#!/usr/bin/python # Copyright 2015 Lars Wirzenius # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # =*= License: GPL-3+ =*= import glob import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import time import cliapp import yaml class ObnamBenchmarker(cliapp.Application): def process_args(self, args): if not args: raise cliapp.AppException('Need benchmark spec filename') spec = self.read_benchmark_spec(args[0]) state = self.read_state(spec) self.logger = IndentedLogger() tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for treeish in args[1:]: self.logger.msg('Benchmarking treeish %s' % treeish) with self.logger: self.run_all_benchmarks(spec, state, treeish, tempdir) self.save_state(spec, state) self.logger.msg('Generating HTML') self.generate_html(spec) self.logger.msg('Cleaning up') shutil.rmtree(tempdir) def read_benchmark_spec(self, filename): with open(filename) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) def read_state(self, spec): try: with open(spec['state']) as f: return yaml.safe_load(f) except EnvironmentError: return { 'commit_id': None } def save_state(self, spec, state): with open(spec['state'], 'w') as f: return yaml.safe_dump(state, stream=f) def run_all_benchmarks(self, spec, state, treeish, tempdir): checkout = self.get_treeish(spec, treeish, tempdir) commit_id = self.get_commit_id(checkout) if commit_id == state['commit_id']: self.logger.msg('Already benchmarked') else: self.prepare_obnam(checkout) for benchmark in spec.get('benchmarks', []): result = self.run_one_benchmark( spec, benchmark, tempdir, checkout) self.save_result(spec, benchmark, result) state['commit_id'] = commit_id def get_treeish(self, spec, treeish, tempdir): checkout = os.path.join(tempdir, 'git') if not os.path.exists(checkout): cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'clone', spec['git'], checkout]) cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'checkout', treeish], cwd=checkout) cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'clean', '-fdxq'], cwd=checkout) return checkout def get_commit_id(self, checkout): output = cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=checkout) return output.strip() def prepare_obnam(self, checkout): cliapp.runcmd(['python', 'setup.py', 'build_ext', '-i'], cwd=checkout) def run_one_benchmark(self, spec, benchmark, tempdir, checkout): self.logger.msg('Running benchmark %s' % benchmark['name']) with self.logger: result = BenchmarkResult() result.collect_info_from_spec(benchmark) result.collect_info_from_checkout(checkout) config = self.create_obnam_config(spec, benchmark, tempdir) live = self.create_live_dir(tempdir) for step in benchmark.get('steps', []): self.run_benchmark_step( step, tempdir, checkout, config, live, result) return result def create_obnam_config(self, spec, benchmark, tempdir): config = os.path.join(tempdir, 'obnam.conf') with open(config, 'w') as f: f.write('[config]\n') f.write('repository = %s\n' % os.path.join(tempdir, 'repo')) f.write('root = %s\n' % self.get_live_data(tempdir)) f.write('log = %s\n' % os.path.join(tempdir, 'obnam.log')) for key, value in spec.get('obnam_config', {}).items(): f.write('%s = %s\n' % (key, value)) for key, value in benchmark.get('obnam_config', {}).items(): f.write('%s = %s\n' % (key, value)) return config def get_live_data(self, tempdir): return os.path.join(tempdir, 'live') def create_live_dir(self, tempdir): live = self.get_live_data(tempdir) if os.path.exists(live): shutil.rmtree(live) os.mkdir(live) return live def run_benchmark_step(self, step, tempdir, checkout, config, live, result): step_info = dict(step) if 'live' in step: self.logger.msg('Creating live data: %s' % step['live']) cliapp.runcmd(['sh', '-euc', step['live']], cwd=live) action = step['obnam'] self.logger.msg('Obnam %s' % action) func = funcs = { 'backup': self.run_backup, 'restore': self.run_restore, } started = time.time() funcs[action](tempdir, checkout, config, step_info) ended = time.time() step_info['duration'] = ended - started step_info['reference'] = step.get('reference', 0) result.add_step(step_info) def run_backup(self, tempdir, checkout, config, step_info): self.run_obnam(step_info, checkout, ['backup', '--config', config]) def run_restore(self, tempdir, checkout, config, step_info): restored = os.path.join(tempdir, 'restored') if os.path.exists(restored): shutil.rmtree(restored) self.run_obnam( step_info, checkout, ['restore', '--config', config, '--to', restored]) def run_obnam(self, step_info, checkout, args): env = dict(os.environ) env['OBNAM_PROFILE'] = 'obnam.prof' cliapp.runcmd( ['./obnam', '--no-default-config'] + args, env=env, cwd=checkout) step_info['profile'] = cliapp.runcmd( ['./obnam-viewprof', 'obnam.prof'], cwd=checkout) def save_result(self, spec, benchmark, result): obj = result.as_dict() pathname = self.get_report_pathname(spec, benchmark, result) with open(pathname, 'w') as f: yaml.safe_dump(obj, stream=f, default_flow_style=False, indent=4) def get_report_pathname(self, spec, benchmark, result): return os.path.join( spec['reports_dir'], '%s_%s.yaml' % (result.get_commit_id(), benchmark['name'])) def generate_html(self, spec): objs = self.read_results_files(spec) for obj in objs: self.write_benchmark_page(spec, obj) self.write_summary_page(spec, objs) self.copy_css_file(spec) self.publish_html(spec) def read_results_files(self, spec): objs = [] for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(spec['reports_dir'], '*.yaml')): with open(filename) as f: objs.append(yaml.safe_load(f)) return objs def write_benchmark_page(self, spec, obj): steps = [s for s in obj['steps'] if 'obnam' in s] filename = os.path.join( spec['html_dir'], '{}_{}.html'.format(obj['commit_id'], obj['name'])) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write( 'Obnam benchmark: {commit} {name}\n'.format( commit=self.q(obj['commit_id']), name=self.q(obj['name']))) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write( '

