//! Database abstraction for generations. use crate::backup_reason::Reason; use crate::chunkid::ChunkId; use crate::db::{Column, Database, DatabaseError, SqlResults, Table, Value}; use crate::fsentry::FilesystemEntry; use log::error; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; /// Current generation database schema major version. pub const SCHEMA_MAJOR: u32 = 0; /// Current generation database schema minor version. pub const SCHEMA_MINOR: u32 = 0; /// An identifier for a file in a generation. pub type FileId = u64; /// Possible errors from using generation databases. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum GenerationDbError { /// Duplicate file names. #[error("Generation has more than one file with the name {0}")] TooManyFiles(PathBuf), /// No 'meta' table in generation. #[error("Generation does not have a 'meta' table")] NoMeta, /// Missing from from 'meta' table. #[error("Generation 'meta' table does not have a row {0}")] NoMetaKey(String), /// Bad data in 'meta' table. #[error("Generation 'meta' row {0} has badly formed integer: {1}")] BadMetaInteger(String, std::num::ParseIntError), /// Local generation uses a schema version that this version of /// Obnam isn't compatible with. #[error("Backup is not compatible with this version of Obnam: {0}.{1}")] Incompatible(u32, u32), /// Error from a database #[error(transparent)] Database(#[from] DatabaseError), /// Error from JSON. #[error(transparent)] SerdeJsonError(#[from] serde_json::Error), /// Error from I/O. #[error(transparent)] IoError(#[from] std::io::Error), } /// A database representing a backup generation. pub struct GenerationDb { created: bool, db: Database, meta: Table, files: Table, chunks: Table, } impl GenerationDb { /// Create a new generation database in read/write mode. pub fn create>(filename: P) -> Result { let db = Database::create(filename.as_ref())?; let mut moi = Self::new(db); moi.created = true; moi.create_tables()?; Ok(moi) } /// Open an existing generation database in read-only mode. pub fn open>(filename: P) -> Result { let db = Database::open(filename.as_ref())?; Ok(Self::new(db)) } fn new(db: Database) -> Self { let meta = Table::new("meta") .column(Column::text("key")) .column(Column::text("value")) .build(); let files = Table::new("files") .column(Column::primary_key("fileno")) // FIXME: rename to fileid .column(Column::blob("filename")) .column(Column::text("json")) .column(Column::text("reason")) .column(Column::bool("is_cachedir_tag")) .build(); let chunks = Table::new("chunks") .column(Column::int("fileno")) // FIXME: rename to fileid .column(Column::text("chunkid")) .build(); Self { created: false, db, meta, files, chunks, } } fn create_tables(&mut self) -> Result<(), GenerationDbError> { self.db.create_table(&self.meta)?; self.db.create_table(&self.files)?; self.db.create_table(&self.chunks)?; self.db.insert( &self.meta, &[ Value::text("key", "schema_version_major"), Value::text("value", &format!("{}", SCHEMA_MAJOR)), ], )?; self.db.insert( &self.meta, &[ Value::text("key", "schema_version_minor"), Value::text("value", &format!("{}", SCHEMA_MINOR)), ], )?; Ok(()) } /// Close a database, commit any changes. pub fn close(self) -> Result<(), GenerationDbError> { if self.created { self.db .create_index("filenames_idx", &self.files, "filename")?; self.db.create_index("fileid_idx", &self.chunks, "fileno")?; } self.db.close().map_err(GenerationDbError::Database) } /// Return contents of "meta" table as a HashMap. pub fn meta(&self) -> Result, GenerationDbError> { let mut map = HashMap::new(); let mut iter = self.db.all_rows(&self.meta, &row_to_kv)?; for kv in iter.iter()? { let (key, value) = kv?; map.insert(key, value); } Ok(map) } /// Insert a file system entry into the database. pub fn insert( &mut self, e: FilesystemEntry, fileid: FileId, ids: &[ChunkId], reason: Reason, is_cachedir_tag: bool, ) -> Result<(), GenerationDbError> { let json = serde_json::to_string(&e)?; self.db.insert( &self.files, &[ Value::primary_key("fileno", fileid), Value::blob("filename", &path_into_blob(&e.pathbuf())), Value::text("json", &json), Value::text("reason", &format!