# Note that all fields that take a lint level have these possible values: # * deny - An error will be produced and the check will fail # * warn - A warning will be produced, but the check will not fail # * allow - No warning or error will be produced, though in some cases a note # will be [advisories] db-path = "~/.cargo/advisory-db" db-urls = ["https://github.com/rustsec/advisory-db"] vulnerability = "deny" unmaintained = "warn" yanked = "deny" notice = "deny" ignore = [ "RUSTSEC-2020-0027", "RUSTSEC-2020-0071", ] [licenses] unlicensed = "deny" allow = [ "Apache-2.0", "Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception", "BSD-3-Clause", "ISC", "LicenseRef-ring", "MIT", "Unicode-DFS-2016", ] deny = [ #"Nokia", ] copyleft = "allow" default = "deny" exceptions = [ # Each entry is the crate and version constraint, and its specific allow # list #{ allow = ["Zlib"], name = "adler32", version = "*" }, ] [[licenses.clarify]] name = "encoding_rs" version = "*" expression = "(Apache-2.0 OR MIT) AND BSD-3-Clause" license-files = [ { path = "COPYRIGHT", hash = 0x39f8ad31 } ] [[licenses.clarify]] name = "ring" expression = "LicenseRef-ring" license-files = [ { path = "LICENSE", hash = 0xbd0eed23 }, ] [bans] multiple-versions = "allow" wildcards = "allow" highlight = "all" allow = [ #{ name = "ansi_term", version = "=0.11.0" }, ] deny = [ # Each entry the name of a crate and a version range. If version is # not specified, all versions will be matched. #{ name = "ansi_term", version = "=0.11.0" }, # # Wrapper crates can optionally be specified to allow the crate when it # is a direct dependency of the otherwise banned crate #{ name = "ansi_term", version = "=0.11.0", wrappers = [] }, ] skip = [ #{ name = "ansi_term", version = "=0.11.0" }, ] skip-tree = [ #{ name = "ansi_term", version = "=0.11.0", depth = 20 }, ] [sources] unknown-registry = "warn" unknown-git = "warn" allow-git = []