NEWS file for obbench ===================== Version 0.11, released 2016-02-14 ---------------------------------- * Fix bugs in Debian packaging by adding missing dependencies, both build-time and run-time. Version 0.10, released 2016-02-14 --------------------------------- * Fix `obbench --version` so it reports an actual version number. Version 0.9, released 2016-02-14 -------------------------------- * Fix clone of git repo to check out master, to fix test suite when the Obnam git repo doesn't have master checked out. Version 0.8, released 2016-02-06 -------------------------------- * Fix bugs that prevent having multiple runs or multiple benchmarks. Version 0.7, released 2016-01-16 -------------------------------- * Fix the `restore part` **again**. This time it was breaking because the temporary directory to which restores happen gets reused, and the second time it fails, 'cause it needs to be empty, 'cause I said so. Version 0.6, released 2016-01-01 -------------------------------- * Fix the `restore` part of a benchmark so it actually works. Version 0.5, released 2015-12-31 -------------------------------- * Bug fix for `obnam_config` implementation. I should've written tests. Version 0.4, released 2015-12-31 -------------------------------- * Put the spec file on the front page of HTML output, and the spec for each benchmark on the benchmark's HTML page. * Actually obey the `obnam_config` part of the spec file. Oops. Version 0.3, released 2015-12-27 -------------------------------- * Produce some progress reporting so it's not so boring to watch a benchmark run. This includes letting Obnam produce progress reporting. Version 0.2, released 2015-12-27 -------------------------------- * Fix updating a git clone. Version 0.1, released 2015-12-26 -------------------------------- * First release after a rewrite.