use crate::chunkid::ChunkId; use crate::chunkmeta::ChunkMeta; use rusqlite::Connection; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; /// A chunk index. /// /// A chunk index lets the server quickly find chunks based on a /// string key/value pair, or whether they are generations. #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Index { filename: PathBuf, conn: Connection, map: HashMap<(String, String), Vec>, generations: Vec, metas: HashMap, } /// All the errors that may be returned for `Index`. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum IndexError { /// Index does not have a chunk. #[error("The repository index does not have chunk {0}")] MissingChunk(ChunkId), /// Index has chunk more than once. #[error("The repository index duplicates chunk {0}")] DuplicateChunk(ChunkId), /// An error from SQLite. #[error(transparent)] SqlError(#[from] rusqlite::Error), } /// A result from an `Index` operation. pub type IndexResult = Result; impl Index { pub fn new>(dirname: P) -> IndexResult { let filename = dirname.as_ref().join("meta.db"); let conn = if filename.exists() { sql::open_db(&filename)? } else { sql::create_db(&filename)? }; Ok(Self { filename, conn, map: HashMap::new(), generations: vec![], metas: HashMap::new(), }) } pub fn insert_meta(&mut self, id: ChunkId, meta: ChunkMeta) -> IndexResult<()> { let t = self.conn.transaction()?; sql::insert(&t, &id, &meta)?; t.commit()?; Ok(()) } pub fn get_meta(&self, id: &ChunkId) -> IndexResult { sql::lookup(&self.conn, id) } pub fn remove_meta(&mut self, id: &ChunkId) -> IndexResult<()> { sql::remove(&self.conn, id) } pub fn find_by_sha256(&self, sha256: &str) -> IndexResult> { sql::find_by_256(&self.conn, sha256) } pub fn find_generations(&self) -> IndexResult> { sql::find_generations(&self.conn) } pub fn all_chunks(&self) -> IndexResult> { sql::find_chunk_ids(&self.conn) } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::{ChunkId, ChunkMeta, Index}; use std::path::Path; use tempfile::tempdir; fn new_index(dirname: &Path) -> Index { Index::new(dirname).unwrap() } #[test] fn remembers_inserted() { let id: ChunkId = "id001".parse().unwrap(); let meta = ChunkMeta::new("abc"); let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let mut idx = new_index(dir.path()); idx.insert_meta(id.clone(), meta.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(idx.get_meta(&id).unwrap(), meta); let ids = idx.find_by_sha256("abc").unwrap(); assert_eq!(ids, vec![id]); } #[test] fn does_not_find_uninserted() { let id: ChunkId = "id001".parse().unwrap(); let meta = ChunkMeta::new("abc"); let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let mut idx = new_index(dir.path()); idx.insert_meta(id, meta).unwrap(); assert_eq!(idx.find_by_sha256("def").unwrap().len(), 0) } #[test] fn removes_inserted() { let id: ChunkId = "id001".parse().unwrap(); let meta = ChunkMeta::new("abc"); let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let mut idx = new_index(dir.path()); idx.insert_meta(id.clone(), meta).unwrap(); idx.remove_meta(&id).unwrap(); let ids: Vec = idx.find_by_sha256("abc").unwrap(); assert_eq!(ids, vec![]); } #[test] fn has_no_generations_initially() { let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let idx = new_index(dir.path()); assert_eq!(idx.find_generations().unwrap(), vec![]); } #[test] fn remembers_generation() { let id: ChunkId = "id001".parse().unwrap(); let meta = ChunkMeta::new_generation("abc", "timestamp"); let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let mut idx = new_index(dir.path()); idx.insert_meta(id.clone(), meta.clone()).unwrap(); assert_eq!