% Test suite for ACL on git.liw.fi Introduction ============ This is a test suite for my Gitano ACL setup on git.liw.fi. It is run against either the real or a test instance of the setup. It requires the person running it to have admin access on the Gitano instance, so the tests can create and remove users and repositories. Pre-requisites ============== Yarn must be run with `--env` used to set the environment variables `GITANO` and `GITHOST`. `GITANO` must be the Unix user for the Gitano instance (typically `git`), and `GITHOST` must be the address of the host (IP address or domain name). The person running this test suite must be able to log in to the Gitano instance using their normal ssh key. In other words, `ssh "$GITANO@$GITHOST" whoami` must work. See the `check` script for details on how to invoke yarn for this test suite. The test suite will create a user called `tstusr` and `tstusr2`, and remove them after the test suite. The users may get created and removed multiple times. User creation ============= The admin must be able to create and remove a user. SCENARIO admin can create and remove a user ASSUMING no tstusr user exists on server GIVEN an ssh key for tstusr WHEN admin creates user tstusr THEN user tstusr exists AND user tstusr can access gitano WHEN admin removes user tstusr THEN user tstusr doesn't exist FINALLY remove user tstusr on server A non-admin mustn't be able to create or remove users. SCENARIO non-admin attempts to create or remove users ASSUMING no tstusr user exists on server AND no tstusr2 user exists on server GIVEN an ssh key for tstusr AND an ssh key for tstusr2 WHEN admin creates user tstusr AND tstusr attempts to create user tstusr2 THEN attempt failed with error matching "You may not perform site administration" WHEN admin creates user tstusr2 AND tstusr attempts to remove user tstusr2 THEN attempt failed with error matching "You may not perform site administration" FINALLY remove user tstusr on server AND remove user tstusr2 on server Public repository creation, access, and removal ----------------------------------------------- The ruleset is meant to make all repositories public. Admin should be able to create a public repository. That repository should then be accessible to both the admin and a non-admin via both git and ssh protocols. Finally, the admin, but not a non-admin, should be able to remove the repository. SCENARIO public repositories ASSUMING no tstusr user exists on server GIVEN an ssh key for tstusr WHEN admin creates user tstusr AND admin creates repository tstrepo THEN admin can see repository tstrepo AND admin can clone tstrepo using git AND admin can clone tstrepo using ssh AND tstusr can see repository tstrepo AND tstusr can clone tstrepo using ssh WHEN tstusr attempts to remove repository tstrepo THEN attempt failed with error matching "You may not destroy repositories you do not own" FINALLY remove repository tstrepo on server AND remove user tstusr on server Implementation sections ======================= Check results of attempted operation ------------------------------------ Some scenario steps attempt to do something which may (or should) fail. This step verifies the result of such an attempt. It is intentionally named to be quite generic so we don't need to have multiple "foo failed with error..." steps. IMPLEMENTS THEN attempt failed with error matching "(.*)" cat "$DATADIR/attempt.stderr" grep "$MATCH_1" "$DATADIR/attempt.stderr" ssh key generation ------------------ Our test users need ssh keys. We generate these on the fly rather than storing them in git, so that if someone gets a copy of this test suite, they don't have keys that can, at least temporarily, access the gitano instance. The key is stored as `$DATADIR/$USERNAME.key` (for the secret key; public key adds `.pub` to the end of the pathname). We run `ssh-keygen` with `-N` to set an empty passphrase. This is OK for test keys that never leave the local system, because our shell library makes sure `$DATADIR` is inaccessible to anyone else. IMPLEMENTS GIVEN an ssh key for (\S+) ssh-keygen -f "$DATADIR/$MATCH_1.key" -N '' Check for users on server ------------------------- We check for users on the server at various stages. Those tests are collected here, since they're all quite similar. Since we do it in several IMPLEMENTS sections, we have a shell function in the shell library to contain the actual code. First of all, we need to verify that there are no test related users on the server. If there is, something's gone wrong in a previous run, and things should be cleaned up manually. Or another run of the test suite is going on, and we shouldn't interfere with that. IMPLEMENTS ASSUMING no (\S+) user exists on server if user_exists "$MATCH_1" then die "User $MATCH_1 exists on server, but shouldn't" fi Verify a user exists on the server. IMPLEMENTS THEN user (\S+) exists user_exists "$MATCH_1" Verify a user doesn't exist on the server. IMPLEMENTS THEN user (\S+) doesn't exist if user_exists "$MATCH_1" then die "User $MATCH_1 exists on server, but shouldn't" fi Verify a user can actually access gitano (by invoking whoami). This is necessary to make sure that user creation added the user's ssh key; otherwise other test steps may fail for unrelated reasons and the test suite may interpret that wrongly. Further, we make sure the user's ssh key can access their account and not some other account. IMPLEMENTS THEN user (\S+) can access gitano run_gitano_as "$MATCH_1" whoami | grep "User name: $MATCH_1\$" User creation ------------- An admin creates a user on the server. Since we need to have a separate step for when a non-admin attempts the same, we have a shell function to do the actual work. The shell function also sets the ssh key for the user. IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin creates user (\S+) user_add admin "$MATCH_1" Attempt to create a user; check later if it worked. IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) attempts to create user (\S+) attempt user_add "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" User removal ------------ Admin removes a user. IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin removes user (\S+) user_del admin "$MATCH_1" Non-admin attempts to remove a user. IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) attempts to remove user (\S+) attempt user_del "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2" Admin clean up user at end of scenario. IMPLEMENTS FINALLY remove user (\S+) on server if user_exists "$MATCH_1" then user_del admin "$MATCH_1" fi Repository creation ------------------- Repositories can only be created by the admin. IMPLEMENTS WHEN admin creates repository (\S+) run_gitano_as admin create "$MATCH_1" Repository listing ------------------ IMPLEMENTS THEN (\S+) can see repository (\S+) run_gitano_as "$MATCH_1" ls | awk -v "r=$MATCH_2" '$NF == r' | grep . Repository cloning ------------------ Repositories can be cloned using git or ssh protocols, and they may be cloned by various users. We store the clone repositories as `$DATADIR/$USER/$REPO`. If the same user clones the same repository more than once, we only keep the last one. It doesn't matter who clones over git, since git is open to everyone. So we only have a variant for admin, for simplicity. IMPLEMENTS THEN admin can clone (\S+) using git localdir="$DATADIR/admin/$MATCH_1" rm -rf "$localdir" mkdir -p "$localdir" git clone "git://$GITHOST/$MATCH_1" "$localdir" However, cloning over ssh is serious business, for ACL. The tricky bit here is to get git to use the right ssh key. We do this by having a ./ssh script that runs the real ssh, but adds a `-i` option to the desired keyfile. But we only do that for non-admin users. IMPLEMENTS THEN (\S+) can clone (\S+) using ssh localdir="$DATADIR/admin/$MATCH_2" rm -rf "$localdir" mkdir -p "$localdir" url="ssh://$GITANO@$GITHOST/$MATCH_2" if [ "$MATCH_1" = admin ] then git clone "$url" "$localdir" else KEYFILE="$DATADIR/$MATCH_1.key" \ PATH="$SRCDIR:$PATH" git clone "$url" "$localdir" fi Repository removal ------------------ At the end, we need to clean up repositories. IMPLEMENTS FINALLY remove repository (\S+) on server destroy_repo admin "$MATCH_1" A non-admin may try to remove a repository. It should fail, but they can try. IMPLEMENTS WHEN (\S+) attempts to remove repository (\S+) attempt destroy_repo "$MATCH_1" "$MATCH_2"