) nil "Configure your minibuffer prompt" single ((:commit . "0a75ecd5058c9a006e02d1ecd3f1c84194881abd") (:keywords "utility" "minibuffer") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
(prompts . [(20160916 1041) ((dash (2 13 0))) "utilities for working with text prompts." single ((:commit . "1cd5e732ff2a86b47836eb7252e5b59cd4b6ab26") (:keywords "input" "minibuffer") (:authors ("Ben Moon" . "")) (:maintainer "Ben Moon" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pronto . [(20200218 1633) ((emacs (24))) "Compilation mode for pronto stylechecks" single ((:commit . "c2a2ec718c08de1fd2e681970456786cf4eac8fe") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:authors ("Julian Rubisch" . "")) (:maintainer "Julian Rubisch" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (proof-general . [(20200416 1351) ((emacs (24 3))) "A generic front-end for proof assistants (interactive theorem provers)" tar ((:commit . "84b81a84db632a97cc978494f2a5609525034223"))])
+ (proof-general . [(20200506 1948) ((emacs (24 3))) "A generic front-end for proof assistants (interactive theorem provers)" tar ((:commit . "ea62543527e6c0fcca8bbb70695e25c2f5d89614"))])
(prop-menu . [(20150728 1118) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Create and display a context menu based on text and overlay properties" single ((:commit . "50b102c1c0935fd3e0c465feed7f27d66b21cdf3") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("David Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Christiansen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(propfont-mixed . [(20150113 2211) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use proportional fonts with space-based indentation." single ((:commit . "0b461ef4754a469610dba71874a34b6da42176bf") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Kirill Ignatiev <>")) (:maintainer "Kirill Ignatiev <>") (:url . ""))])
(proportional . [(20200309 1556) ((emacs (25 1))) "use a proportional font everywhere" single ((:commit . "0e4537af7ba2bc9dbb449c38350bce012b382f51") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Johannes Goslar")) (:maintainer "Johannes Goslar") (:url . ""))])
(prosjekt . [(20151127 1416) ((dash (2 8 0))) "a software project tool for emacs" tar ((:commit . "a864a8be5842223043702395f311e3350c28e9db") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (protobuf-mode . [(20170526 1650) nil "major mode for editing protocol buffers." single ((:commit . "ed5c874de356e27bc4da77f56f813ad18bc541c5") (:keywords "google" "protobuf" "languages") (:authors ("Alexandre Vassalotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Vassalotti" . ""))])
+ (protobuf-mode . [(20170526 1650) nil "major mode for editing protocol buffers." single ((:commit . "bb3460d71b2f2cd75f10efe94d739e15561c2ccf") (:keywords "google" "protobuf" "languages") (:authors ("Alexandre Vassalotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Vassalotti" . ""))])
(protocols . [(20170802 1132) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Protocol database access functions." single ((:commit . "d0f7c4acb05465f1a0d4be54363bbd2802647e77") (:keywords "convenience" "net" "protocols") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(proxy-mode . [(20200131 816) ((emacs (25))) "A minor mode to toggle proxy." single ((:commit . "e9b2a4bb032aaf13b006b74eec309a9bf2249cf0") (:keywords "comm" "proxy") (:url . ""))])
(psc-ide . [(20200317 1013) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 13 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (company (0 8 7)) (s (1 10 0)) (flycheck (0 24)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11))) "Minor mode for PureScript's psc-ide tool." tar ((:commit . "7fc2b841be25f5bc5e1eb7d0634436181c38b3fe") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Erik Post" . "") ("Dmitry Bushenko" . "") ("Christoph Hegemann") ("Brian Sermons")) (:maintainer "Erik Post" . "") (:url . ""))])
(psci . [(20191025 830) ((emacs (24 4)) (purescript-mode (13 10)) (dash (2 9 0))) "Major mode for purescript repl psci" tar ((:commit . "95fb5d14033add8fe9c8c6b4379758beb88af1d0") (:keywords "languages" "purescript" "psci" "repl") (:authors ("Antoine R. Dumont <eniotna.t AT>")) (:maintainer "Antoine R. Dumont <eniotna.t AT>") (:url . ""))])
- (psession . [(20190808 1626) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (async (1 9 3))) "Persistent save of elisp objects." single ((:commit . "3e97267c92b164584e06a6c70ee7491714c7c12c") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (psession . [(20200509 803) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (async (1 9 3))) "Persistent save of elisp objects." single ((:commit . "ddeccf7808cf39fedc41cd33204b0ef5fe4253b5") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(psysh . [(20190709 106) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 9 0)) (f (0 17)) (php-runtime (0 2))) "PsySH, PHP interactive shell (REPL)" single ((:commit . "21250984ad8137aa3440ac12e52475ef03f19fcb") (:keywords "processes" "php") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pt . [(20161226 1959) nil "A front-end for pt, The Platinum Searcher." single ((:commit . "6d99b2aaded3ece3db19a20f4b8f1d4abe382622") (:keywords "pt" "ack" "ag" "grep" "search") (:authors ("Bailey Ling")) (:maintainer "Bailey Ling") (:url . ""))])
- (pubmed . [(20200426 1239) ((emacs (25 1)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (esxml (0 3 4)) (s (1 12 0)) (unidecode (20180312 1926))) "Interface to PubMed" tar ((:commit . "e619042f3c0383c7d4e1762fb46ff680e90906d6") (:keywords "pubmed" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Folkert van der Beek" . "")) (:maintainer "Folkert van der Beek" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (pubmed . [(20200502 2153) ((emacs (25 1)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (esxml (0 3 4)) (s (1 12 0)) (unidecode (20180312 1926))) "Interface to PubMed" tar ((:commit . "d781870e2f57e40110e07768289ab81d8554f122") (:keywords "pubmed" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Folkert van der Beek" . "")) (:maintainer "Folkert van der Beek" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pug-mode . [(20180513 2126) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for jade/pug template files" single ((:commit . "685fd3414d89736bf232f5d1a6bed9e0353b98fe") (:keywords "markup" "language" "jade" "pug") (:authors ("Nathan Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pulseaudio-control . [(20200406 752) nil "Use `pactl' to manage PulseAudio volumes." single ((:commit . "a931533140547510decdc368f39b2d2b97ca725f") (:keywords "multimedia" "hardware" "sound" "pulseaudio") (:authors ("Alexis" . "") ("Ellington Santos" . "") ("Sergey Trofimov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexis" . "") (:url . ""))])
(punctuality-logger . [(20141120 2031) nil "Punctuality logger for Emacs" single ((:commit . "e09e5dd37bc92289fa2f7dc44aed51a7b5e04bb0") (:keywords "reminder" "calendar") (:authors ("Philip Woods" . "")) (:maintainer "Philip Woods" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pungi . [(20150222 1246) ((jedi (0 2 0 -3 2)) (pyvenv (1 5))) "Integrates jedi with virtualenv and buildout python environments" single ((:commit . "a2d4d439ea371be0b064a12248288903b8a521a0") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Matthew Russell" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthew Russell" . ""))])
- (punpun-theme . [(20190928 1413) nil "A bleak theme" tar ((:commit . "2f78125609277b2478abdebd8f9d5ee10a823b65"))])
- (puppet-mode . [(20200419 1236) ((emacs (24 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Major mode for Puppet manifests" single ((:commit . "0197b405c79a5d0718979f31df760bb3bfca38de") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "") ("Russ Allbery" . "")) (:maintainer "Tim Meusel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (punpun-theme . [(20200506 1241) nil "A bleak theme" tar ((:commit . "c1fa9f403b100aceac4c2dcb053111b2de701f16"))])
+ (puppet-mode . [(20200505 344) ((emacs (24 1)) (pkg-info (0 4))) "Major mode for Puppet manifests" single ((:commit . "0e2e32a3b1644edd8010bd3d44e83def683348b3") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Vox Pupuli" . "") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "") ("Russ Allbery" . "")) (:maintainer "Vox Pupuli" . "") (:url . ""))])
(purescript-mode . [(20190522 2230) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A PureScript editing mode" tar ((:commit . "8db1d0243c03da31adac4d7c5287407a4df6aff2"))])
(purp-theme . [(20190629 1829) nil "No description available." tar ((:commit . "f821a7c30452d970ccb0ee08b68d56603860e31d"))])
(purple-haze-theme . [(20141015 229) ((emacs (24 0))) "an overtly purple color theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "3e245cbef7cd09e6b3ee124963e372a04e9a6485") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3526,24 +3540,24 @@
(pyenv-mode-auto . [(20180620 1252) ((pyenv-mode (0 1 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 17 0))) "Automatically activates pyenv version if .python-version file exists." single ((:commit . "347b94cd5ad22e33cc41be661c102d4548767858") (:keywords "python" "pyenv") (:authors ("Sviatoslav Bulbakha" . "")) (:maintainer "Sviatoslav Bulbakha" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pyfmt . [(20150521 2056) nil "Emacs interface to pyfmt" single ((:commit . "cb92be2cf0804cc53142dc5edb36f8e0ef5cec32") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Alexandre Héaumé" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Héaumé" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pygen . [(20161121 506) ((elpy (1 12 0)) (python-mode (6 2 2)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Python code generation using Elpy and Python-mode." single ((:commit . "9019ff44ba49d7295b1476530feab91fdadb084b") (:keywords "python" "code generation") (:authors ("Jack Crawley <>")) (:maintainer "Jack Crawley <>") (:url . ""))])
- (pyim . [(20200426 505) ((emacs (24 4)) (popup (0 1)) (async (1 6)) (xr (1 13)) (pyim-basedict (0 1))) "A Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi and cangjie." tar ((:commit . "b934273bb33d6be6aea6e20e68930bc5aaf4a48a"))])
+ (pyim . [(20200510 704) ((emacs (24 4)) (popup (0 1)) (async (1 6)) (xr (1 13)) (pyim-basedict (0 1))) "A Chinese input method support quanpin, shuangpin, wubi and cangjie." tar ((:commit . "e54153f462dd8cd8e9bb379e0483a2849ec94f42"))])
(pyim-basedict . [(20190719 1252) nil "The default pinyin dict of pyim" tar ((:commit . "d499104189a9462cb80f8efd9713e4064dc7093d") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "pinyin" "input-method" "complete") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pyim-cangjie5dict . [(20170730 246) ((pyim (1 0))) "Some cangjie5 dicts for pyim" tar ((:commit . "c8618590780b818db1a67a29bc47c5d25903517a") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "pinyin" "input-method" "complete") (:authors ("Yuanchen Xie" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuanchen Xie" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pyim-wbdict . [(20200331 542) ((pyim (1 0))) "Some wubi dicts for pyim" tar ((:commit . "daa223e2603a5ef3e6c8e33575d8f4e4604a8d3c") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "pinyin" "input-method" "complete") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pyimport . [(20180308 1752) ((dash (2 8 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (shut-up (0 3 2))) "Manage Python imports!" single ((:commit . "a6f63cf7ed93f0c0f7c207e6595813966f8852b9") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(pyimpsort . [(20160130 453) ((emacs (24 3))) "Sort python imports." tar ((:commit . "d5c61d70896b642646dfd3c809c06174ae086c1a") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (pylint . [(20170402 1255) nil "minor mode for running `pylint'" single ((:commit . "21519eae95cf95a9697100d0f189309c5870f784") (:keywords "languages" "python") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . ""))])
+ (pylint . [(20200503 1624) nil "minor mode for running `pylint'" single ((:commit . "f00144fb8faa81e1ce42516c2f58eb9fc797f7bd") (:keywords "languages" "python") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . ""))])
(pynt . [(20180710 726) ((emacs (24 4)) (ein (0 13 1)) (epc (0 1 1)) (deferred (0 5 1))) "Generate and scroll EIN buffers from python code" single ((:commit . "86cf9ce78d34f92bfd0764c9cbb75427ebd429e6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Edward Banner" . "")) (:maintainer "Edward Banner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pyramid . [(20181212 1204) ((emacs (25 2)) (pythonic (0 1 1)) (tablist (0 70))) "Minor mode for working with pyramid projects" tar ((:commit . "f0687b8aee3e685b55e2c66b16211e02ac5f9d94") (:keywords "python" "pyramid" "pylons" "convenience" "tools" "processes") (:authors ("Daniel Kraus" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Kraus" . "") (:url . ""))])
(pytest . [(20200330 41) ((s (1 9 0))) "Easy Python test running in Emacs" single ((:commit . "6934047242db79b1c53e9fe3e0734cc9719ed1c4") (:keywords "pytest" "python" "testing") (:url . ""))])
- (pytest-pdb-break . [(20200426 2335) ((emacs (25))) "A pytest PDB launcher" tar ((:commit . "3ff296d14e7350241b22fcbe09325a16bb834d16") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Jane Soko" . "")) (:maintainer "Jane Soko" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (pytest-pdb-break . [(20200426 2335) ((emacs (25))) "A pytest PDB launcher" tar ((:commit . "22e54796b0522f812423b2fb0ec842e2984ff0f7") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Jane Soko" . "")) (:maintainer "Jane Soko" . "") (:url . ""))])
(python-black . [(20200324 930) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 16 0)) (reformatter (0 3))) "Reformat Python using python-black" single ((:commit . "a11ca73f6dfcdc125d27ff184496d66bdbd71326") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
