//! Access local and remote chunk stores. //! //! A chunk store may be local and accessed via the file system, or //! remote and accessed over HTTP. This module implements both. This //! module only handles encrypted chunks. use crate::chunkid::ChunkId; use crate::chunkmeta::ChunkMeta; use crate::cipher::EncryptedChunk; use crate::config::{ClientConfig, ClientConfigError}; use crate::index::{Index, IndexError}; use log::{debug, error, info}; use reqwest::header::HeaderMap; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; /// A chunk store. /// /// The store may be local or remote. pub enum ChunkStore { /// A local chunk store. Local(LocalStore), /// A remote chunk store. Remote(RemoteStore), } impl ChunkStore { /// Open a local chunk store. pub fn local>(path: P) -> Result { let store = LocalStore::new(path.as_ref())?; Ok(Self::Local(store)) } /// Open a remote chunk store. pub fn remote(config: &ClientConfig) -> Result { let store = RemoteStore::new(config)?; Ok(Self::Remote(store)) } /// Does the store have a chunk with a given label? pub async fn find_by_label(&self, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result, StoreError> { match self { Self::Local(store) => store.find_by_label(meta), Self::Remote(store) => store.find_by_label(meta).await, } } /// Store a chunk in the store. /// /// The store chooses an id for the chunk. pub async fn put(&mut self, chunk: EncryptedChunk, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result { match self { Self::Local(store) => store.put(chunk, meta), Self::Remote(store) => store.put(chunk, meta).await, } } /// Get a chunk given its id. pub async fn get(&self, id: &ChunkId) -> Result<(Vec, ChunkMeta), StoreError> { match self { Self::Local(store) => store.get(id), Self::Remote(store) => store.get(id).await, } } } /// A local chunk store. pub struct LocalStore { path: PathBuf, index: Index, } impl LocalStore { fn new(path: &Path) -> Result { Ok(Self { path: path.to_path_buf(), index: Index::new(path)?, }) } fn find_by_label(&self, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result, StoreError> { self.index .find_by_label(meta.label()) .map_err(StoreError::Index) } fn put(&mut self, chunk: EncryptedChunk, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result { let id = ChunkId::new(); let (dir, filename) = self.filename(&id); if !dir.exists() { std::fs::create_dir_all(&dir).map_err(|err| StoreError::ChunkMkdir(dir, err))?; } let data = chunk.ciphertext().to_vec(); std::fs::write(&filename, &data) .map_err(|err| StoreError::WriteChunk(filename.clone(), err))?; self.index .insert_meta(id.clone(), meta.clone()) .map_err(StoreError::Index)?; Ok(id) } fn get(&self, id: &ChunkId) -> Result<(Vec, ChunkMeta), StoreError> { let meta = self.index.get_meta(id)?; let (_, filename) = &self.filename(id); let raw = std::fs::read(&filename).map_err(|err| StoreError::ReadChunk(filename.clone(), err))?; Ok((raw, meta)) } fn filename(&self, id: &ChunkId) -> (PathBuf, PathBuf) { let bytes = id.as_bytes(); assert!(bytes.len() > 3); let a = bytes[0]; let b = bytes[1]; let c = bytes[2]; let dir = self.path.join(format!("{}/{}/{}", a, b, c)); let filename = dir.join(format!("{}", id)); (dir, filename) } } /// A remote chunk store. pub struct RemoteStore { client: reqwest::Client, base_url: String, } impl RemoteStore { fn new(config: &ClientConfig) -> Result { info!("creating remote store with config: {:#?