//! Client to the Obnam server HTTP API. use crate::chunk::{ ClientTrust, ClientTrustError, DataChunk, GenerationChunk, GenerationChunkError, }; use crate::chunkid::ChunkId; use crate::chunkmeta::ChunkMeta; use crate::chunkstore::{ChunkStore, StoreError}; use crate::cipher::{CipherEngine, CipherError}; use crate::config::{ClientConfig, ClientConfigError}; use crate::generation::{FinishedGeneration, GenId, LocalGeneration, LocalGenerationError}; use crate::genlist::GenerationList; use crate::label::Label; use log::{debug, error, info}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; /// Possible errors when using the server API. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum ClientError { /// No chunk id for uploaded chunk. #[error("Server response claimed it had created a chunk, but lacked chunk id")] NoCreatedChunkId, /// Server claims to not have an entity. #[error("Server does not have {0}")] NotFound(String), /// Server does not have a chunk. #[error("Server does not have chunk {0}")] ChunkNotFound(ChunkId), /// Server does not have generation. #[error("Server does not have generation {0}")] GenerationNotFound(ChunkId), /// Server didn't give us a chunk's metadata. #[error("Server response did not have a 'chunk-meta' header for chunk {0}")] NoChunkMeta(ChunkId), /// Chunk has wrong checksum and may be corrupted. #[error("Wrong checksum for chunk {0}, got {1}, expected {2}")] WrongChecksum(ChunkId, String, String), /// Client configuration is wrong. #[error(transparent)] ClientConfigError(#[from] ClientConfigError), /// An error encrypting or decrypting chunks. #[error(transparent)] CipherError(#[from] CipherError), /// An error regarding generation chunks. #[error(transparent)] GenerationChunkError(#[from] GenerationChunkError), /// An error regarding client trust. #[error(transparent)] ClientTrust(#[from] ClientTrustError), /// An error using a backup's local metadata. #[error(transparent)] LocalGenerationError(#[from] LocalGenerationError), /// An error with the `chunk-meta` header. #[error("couldn't convert response chunk-meta header to string: {0}")] MetaHeaderToString(reqwest::header::ToStrError), /// An error from the HTTP library. #[error("error from reqwest library: {0}")] ReqwestError(reqwest::Error), /// Couldn't look up a chunk via checksum. #[error("lookup by chunk checksum failed: {0}")] ChunkExists(reqwest::Error), /// Error parsing JSON. #[error("failed to parse JSON: {0}")] JsonParse(serde_json::Error), /// Error generating JSON. #[error("failed to generate JSON: {0}")] JsonGenerate(serde_json::Error), /// Error parsing YAML. #[error("failed to parse YAML: {0}")] YamlParse(serde_yaml::Error), /// Failed to open a file. #[error("failed to open file {0}: {1}")] FileOpen(PathBuf, std::io::Error), /// Failed to create a file. #[error("failed to create file {0}: {1}")] FileCreate(PathBuf, std::io::Error), /// Failed to write a file. #[error("failed to write to file {0}: {1}")] FileWrite(PathBuf, std::io::Error), /// Error from a chunk store. #[error(transparent)] ChunkStore(#[from] StoreError), } /// Client for the Obnam server HTTP API. pub struct BackupClient { store: ChunkStore, client: reqwest::Client, base_url: String, cipher: CipherEngine, } impl BackupClient { /// Create a new backup client. pub fn new(config: &ClientConfig) -> Result { info!("creating backup client with config: {:#?}", config); let pass = config.passwords()?; let client = reqwest::Client::builder() .danger_accept_invalid_certs(!config.verify_tls_cert) .build() .map_err(ClientError::ReqwestError)?; Ok(Self { store: ChunkStore::remote(config)?, client, base_url: config.server_url.to_string(), cipher: CipherEngine::new(&pass), }) } fn base_url(&self) -> &str { &self.base_url } fn chunks_url(&self) -> String { format!("{}/v1/chunks", self.base_url()) } /// Does the server have a chunk? pub async fn has_chunk(&self, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> Result, ClientError> { let mut ids = self.store.find_by_label(meta).await?; Ok(ids.pop()) } /// Upload a data chunk to the server. pub async fn upload_chunk(&self, chunk: DataChunk) -> Result { let enc = self.cipher.encrypt_chunk(&chunk)?; let res = self .client .post(&self.chunks_url()) .header("chunk-meta", chunk.meta().to_json()) .body(enc.ciphertext().to_vec()) .send() .await .map_err(ClientError::ReqwestError)?; debug!("upload_chunk: res={:?}", res); let res: HashMap = res.json().await.map_err(ClientError::ReqwestError)?; let chunk_id = if let Some(chunk_id) = res.get("chunk_id") { debug!("upload_chunk: id={}", chunk_id); chunk_id.parse().unwrap() } else { return Err(ClientError::NoCreatedChunkId); }; info!("uploaded_chunk {}", chunk_id); Ok(chunk_id) } /// Get current client trust chunk from repository, if there is one. pub async fn get_client_trust(&self) -> Result, ClientError> { let ids = self.find_client_trusts().await?; let mut latest: Option = None; for id in ids { let chunk = self.fetch_chunk(&id).await?; let new = ClientTrust::from_data_chunk(&chunk)?; if let Some(t) = &latest { if new.timestamp() > t.timestamp() { latest = Some(new); } } else { latest = Some(new); } } Ok(latest) } async fn find_client_trusts(&self) -> Result, ClientError> { let label = Label::literal("client-trust"); let meta = ChunkMeta::new(&label); let ids = self.store.find_by_label(&meta).await?; Ok(ids) } /// List backup generations known by the server. pub fn list_generations(&self, trust: &ClientTrust) -> GenerationList { let finished = trust .backups() .iter() .map(|id| FinishedGeneration::new(&format!("{}", id), "")) .collect(); GenerationList::new(finished) } /// Fetch a data chunk from the server, given the chunk identifier. pub async fn fetch_chunk(&self, chunk_id: &ChunkId) -> Result { let (body, meta) = self.store.get(chunk_id).await?; let meta_bytes = meta.to_json_vec(); let chunk = self.cipher.decrypt_chunk(&body, &meta_bytes)?; Ok(chunk) } async fn fetch_generation_chunk(&self, gen_id: &GenId) -> Result { let chunk = self.fetch_chunk(gen_id.as_chunk_id()).await?; let gen = GenerationChunk::from_data_chunk(&chunk)?; Ok(gen) } /// Fetch a backup generation's metadata, given it's identifier. pub async fn fetch_generation( &self, gen_id: &GenId, dbname: &Path, ) -> Result { let gen = self.fetch_generation_chunk(gen_id).await?; // Fetch the SQLite file, storing it in the named file. let mut dbfile = File::create(&dbname) .map_err(|err| ClientError::FileCreate(dbname.to_path_buf(), err))?; for id in gen.chunk_ids() { let chunk = self.fetch_chunk(id).await?; dbfile .write_all(chunk.data()) .map_err(|err| ClientError::FileWrite(dbname.to_path_buf(), err))?; } info!("downloaded generation to {}", dbname.display()); let gen = LocalGeneration::open(dbname)?; Ok(gen) } }