(python-cell . [(20200314 1147) ((emacs (25 1))) "Support for MATLAB-like cells in python mode" single ((:commit . "4f0778b05bfb936861449bcb998ed620cd9b31ad") (:keywords "extensions" "python" "matlab" "cell") (:authors ("Thomas Hisch" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas Hisch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(python-django . [(20150822 404) nil "A Jazzy package for managing Django projects" single ((:commit . "fc54ad74f0309670359b939f64d0f1fff68aeac4") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Fabián E. Gallina" . "")) (:maintainer "FSF") (:url . ""))])
(python-docstring . [(20190716 921) nil "Smart Python docstring formatting" tar ((:commit . "ec253711f2bdcb3848046bb68f6405a7bf9eb0fb"))])
(python-environment . [(20150310 853) ((deferred (0 3 1))) "virtualenv API for Emacs Lisp" tar ((:commit . "401006584e32864a10c69d29f14414828909362e") (:keywords "applications" "tools") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki <aka.tkf at>"))])
(python-info . [(20151228 1852) nil "Python info manual for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "306f15441b54b25757cdfd3b327b84024ea21ed7"))])
- (python-mode . [(20200428 1658) nil "Python major mode" tar ((:commit . "ab081b9ec11237dce5620677451ade2957128260"))])
+ (python-mode . [(20200508 1756) nil "Python major mode" tar ((:commit . "a4ee6e9f60ff63f0706661e54308281ed7c900e3"))])
(python-pytest . [(20180725 1146) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0)) (dash-functional (2 12 0)) (magit-popup (2 12 0)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "helpers to run pytest" single ((:commit . "09ad688df207ee9b02c990d3897a9e2841931d97") (:keywords "pytest" "test" "python" "languages" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "") (:url . ""))])
(python-switch-quotes . [(20161228 809) ((emacs (24 3))) "cycle between ' and \" quotes in python strings" single ((:commit . "93f1e9b40e061a6cea480139e8b1362b6404abd0") (:keywords "python" "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Vladimir Lagunov" . "")) (:maintainer "Vladimir Lagunov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(python-test . [(20181018 29) ((emacs (25 1))) "Python testing integration" single ((:commit . "f899975b133539e19ba822e4b0bfd1a28572967e") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "processes") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3571,7 +3585,7 @@
(quiz . [(20190525 1206) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (25))) "Multiple choice quiz game" single ((:commit . "570bf53926d89282cdb9653bd5aa8fe968f92bbd") (:keywords "games" "trivia" "quiz") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(r-autoyas . [(20140101 1510) ((ess (0)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Provides automatically created yasnippets for R function argument lists." tar ((:commit . "b4020ee7f5f895e0065b8b26da8a49c51432d530") (:keywords "r" "yasnippet") (:authors ("Sven Hartenstein & Matthew Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew Fidler") (:url . ""))])
(racer . [(20191001 2344) ((emacs (25 1)) (rust-mode (0 2 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 2)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "code completion, goto-definition and docs browsing for Rust via racer" single ((:commit . "a0bdf778f01e8c4b8a92591447257422ac0b455b") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "rust" "tools") (:authors ("Phil Dawes")) (:maintainer "Phil Dawes") (:url . ""))])
- (racket-mode . [(20200501 34) nil "No description available." tar ((:commit . "8f3b214a5ea06e6a2a9492e7d20b19badd0c3bdf"))])
+ (racket-mode . [(20200509 1405) ((emacs (25 1)) (faceup (0 0 2)) (pos-tip (20191127 1028))) "Racket editing, REPL, and more" tar ((:commit . "204845665cc4ec13edc59106b102fa251458e737") (:authors ("Greg Hendershott")) (:maintainer "Greg Hendershott") (:url . ""))])
(rails-log-mode . [(20140408 425) nil "Major mode for viewing Rails log files" single ((:commit . "ff440003ad7d47cb0ac3300f2a632f4cfd36a446") (:keywords "rails" "log") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . ""))])
(railscasts-reloaded-theme . [(20190308 759) nil "Railscasts Reloaded color theme" single ((:commit . "c6a1cf13a164f22b026b0959527c3b98c2b1aa49") (:authors ("George Thomas" . "")) (:maintainer "George Thomas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(railscasts-theme . [(20150219 1525) nil "Railscasts color theme for GNU Emacs." single ((:commit . "1340c3f6c2717761cab95617cf8dcbd962b1095b") (:keywords "railscasts" "color" "theme") (:authors ("Oleg Shaldybin")) (:maintainer "Oleg Shaldybin") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3579,7 +3593,7 @@
(rainbow-delimiters . [(20191018 1233) nil "Highlight brackets according to their depth" single ((:commit . "5125f4e47604ad36c3eb4706310fcafac729ca8c") (:keywords "faces" "convenience" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Jeremy Rayman" . "") ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rainbow-identifiers . [(20141102 1526) ((emacs (24))) "Highlight identifiers according to their names" single ((:commit . "19fbfded1baa98d12335f26f6d7b20e5ae44ce2e") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rake . [(20180212 1008) ((f (0 13 0)) (dash (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Run rake commands" single ((:commit . "9c204334b03b4e899fadae6e59c20cf105404128") (:keywords "rake" "ruby") (:authors ("Adam Sokolnicki" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Sokolnicki" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (raku-mode . [(20200426 1953) ((emacs (24 4)) (pkg-info (0 1))) "Major mode for editing Raku code" tar ((:commit . "44529c097f98723067f852c6496d91257978c1e2") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (raku-mode . [(20200502 2310) ((emacs (24 4)) (pkg-info (0 1))) "Major mode for editing Raku code" tar ((:commit . "d474216840251dc0efe4f4aa4f5c5f66ac26fa74") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rally-mode . [(20161114 354) ((popwin (1 0 0))) "a mode to interact with the Rally Software web site." single ((:commit . "0f5e09a6abe2de7613f174b4f54863df93343134") (:keywords "rally" "ca" "agile") (:authors ("Sean LeBlanc" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean LeBlanc" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rand-theme . [(20151219 2335) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Random Emacs theme at start-up!" single ((:commit . "65a00e5c5150f857aa96803b68f50bc8da0215b7") (:authors ("Daniel Gopar")) (:maintainer "Daniel Gopar") (:url . ""))])
(random-splash-image . [(20151003 130) nil "Randomly sets splash image to *GNU Emacs* buffer on startup." single ((:commit . "53a39ebfd8ac6be066a652a508a717870f94218a") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("kakakaya <kakakaya AT>")) (:maintainer "kakakaya <kakakaya AT>") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3601,7 +3615,7 @@
(react-snippets . [(20181002 1046) ((yasnippet (0 7 0))) "Yasnippets for React" tar ((:commit . "87ccb640d265fe799583ab55605b84d113223694"))])
(read-aloud . [(20160923 500) ((emacs (24 4))) "A simple interface to TTS engines" single ((:commit . "c662366226abfb07204ab442b4f853ed85438d8a") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Alexander Gromnitsky" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Gromnitsky" . "") (:url . ""))])
(readline-complete . [(20150708 1437) nil "offers completions in shell mode" single ((:commit . "30c020c37b2741160cc37e656e13c85d826a0ebf") (:authors ("Christopher Monsanto" . "")) (:maintainer "Christopher Monsanto" . ""))])
- (real-auto-save . [(20200429 449) nil "Automatically save your all your buffers/files at regular intervals." single ((:commit . "5900d1d786000e9057b8815ab2685bed2045a5fa") (:authors ("Chaoji Li <lichaoji AT gmail DOT com>") ("Anand Reddy Pandikunta <anand21nanda AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Chaoji Li <lichaoji AT gmail DOT com>"))])
+ (real-auto-save . [(20200505 1537) ((emacs (24 4))) "Automatically save your buffers/files at regular intervals" single ((:commit . "8e51241e5ba7b07b91d8188c14cf193017640292") (:authors ("Chaoji Li <lichaoji AT gmail DOT com>") ("Anand Reddy Pandikunta <anand21nanda AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Chaoji Li <lichaoji AT gmail DOT com>") (:url . ""))])
(realgud . [(20200418 1721) ((load-relative (1 3 1)) (loc-changes (1 2)) (test-simple (1 3 0)) (emacs (25))) "A modular front-end for interacting with external debuggers" tar ((:commit . "e03446f54c7ee0b4ed3ec7300597046cf1de2bb8") (:keywords "debugger" "gdb" "python" "perl" "go" "bash" "zsh" "bashdb" "zshdb" "remake" "trepan" "perldb" "pdb") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))])
(realgud-byebug . [(20190520 1140) ((realgud (1 4 5)) (load-relative (1 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Realgud front-end to the Ruby byebug debugger" tar ((:commit . "f8f20b92c6b13f75cc9797921c0e28d3def48b1c") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein") (:url . ""))])
(realgud-ipdb . [(20191115 1116) ((realgud (1 5 0)) (load-relative (1 3 1)) (emacs (25))) "Realgud front-end to ipdb" tar ((:commit . "347090928d7866a9909208c5bbe2cb8fa7b55cd7") (:authors ("Rocky Bernstein" . "")) (:maintainer "Rocky Bernstein" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3627,12 +3641,12 @@
(rectangle-utils . [(20190411 1757) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Some useful rectangle functions." single ((:commit . "46f7e73340fee40c1ab9a4e766a08ae3fce83ebe") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(recursive-narrow . [(20190306 1521) nil "narrow-to-region that operates recursively" single ((:commit . "5e3e2067d5a148d7e64e64e0355d3b6860e4c259") (:authors ("Nathaniel Flath" . "")) (:maintainer "Nathaniel Flath" . "") (:url . ""))])
(redis . [(20150531 1948) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Redis integration" single ((:commit . "2c33f3397bc14e7a8192867b55920492d4eead8c") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (redpen-paragraph . [(20160625 1050) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (json (1 4))) "RedPen interface." single ((:commit . "770ffb34b04bfa0ea8484fa1506e96c530168e13") (:keywords "document" "proofreading" "help") (:authors ("karronoli")) (:maintainer "karronoli") (:url . ""))])
+ (redpen-paragraph . [(20160625 1050) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (json (1 4))) "RedPen interface." single ((:commit . "0062f326106ce8be3c9b7d3fa0e88ed2c7bbfa5e") (:keywords "document" "proofreading" "help") (:authors ("karronoli")) (:maintainer "karronoli") (:url . ""))])
(redprl . [(20180418 1434) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing RedPRL proofs and interacting with RedPRL" single ((:commit . "c72190de76f7ed1cfbe1d2046c96e99ac5022b0c") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Jonathan Sterling" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Sterling" . ""))])
(redshank . [(20180730 407) ((paredit (21))) "Common Lisp Editing Extensions" tar ((:commit . "d059c5841044aa163664f8bf87c1d981bf0a04fe") (:keywords "languages" "lisp") (:authors ("Michael Weber" . "")) (:maintainer "Michael Weber" . ""))])
(redtick . [(20180424 2136) ((emacs (24 4))) "Smallest pomodoro timer (1 char)" tar ((:commit . "94b4cd43ac20c64dcac96edac2c1a3b9fcc59bb9") (:keywords "calendar") (:authors ("F. Febles")) (:maintainer "F. Febles") (:url . ""))])
(redtt . [(20181121 21) ((emacs (25 3))) "Major mode for editing redtt proofs" single ((:commit . "50689559ff970e33013b8cf8a3bbc8be18ec4e09") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Jonathan Sterling" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Sterling" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (refine . [(20180315 2228) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (list-utils (0 4 4)) (loop (1 2))) "interactive value editing" single ((:commit . "0a99439a0b4ed6f79b9a240ea1270140a9e328bc") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
+ (refine . [(20200507 731) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (list-utils (0 4 4)) (loop (1 2))) "interactive value editing" single ((:commit . "d72fa50910b86217a35bb1b7e56adea206052021") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . ""))])
(reformatter . [(20200426 818) ((emacs (24 3))) "Define commands which run reformatters on the current buffer" single ((:commit . "dc6278a6b1e3565604346ac41a6ffc3cbab04031") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(regex-dsl . [(20100124 1028) nil "lisp syntax for regexps" single ((:commit . "ac89ab8b7691a165ef3007cb84417125cfc0632e") (:authors ("Aliaksey Kandratsenka" . "")) (:maintainer "Aliaksey Kandratsenka" . ""))])
(regex-tool . [(20170104 1918) nil "A regular expression evaluation tool for programmers" single ((:commit . "0b4a0111143c88ef94bec56624cb2e00c1a054e6") (:keywords "regex" "languages" "programming" "development") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3665,8 +3679,8 @@
(requirejs-mode . [(20130215 2104) nil "Improved AMD module management" single ((:commit . "bbb0c09f8eb2d6a33c17319be8137f68bb16bc92") (:keywords "javascript" "amd" "requirejs") (:authors ("Marc-Olivier Ricard" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc-Olivier Ricard" . ""))])
(resize-window . [(20180918 538) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "easily resize windows" single ((:commit . "72018aa4d2401b60120588199d4cedd0dc1fbcfb") (:keywords "window" "resize") (:authors ("Dan Sutton " . "")) (:maintainer "Dan Sutton " . "") (:url . ""))])
(restart-emacs . [(20180601 1031) nil "Restart emacs from within emacs" single ((:commit . "9aa90d3df9e08bc420e1c9845ee3ff568e911bd9") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Iqbal Ansari" . "")) (:maintainer "Iqbal Ansari" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (restclient . [(20200430 1312) nil "An interactive HTTP client for Emacs" single ((:commit . "e4f1c9824b7bc9b8041709d2914de2850806d59c") (:keywords "http") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))])
- (restclient-helm . [(20170314 1554) ((restclient (0)) (helm (1 9 4))) "helm interface for restclient.el" single ((:commit . "e4f1c9824b7bc9b8041709d2914de2850806d59c") (:keywords "http" "helm") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))])