}", config); let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .danger_accept_invalid_certs(!config.verify_tls_cert) .build() .map_err(StoreError::ReqwestError)?; Ok(Self { client, base_url: config.server_url.to_string(), }) } async fn find_by_label(&self, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result, StoreError> { let body = match self.get_helper("", &[("label", meta.label())]).await { Ok((_, body)) => body, Err(err) => return Err(err), }; let hits: HashMap = serde_json::from_slice(&body).map_err(StoreError::JsonParse)?; let ids = hits.iter().map(|(id, _)| ChunkId::recreate(id)).collect(); Ok(ids) } async fn put(&self, chunk: EncryptedChunk, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result { let res = self .client .post(&self.chunks_url()) .header("chunk-meta", meta.to_json()) .body(chunk.ciphertext().to_vec()) .send() .await .map_err(StoreError::ReqwestError)?; let res: HashMap = res.json().await.map_err(StoreError::ReqwestError)?; debug!("upload_chunk: res={:?}", res); let chunk_id = if let Some(chunk_id) = res.get("chunk_id") { debug!("upload_chunk: id={}", chunk_id); chunk_id.parse().unwrap() } else { return Err(StoreError::NoCreatedChunkId); }; info!("uploaded_chunk {}", chunk_id); Ok(chunk_id) } async fn get(&self, id: &ChunkId) -> Result<(Vec, ChunkMeta), StoreError> { let (headers, body) = self.get_helper(&format!("/{}", id), &[]).await?; let meta = self.get_chunk_meta_header(id, &headers)?; Ok((body, meta)) } fn base_url(&self) -> &str { &self.base_url } fn chunks_url(&self) -> String { format!("{}/v1/chunks", self.base_url()) } async fn get_helper( &self, path: &str, query: &[(&str, &str)], ) -> Result<(HeaderMap, Vec), StoreError> { let url = format!("{}{}", &self.chunks_url(), path); info!("GET {}", url); // Build HTTP request structure. let req = self .client .get(&url) .query(query) .build() .map_err(StoreError::ReqwestError)?; // Make HTTP request. let res = self .client .execute(req) .await .map_err(StoreError::ReqwestError)?; // Did it work? if res.status() != 200 { return Err(StoreError::NotFound(path.to_string())); } // Return headers and body. let headers = res.headers().clone(); let body = res.bytes().await.map_err(StoreError::ReqwestError)?; let body = body.to_vec(); Ok((headers, body)) } fn get_chunk_meta_header( &self, chunk_id: &ChunkId, headers: &HeaderMap, ) -> Result { let meta = headers.get("chunk-meta"); if meta.is_none() { let err = StoreError::NoChunkMeta(chunk_id.clone()); error!("fetching chunk {} failed: {}", chunk_id, err); return Err(err); } let meta = meta .unwrap() .to_str() .map_err(StoreError::MetaHeaderToString)?; let meta: ChunkMeta = serde_json::from_str(meta).map_err(StoreError::JsonParse)?; Ok(meta) } } /// Possible errors from using a ChunkStore. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum StoreError { /// FIXME #[error("FIXME")] FIXME, /// Error from a chunk index. #[error(transparent)] Index(#[from] IndexError), /// An error from the HTTP library. #[error("error from reqwest library: {0}")] ReqwestError(reqwest::Error), /// Client configuration is wrong. #[error(transparent)] ClientConfigError(#[from] ClientConfigError), /// Server claims to not have an entity. #[error("Server does not have {0}")] NotFound(String), /// Server didn't give us a chunk's metadata. #[error("Server response did not have a 'chunk-meta' header for chunk {0}")] NoChunkMeta(ChunkId), /// An error with the `chunk-meta` header. #[error("couldn't convert response chunk-meta header to string: {0}")] MetaHeaderToString(reqwest::header::ToStrError), /// Error parsing JSON. #[error("failed to parse JSON: {0}")] JsonParse(serde_json::Error), /// An error creating chunk directory. #[error("Failed to create chunk directory {0}")] ChunkMkdir(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), /// An error writing a chunk file. #[error("Failed to write chunk {0}")] WriteChunk(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), /// An error reading a chunk file. #[error("Failed to read chunk {0}")] ReadChunk(PathBuf, #[source] std::io::Error), /// No chunk id for uploaded chunk. #[error("Server response claimed it had created a chunk, but lacked chunk id")] NoCreatedChunkId, }