("{}", reason)), Value::bool("is_cachedir_tag", is_cachedir_tag), ], )?; for id in ids { self.db.insert( &self.chunks, &[ Value::int("fileno", fileid), Value::text("chunkid", &format!("{}", id)), ], )?; } Ok(()) } /// Count number of file system entries. pub fn file_count(&self) -> Result { // FIXME: this needs to be done use "SELECT count(*) FROM // files", but the Database abstraction doesn't support that // yet. let mut iter = self.db.all_rows(&self.files, &row_to_entry)?; let mut count = 0; for _ in iter.iter()? { count += 1; } Ok(count) } /// Does a path refer to a cache directory? pub fn is_cachedir_tag(&self, filename: &Path) -> Result { let filename = path_into_blob(filename); let value = Value::blob("filename", &filename); let mut rows = self.db.some_rows(&self.files, &value, &row_to_entry)?; let mut iter = rows.iter()?; if let Some(row) = iter.next() { if iter.next().is_some() { Ok(false) } else { let (_, _, _, is_cachedir_tag) = row?; Ok(is_cachedir_tag) } } else { Ok(false) } } /// Return all chunk ids in database. pub fn chunkids(&self, fileid: FileId) -> Result, GenerationDbError> { let fileid = Value::int("fileno", fileid); Ok(self.db.some_rows(&self.chunks, &fileid, &row_to_chunkid)?) } /// Return all chunk ids in database. pub fn files( &self, ) -> Result, GenerationDbError> { Ok(self.db.all_rows(&self.files, &row_to_fsentry)?) } /// Get a file's information given its path. pub fn get_file(&self, filename: &Path) -> Result, GenerationDbError> { match self.get_file_and_fileno(filename)? { None => Ok(None), Some((_, e, _)) => Ok(Some(e)), } } /// Get a file's information given it's id in the database. pub fn get_fileno(&self, filename: &Path) -> Result, GenerationDbError> { match self.get_file_and_fileno(filename)? { None => Ok(None), Some((id, _, _)) => Ok(Some(id)), } } fn get_file_and_fileno( &self, filename: &Path, ) -> Result, GenerationDbError> { let filename_bytes = path_into_blob(filename); let value = Value::blob("filename", &filename_bytes); let mut rows = self.db.some_rows(&self.files, &value, &row_to_entry)?; let mut iter = rows.iter()?; if let Some(row) = iter.next() { if iter.next().is_some() { error!("too many files in file lookup"); Err(GenerationDbError::TooManyFiles(filename.to_path_buf())) } else { let (fileid, ref json, ref reason, _) = row?; let entry = serde_json::from_str(json)?; Ok(Some((fileid, entry, reason.to_string()))) } } else { Ok(None) } } } fn row_to_kv(row: &rusqlite::Row) -> rusqlite::Result<(String, String)> { let k = row.get("key")?; let v = row.get("value")?; Ok((k, v)) } fn path_into_blob(path: &Path) -> Vec { path.as_os_str().as_bytes().to_vec() } fn row_to_entry(row: &rusqlite::Row) -> rusqlite::Result<(FileId, String, String, bool)> { let fileno: FileId = row.get("fileno")?; let json: String = row.get("json")?; let reason: String = row.get("reason")?; let is_cachedir_tag: bool = row.get("is_cachedir_tag")?; Ok((fileno, json, reason, is_cachedir_tag)) } fn row_to_fsentry( row: &rusqlite::Row, ) -> rusqlite::Result<(FileId, FilesystemEntry, Reason, bool)> { let fileno: FileId = row.get("fileno")?; let json: String = row.get("json")?; let entry = serde_json::from_str(&json).map_err(|err| { rusqlite::Error::FromSqlConversionFailure(0, rusqlite::types::Type::Text, Box::new(err)) })?; let reason: String = row.get("reason")?; let reason = Reason::from(&reason); let is_cachedir_tag: bool = row.get("is_cachedir_tag")?; Ok((fileno, entry, reason, is_cachedir_tag)) } fn row_to_chunkid(row: &rusqlite::Row) -> rusqlite::Result { let chunkid: String = row.get("chunkid")?; let chunkid = ChunkId::recreate(&chunkid); Ok(chunkid) } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::Database; use tempfile::tempdir; #[test] fn opens_previously_created_db() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let filename = dir.path().join("test.db"); Database::create(&filename).unwrap(); assert!(Database::open(&filename).is_ok()); } }