+ (restclient . [(20200502 831) nil "An interactive HTTP client for Emacs" single ((:commit . "edea7b3e3d6110ebe44b9387acad1967e540d2ca") (:keywords "http") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))])
+ (restclient-helm . [(20170314 1554) ((restclient (0)) (helm (1 9 4))) "helm interface for restclient.el" single ((:commit . "edea7b3e3d6110ebe44b9387acad1967e540d2ca") (:keywords "http" "helm") (:authors ("Pavel Kurnosov" . "")) (:maintainer "Pavel Kurnosov" . ""))])
(restclient-test . [(20180106 2046) ((emacs (24 4)) (restclient (0))) "Run tests with restclient.el" single ((:commit . "4518561bc9661fedacb6fb352e9677207f45c418") (:authors ("Simen Heggestøyl" . "")) (:maintainer "Simen Heggestøyl" . "") (:url . ""))])
(reveal-in-folder . [(20191209 514) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0))) "Reveal current file in folder" single ((:commit . "e3cc73688d8dc3b47ccb1db49519a83b275b1cde") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(reveal-in-osx-finder . [(20150802 1657) nil "Reveal file associated with buffer in OS X Finder" single ((:commit . "5710e5936e47139a610ec9a06899f72e77ddc7bc") (:keywords "os x" "finder") (:authors ("Kazuki YOSHIDA")) (:maintainer "Kazuki YOSHIDA") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3675,13 +3689,13 @@
(review-mode . [(20200131 122) nil "major mode for ReVIEW" single ((:commit . "09e2df58398b392f19642a12c8cb78eae726dbd2") (:authors ("Kenshi Muto" . "")) (:maintainer "Kenshi Muto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(reykjavik-theme . [(20180823 1544) ((emacs (24))) "Theme with a dark background." single ((:commit . "2cd0043ae6d046f812a95bb26398ea23141beccc") (:authors ("martin haesler")) (:maintainer "martin haesler"))])
(rfc-mode . [(20200215 1357) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (3 2))) "RFC document browser and viewer" single ((:commit . "55d28321b480a095d29e5c6cd03c8dea9ad55553") (:authors ("Nicolas Martyanoff" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Martyanoff" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (rg . [(20200307 1623) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (transient (0 1 0)) (wgrep (2 1 10))) "A search tool based on ripgrep." tar ((:commit . "e19c06f4c556bda6457da3d50c14b12cb97679d9") (:keywords "matching" "tools") (:authors ("David Landell" . "") ("Roland McGrath" . "")) (:maintainer "David Landell" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (rg . [(20200507 1417) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (transient (0 1 0)) (wgrep (2 1 10))) "A search tool based on ripgrep." tar ((:commit . "4774ab1517f59fce998831671ef571a7b7ccd526") (:keywords "matching" "tools") (:authors ("David Landell" . "") ("Roland McGrath" . "")) (:maintainer "David Landell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rhtml-mode . [(20130422 1311) nil "major mode for editing RHTML files" tar ((:commit . "a6d71b38a3db867ccf82999c99805db1a3a33c33"))])
(rib-mode . [(20170726 1448) ((emacs (24))) "RenderMan® Interface Bytestream (RIB) Major Mode" single ((:commit . "97470158784c3c212e22e2c20b8471ee65ba59af") (:authors ("Remik Ziemlinski and Daniel Blezek" . "")) (:maintainer "Remik Ziemlinski and Daniel Blezek" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rich-minority . [(20190419 1136) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Clean-up and Beautify the list of minor-modes." single ((:commit . "a03e693f6f9232cf75363aaaf1cb041f21675c19") (:keywords "mode-line" "faces") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
(right-click-context . [(20190528 1832) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (popup (0 5)) (ordinal (0 0 1))) "Right Click Context menu" single ((:commit . "4b1a2cd2b3eaea2393d3696a36da8f42e386c23d") (:keywords "mouse" "menu" "rightclick") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rigid-tabs . [(20170903 1559) ((emacs (24 3))) "Fix TAB alignment in diff buffers" single ((:commit . "eba84ceaba2e57e76ad2dfbb7a7154238a25d956") (:keywords "diff" "whitespace" "version control" "magit") (:authors ("Yuri D'Elia" . "")) (:maintainer "Yuri D'Elia" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (rime . [(20200415 1454) ((emacs (26 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (popup (0 5 3)) (posframe (0 1 0))) "Rime input method" tar ((:commit . "9afeb4aa45771ef20c83d1208744d954273cbaf3") (:keywords "convenience" "input-method") (:authors ("Shi Tianshu")) (:maintainer "Shi Tianshu") (:url . ""))])
+ (rime . [(20200502 349) ((emacs (26 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (popup (0 5 3)) (posframe (0 1 0))) "Rime input method" tar ((:commit . "daf956df30d4007f70a4495560d656e517ab69a9") (:keywords "convenience" "input-method") (:authors ("Shi Tianshu")) (:maintainer "Shi Tianshu") (:url . ""))])
(rimero-theme . [(20180901 1348) ((emacs (24))) "Theme with a dark background suitable for UI and terminal usage." single ((:commit . "a2e706c2b34f749019979a133f08a2d94a1104b3") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "dark" "light colors") (:authors ("Yves Zoundi" . "")) (:maintainer "Yves Zoundi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rinari . [(20150709 640) ((ruby-mode (1 0)) (inf-ruby (2 2 5)) (ruby-compilation (0 16)) (jump (2 0))) "Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE" single ((:commit . "134438af8fbdfa9c8077267c768d273a9792b484") (:keywords "ruby" "rails" "project" "convenience" "web") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg, Eric Schulte, Steve Purcell")) (:maintainer "Phil Hagelberg, Eric Schulte, Steve Purcell") (:url . ""))])
(rings . [(20160531 2027) nil "Buffer rings. Like tabs, but better." single ((:commit . "3590b222eb80652cbd27866f066bd3571d86edfc") (:keywords "utilities" "productivity") (:authors ("Konrad Scorciapino")) (:maintainer "Konrad Scorciapino") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3701,8 +3715,8 @@
(rpn-calc . [(20181121 1154) ((popup (0 4))) "quick RPN calculator for hackers" single ((:commit . "27279f89c80eb3f28ff9f981eff06502056943e2") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(rsense . [(20100511 405) nil "RSense client for Emacs" single ((:commit . "8b5ee58318747ca1dde84ee41d48c4f50175cf35") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . ""))])
(rspec-mode . [(20200228 2348) ((ruby-mode (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 4))) "Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec" tar ((:commit . "9a2a9d2935ae17b8570485bdea7c347533b464f6") (:keywords "rspec" "ruby") (:authors ("Peter Williams, et al.")) (:maintainer "Peter Williams, et al.") (:url . ""))])
- (rtags . [(20200221 36) ((emacs (24 3))) "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (rtags-xref . [(20200310 1909) ((emacs (25 1)) (rtags (2 37))) "RTags backend for xref.el" single ((:commit . "a42298e80dffae9a6b2e9816506174542f3cbbb7") (:authors ("Jörg Walter")) (:maintainer "RTags Team") (:url . ""))])
+ (rtags . [(20200507 1824) ((emacs (24 3))) "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") ("Anders Bakken" . "")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (rtags-xref . [(20200310 1909) ((emacs (25 1)) (rtags (2 37))) "RTags backend for xref.el" single ((:commit . "ed229d2e4070cc07ba76e537e8f5f93835ff0710") (:authors ("Jörg Walter")) (:maintainer "RTags Team") (:url . ""))])
(rtm . [(20180329 1508) ((cl-lib (1 0))) "An elisp implementation of the Remember The Milk API" single ((:commit . "3e3d09387cb84801343ecca8fb02e82f213e7bbe") (:keywords "remember" "the" "milk" "productivity" "todo") (:authors ("Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs" . "")) (:maintainer "Friedrich Delgado Friedrichs" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rubik . [(20180222 2014) ((cl-lib (1 0)) (emacs (25 3))) "Rubik's Cube" single ((:commit . "c8dab1726463dbc9042a0b00186e4a8df02eb868") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Ivan 'Kurvivor' Truskov" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan 'Kurvivor' Truskov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rubocop . [(20190326 1424) ((emacs (24))) "An Emacs interface for RuboCop" single ((:commit . "03bf15558a6eb65e4f74000cab29412efd46660e") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3724,9 +3738,9 @@
(runtests . [(20150807 831) nil "Run unit tests from Emacs" single ((:commit . "ed90249f24cc48290018df48b9b9b7172440be3e") (:keywords "test") (:authors ("Sune Simonsen" . "")) (:maintainer "Sune Simonsen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(russian-holidays . [(20170109 2140) nil "Russian holidays for the calendar" single ((:commit . "b285a30f29d85c48e3ea4eb93972d34a090c167b") (:authors ("Alexander I.Grafov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander I.Grafov" . "") (:url . ""))])
(rust-auto-use . [(20181125 637) nil "Utility to automatically insert Rust use statements" single ((:commit . "d924505ecd954625dcb2d56dfba97111dc6a17fa") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Rotem Yaari" . "rotemy@MBP.local")) (:maintainer "Rotem Yaari" . "rotemy@MBP.local"))])
- (rust-mode . [(20200429 213) ((emacs (24 0))) "A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code" single ((:commit . "39f32ccd6a1183df26a223a23db255a67076cd2d") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Mozilla")) (:maintainer "Mozilla") (:url . ""))])
+ (rust-mode . [(20200509 954) ((emacs (25 1))) "A major emacs mode for editing Rust source code" single ((:commit . "eca55c068eb90aa5e1f36c6b31de589ce1df2ff1") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Mozilla")) (:maintainer "Mozilla") (:url . ""))])
(rust-playground . [(20200116 1043) ((emacs (24 3))) "Local Rust playground for short code snippets." single ((:commit . "5a117781dcb66065bea7830dd73618008fc34949") (:keywords "tools" "rust") (:authors ("Alexander I.Grafov" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander I.Grafov" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (rustic . [(20200427 1132) ((emacs (26 1)) (xterm-color (1 6)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 2)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (2 3)) (ht (2 0))) "Rust development environment" tar ((:commit . "32a962ab2d3f87bde0e12c4e8975fe73d8ba8579") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Mozilla")) (:maintainer "Mozilla"))])
+ (rustic . [(20200502 1247) ((emacs (26 1)) (xterm-color (1 6)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 18 2)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (markdown-mode (2 3)) (spinner (1 7 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (2 3)) (ht (2 0))) "Rust development environment" tar ((:commit . "cb2bfde237fd941f8c512e4d4f59ab5be53a5382") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Mozilla")) (:maintainer "Mozilla"))])
(rvm . [(20150402 1442) nil "Emacs integration for rvm" single ((:commit . "134497bc460990c71ab8fa75431156e62c17da2d") (:keywords "ruby" "rvm") (:authors ("Yves Senn" . "")) (:maintainer "Yves Senn" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ryo-modal . [(20191017 1323) ((emacs (25 1))) "Roll your own modal mode" single ((:commit . "3a54312eea7023a86ca3f8eb3c03c872554bff2f") (:keywords "convenience" "modal" "keys") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand" . "")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand" . "") (:url . ""))])
(s . [(20180406 808) nil "The long lost Emacs string manipulation library." single ((:commit . "43ba8b563bee3426cead0e6d4ddc09398e1a349d") (:keywords "strings") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))])
@@ -3764,7 +3778,7 @@
(scratch-log . [(20141115 743) nil "Utility for *scratch* buffer." single ((:commit . "1168f7f16d36ca0f4ddf2bb98881f8db62cc5dc0") (:authors ("kmori" . "")) (:maintainer "kmori" . ""))])
(scratch-message . [(20170107 1336) nil "Changing message in your scratch buffer" single ((:commit . "3ecc7f5e3b8a597ebd1492fd426d3720a7f34302") (:keywords "util" "scratch") (:authors ("Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(scratch-palette . [(20150225 842) ((popwin (0 7 0 -3))) "make scratch buffer for each files" single ((:commit . "f6803b448079f4a81cc699cec7442ef543cd5818") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
- (scratch-pop . [(20170510 1458) ((popwin (0 7 0 -3))) "Generate, popup (& optionally backup) scratch buffer(s)." single ((:commit . "7f4172c792b10bd38898dd8963cf0ade91921869") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
+ (scratch-pop . [(20200504 2004) ((popwin (0 7 0 -3))) "Generate, popup (& optionally backup) scratch buffer(s)." single ((:commit . "1a36cb5ab6668aa57b1b7192521a472feeec1ea2") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(scratches . [(20151006 416) ((dash (2 11 0)) (f (0 17 0))) "Multiple scratches in any language" single ((:commit . "9441afe6396ca38f08029123fab5d87429cbf315") (:keywords "scratch") (:authors ("Zhang Kai Yu" . "")) (:maintainer "Zhang Kai Yu" . ""))])
(scribble-mode . [(20190912 200) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing Scribble documents" single ((:commit . "5c3ea3cc9bbad585476eee41ea76dc056c2012bb") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "") (:url . ""))])
(scroll-on-drag . [(20200411 1050) ((emacs (26 2))) "Interactive scrolling" single ((:commit . "42d96a60a207cd73e7a58111358deb05f084c59e") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3784,8 +3798,8 @@
(select-themes . [(20160221 106) nil "Color theme selection with completing-read" single ((:commit . "236f54287519a3ea6dd7b3992d053e4f4ff5d0fe") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(selected . [(20170222 834) nil "Keymap for when region is active" single ((:commit . "03edaeac90bc6000d263f03be3d889b4685e1bf7") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand") (:url . ""))])
