#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Lars Wirzenius # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. from distutils.core import setup, Extension from distutils.cmd import Command from distutils.command.build import build from distutils.command.clean import clean import glob import os import re import shutil import subprocess import sys import tempfile import cliapp # We need to know whether we can run yarn. We do this by checking # the python-markdown version: if it's new enough, we assume yarn # is available, and if it isn't, yarn won't be available since it # won't work with old versions (e.g., the one in Debian squeeze.) try: import markdown except ImportError: got_yarn = False else: if (hasattr(markdown, 'extensions') and hasattr(markdown.extensions, 'Extension')): got_yarn = True else: got_yarn = False def runcmd(*args, **kwargs): try: subprocess.check_call(*args, **kwargs) except subprocess.CalledProcessError, e: sys.stderr.write('ERROR: %s\n' % str(e)) sys.exit(1) class Build(build): def run(self): build.run(self) self.build_manpage('obnam') def build_manpage(self, program): print 'building manpage for %s' % program self.generate_troff(program) self.format_txt(program) def generate_troff(self, program): with open('%s.1' % program, 'w') as f: cliapp.runcmd( ['python', program, '--generate-manpage=%s.1.in' % program, '--output=%s.1' % program], stdout=f) def format_txt(self, program): env = dict(os.environ) env['MANWIDTH'] = '80' with open('%s.1.txt' % program, 'w') as f: cliapp.runcmd( ['man', '-l', '%s.1' % program], ['col', '-b'], stdout=f, env=env) class BuildDocs(Command): user_options = [] def initialize_options(self): pass def finalize_options(self): pass def run(self): print 'building manual' runcmd(['make', '-C', 'manual']) print 'building yarns' runcmd(['make', '-C', 'yarns']) class CleanMore(clean): def run(self): clean.run(self) for x in ['obnam.1', 'obnam-benchmark.1', '.coverage', 'obnamlib/_obnam.so']: if os.path.exists(x): os.remove(x) self.remove_pyc('obnamlib') self.remove_pyc('test-plugins') if os.path.isdir('build'): shutil.rmtree('build') def remove_pyc(self, rootdir): for dirname, subdirs, basenames in os.walk(rootdir): for x in [os.path.join(dirname, base) for base in basenames if base.endswith('.pyc')]: os.remove(x) class Check(Command): user_options = [ ('unit-tests', 'u', 'run unit tests?'), ('yarns', 'y', 'run yarn tests locally?'), ('lock-tests', 'l', 'run lock tests locally?'), ('network-lock-tests', 'L', 'run lock tests against localhost?'), ('crash-tests', 'c', 'run crash tests?'), ('sftp-tests', 's', 'run sftp tests against localhost?'), ('nitpick', 'n', 'check copyright statements, line lengths, etc'), ] def set_all_options(self, new_value): self.unit_tests = new_value self.yarns = new_value self.lock_tests = new_value self.network_lock_tests = new_value self.crash_tests = new_value self.sftp_tests = new_value self.nitpick = new_value def initialize_options(self): self.set_all_options(False) def finalize_options(self): any_set = ( self.unit_tests or self.yarns or self.lock_tests or self.network_lock_tests or self.crash_tests or self.sftp_tests or self.nitpick) if not any_set: self.set_all_options(True) def run(self): if self.unit_tests: print "run unit tests" runcmd(['python', '-m', 'CoverageTestRunner', '--ignore-missing-from=without-tests']) os.remove('.coverage') if self.yarns and got_yarn: runcmd( ['yarn', '-s', 'yarns/obnam.sh'] + glob.glob('yarns/*.yarn')) num_clients = '2' num_generations = '16' if self.lock_tests: print "run local locking tests" test_repo = tempfile.mkdtemp() runcmd(['./test-locking', num_clients, num_generations, test_repo, test_repo]) shutil.rmtree(test_repo) if self.crash_tests: print "run crash test" runcmd(['./crash-test', '200']) if self.sftp_tests: print "run sftp tests" runcmd(['./test-sftpfs']) if self.network_lock_tests: print "re-run locking tests using localhost networking" test_repo = tempfile.mkdtemp() repo_url = 'sftp://localhost/%s' % test_repo runcmd(['./test-locking', num_clients, num_generations, repo_url, test_repo]) shutil.rmtree(test_repo) if self.nitpick: sources = self.find_all_source_files() self.check_sources_for_nitpicks(sources) self.check_copyright_statements(sources) print "setup.py check done" def check_sources_for_nitpicks(self, sources): cliapp.runcmd(['./nitpicker'] + sources, stdout=None, stderr=None) def check_copyright_statements(self, sources): if self.copylint_is_available(): print 'check copyright statements in source files' cliapp.runcmd(['copyright-statement-lint'] + sources) else: print 'no copyright-statement-lint: no copyright checks' def copylint_is_available(self): returncode, stdout, stderr = cliapp.runcmd_unchecked( ['copyright-statement-lint', '--help']) return returncode == 0 def find_all_source_files(self): exclude = [ r'\.gpg$', r'/random_seed$', r'\.gz$', r'\.xz$', r'\.yarn$', r'\.mdwn$', r'\.css$', r'\.conf$', r'^without-tests$', r'^test-plugins/.*\.py$', r'^debian/', r'^README\.', r'^NEWS$', r'^COPYING$', r'^CC-BY-SA-4\.0\.txt$', r'^\.gitignore$', ] pats = [re.compile(x) for x in exclude] output = cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'ls-files']) result = [] for line in output.splitlines(): for pat in pats: if pat.search(line): break else: result.append(line) return result setup(name='obnam', version='1.8', description='Backup software', author='Lars Wirzenius', author_email='liw@liw.fi', url='http://obnam.org/', scripts=['obnam', 'obnam-viewprof'], packages=['obnamlib', 'obnamlib.plugins', 'obnamlib.fmt_6'], ext_modules=[Extension('obnamlib._obnam', sources=['_obnammodule.c'])], data_files=[('share/man/man1', glob.glob('*.1'))], cmdclass={ 'build': Build, 'docs': BuildDocs, 'check': Check, 'clean': CleanMore, }, )