--- title: Release checklist for Obnam2 ... # Release checklist for Obnam2 Follow these steps to make a release of Obnam2. * create a `release` branch * update `NEWS` with changes for the new release * update the version number everywhere it needs to be updated; use [semantic versioning][] - `NEWS` - `debian/changelog` - `Cargo.toml` * commit everything * push changes to gitlab, create merge request, merge, pull back to local `main` branch * create a signed, annotated git tag `vX.Y.Z` for version X.Y.Z for the release commit * push tag to `gitlab.com` and `git.liw.fi` * publish Obnam crate to crates.io. * announce new release - obnam.org blog, possibly other blogs - `#obnam` IRC channel - Obnam room on Matrix - social media * prepare `main` branch for further development - create new branch - update version number again by adding `+git` to it - add a new entry to `NEWS` with the `+git` version - ditto `debian/changelog` - commit - push to gitlab, create MR, merge, pull back down to local `main` * continue development [semantic versioning]: https://semver.org/