(selectric-mode . [(20200209 2107) nil "IBM Selectric mode for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "bb9e66678f34e9bc23624ff6292cf5e7857e8e5f") (:keywords "multimedia" "convenience" "typewriter" "selectric") (:authors ("Ricardo Bánffy" . "")) (:maintainer "Ricardo Banffy" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (selectrum . [(20200430 1400) ((emacs (25 1))) "Easily select item from list" tar ((:commit . "58022eb23c668c9888c19449164d8fa4567698e5") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (selectrum-prescient . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (4 1)) (selectrum (1 0))) "Selectrum integration" single ((:commit . "0f4a89bdec61395138d968a38d375e63ccfbed63") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (selectrum . [(20200509 1543) ((emacs (25 1))) "Easily select item from list" tar ((:commit . "e8e2b08c18d4bf6d514ae9b63ac1ced3c1dd0801") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (selectrum-prescient . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (4 1)) (selectrum (1 0))) "Selectrum integration" single ((:commit . "3ab7605d997fb8337bf5ded2ad960b98ac0e1fd7") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "") (:url . ""))])
(semaphore . [(20190607 1949) ((emacs (26))) "Semaphore based on condition variables" single ((:commit . "a069b69018b96d284ce7553cd63350a88ea3679c") (:keywords "processes" "unix") (:authors ("Herwig Hochleitner" . "")) (:maintainer "Herwig Hochleitner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(semaphore-promise . [(20190607 2115) ((emacs (26)) (semaphore (1)) (promise (1))) "semaphore integration with promise" single ((:commit . "a069b69018b96d284ce7553cd63350a88ea3679c") (:keywords "processes" "unix") (:authors ("Herwig Hochleitner" . "")) (:maintainer "Herwig Hochleitner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(semi . [(20200429 641) ((flim (1 14 9))) "A library to provide MIME features." tar ((:commit . "57a948c5f07e57e78ab3c0e6fd76ffcd591bb4ac"))])
@@ -3807,7 +3821,7 @@
(sexp-move . [(20150915 1730) nil "Improved S-Expression Movement" single ((:commit . "117f7a91ab7c25e438413753e916570122011ce7") (:keywords "sexp") (:authors ("Philip Woods" . "")) (:maintainer "Philip Woods" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sexy-monochrome-theme . [(20200115 2146) nil "A sexy dark Emacs >= 24 theme for your sexy code" single ((:commit . "f3ad07d60c966ef34cb11026eaba053e114bb8f1") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Volodymyr Yevtushenko" . "")) (:maintainer "Volodymyr Yevtushenko" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sfz-mode . [(20200312 1153) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for SFZ files" single ((:commit . "4d8ccde889b112896c7299cad9f1e9305bde8cb3") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Jean Pierre Cimalando" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean Pierre Cimalando" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (shackle . [(20191020 1249) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Enforce rules for popups" single ((:commit . "7ccbe513852a1d1700b698547efca14b8940319d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (shackle . [(20200506 1231) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Enforce rules for popups" single ((:commit . "4b81514191dd182a28a3e5b2fe3069264b6835fe") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shadchen . [(20141102 1839) nil "pattern matching for elisp" single ((:commit . "35f2b9c304eec990c16efbd557198289dc7cbb1f") (:authors ("Vincent Toups")) (:maintainer "Vincent Toups"))])
(shader-mode . [(20180518 1157) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for shader" single ((:commit . "d7dc8d0d6fe8914e8b6d5cf2081ad61e6952359c") (:authors ("midnightSuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "midnightSuyama" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shadowenv . [(20190903 1907) ((emacs (24 3))) "Shadowenv integration." single ((:commit . "f3cbe25c82f99367ac009d67a2400eb6d56547ff") (:keywords "shadowenv" "tools") (:authors ("Dante Catalfamo" . "")) (:maintainer "Dante Catalfamo" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3836,7 +3850,7 @@
(showtip . [(20090830 1040) nil "Show tip at cursor" single ((:commit . "930da302809a4257e8d69425455b29e1cc91949b") (:keywords "help") (:authors ("Ye Wenbin" . "")) (:maintainer "Ye Wenbin" . ""))])
(shpec-mode . [(20150530 922) nil "Minor mode for shpec specification" single ((:commit . "146adc8281d0f115df39a3a3f982ac59ab61b754") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("AdrieanKhisbe" . "")) (:maintainer "AdrieanKhisbe" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shr-tag-pre-highlight . [(20171113 914) ((emacs (25 1)) (language-detection (0 1 0))) "Syntax highlighting code block in HTML" single ((:commit . "6182f43a36b0f82ba6edcf6e423b5f69a46a814e") (:keywords "html") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (shrface . [(20200429 1727) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 0))) "Extend shr/eww with org features and analysis capability" single ((:commit . "4cb424c3dc66ca80a1f67e5402801d2f5b667b45") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Damon Chan" . "")) (:maintainer "Damon Chan" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (shrface . [(20200508 1711) ((emacs (25 1)) (org (9 0))) "Extend shr/eww with org features and analysis capability" single ((:commit . "a146e7d25713c33999deff24338670a5d1308c6a") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Damon Chan" . "")) (:maintainer "Damon Chan" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shrink-path . [(20190208 1335) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 6 1)) (dash (1 8 0)) (f (0 10 0))) "fish-style path" single ((:commit . "c14882c8599aec79a6e8ef2d06454254bb3e1e41") (:authors ("Benjamin Andresen")) (:maintainer "Benjamin Andresen") (:url . ""))])
(shrink-whitespace . [(20181003 321) nil "Whitespace removal DWIM key" single ((:commit . "0407b89c142bd17e65edb666f35e2c6755bd0867") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Jean-Christophe Petkovich" . "")) (:maintainer "Jean-Christophe Petkovich" . "") (:url . ""))])
(shroud . [(20200124 1833) ((emacs (25)) (epg (1 0 0)) (s (1 6 0)) (bui (1 2 0)) (dash (2 15 0)) (dash-functional (2 15 0))) "Shroud secrets" tar ((:commit . "bf8a854ecd440c525b870f9439f6785700af80d3") (:keywords "tools" "password") (:authors ("Amar Singh" . "")) (:maintainer "Amar Singh" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3889,7 +3903,7 @@
(sly-repl-ansi-color . [(20171020 1516) ((sly (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Add ANSI colors support to the sly mrepl." single ((:commit . "b9cd52d1cf927bf7e08582d46ab0bcf1d4fb5048") (:keywords "sly") (:authors ("Javier \"PuercoPop\" Olaechea" . "") ("Max Mikhanosha")) (:maintainer "Javier \"PuercoPop\" Olaechea" . "") (:url . ""))])
(smart-backspace . [(20171014 526) nil "intellj like backspace" single ((:commit . "a10ec44ff325ec8c4c98b1a6e44e89e60a9aa4ac") (:authors ("Takeshi Tsukamoto" . "")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Tsukamoto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(smart-comment . [(20160322 1839) nil "smarter commenting" single ((:commit . "17ddbd83205818763e6d68aa7a1aa9aaf414cbd4") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("Simon Friis Vindum" . "")) (:maintainer "Simon Friis Vindum" . ""))])
- (smart-compile . [(20200322 24) nil "an interface to `compile'" single ((:commit . "e2a390b9b8518ad62283046400a0fb3e81eb5b79") (:keywords "tools" "unix") (:authors ("Seiji Zenitani" . "")) (:maintainer "Seiji Zenitani" . ""))])
+ (smart-compile . [(20200508 249) nil "an interface to `compile'" single ((:commit . "f808ac53870d32c57a3cd01dd2850ee62d3af98a") (:keywords "tools" "unix") (:authors ("Seiji Zenitani" . "")) (:maintainer "Seiji Zenitani" . ""))])
(smart-cursor-color . [(20141124 1719) nil "Change cursor color dynamically" single ((:commit . "1d190f49ca77734b55ac58f1b6276e42ada967b0") (:keywords "cursor" "color" "face") (:authors ("7696122")) (:maintainer "7696122") (:url . ""))])
(smart-dash . [(20200104 1620) nil "Smart-Dash minor mode" single ((:commit . "cc540eea7452e15d4ef2b09d8809d88174f509c0") (:authors ("Dennis Lambe Jr." . "")) (:maintainer "Dennis Lambe Jr." . ""))])
(smart-forward . [(20140430 713) ((expand-region (0 8 0))) "Semantic navigation" single ((:commit . "7b6dbfdbd4b646376a567c70e1a161545431b72b") (:keywords "navigation") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . ""))])
@@ -3944,7 +3958,7 @@
(sonic-pi . [(20171205 1205) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (osc (0 1)) (dash (2 2 0)) (emacs (24)) (highlight (0))) "A Emacs client for SonicPi" tar ((:commit . "3cf101b3b299735ed91658c7791ea4f04164e076") (:keywords "sonicpi" "ruby") (:authors ("Joseph Wilk" . "")) (:maintainer "Joseph Wilk" . "") (:url . ""))])
(soothe-theme . [(20141027 1441) ((emacs (24 1))) "a dark colorful theme for Emacs24." single ((:commit . "0786fe70c6c1b4ddcfb932fdc6862b9611cfc09b") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sorcery-theme . [(20200413 2242) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A D&D (Dark and Dusty) Theme" single ((:commit . "fb041d0d8d4ae2840ddcfb1bd56fefe687da8c52") (:authors ("Maxime Tréca" . "")) (:maintainer "Maxime Tréca" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (soria-theme . [(20200429 941) ((emacs (25 1))) "A xoria256 theme with some colors from openSUSE" single ((:commit . "789f0a3474e6ad6c11e07f2c61d5994b2375bdba") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Miquel Sabaté Solà" . "")) (:maintainer "Miquel Sabaté Solà" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (soria-theme . [(20200505 851) ((emacs (25 1))) "A xoria256 theme with some colors from openSUSE" single ((:commit . "0f73c5a87b874e72ed286cf43e0b8dfec73769c3") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Miquel Sabaté Solà" . "")) (:maintainer "Miquel Sabaté Solà" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sort-words . [(20160929 1335) nil "Sort words in a selected region" single ((:commit . "7b6e108f80237363faf7ec28b2c58dec270b8601") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("\"Aleksandar Simic\"" . "")) (:maintainer "\"Aleksandar Simic\"" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sos . [(20141215 403) ((org (7))) "StackOverflow Search" single ((:commit . "1573adca912b88b5010d99a25c83a5b2313bd39c") (:keywords "tools" "search" "questions") (:authors ("Rudolf Olah")) (:maintainer "Rudolf Olah") (:url . ""))])
(sotclojure . [(20170922 8) ((emacs (24 1)) (clojure-mode (4 0 0)) (cider (0 8)) (sotlisp (1 3))) "Write clojure at the speed of thought." tar ((:commit . "a480c887b53cb007b7b099c5ffcab89b9e59d7bc") (:keywords "convenience" "clojure") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3956,7 +3970,7 @@
(sourcemap . [(20200315 1037) ((emacs (24 3))) "Sourcemap parser" single ((:commit . "bb2a56b2feb62b0c77d7f03ef2acd94f91be6b3f") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sourcerer-theme . [(20161014 1625) nil "A version of sourcerer by xero" single ((:commit . "c7f8e665d53bb48fb72f95f706710d53d24bd407") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Bryan Gilbert" . "")) (:maintainer "Bryan Gilbert" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sourcetrail . [(20170410 2137) ((emacs (24 4))) "Communication with Sourcetrail" single ((:commit . "b8d5557aa565ae979622312576db20515f65f977") (:keywords "external" "tool") (:authors ("Andreas Stallinger" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Stallinger" . ""))])
- (space-theming . [(20200415 810) ((emacs (24))) "Easilly override theme faces" single ((:commit . "0a41a892180451d51095516e8ee2c9042be009c1") (:keywords "faces") (:url . ""))])
+ (space-theming . [(20200502 1032) ((emacs (24))) "Easilly override theme faces" single ((:commit . "31dca6954df643255175f7df68a86892aa3c71a7") (:keywords "faces") (:url . ""))])
(spacebar . [(20190719 334) ((eyebrowse (0 7 7)) (emacs (25 4 0))) "Workspaces Bar" single ((:commit . "2b2cd0e786877273103f048e62a06b0027deca2d") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Matthias Margush" . "")) (:maintainer "Matthias Margush" . "") (:url . ""))])
(spacegray-theme . [(20150719 1931) ((emacs (24 1))) "A Hyperminimal UI Theme" single ((:commit . "9826265c2bceb2ebc1c5e16a45021da0253ace97") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Bruce Williams" . "")) (:maintainer "Bruce Williams" . "") (:url . ""))])
(spaceline . [(20191230 1221) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (powerline (2 3)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0))) "Modeline configuration library for powerline" tar ((:commit . "1b26af2c1a701481ac5d90928fe0200e389756c3") (:keywords "mode-line" "powerline" "spacemacs") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -3997,12 +4011,12 @@
(sr-speedbar . [(20161025 831) nil "Same frame speedbar" single ((:commit . "77a83fb50f763a465c021eca7343243f465b4a47") (:keywords "speedbar" "sr-speedbar.el") (:authors ("Sebastian Rose" . "")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Rose" . "") (:url . ""))])
(srcery-theme . [(20200422 1941) ((emacs (24))) "Dark color theme." single ((:commit . "9630e465cc5166f723b7c5378e326561cf2a1738") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Daniel Berg")) (:maintainer "Daniel Berg") (:url . ""))])
(srefactor . [(20180703 1810) ((emacs (24 4))) "A refactoring tool based on Semantic parser framework" tar ((:commit . "6f2c97d17fb70f4ca2112f5a2b99a8ec162004f5") (:keywords "c" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Tu, Do Hoang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tu, Do Hoang") (:url . ""))])
- (srfi . [(20200426 2141) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Scheme Requests for Implementation browser" tar ((:commit . "7ba71ef111a9397c8452894a0ef631f8a419b5f4") (:keywords "languages" "util") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (srfi . [(20200504 2101) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Scheme Requests for Implementation browser" tar ((:commit . "778bacc31773749dd76878e070051d49b7e6c450") (:keywords "languages" "util") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "") (:url . ""))])