(idx.find_generations().unwrap(), vec![id]); } #[test] fn removes_generation() { let id: ChunkId = "id001".parse().unwrap(); let meta = ChunkMeta::new_generation("abc", "timestamp"); let dir = tempdir().unwrap(); let mut idx = new_index(dir.path()); idx.insert_meta(id.clone(), meta.clone()).unwrap(); idx.remove_meta(&id).unwrap(); assert_eq!(idx.find_generations().unwrap(), vec![]); } } mod sql { use super::{IndexError, IndexResult}; use crate::chunkid::ChunkId; use crate::chunkmeta::ChunkMeta; use log::error; use rusqlite::{params, Connection, OpenFlags, Row, Transaction}; use std::path::Path; pub fn create_db(filename: &Path) -> IndexResult { let flags = OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE | OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE; let conn = Connection::open_with_flags(filename, flags)?; conn.execute( "CREATE TABLE chunks (id TEXT PRIMARY KEY, sha256 TEXT, generation INT, ended TEXT)", params![], )?; conn.execute("CREATE INDEX sha256_idx ON chunks (sha256)", params![])?; conn.execute( "CREATE INDEX generation_idx ON chunks (generation)", params![], )?; conn.pragma_update(None, "journal_mode", &"WAL")?; Ok(conn) } pub fn open_db(filename: &Path) -> IndexResult { let flags = OpenFlags::SQLITE_OPEN_READ_WRITE; let conn = Connection::open_with_flags(filename, flags)?; conn.pragma_update(None, "journal_mode", &"WAL")?; Ok(conn) } pub fn insert(t: &Transaction, chunkid: &ChunkId, meta: &ChunkMeta) -> IndexResult<()> { let chunkid = format!("{}", chunkid); let sha256 = meta.sha256(); let generation = if meta.is_generation() { 1 } else { 0 }; let ended = meta.ended(); t.execute( "INSERT INTO chunks (id, sha256, generation, ended) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)", params![chunkid, sha256, generation, ended], )?; Ok(()) } pub fn remove(conn: &Connection, chunkid: &ChunkId) -> IndexResult<()> { conn.execute("DELETE FROM chunks WHERE id IS ?1", params![chunkid])?; Ok(()) } pub fn lookup(conn: &Connection, id: &ChunkId) -> IndexResult { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT * FROM chunks WHERE id IS ?1")?; let iter = stmt.query_map(params![id], |row| row_to_meta(row))?; let mut metas: Vec = vec![]; for meta in iter { let meta = meta?; if metas.is_empty() { eprintln!("lookup: meta={:?}", meta); metas.push(meta); } else { let err = IndexError::DuplicateChunk(id.clone()); error!("{}", err); return Err(err.into()); } } if metas.len() == 0 { eprintln!("lookup: no hits"); return Err(IndexError::MissingChunk(id.clone()).into()); } let r = metas[0].clone(); Ok(r) } pub fn find_by_256(conn: &Connection, sha256: &str) -> IndexResult> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id FROM chunks WHERE sha256 IS ?1")?; let iter = stmt.query_map(params![sha256], |row| row_to_id(row))?; let mut ids = vec![]; for x in iter { let x = x?; ids.push(x); } Ok(ids) } pub fn find_generations(conn: &Connection) -> IndexResult> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id FROM chunks WHERE generation IS 1")?; let iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| row_to_id(row))?; let mut ids = vec![]; for x in iter { let x = x?; ids.push(x); } Ok(ids) } pub fn find_chunk_ids(conn: &Connection) -> IndexResult> { let mut stmt = conn.prepare("SELECT id FROM chunks WHERE generation IS 0")?; let iter = stmt.query_map(params![], |row| row_to_id(row))?; let mut ids = vec![]; for x in iter { let x = x?; ids.push(x); } Ok(ids) } fn row_to_meta(row: &Row) -> rusqlite::Result { let sha256: String = row.get(row.column_index("sha256")?)?; let generation: i32 = row.get(row.column_index("generation")?)?; let meta = if generation == 0 { ChunkMeta::new(&sha256) } else { let ended: String = row.get(row.column_index("ended")?)?; ChunkMeta::new_generation(&sha256, &ended) }; Ok(meta) } fn row_to_id(row: &Row) -> rusqlite::Result { let id: String = row.get(row.column_index("id")?)?; Ok(ChunkId::from_str(&id)) } }