//! The `show-generation` subcommand. use crate::chunk::ClientTrust; use crate::client::BackupClient; use crate::config::ClientConfig; use crate::error::ObnamError; use crate::fsentry::FilesystemKind; use crate::generation::GenId; use indicatif::HumanBytes; use serde::Serialize; use structopt::StructOpt; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; use tokio::runtime::Runtime; /// Show information about a generation. #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] pub struct ShowGeneration { /// Reference to the generation. Defaults to latest. #[structopt(default_value = "latest")] gen_id: String, } impl ShowGeneration { /// Run the command. pub fn run(&self, config: &ClientConfig) -> Result<(), ObnamError> { let rt = Runtime::new()?; rt.block_on(self.run_async(config)) } async fn run_async(&self, config: &ClientConfig) -> Result<(), ObnamError> { let temp = NamedTempFile::new()?; let client = BackupClient::new(config)?; let trust = client .get_client_trust() .await? .or_else(|| Some(ClientTrust::new("FIXME", None, "".to_string(), vec![]))) .unwrap(); let genlist = client.list_generations(&trust); let gen_id = genlist.resolve(&self.gen_id)?; let gen = client.fetch_generation(&gen_id, temp.path()).await?; let mut files = gen.files()?; let mut files = files.iter()?; let total_bytes = files.try_fold(0, |acc, file| { file.map(|(_, e, _, _)| { if e.kind() == FilesystemKind::Regular { acc + e.len() } else { acc } }) }); let total_bytes = total_bytes?; let output = Output::new(gen_id) .file_count(gen.file_count()?) .file_bytes(total_bytes); serde_json::to_writer_pretty(std::io::stdout(), &output)?; Ok(()) } } #[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize)] struct Output { generation_id: String, file_count: u64, file_bytes: String, file_bytes_raw: u64, } impl Output { fn new(gen_id: GenId) -> Self { Self { generation_id: format!("{}", gen_id), ..Self::default() } } fn file_count(mut self, n: u64) -> Self { self.file_count = n; self } fn file_bytes(mut self, n: u64) -> Self { self.file_bytes_raw = n; self.file_bytes = HumanBytes(n).to_string(); self } }