(srv . [(20180715 1959) ((emacs (24 3))) "perform SRV DNS requests" single ((:commit . "714387d5a5cf34d8d8cd96bdb1f9cb8ded823ff7") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ssass-mode . [(20200211 132) ((emacs (24 3))) "Edit Sass without a Turing Machine" single ((:commit . "96f557887ad97a0066a60c54f92b7234b8407016") (:keywords "languages" "sass") (:authors ("Adam Niederer" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ssh . [(20120904 2042) nil "Support for remote logins using ssh." single ((:commit . "812e27409d01c38d74906a1816640506d6e7e3ef") (:keywords "unix" "comm") (:authors ("Noah Friedman" . "")) (:maintainer "Ian Eure" . ""))])
(ssh-agency . [(20200329 1558) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 10 0))) "manage ssh-agent from Emacs" single ((:commit . "a5377e4317365a3d5442e06d5c255d4a7c7618db") (:authors ("Noam Postavsky" . "")) (:maintainer "Noam Postavsky" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (ssh-config-mode . [(20191221 1051) nil "Mode for fontification of ~/.ssh/config" tar ((:commit . "e9f009c064f63ca488c89c30ab0d3857a0155f86") (:keywords "ssh" "config" "emacs") (:authors ("Harley Gorrell" . "")) (:maintainer "Harley Gorrell" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (ssh-config-mode . [(20200503 2042) nil "Mode for fontification of ~/.ssh/config" tar ((:commit . "8fda737131fef2e55c4965a938cf907acbf03372") (:keywords "ssh" "config" "emacs") (:authors ("Harley Gorrell" . "")) (:maintainer "Harley Gorrell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ssh-deploy . [(20200306 1012) ((emacs (25))) "Deployment via Tramp, global or per directory." tar ((:commit . "1bb2f821d4a78d483c147759348a29531486cdc4") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("Christian Johansson" . "")) (:maintainer "Christian Johansson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(ssh-tunnels . [(20190622 931) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Manage SSH tunnels" tar ((:commit . "d32e2072f50bcbde787196abb5862735837dc8be") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:authors ("death <>")) (:maintainer "death <>") (:url . ""))])
(stack-mode . [(20150923 1523) ((haskell-mode (13 14)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (flycheck (0 23))) "A minor mode enabling various features based on stack-ide." tar ((:commit . "f3481e239dde9817152ec00e32bfc3ebf5aaf2cb") (:keywords "haskell" "stack") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4016,7 +4030,7 @@
(steam . [(20190916 627) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Organize and launch Steam games" single ((:commit . "f32951f4e0a4bc92813d0121d9df0257101b8992") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Erik Sjöstrand")) (:maintainer "Erik Sjöstrand") (:url . ""))])
(stem . [(20131102 1109) nil "Routines for stemming" single ((:commit . "d74e6611d6ba5025e0276a2cc7c8a90f46bfa9ac") (:keywords "stemming") (:authors ("Tsuchiya Masatoshi" . "")) (:maintainer "Tsuchiya Masatoshi" . "") (:url . ""))])
(stem-english . [(20180109 358) ((emacs (24 3))) "- routines for stemming English word" single ((:commit . "c9fc4c6ed6bf82382e479dae80912f4ae17d31f4") (:keywords "text") (:authors ("Tsuchiya Masatoshi" . "")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
- (stgit . [(20171130 1559) nil "major mode for StGit interaction" single ((:commit . "41507e77001cbecfcea479e8a8f0821630371918") (:authors ("David Kågedal" . "")) (:maintainer "David Kågedal" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (stgit . [(20171130 1559) nil "major mode for StGit interaction" single ((:commit . "d185495d1ef2f8f1e343dc5a0d37e1fdbfd143a2") (:authors ("David Kågedal" . "")) (:maintainer "David Kågedal" . "") (:url . ""))])
(sticky . [(20170926 36) nil "Sticky key for capital letters" single ((:commit . "fec4e1af38f17f5cd80eca361d8e8ef8772db366") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(stickyfunc-enhance . [(20150429 1814) ((emacs (24 3))) "An enhancement to stock `semantic-stickyfunc-mode'" single ((:commit . "13bdba51fcd83ccbc3267959d23afc94d458dcb0") (:keywords "c" "languages" "tools") (:authors ("Tu, Do Hoang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tu, Do Hoang") (:url . ""))])
(stock-ticker . [(20150204 1052) ((s (1 9 0)) (request (0 2 0))) "Show stock prices in mode line" single ((:commit . "f2e564142c9de84232839a5b01979cf95b04d6a9") (:keywords "comms") (:authors ("Gunther Hagleitner")) (:maintainer "Gunther Hagleitner") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4062,14 +4076,14 @@
(swift-mode . [(20200418 617) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 3))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language." tar ((:commit . "2ab9ea1784a12a482ed9e3fb284b7a7658f40fff") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))])
(swift-playground-mode . [(20190730 1707) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 2 0))) "Run Apple's playgrounds in Swift buffers" tar ((:commit . "111cde906508824ee11d774b908df867142a8aec") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))])
(swift3-mode . [(20160918 1250) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major-mode for Apple's Swift programming language." tar ((:commit . "4e51265c6905e17d8910e35b0b37cf51e20ecdfe") (:keywords "languages" "swift") (:url . ""))])
- (swiper . [(20200427 846) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" single ((:commit . "1bf5b98dc2a01ff4d3255e349cf32817ffaccea1") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (swiper . [(20200503 1102) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Isearch with an overview. Oh, man!" single ((:commit . "84efa3a2cbb9c5b0bbcc8d2e90671434eed74f94") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(swiper-helm . [(20180131 1744) ((emacs (24 1)) (swiper (0 1 0)) (helm (1 5 3))) "Helm version of Swiper." single ((:commit . "93fb6db87bc6a5967898b5fd3286954cc72a0008") (:keywords "matching") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "") (:url . ""))])
(switch-buffer-functions . [(20200127 409) nil "Hook run when current buffer changed" single ((:commit . "95a846baa93bac4c3b3c028b9d53507f1042b23a") (:keywords "hook" "utility") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
- (switch-window . [(20181104 340) ((emacs (24))) "A *visual* way to switch window" tar ((:commit . "204f9fc1a39868a2d16ab9370a142c8c9c7a0943") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Dimitri Fontaine" . "") ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (switch-window . [(20200502 511) ((emacs (24))) "A *visual* way to switch window" tar ((:commit . "8710f6304d843365fb59b6efe7e1f729d14e557c") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Dimitri Fontaine" . "") ("Feng Shu" . "")) (:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "") (:url . ""))])
(swoop . [(20200321 319) ((emacs (24 3)) (ht (2 0)) (pcre2el (1 5)) (async (1 1))) "Peculiar buffer navigation" tar ((:commit . "7f6f20d0f32b76b7ce5b1459afa44c1ab700f8bb") (:keywords "tools" "swoop" "inner" "buffer" "search" "navigation") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama -")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama -") (:url . ""))])
(sws-mode . [(20150317 1945) nil "(S)ignificant (W)hite(S)pace mode" single ((:commit . "4dbde92542fc7ad61df38776980905a4721d642e") (:authors ("Brian M. Carlson and other contributors")) (:maintainer "Brian M. Carlson and other contributors") (:url . ""))])
(sx . [(20191229 1746) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (json (1 3)) (markdown-mode (2 0)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "StackExchange client. Ask and answer questions on Stack Overflow, Super User, and the likes" tar ((:commit . "e9d1093c97507a6d7b4f4710ef65200dae725e5f") (:keywords "help" "hypermedia" "tools") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (sxiv . [(20200326 1433) ((dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Run the sxiv image viewer" single ((:commit . "dae46e6f5890f3d97d45eaadf0194b7ff01f6baf") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("contrapunctus" . "")) (:maintainer "contrapunctus" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (sxiv . [(20200508 1620) ((dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Run the sxiv image viewer" single ((:commit . "f1a030c538af6d47d32eef04ab6536eeef948268") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("contrapunctus" . "")) (:maintainer "contrapunctus" . "") (:url . ""))])
(symbol-overlay . [(20191224 250) ((emacs (24 3)) (seq (2 2))) "Highlight symbols with keymap-enabled overlays" single ((:commit . "8096a684c29bae20e1f5a1c7adbe7881680a5c10") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:authors ("wolray" . "")) (:maintainer "wolray" . "") (:url . ""))])
(symbolword-mode . [(20180401 1427) ((emacs (24)) (f (0 19 0))) "modify word split" single ((:commit . "cd344b6c2cb6a8fcf061af2c85441644a4e7a006") (:authors ("ncaq" . "")) (:maintainer "ncaq" . "") (:url . ""))])
(symex . [(20200425 1911) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (lispy (0 26 0)) (paredit (24)) (evil-cleverparens (20170718 413)) (dash-functional (2 15 0)) (evil (1 2 14)) (smartparens (1 11 0)) (racket-mode (20181030 1345)) (geiser (0 10)) (evil-surround (1 0 4)) (hydra (0 15 0)) (cider (0 21 0)) (slime (2 24))) "An evil way to edit Lisp symbolic expressions as trees" tar ((:commit . "3dba2ae3f65bd1c40e3756e05a57ced039a15a7f") (:keywords "lisp" "evil") (:authors ("Siddhartha Kasivajhula" . "")) (:maintainer "Siddhartha Kasivajhula" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4154,11 +4168,11 @@
(thinks . [(20170802 1128) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Insert text in a think bubble." single ((:commit . "c02f236abc8c2025d9f01460b09b89ebdc96e28d") (:keywords "convenience" "quoting") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(thread-dump . [(20170816 1850) nil "Java thread dump viewer" single ((:commit . "204c9600242756d4b514bb5ff6293e052bf4b49d") (:authors ("Dmitry Neverov")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Neverov") (:url . ""))])
(threes . [(20160820 1242) ((emacs (24)) (seq (1 11))) "A clone of Threes (a tiny puzzle game)" single ((:commit . "6981acb30b856c77cba6aba63fefbf102cbdfbb2") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (thrift . [(20200212 1903) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files" single ((:commit . "9eb7cebbb7979c12f2574b80fcb8ce25309839f7") (:keywords "languages"))])
+ (thrift . [(20200212 1903) ((emacs (24))) "major mode for fbthrift and Apache Thrift files" single ((:commit . "702a1f5f9886ee522324f28cbfb4b80e8e53451e") (:keywords "languages"))])
(thumb-through . [(20120119 534) nil "Plain text reader of HTML documents" single ((:commit . "08d8fb720f93c6172653e035191a8fa9c3305e63") (:keywords "html"))])
(tickscript-mode . [(20171219 203) ((emacs (24 1))) "A major mode for Tickscript files" single ((:commit . "f0579f38ff14954df5002ce30ae6d4a2c978d461") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Marc Sherry" . "")) (:maintainer "Marc Sherry" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (tidal . [(20191210 1647) ((haskell-mode (16)) (emacs (24))) "Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns" single ((:commit . "3735a13c9bbe4fbb788d9dbc363701081253bafa") (:keywords "tools") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (tidal . [(20191210 1647) ((haskell-mode (16)) (emacs (24))) "Interact with TidalCycles for live coding patterns" single ((:commit . "4a63723555fbbd427dba0606e6ba9e48afbc93da") (:keywords "tools") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (tide . [(20200504 832) ((dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (flycheck (27)) (typescript-mode (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Typescript Interactive Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "8a7c1fc5dcc9b3321c10c71f21d1436b0a62ac07") (:keywords "typescript") (:authors ("Anantha kumaran" . "")) (:maintainer "Anantha kumaran" . "") (:url . ""))])
(tile . [(20161225 357) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (stream (2 2 3))) "Tile windows with layouts" single ((:commit . "22660f21f6e95de5aba55cd5d293d4841e9a4661") (:keywords "tile" "tiling" "window" "manager" "dynamic" "frames") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "") (:url . ""))])
(time-ext . [(20170126 1215) nil "more function for time/date" single ((:commit . "d128becf660fe3f30178eb1b05cd266741f4784a") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(timecop . [(20160520 1052) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (datetime-format (0 0 1))) "Freeze Time for testing" single ((:commit . "e6427538b547cbe02e1bd6ed4b765c73620bdae8") (:keywords "datetime" "testing") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4180,7 +4194,7 @@
(todotxt . [(20180626 2230) nil "A major mode for editing todo.txt files" single ((:commit . "f13e404304c9d26c105de872f96b4601441b3875") (:keywords "todo.txt" "todotxt" "todotxt.el") (:authors ("Rick Dillon" . "")) (:maintainer "Rick Dillon" . "") (:url . ""))])
(todotxt-mode . [(20200228 952) nil "Major mode for editing todo.txt files" single ((:commit . "8b616ce1cf3e18a60757450a0acf22996abb9b79") (:keywords "wp" "files") (:authors ("Adolfo Villafiorita" . "")) (:maintainer "Adolfo Villafiorita" . ""))])
(togetherly . [(20170426 616) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "allow multiple clients to edit a single buffer online" single ((:commit . "a6491bd5dd84f2aded0cd112ff06ae76ff78dfeb") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
- (toggle . [(20180316 3) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "quickly open corresponding file (eg test vs impl)." single ((:commit . "97e74ae74a15338d386027379139e3bf27acf2f2") (:keywords "files" "extensions" "convenience") (:authors ("Ryan Davis" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan Davis" . ""))])
+ (toggle . [(20180316 3) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "quickly open corresponding file (eg test vs impl)." single ((:commit . "b3b85a1a4589430e9255a4ea28c4e94787c6b0fe") (:keywords "files" "extensions" "convenience") (:authors ("Ryan Davis" . "")) (:maintainer "Ryan Davis" . ""))])
