use std::path::PathBuf; use thiserror::Error; /// Define all the kinds of errors any part of this crate can return. #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum ObnamError { #[error("Can't find backup '{0}'")] UnknownGeneration(String), #[error("Generation has more than one file with the name {0}")] TooManyFiles(PathBuf), #[error("Server response did not have a 'chunk-meta' header for chunk {0}")] NoChunkMeta(String), #[error("Wrong checksum for chunk {0}, got {1}, expected {2}")] WrongChecksum(String, String, String), #[error("Chunk is missing: {0}")] MissingChunk(String), #[error("Chunk is in store too many times: {0}")] DuplicateChunk(String), }