# Introduction This is the manual for `obbench`, a tool for benchmarking the [Obnam][] backup program. The obbench program is at least the fifth generation of the tool: the author seems to have a big difficulty trying to figure out how benchmarking should be done. [Obnam]: http://obnam.org/ The obbench approach is that its operation is defined in a benchmark specification file, rather than code. The code provides some primitive operations, which can be combined in various ways in the specification file. The goal is that new benchmarks can be specified easily, without changing obbench itself. Additionally, obbench measures various aspects of running Obnam and the resulting backup repository, and generates a static website to report the results. ## Installation Obbench can be run from its git source tree (`./obbench`), without any build steps required. Additionally, the author will provide Debian packages on [code.liw.fi][]. [code.liw.fi]: http://liw.fi/code/