(toggle-quotes . [(20140710 926) nil "Toggle between single and double quoted string" single ((:commit . "33abc221d6887f0518337851318065cd86c34b03") (:keywords "convenience" "quotes") (:authors ("Jim Tian" . "")) (:maintainer "Jim Tian" . "") (:url . ""))])
(toggle-test . [(20140723 537) nil "Toggle between source and test files in various programming languages" single ((:commit . "e969321f274903d705995a7d0345a257576ec5ff") (:keywords "tdd" "test" "toggle" "productivity") (:authors ("Raghunandan Rao" . "")) (:maintainer "Raghunandan Rao" . "") (:url . ""))])
(toggle-window . [(20141207 1548) nil "toggle current window size between half and full" single ((:commit . "e82c60e543933880402ede11e9423e48a17dde53") (:keywords "hide" "window") (:authors ("Kenny Liu")) (:maintainer "Kenny Liu") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4203,21 +4217,21 @@
(tramp-hdfs . [(20170821 1320) ((emacs (24 4))) "Tramp extension to access hadoop/hdfs file system in Emacs" single ((:commit . "f8406f77bf83b66306ced693a5e4aaf606f46762") (:keywords "tramp" "emacs" "hdfs" "hadoop" "webhdfs" "rest") (:authors ("Raghav Kumar Gautam" . "")) (:maintainer "Raghav Kumar Gautam" . ""))])
(tramp-term . [(20190628 1207) nil "Automatic setup of directory tracking in ssh sessions." single ((:commit . "fdc3d5a29ca9549db462cd66d8f5d97026a1200f") (:keywords "tramp" "ssh") (:authors ("Randy Morris" . "")) (:maintainer "Randy Morris" . "") (:url . ""))])
(transfer-sh . [(20180603 1431) ((async (1 0))) "Simple interface for sending buffer contents to" single ((:commit . "55da85f963d347255a2b46568954923679331798") (:keywords "cloud" "upload" "share") (:authors ("S. Roskamp" . "")) (:maintainer "S. Roskamp" . ""))])
- (transient . [(20200421 1326) ((emacs (25 1))) "Transient commands" tar ((:commit . "629c963e1f17715b56848a5bbd9017896fa49bdf") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (transient-dwim . [(20200411 2015) ((emacs (26 1)) (transient (0 1))) "Useful preset transient commands" single ((:commit . "00d111e41e433736422e388e593b5c0df7d21bf9") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (transmission . [(20200321 216) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "Interface to a Transmission session" single ((:commit . "05a80e7a90303cd80f67681df2ec8e1bac88c394") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . ""))])
+ (transient . [(20200508 1911) ((emacs (25 1))) "Transient commands" tar ((:commit . "d49f85a8c1172b9f21d2fd4a54d1f802b53948fc") (:keywords "bindings") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (transient-dwim . [(20200508 617) ((emacs (26 1)) (transient (0 1))) "Useful preset transient commands" single ((:commit . "e075bda369bbd0df2ac5e5d5626664f4a0062676") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (transmission . [(20200506 2144) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "Interface to a Transmission session" single ((:commit . "b2c35b6f4c503976581573a4512c50e8081f9038") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:authors ("Mark Oteiza" . "")) (:maintainer "Mark Oteiza" . ""))])
(transpose-frame . [(20200307 2119) nil "Transpose windows arrangement in a frame" single ((:commit . "12e523d70ff78cc8868097b56120848befab5dbc") (:keywords "window") (:authors ("S. Irie")) (:maintainer "S. Irie"))])
(transpose-mark . [(20150405 716) nil "Transpose data using the Emacs mark" single ((:commit . "667327602004794de97214cf336ac61650ef75b7") (:keywords "transpose" "convenience") (:authors ("Kevin W. van Rooijen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kevin W. van Rooijen" . ""))])
- (trashed . [(20191124 1351) ((emacs (25 1))) "Viewing/editing system trash can" single ((:commit . "cc0243c9a4f01dc889f5c5ced3e311f918fe0750") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "unix") (:authors ("Shingo Tanaka" . "")) (:maintainer "Shingo Tanaka" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (trashed . [(20200508 734) ((emacs (25 1))) "Viewing/editing system trash can" single ((:commit . "075749debcaf867bf151d83a59d7845dea71a4b9") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "unix") (:authors ("Shingo Tanaka" . "")) (:maintainer "Shingo Tanaka" . "") (:url . ""))])
(travis . [(20150825 1138) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (pkg-info (0 5 0)) (request (0 1 0))) "Emacs client for Travis" tar ((:commit . "754ef07c17fed17ab03664ad11e2b0b2ef5e78ed") (:keywords "travis") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "") (:url . ""))])
(tree-mode . [(20151104 1331) nil "A mode to manage tree widgets" single ((:commit . "b06078826d5875d74b0e7b7ac47b0d0917610534") (:keywords "help" "convenience" "widget") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . ""))])
(treefactor . [(20200131 621) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 16 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (org (9 2 6)) (avy (0 5 0))) "Restructure your messy Org documents" single ((:commit . "273fe37aa4ba0fde084976f1b303ceec789a9f7b") (:keywords "outlines" "files" "convenience") (:authors ("Leo Littlebook" . "")) (:maintainer "Leo Littlebook" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (treemacs . [(20200429 1952) ((emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 11 0)) (ace-window (0 9 0)) (pfuture (1 7)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (ht (2 2))) "A tree style file explorer package" tar ((:commit . "10c96c9cd9e06f1bff7a708987861a8e73480647") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (treemacs-evil . [(20200302 558) ((emacs (25)) (evil (1 2 12)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Evil mode integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "10c96c9cd9e06f1bff7a708987861a8e73480647") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (treemacs-icons-dired . [(20200421 1426) ((treemacs (0 0)) (emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Treemacs icons for dired" single ((:commit . "10c96c9cd9e06f1bff7a708987861a8e73480647") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (treemacs-magit . [(20200421 1426) ((emacs (25 2)) (treemacs (0 0)) (pfuture (1 3)) (magit (2 90 0))) "Magit integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "10c96c9cd9e06f1bff7a708987861a8e73480647") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (treemacs-persp . [(20200421 1426) ((emacs (25 2)) (treemacs (0 0)) (persp-mode (2 9 7)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Persp-mode integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "10c96c9cd9e06f1bff7a708987861a8e73480647") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (treemacs-projectile . [(20200114 1715) ((emacs (25 2)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Projectile integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "10c96c9cd9e06f1bff7a708987861a8e73480647") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (treemacs . [(20200506 1600) ((emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 11 0)) (ace-window (0 9 0)) (pfuture (1 7)) (hydra (0 13 2)) (ht (2 2))) "A tree style file explorer package" tar ((:commit . "d2ac51a5532dc6a5cca2f1e967193a1a20826e3b") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (treemacs-evil . [(20200302 558) ((emacs (25)) (evil (1 2 12)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Evil mode integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "d2ac51a5532dc6a5cca2f1e967193a1a20826e3b") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (treemacs-icons-dired . [(20200421 1426) ((treemacs (0 0)) (emacs (25 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Treemacs icons for dired" single ((:commit . "d2ac51a5532dc6a5cca2f1e967193a1a20826e3b") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (treemacs-magit . [(20200421 1426) ((emacs (25 2)) (treemacs (0 0)) (pfuture (1 3)) (magit (2 90 0))) "Magit integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "d2ac51a5532dc6a5cca2f1e967193a1a20826e3b") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (treemacs-persp . [(20200421 1426) ((emacs (25 2)) (treemacs (0 0)) (persp-mode (2 9 7)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Persp-mode integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "d2ac51a5532dc6a5cca2f1e967193a1a20826e3b") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (treemacs-projectile . [(20200114 1715) ((emacs (25 2)) (projectile (0 14 0)) (treemacs (0 0))) "Projectile integration for treemacs" single ((:commit . "d2ac51a5532dc6a5cca2f1e967193a1a20826e3b") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "") (:url . ""))])
(treepy . [(20191108 2217) ((emacs (25 1))) "Generic tree traversal tools" single ((:commit . "306f7031d26e4ebfc9ff36614acdc6993f3e23c3") (:keywords "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:authors ("Daniel Barreto" . "")) (:maintainer "Daniel Barreto" . "") (:url . ""))])
(trident-mode . [(20190410 2036) ((emacs (24)) (slime (20130526)) (skewer-mode (1 5 0)) (dash (1 0 3))) "Live Parenscript interaction" single ((:commit . "109a1bc10bd0c4b47679a6ca5c4cd27c7c8d4ccb") (:keywords "languages" "lisp" "processes" "tools") (:authors ("John Mastro" . "")) (:maintainer "John Mastro" . "") (:url . ""))])
(trinary . [(20180904 2313) ((emacs (24))) "Trinary logic." single ((:commit . "886232c6d7e92a8e9fe573eef46754ebe321f90d") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4257,8 +4271,8 @@
(undercover . [(20191122 2126) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 0 0)) (shut-up (0 3 2))) "Test coverage library for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "9f4fbd04cd25c61397a7058bf2bad33c7b669aa4") (:keywords "lisp" "tests" "coverage" "tools") (:authors ("Sviridov Alexander" . "")) (:maintainer "Sviridov Alexander" . "") (:url . ""))])
(underline-with-char . [(20191128 2309) ((emacs (24))) "Underline with a char" single ((:commit . "36577e72aa4fbfa7f1abad01842359209f543751") (:keywords "convenience") (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))])
(underwater-theme . [(20131118 2) nil "A gentle, deep blue color theme" single ((:commit . "4eb9ef014f580adc135d91d1cd68d37a310640b6") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("Jon-Michael Deldin" . "")) (:maintainer "Jon-Michael Deldin" . ""))])
- (undo-fu . [(20200413 159) ((emacs (24 3))) "Undo helper with redo" single ((:commit . "0ce9ac36144e80316fff50bfe1bc5dd7e5e7ded6") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (undo-fu-session . [(20200408 11) ((emacs (24 1))) "Persistent undo, available between sessions" single ((:commit . "b808ef0cdcdd2eef221c67eda567eed7fcb3d4af") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (undo-fu . [(20200510 425) ((emacs (24 3))) "Undo helper with redo" single ((:commit . "ea41b40601e44409a0e1ee138fab628952cdae4c") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (undo-fu-session . [(20200510 434) ((emacs (24 1))) "Persistent undo, available between sessions" single ((:commit . "0400f15f2a0cfcedb69c06c3ff62f3f8814b62fb") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "") (:url . ""))])
(undo-propose . [(20200204 1612) ((emacs (24 3))) "Simple and safe undo navigation" single ((:commit . "20409358ad321fb937152cf93a50a4a775e405d6") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "undo" "redo" "history") (:authors ("Jack Kamm")) (:maintainer "Jack Kamm") (:url . ""))])
(undohist . [(20200120 1328) ((cl-lib (1 0))) "Persistent undo history for GNU Emacs" single ((:commit . "6c905772e6aa9969fd9ca500d2fe93e114130fe6") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("MATSUYAMA Tomohiro" . "")) (:maintainer "MATSUYAMA Tomohiro" . ""))])
(unfill . [(20200304 2218) ((emacs (24 1))) "Do the opposite of fill-paragraph or fill-region" single ((:commit . "02c36a04364bcb586477ab79d2b5e0d4e6ae6d47") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4292,7 +4306,7 @@
(use-package-ensure-system-package . [(20180913 1501) ((use-package (2 1)) (system-packages (1 0 4))) "auto install system packages" single ((:commit . "c873d5529c9c80cb58222f22873a4f081c307cb2") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "extensions") (:authors ("Justin Talbott" . "")) (:maintainer "Justin Talbott" . "") (:url . ""))])
(use-package-hydra . [(20181228 745) ((emacs (24 3)) (use-package (2 4))) "Adds :hydra keyword to use-package macro" single ((:commit . "8cd55a1128fbdf6327bb38a199d206225896d146") (:keywords "convenience" "extensions" "tools") (:authors ("Toon Claes" . "")) (:maintainer "Toon Claes" . "") (:url . ""))])
(use-ttf . [(20190823 939) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 12 0))) "Keep font consistency across different OSs." single ((:commit . "edfc3f4b50aec2234792c0cc894774e4916ce26a") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (utop . [(20190715 1836) ((emacs (24))) "Universal toplevel for OCaml" single ((:commit . "471cb311159773bbb280d0f1a4b47c54456c67a9") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Jeremie Dimino" . "")) (:maintainer "Jeremie Dimino" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (utop . [(20190715 1836) ((emacs (24))) "Universal toplevel for OCaml" single ((:commit . "aa832e280cce7c5a7cb92e65609285932650bf49") (:keywords "ocaml" "languages") (:authors ("Jeremie Dimino" . "")) (:maintainer "Jeremie Dimino" . "") (:url . ""))])
(uuid . [(20120910 851) nil "UUID's for EmacsLisp" single ((:commit . "1519bfeb0e31602b840bc8dd35d7c7e732c159fe") (:keywords "lisp") (:authors ("James Mastros")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . ""))])
(uuidgen . [(20200223 509) nil "Provides various UUID generating functions" single ((:commit . "f096f35a6e1f27d2bc9e9093cd61dd97bc33f502") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp" "tools") (:authors ("Kan-Ru Chen" . "")) (:maintainer "Kan-Ru Chen" . ""))])
(v2ex-mode . [(20160720 345) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "Major mode for visit site." single ((:commit . "b7d19bb594b43ea3824a6f215dd1e5d1d4c0e8ad") (:keywords "v2ex" "") (:authors ("Aborn Jiang" . "")) (:maintainer "Aborn Jiang" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4306,7 +4320,7 @@
