//! Chunks of data. use crate::checksummer::Checksum; use crate::chunkid::ChunkId; use crate::chunkmeta::ChunkMeta; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use std::default::Default; /// An arbitrary chunk of arbitrary binary data. /// /// A chunk also contains its associated metadata, except its /// identifier, so that it's easy to keep the data and metadata /// together. The identifier is used to find the chunk, and it's /// assigned by the server when the chunk is uploaded, so it's not /// stored in the chunk itself. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq)] pub struct DataChunk { data: Vec, meta: ChunkMeta, } impl DataChunk { /// Create a new chunk. pub fn new(data: Vec, meta: ChunkMeta) -> Self { Self { data, meta } } /// Return a chunk's data. pub fn data(&self) -> &[u8] { &self.data } /// Return a chunk's metadata. pub fn meta(&self) -> &ChunkMeta { &self.meta } } /// A chunk representing a backup generation. /// /// A generation chunk lists all the data chunks for the SQLite file /// with the backup's metadata. It's different from a normal data /// chunk so that we can do things that make no sense to a data chunk. /// Generation chunks can be converted into or created from data /// chunks, for uploading to or downloading from the server. #[derive(Default, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct GenerationChunk { chunk_ids: Vec, } /// All the errors that may be returned for `GenerationChunk` operations. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum GenerationChunkError { /// Error converting text from UTF8. #[error(transparent)] Utf8Error(#[from] std::str::Utf8Error), /// Error parsing JSON as chunk metadata. #[error("failed to parse JSON: {0}")] JsonParse(serde_json::Error), /// Error generating JSON from chunk metadata. #[error("failed to serialize to JSON: {0}")] JsonGenerate(serde_json::Error), } impl GenerationChunk { /// Create a new backup generation chunk from metadata chunk ids. pub fn new(chunk_ids: Vec) -> Self { Self { chunk_ids } } /// Create a new backup generation chunk from a data chunk. pub fn from_data_chunk(chunk: &DataChunk) -> Result { let data = chunk.data(); let data = std::str::from_utf8(data)?; serde_json::from_str(data).map_err(GenerationChunkError::JsonParse) } /// Does the generation chunk contain any metadata chunks? pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.chunk_ids.is_empty() } /// How many metadata chunks does generation chunk contain? pub fn len(&self) -> usize { self.chunk_ids.len() } /// Return iterator over the metadata chunk identifiers. pub fn chunk_ids(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.chunk_ids.iter() } /// Convert generation chunk to a data chunk. pub fn to_data_chunk(&self, ended: &str) -> Result { let json: String = serde_json::to_string(self).map_err(GenerationChunkError::JsonGenerate)?; let bytes = json.as_bytes().to_vec(); let checksum = Checksum::sha256(&bytes); let meta = ChunkMeta::new_generation(&checksum, ended); Ok(DataChunk::new(bytes, meta)) } }