Obnam benchmark: {commit} {name}

\n'.format( commit=self.q(obj['commit_id']), name=self.q(obj['name']))) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') for step in steps: f.write( '\n'.format( action=self.q(step['obnam']))) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') for index, step in enumerate(steps): basename = '{commit}_{name}_{index}.txt'.format( commit=obj['commit_id'], name=obj['name'], index=index) profile_filename = os.path.join(spec['html_dir'], basename) with open(profile_filename, 'w') as profile: profile.write(step['profile']) f.write( '\n'.format( link=self.q(basename), duration=self.q('%.1f' % step['duration']), ref=step.get('reference', 0))) f.write('\n') f.write('
{action} (ref)
{duration} ' '({ref})
\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') def q(self, text): '''Quote for HTML''' text = str(text) text = '&'.join(text.split('&')) text = '<'.join(text.split('<')) text = '>'.join(text.split('>')) return text def write_summary_page(self, spec, objs): benchmark_names = self.find_benchmark_names(objs) runs = self.create_table_of_benchmark_runs(benchmark_names, objs) filename = os.path.join(spec['html_dir'], 'index.html') with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('Obnam benchmark: summary\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('

Obnam benchmark: summary

\n') f.write('

Benchmark results

\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') for name in benchmark_names: f.write('\n'.format(name=self.q(name))) f.write('\n') for run in runs: f.write('\n') f.write( '\n'.format( date=self.q(run['date']))) f.write( '\n'.format( commit=self.q(run['commit_id']))) f.write('\n'.format( msg=self.q(run['commit_msg']))) for name in benchmark_names: link = '{commit}_{name}.html'.format( commit=self.q(run['commit_id']), name=self.q(name)) duration = '%.1f' % run['durations'][name] reference = '%.0f' % run['references'][name] f.write( '\n'.format( link=link, duration=self.q(duration), reference=reference)) f.write('\n') f.write('
datecommitcommit msg{name} (ref)
{date}{commit}{msg}' '{duration} ' '({reference})
\n') f.write('

Benchmark spec

\n') f.write('

                    yaml.safe_dump(spec, default_flow_style=False, indent=4)))

\n') f.write('\n') f.write('\n') def find_benchmark_names(self, objs): return list(sorted(set(o['name'] for o in objs))) def create_table_of_benchmark_runs(self, names, objs): def make_key(obj): return (obj['date'], obj['commit_id']) def total(obj, field): return sum(step.get(field, 0) for step in obj['steps']) sorted_objs = [] for obj in objs: sorted_objs.append((make_key(obj), obj)) sorted_objs.sort() runs = [] for key, obj in sorted_objs: if not runs or make_key(runs[-1]) != key: runs.append({ 'date': obj['date'], 'commit_id': obj['commit_id'], 'commit_msg': obj['commit_msg'], 'durations': { obj['name']: total(obj, 'duration') }, 'references': { obj['name']: total(obj, 'reference') }, }) else: runs[-1]['durations'][obj['name']] = total(obj, 'duration') runs[-1]['references'][obj['name']] = total(obj, 'reference') return runs def copy_css_file(self, spec): filename = os.path.join(spec['html_dir'], 'benchmark.css') shutil.copy('benchmark.css', filename) def publish_html(self, spec): if 'publish_html' in spec: self.logger.msg('Publishing HTML') cliapp.runcmd( ['sh', '-euc', spec['publish_html']], cwd=spec['html_dir']) class BenchmarkResult(object): def __init__(self): self._dict = {} def as_dict(self): return self._dict def collect_info_from_spec(self, spec): self._dict['name'] = spec['name'] def collect_info_from_checkout(self, checkout): self.collect_checkout_commit_id(checkout) self.collect_checkout_commit_date(checkout) self.collect_checkout_commit_first_line(checkout) def collect_checkout_commit_id(self, checkout): output = cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'rev-parse', 'HEAD'], cwd=checkout) self._dict['commit_id'] = output.strip()[:7] def collect_checkout_commit_date(self, checkout): self._dict['date'] = 'unknown' output = cliapp.runcmd( ['git', 'show', '--date=iso', 'HEAD'], cwd=checkout) for line in output.splitlines(): if line.startswith('Date:'): self._dict['date'] = line[len('Date:'):].strip() break def collect_checkout_commit_first_line(self, checkout): output = cliapp.runcmd( ['git', 'show', '--pretty=oneline', 'HEAD'], cwd=checkout) line1 = output.splitlines()[0].split(' ', 1)[1] self._dict['commit_msg'] = line1 def add_step(self, step_info): self._dict['steps'] = self._dict.get('steps', []) + [step_info] def get_commit_id(self): return self._dict['commit_id'] class IndentedLogger(object): def __init__(self): self._level = 0 self._indent = 2 def msg(self, text): sys.stdout.write(' ' * (self._level * self._indent)) sys.stdout.write(text + '\n') sys.stdout.flush() def __enter__(self): self._level += 1 def __exit__(self, *args): self._level -= 1 if __name__ == '__main__': ObnamBenchmarker().run()