(vc-check-status . [(20170107 1334) nil "Warn you when quitting emacs and leaving repo dirty." tar ((:commit . "37734beb16bfd8633ea328059bf9a47eed826d5c") (:keywords "vc" "convenience") (:authors ("Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Rousseau <thisirs at gmail dot com>") (:url . ""))])
(vc-darcs . [(20170905 320) ((emacs (24))) "a VC backend for darcs" single ((:commit . "390fb1ebdda1ffac45b9be02626dde3b6d95ac11") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "") ("Juliusz Chroboczek" . "")) (:maintainer "Libor Čapák" . ""))])
(vc-fossil . [(20180215 1635) nil "VC backend for the fossil sofware configuraiton management system" tar ((:commit . "7c5af95181213db38f81f5f9586f3334301a3ea0") (:authors ("Venkat Iyer" . "")) (:maintainer "Venkat Iyer" . ""))])
- (vc-hgcmd . [(20191223 1331) ((emacs (25 1))) "VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server" single ((:commit . "8fc2e2c33334c9ff6d4c4d20a99d258e6cfdc567") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (vc-hgcmd . [(20200507 2139) ((emacs (25 1))) "VC mercurial backend that uses hg command server" single ((:commit . "7433c6cc557440893d54be05fbf6500ff0e863d7") (:keywords "vc") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vc-msg . [(20191128 1010) ((emacs (24 4)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Show commit information of current line" tar ((:commit . "93794111daa95b809e46e6d961ad5f68eb8f78ed") (:keywords "git" "vc" "svn" "hg" "messenger") (:authors ("Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin <chenbin DOT sh AT gmail DOT com>") (:url . ""))])
(vc-osc . [(20190402 2349) nil "non-resident support for osc version-control" single ((:commit . "bf5a515ed85f7d7cdfe66ed5bf4ef7554f8561e5") (:authors ("Adam Spiers (see vc.el for full credits)")) (:maintainer "Adam Spiers" . ""))])
(vcomp . [(20190128 20) nil "compare version strings" single ((:commit . "f839b3b3257a564b19d7f9557dc8bcbbe0b95842") (:keywords "versions") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4319,7 +4333,8 @@
(vdm-mode . [(20190328 1408) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for the Vienna Development Method" tar ((:commit . "89e7db6ee1a89b8c1f7ce36ce6800c32b5c4ba2d") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vdm-snippets . [(20190313 1122) ((emacs (24)) (yasnippet (0 13 0))) "YASnippets for VDM mode" tar ((:commit . "89e7db6ee1a89b8c1f7ce36ce6800c32b5c4ba2d") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "")) (:maintainer "Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vector-utils . [(20140508 2041) nil "Vector-manipulation utility functions" single ((:commit . "c38ca1c6a23b2b51a6ac36c2c64e50e21cbe9d21") (:keywords "extensions") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (verb . [(20200404 951) ((emacs (25 1))) "Organize and send HTTP requests" tar ((:commit . "82cf1bde07b0c96b25d1dd16268663d8931fbb60") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Federico Tedin" . "")) (:maintainer "Federico Tedin" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (vega-view . [(20200510 726) ((emacs (25)) (cider (0 24 0)) (parseedn (0 1))) "Vega visualization viewer" single ((:commit . "c869defa3c0d9931e8eb4050dbaedb781160410b") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Jack Rusher" . "")) (:maintainer "Jack Rusher" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (verb . [(20200506 1850) ((emacs (25 1))) "Organize and send HTTP requests" tar ((:commit . "825baa8c241efe8d567bf096bb60f2543738c006") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Federico Tedin" . "")) (:maintainer "Federico Tedin" . "") (:url . ""))])
(veri-kompass . [(20200213 934) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (org (8 2 0))) "verilog codebase navigation facility" single ((:commit . "271903cdf92db05898ee7cffb65641f30fa08280") (:keywords "languages" "extensions" "verilog" "hardware" "rtl") (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . ""))])
(verify-url . [(20160426 1228) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "find out invalid urls in the buffer or region" single ((:commit . "d6f3623cda8cd526a2d198619b137059cb1ba1ab") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "url") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "") (:url . ""))])
(versuri . [(20200316 852) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 16 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (anaphora (1 0 4)) (esxml (0 1 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (esqlite (0 3 1)) (ivy (0 11 0))) "The lyrics package" single ((:commit . "41e20583d1080beeeda0e36d1b2e6d74b9c57920") (:keywords "multimedia") (:authors ("Mihai Olteanu" . "")) (:maintainer "Mihai Olteanu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4327,7 +4342,7 @@
(vertica-snippets . [(20200423 1200) ((yasnippet (0 6 1))) "Yasnippets for Vertica" tar ((:commit . "6ced718d9120878878700592fab430a8542b748f") (:keywords "convenience" "snippets") (:authors ("Andreas Gerler" . "")) (:maintainer "Andreas Gerler" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vertigo . [(20180829 2230) ((dash (2 11 0))) "Jump across lines using the home row." single ((:commit . "6303d17270ea92290a6960890bca515274f1682b") (:keywords "vim" "vertigo") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vhdl-capf . [(20160221 1734) nil "Completion at point function (capf) for vhdl-mode." single ((:commit . "290abe217050f33532bc9ccb04f894123402f414") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "vhdl" "completion") (:authors ("sh-ow" . "")) (:maintainer "sh-ow" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (vhdl-tools . [(20200330 1819) ((ggtags (0 9 0)) (emacs (26 2)) (helm-rg (0 1)) (outshine (3 1 -1))) "Utilities for navigating vhdl sources" single ((:commit . "11645a398a11cdc4b84838294521ecfb229d7856") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "vhdl") (:authors ("Cayetano Santos")) (:maintainer "Cayetano Santos") (:url . ""))])
+ (vhdl-tools . [(20200330 1819) ((ggtags (0 9 0)) (emacs (26 2)) (helm-rg (0 1)) (outshine (3 1 -1))) "Utilities for navigating vhdl sources" single ((:commit . "b5d1eec90bb43ba10178219245afbddb6601e85b") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "vhdl") (:authors ("Cayetano Santos")) (:maintainer "Cayetano Santos") (:url . ""))])
(vi-tilde-fringe . [(20141028 242) ((emacs (24))) "Displays tildes in the fringe on empty lines a la Vi." single ((:commit . "f1597a8d54535bb1d84b442577b2024e6f910308") (:keywords "emulation") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "") (:url . ""))])
(viewer . [(20170107 202) nil "View-mode extension" single ((:commit . "6c8db025bf4021428f7f2c3ef9d74fb13f5d267a") (:keywords "view" "extensions") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "") (:url . ""))])
(viking-mode . [(20160705 2027) nil "kill first, ask later" single ((:commit . "c76aa265d13ad91d6890d242e142d05e31f0340b") (:keywords "kill" "delete") (:authors ("T.v.Dein" . "")) (:maintainer "T.v.Dein" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4354,7 +4369,7 @@
(vs-light-theme . [(20191209 1600) ((emacs (24 1))) "Visual Studio IDE light theme" single ((:commit . "764f478f5866140b121b1e43857487b7a66afa72") (:authors ("Jen-Chieh Shen")) (:maintainer "Jen-Chieh Shen") (:url . ""))])
(vscdark-theme . [(20191212 107) ((emacs (24 1))) "VS Code Dark+ like theme" single ((:commit . "8eba74059e8a9db974e4056ee024e52fe54da485") (:authors ("Alexander L. Belikoff")) (:maintainer "Alexander L. Belikoff") (:url . ""))])
(vscode-icon . [(20191102 2010) ((emacs (25 1))) "Utility package to provide Vscode style icons" tar ((:commit . "4304e9f0a47406048129dc62171f08b67325a2ed") (:keywords "files" "tools") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (vterm . [(20200429 428) ((emacs (25 1))) "This package implements a terminal via libvterm" tar ((:commit . "e63bd65eece7c5de3a534b7e2fdbe58256ec2da0") (:keywords "terminals") (:authors ("Lukas Fürmetz" . "")) (:maintainer "Lukas Fürmetz" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (vterm . [(20200508 606) ((emacs (25 1))) "This package implements a terminal via libvterm" tar ((:commit . "422ffe029b92c47e4acf0e2ed06cbc83636d7e44") (:keywords "terminals") (:authors ("Lukas Fürmetz" . "")) (:maintainer "Lukas Fürmetz" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vterm-toggle . [(20200402 1516) ((emacs (25 1)) (vterm (0 0 1))) "Toggles between the vterm buffer and other buffers." single ((:commit . "15901e1e1eebd957ef18d38c920f944558ebd4fb") (:keywords "vterm" "terminals") (:authors (nil . "jixiuf")) (:maintainer nil . "jixiuf") (:url . ""))])
(vue-html-mode . [(20180428 2035) nil "Major mode for editing Vue.js templates" single ((:commit . "1514939804bad558584feeb6298b38d22eadf64e") (:keywords "languages" "vue" "template") (:authors ("Adam Niederer" . "")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer" . "") (:url . ""))])
(vue-mode . [(20190415 231) ((mmm-mode (0 5 5)) (vue-html-mode (0 2)) (ssass-mode (0 2)) (edit-indirect (0 1 4))) "Major mode for vue component based on mmm-mode" single ((:commit . "031edd1f97db6e7d8d6c295c0e6d58dd128b9e71") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("codefalling" . "")) (:maintainer "codefalling" . ""))])
@@ -4385,14 +4400,14 @@
(web . [(20141231 2001) ((dash (2 9 0)) (s (1 5 0))) "useful HTTP client" single ((:commit . "483188dac4bc6b409b985c9dae45f3324a425efd") (:keywords "lisp" "http" "hypermedia") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "") (:url . ""))])
(web-beautify . [(20161115 2247) nil "Format HTML, CSS and JavaScript/JSON" single ((:commit . "e1b45321d8c11b404b12c8e55afe55eaa7c84ee9") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "") (:url . ""))])
(web-completion-data . [(20160318 848) nil "Shared completion data for ac-html and company-web" tar ((:commit . "c272c94e8a71b779c29653a532f619acad433a4f") (:keywords "html" "auto-complete" "company") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (web-mode . [(20200501 1939) ((emacs (23 1))) "major mode for editing web templates" single ((:commit . "186a7c21049c50ecfd4109eb06c91196404f8bc5") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("François-Xavier Bois <fxbois AT Google Mail Service>")) (:maintainer "François-Xavier Bois") (:url . ""))])
(web-mode-edit-element . [(20190531 852) ((emacs (24 4)) (web-mode (14))) "Helper-functions for attribute- and element-handling" tar ((:commit . "ad5d7e4dc2420bdd00ce65d9adffbd38a5904afa") (:keywords "languages" "convenience") (:authors ("Julian T. Knabenschuh" . "")) (:maintainer "Julian T. Knabenschuh" . "") (:url . ""))])
(web-narrow-mode . [(20170407 210) ((web-mode (14 0 27))) "quick narrow code block in web-mode" single ((:commit . "73bdcb7d0701abe65dab4fc295d944885e05ae33") (:keywords "web-mode" "react" "narrow" "web") (:authors ("Qquanwei" . "")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "") (:url . ""))])
(web-search . [(20190620 602) ((emacs (24 3))) "Open a web search" tar ((:commit . "a22cbdc663a1895d5a5b69de91e1e3b9eb64b92f") (:keywords "web" "search") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "") (:url . ""))])
(web-server . [(20200330 1407) ((emacs (24 3))) "Emacs Web Server" tar ((:commit . "9edf4b5e3c6cea1738acf08241919e00437ec530") (:keywords "http" "server" "network") (:authors ("Eric Schulte" . "")) (:maintainer "Eric Schulte" . "") (:url . ""))])
(webkit-color-picker . [(20180325 736) ((emacs (26 0)) (posframe (0 1 0))) "Insert and adjust colors using Webkit Widgets" tar ((:commit . "765cac80144cad4bc0bf59025ea0199f0486f737") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Ozan Sener" . "")) (:maintainer "Ozan Sener" . "") (:url . ""))])
(weblogger . [(20110926 1618) ((xml-rpc (1 6 8))) "Weblog maintenance via XML-RPC APIs" single ((:commit . "b3dd4aead9d3a87e6d85e7fef4f4f3bd40d87b53") (:keywords "weblog" "blogger" "cms" "movable" "type" "openweblog" "blog") (:url . ""))])
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+ (webpaste . [(20200503 1919) ((emacs (24 4)) (request (0 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Paste to pastebin-like services" single ((:commit . "5e963e8ef17e937745b8f3b64f29690290c7a5c0") (:keywords "convenience" "comm" "paste") (:authors ("Elis \"etu\" Hirwing")) (:maintainer "Elis \"etu\" Hirwing") (:url . ""))])
(websocket . [(20200419 2124) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs WebSocket client and server" single ((:commit . "078f83902c0846c00ed8e3b6c5add7ff9b98d8f9") (:keywords "communication" "websocket" "server") (:authors ("Andrew Hyatt" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrew Hyatt" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wedge-ws . [(20140714 2149) nil "Wedge whitespace between columns in text" single ((:commit . "4669115f02d9c6fee067cc5369bb38c0f9db88b2") (:keywords "formatting" "indentation") (:authors ("Anders Eurenius" . "")) (:maintainer "Anders Eurenius" . ""))])
(weechat . [(20190520 1551) ((s (1 3 1)) (cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (24)) (tracking (1 2))) "Chat via WeeChat's relay protocol in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "d9a13306ea8be27367f92e9202d116a88fa1f441"))])
@@ -4415,7 +4430,7 @@
(whole-line-or-region . [(20200305 221) ((emacs (24 1))) "Operate on current line if region undefined" single ((:commit . "71f84725e2643b2ee74f27c60c4fd8b79c9c3c97") (:keywords "convenience" "wp") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wide-column . [(20170925 1613) nil "Calls functions dependant on column position." single ((:commit . "ce9ef4675485a7bea381077866368ef875226b10") (:keywords "minor mode" "cursor colour" "column width") (:authors ("Phillip Lord" . "")) (:maintainer "Phillip Lord" . ""))])
(widget-mvc . [(20150102 406) nil "MVC framework for the emacs widgets" single ((:commit . "ff5a85880df7b87f9f480fe3c28438a0712b7b87") (:keywords "lisp" "widget") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi <m.sakurai at>"))])
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+ (widgetjs . [(20160719 1504) ((makey (0 3)) (js2-mode (20140114)) (js2-refactor (0 6 1)) (s (1 9 0))) "Widgetjs mode" single ((:commit . "1de068d49a6b5faf8754d217bdaa2cbfc903a9fc") (:keywords "help") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . ""))])
