//! Progress bars for Obnam. use crate::generation::GenId; use indicatif::{ProgressBar, ProgressStyle}; use std::path::Path; const SHOW_PROGRESS: bool = true; /// A progress bar abstraction specific to backups. /// /// The progress bar is different for initial and incremental backups, /// and for different phases of making a backup. pub struct BackupProgress { progress: ProgressBar, } impl BackupProgress { /// Create a progress bar for an initial backup. pub fn initial() -> Self { let progress = if SHOW_PROGRESS { ProgressBar::new(0) } else { ProgressBar::hidden() }; let parts = vec![ "initial backup", "elapsed: {elapsed}", "files: {pos}", "current: {wide_msg}", "{spinner}", ]; progress.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar().template(&parts.join("\n"))); progress.enable_steady_tick(100); Self { progress } } /// Create a progress bar for an incremental backup. pub fn incremental() -> Self { let progress = if SHOW_PROGRESS { ProgressBar::new(0) } else { ProgressBar::hidden() }; let parts = vec![ "incremental backup", "{wide_bar}", "elapsed: {elapsed}", "files: {pos}/{len}", "current: {wide_msg}", "{spinner}", ]; progress.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar().template(&parts.join("\n"))); progress.enable_steady_tick(100); Self { progress } } /// Create a progress bar for uploading a new generation's metadata. pub fn upload_generation() -> Self { let progress = ProgressBar::new(0); let parts = vec![ "uploading new generation metadata", "elapsed: {elapsed}", "{spinner}", ]; progress.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar().template(&parts.join("\n"))); progress.enable_steady_tick(100); Self { progress } } /// Create a progress bar for downloading an existing generation's /// metadata. pub fn download_generation(gen_id: &GenId) -> Self { let progress = ProgressBar::new(0); let parts = vec!["{msg}", "elapsed: {elapsed}", "{spinner}"]; progress.set_style(ProgressStyle::default_bar().template(&parts.join("\n"))); progress.enable_steady_tick(100); progress.set_message(format!( "downloading previous generation metadata: {}", gen_id )); Self { progress } } /// Set the number of files that were in the previous generation. /// /// The new generation usually has about the same number of files, /// so the progress bar can show progress for incremental backups /// without having to count all the files that actually exist first. pub fn files_in_previous_generation(&self, count: u64) { self.progress.set_length(count); } /// Update progress bar about number of problems found during a backup. pub fn found_problem(&self) { self.progress.inc(1); } /// Update progress bar about number of actual files found. pub fn found_live_file(&self, filename: &Path) { self.progress.inc(1); if self.progress.length() < self.progress.position() { self.progress.set_length(self.progress.position()); } self.progress.set_message(format!("{}", filename.display())); } /// Tell progress bar it's finished. /// /// This will remove all traces of the progress bar from the /// screen. pub fn finish(&self) { self.progress.set_length(self.progress.position()); self.progress.finish_and_clear(); } }