(wiki-nav . [(20200309 1323) ((button-lock (1 0 2)) (nav-flash (1 0 0))) "Simple file navigation using [[WikiStrings]]" single ((:commit . "9afe0f4d05910b0cccc94cb6d4d880119f3b0528") (:keywords "mouse" "button" "hypermedia" "navigation") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wiki-summary . [(20181010 1824) ((emacs (24))) "View Wikipedia summaries in Emacs easily." single ((:commit . "fa41ab6e50b3b80e54148af9d4bac18fd0405000") (:keywords "wikipedia" "utility") (:authors ("Danny Gratzer")) (:maintainer "Danny Gratzer") (:url . ""))])
(wilt . [(20180220 854) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 10 0))) "An extensions for calculating WILT in a buffer." single ((:commit . "04dbe37fa35d0b24c791421785d2c97a8cbfe2cc") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4436,12 +4451,12 @@
(winum . [(20190911 1607) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Navigate windows and frames using numbers." single ((:commit . "c5455e866e8a5f7eab6a7263e2057aff5f1118b9") (:keywords "convenience" "frames" "windows" "multi-screen") (:authors ("Thomas de Beauchêne" . "")) (:maintainer "Thomas de Beauchêne" . "") (:url . ""))])
(wisp-mode . [(20191114 2340) nil "Tools for wisp: the Whitespace-to-Lisp preprocessor" tar ((:commit . "33b4fcdd8a17aa19d57971e4f6db5fcb7758843c") (:keywords "languages" "lisp") (:authors ("Arne Babenhauserheide" . "")) (:maintainer "Arne Babenhauserheide" . ""))])
(wispjs-mode . [(20170720 1919) ((clojure-mode (0))) "Major mode for Wisp code." single ((:commit . "60f9f5fd9d1556e2d008939f67eb1b1d0f325fa8") (:authors ("Kris Jenkins" . "")) (:maintainer "Kris Jenkins" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(with-emacs . [(20200210 1543) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluate Emacs Lisp expressions in a separate Emacs process" single ((:commit . "9f99bec56f87e53deb9f33b364eda77677a17eb9") (:keywords "tools") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (with-proxy . [(20200510 414) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluate expressions with proxy" single ((:commit . "93b1ed2f3060f305009fa71f4fb5bb10173a10e3") (:keywords "comm") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (with-shell-interpreter . [(20200508 1705) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Helper for shell command APIs" single ((:commit . "3cde39f41c2f4d4f0ebe958a0e9e04ab395e1886") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . ""))])
+ (with-simulated-input . [(20200509 2010) ((emacs (24 4))) "A macro to simulate user input non-interactively" single ((:commit . "0d5e910f19657ab376f72e5848be50d13d3b8e50") (:keywords "lisp" "tools" "extensions") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. Thompson") (:url . ""))])
(with-venv . [(20200125 1620) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Execute with Python virtual environment activated" single ((:commit . "51ba19ac75a2796d494587b3b20ce51d4eb178a5") (:keywords "processes" "python" "venv") (:authors ("10sr <8.slashes [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8.slashes [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:url . ""))])
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@@ -4478,7 +4493,7 @@
(xah-reformat-code . [(20170821 1111) nil "commands to reformat source code." single ((:commit . "7fec8b28e46b8cc2813fac5149e3bbb56c0aa6b1") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Xah Lee ( )")) (:maintainer "Xah Lee ( )") (:url . ""))])
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+ (xbm-life . [(20200506 1217) nil "A XBM version of Conway's Game of Life" single ((:commit . "311ef62438c4ab057c054fcdda4dbfa5980759b5") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(xcode-mode . [(20160907 1208) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 10 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 0 0))) "A minor mode for emacs to perform Xcode like actions." single ((:commit . "2ae4f512d6c601ea39d5ab785c2b5288eac24b59") (:keywords "conveniences") (:authors ("Nickolas Lanasa" . "")) (:maintainer "Nickolas Lanasa" . ""))])
(xcode-project . [(20181025 1244) ((emacs (25))) "A package for reading Xcode project files." tar ((:commit . "0bf9a4230fab7830350c750c39beda99ef74d72f") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:authors ("John Buckley" . "")) (:maintainer "John Buckley" . "") (:url . ""))])
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@@ -4495,7 +4510,7 @@
(xquery-tool . [(20190523 1119) nil "A simple interface to saxonb's xquery." single ((:commit . "7f0859cc722607240689e57e14de8e0719052016") (:keywords "xml" "xquery" "emacs") (:authors ("Patrick McAllister" . "")) (:maintainer "Patrick McAllister" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(xresources-theme . [(20190108 1851) nil "Use your .Xresources as your emacs theme" single ((:commit . "5239acb51aa2dfa89a207e57012108d8fcf60562") (:keywords "xresources" "theme") (:authors ("Marten Lienen" . "")) (:maintainer "Marten Lienen" . ""))])
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+ (xterm-color . [(20200510 354) ((emacs (24 4))) "ANSI, XTERM 256 and Truecolor support" single ((:commit . "2013cb0a0de1dbe2caa4d07eaf8158007e2f4073") (:keywords "faces") (:authors ("xristos" . "")) (:maintainer "xristos" . "") (:url . ""))])
(xterm-keybinder . [(20160523 56) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (let-alist (1 0 1))) "Let you extra keybinds in xterm/urxvt" tar ((:commit . "b29c4f700b0fa0c9f627f6725b36462b8fab06d6") (:keywords "convenient") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada <cokesboy\"at\">"))])
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(xwidgete . [(20171118 2116) ((emacs (25))) "enhances usability of current xwidget browser" single ((:commit . "e4e8410fe32176df85b46234717824519443fb04") (:keywords "xwidgete" "tools") (:authors ("Tu, Do Hoang" . "")) (:maintainer "Tu, Do Hoang") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4505,10 +4520,10 @@
(yabin . [(20140206 351) nil "Yet Another Bignum package (A thin wrapper of calc.el)." single ((:commit . "db8c404507560ef9147fcce2b94cd706fbfa03b5") (:keywords "data") (:authors ("Daisuke Kobayashi" . "")) (:maintainer "Daisuke Kobayashi" . ""))])
(yafolding . [(20200119 1353) nil "Folding code blocks based on indentation" single ((:commit . "4c1888ae45f9241516519ae0ae3a899f2efa05ba") (:keywords "folding") (:authors ("Zeno Zeng" . "")) (:maintainer "Zeno Zeng" . ""))])
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(yalinum . [(20130217 1043) nil "yet another display line numbers." single ((:commit . "d3e0cbe3f4f5ca311e3298e684901d6fea3ad973") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:authors ("tm8st" . "")) (:maintainer "tm8st" . ""))])
(yaml-imenu . [(20181001 627) ((emacs (24 4)) (yaml-mode (0))) "Enhancement of the imenu support in yaml-mode." tar ((:commit . "78a383098807014d9e7f2941196d8271677158cd") (:keywords "outlining" "convenience" "imenu") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "") (:url . ""))])
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(yaml-tomato . [(20151123 753) ((s (1 9))) "copy or show the yaml path currently under cursor." single ((:commit . "f9df1c9bdfcec629b03031b2d2032f9dc533cb14") (:keywords "yaml") (:authors ("qrczeno")) (:maintainer "qrczeno"))])
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(yang-mode . [(20190507 724) nil "major mode for editing YANG files" single ((:commit . "4b4ab4d4a79d37d6c31c6ea7cccbc425e0b1eded") (:authors ("Martin Bjorklund" . "")) (:maintainer "Martin Bjorklund" . ""))])
@@ -4521,7 +4536,7 @@
(yascroll . [(20200224 1117) ((emacs (26 1)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Yet Another Scroll Bar Mode" single ((:commit . "b298a34ae872a45c3e83d29d33888abde59c185b") (:keywords "convenience") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "") (:url . ""))])
(yasnippet . [(20200413 2221) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Yet another snippet extension for Emacs" single ((:commit . "5b1217ab085fab4abeb1118dccb260691b446703") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation") (:maintainer "Noam Postavsky" . "") (:url . ""))])
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+ (yasnippet-snippets . [(20200508 936) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Collection of yasnippet snippets" tar ((:commit . "ab3c20483a39742d7c612bc006d09aa8ffa3186d") (:keywords "snippets") (:authors ("Andrea Crotti" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrea Crotti" . ""))])
(yatemplate . [(20200108 2102) ((yasnippet (0 8 1)) (emacs (24 3))) "File templates with yasnippet" single ((:commit . "bfee45cfc179d6b7fbc3ff06c9f79b76dc7fbf58") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:authors ("Wieland Hoffmann" . "")) (:maintainer "Wieland Hoffmann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(yatex . [(20200208 931) nil "Yet Another tex-mode for emacs //野鳥//" tar ((:commit . "f4c2dca86202c2da5b4f0f6ec97c49dd1cb01e6c"))])
(yaxception . [(20150105 1452) nil "Provide framework about exception like Java for Elisp" single ((:commit . "4e94cf3e0b9b5631b0e90eb4b7de597ee7185875") (:keywords "exception" "error" "signal") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "") (:url . ""))])
@@ -4546,7 +4561,7 @@
(zephir-mode . [(20200417 830) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for editing Zephir code" tar ((:commit . "4e9618b77dff67c1c7b6fff78605a62311db88b8") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("Serghei Iakovlev" . "")) (:maintainer "Serghei Iakovlev" . "") (:url . ""))])
(zero-input . [(20200405 1220) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 2 0))) "Zero Chinese input method framework" single ((:commit . "729da9f4b99acb744ee6974ed7f3d4e252fd19da") (:url . ""))])
(zerodark-theme . [(20190528 923) ((all-the-icons (2 0 0))) "A dark, medium contrast theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "df22536a244293591575e56970bf83814faa7c14") (:keywords "themes") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . "") (:url . ""))])
- (zetteldeft . [(20200501 935) ((emacs (25 1)) (deft (0 8))) "Turn deft into a zettelkasten system" tar ((:commit . "b1da843540dc126bde47e258f5aa6110959b3606") (:keywords "deft" "zettelkasten" "zetteldeft" "wp" "files") (:authors ("EFLS <Elias Storms>")) (:maintainer "EFLS <Elias Storms>") (:url . ""))])
+ (zetteldeft . [(20200509 1040) ((emacs (25 1)) (deft (0 8))) "Turn deft into a zettelkasten system" tar ((:commit . "c0d36c5d1129a600bee51e0913ae2f851cc56b7b") (:keywords "deft" "zettelkasten" "zetteldeft" "wp" "files") (:authors ("EFLS <Elias Storms>")) (:maintainer "EFLS <Elias Storms>") (:url . ""))])
(zig-mode . [(20200322 131) ((emacs (24 3))) "A major mode for the Zig programming language" single ((:commit . "fc7fde327f45533bb73be643e7bda1eda10394b6") (:keywords "zig" "languages") (:authors ("Andrea Orru <>, Andrew Kelley" . "")) (:maintainer "Andrea Orru <>, Andrew Kelley" . "") (:url . ""))])
(zim-wiki-mode . [(20200316 1223) ((emacs (25)) (helm-ag (0 58)) (helm-projectile (0 14 0)) (dokuwiki-mode (0 1 1)) (link-hint (0 1)) (pretty-hydra (0 2 2))) "Zim Desktop Wiki edit mode" single ((:commit . "410fa67d5947b8801b03a58fcb2bd414cb5294f7") (:keywords "outlines") (:authors ("Will Foran" . "")) (:maintainer "Will Foran" . "") (:url . ""))])
(zlc . [(20151011 157) nil "Provides zsh like completion system to Emacs" single ((:commit . "4dd2ba267ecdeac845a7cbb3147294ee7daa25f4") (:keywords "matching" "convenience") (:authors ("mooz" . "")) (:maintainer "mooz" . ""))])
@@ -4554,7 +4569,7 @@
(znc . [(20160627 2032) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "ZNC + ERC" single ((:commit . "ce468d185e4a949c45fdd7586313144bc69d4fe5") (:authors ("Yaroslav Shirokov")) (:maintainer "Yaroslav Shirokov") (:url . ""))])
(zombie . [(20141222 1616) nil "major mode for editing ZOMBIE programs" single ((:commit . "ff8cd1b4cdbb4b0b9b8fd1ec8f6fb93eba249345") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . ""))])
(zombie-trellys-mode . [(20150304 1448) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (haskell-mode (1 5))) "A minor mode for interaction with Zombie Trellys" single ((:commit . "7f0c45fdda3a44c3b6d1762d116abb1421b8fba2") (:keywords "languages") (:authors ("David Raymond Christiansen" . "")) (:maintainer "David Raymond Christiansen" . ""))])
- (zone-nyan . [(20170818 1644) ((esxml (0 3 1))) "Zone out with nyan cat" single ((:commit . "4b1f8d95f130946718d52806489ffe2762aebfdc") (:keywords "zone") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
+ (zone-nyan . [(20200506 1207) ((esxml (0 3 1))) "Zone out with nyan cat" single ((:commit . "48625814f42c39521405d08009e1d44108d880ac") (:keywords "zone") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "") (:url . ""))])
(zone-rainbow . [(20160120 1334) ((emacs (24 3))) "Zone out with rainbow." single ((:commit . "2ba4f1a87c69c4712124ebf12c1f3ea171e1af36") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
(zone-select . [(20160118 1419) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 8))) "Select zone programs." single ((:commit . "bf30da12f1625fe6563448fccf3c506acad10af7") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
(zone-sl . [(20160201 1210) ((emacs (24 3))) "Zone out with steam locomotives." single ((:commit . "7ec22e3661c6348382f9fc39a9d0063dbd2352ff") (:keywords "games") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi <>")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi <>") (:url . ""))])
diff --git a/emacs.d/init.el b/emacs.d/init.el
index 3192fb8..8ac0451 100644
--- a/emacs.d/init.el
+++ b/emacs.d/init.el
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
;; Packages I like.
(use-package apache-mode)
+(use-package blacken)
(use-package diminish)
(use-package go-mode)
(use-package graphviz-dot-mode)
@@ -38,6 +39,10 @@
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x g") 'magit-status))
+(use-package python-mode
+ :config
+ (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'blacken-mode))
(use-package yaml-mode
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ick\\'" . yaml-mode))