import json import logging import os import random import re import requests import shutil import socket import time import urllib3 import yaml urllib3.disable_warnings() def start_chunk_server(ctx): start_daemon = globals()["start_daemon"] srcdir = globals()["srcdir"] logging.debug(f"Starting obnam-server") for x in ["test.pem", "test.key"]: shutil.copy(os.path.join(srcdir, x), x) chunks = "chunks" os.mkdir(chunks) config = {"chunks": chunks, "tls_key": "test.key", "tls_cert": "test.pem"} port = config["port"] = random.randint(2000, 30000) filename = "config.yaml" yaml.safe_dump(config, stream=open(filename, "w")) logging.debug(f"Picked randomly port for obnam-server: {config['port']}") ctx["config"] = config ctx["server_url"] = f"http://localhost:{port}/chunks" start_daemon( ctx, "obnam-server", [os.path.join(srcdir, "target", "debug", "obnam-server"), filename], ) if not port_open("localhost", port, 5.0): stderr = open(ctx["daemon"]["obnam-server"]["stderr"]).read() logging.debug(f"Stderr from daemon: {stderr!r}") def stop_chunk_server(ctx): logging.debug("Stopping obnam-server") stop_daemon = globals()["stop_daemon"] stop_daemon(ctx, "obnam-server") def post_file(ctx, filename=None, path=None, header=None, json=None): url = f"{ctx['server_url']}" headers = {header: json} data = open(filename, "rb").read() _request(ctx,, url, headers=headers, data=data) def get_chunk_via_var(ctx, var=None): chunk_id = ctx["vars"][var] get_chunk_by_id(ctx, chunk_id=chunk_id) def get_chunk_by_id(ctx, chunk_id=None): url = f"{ctx['server_url']}/{chunk_id}" _request(ctx, requests.get, url) def find_chunks_with_sha(ctx, sha=None): url = f"{ctx['server_url']}?sha256={sha}" _request(ctx, requests.get, url) def delete_chunk_via_var(ctx, var=None): chunk_id = ctx["vars"][var] delete_chunk_by_id(ctx, chunk_id=chunk_id) def delete_chunk_by_id(ctx, chunk_id=None): url = f"{ctx['server_url']}/{chunk_id}" _request(ctx, requests.delete, url) def status_code_is(ctx, status=None): assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"] assert_eq(ctx["http.status"], int(status)) def header_is(ctx, header=None, value=None): assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"] assert_eq(ctx["http.headers"][header], value) def remember_json_field(ctx, field=None, var=None): v = ctx.get("vars", {}) v[var] = ctx["http.json"][field] ctx["vars"] = v def body_matches_file(ctx, filename=None): assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"] content = open(filename, "rb").read() logging.debug(f"body_matches_file:") logging.debug(f" filename: {filename}") logging.debug(f" content: {content!r}") logging.debug(f" body: {ctx['http.raw']!r}") assert_eq(ctx["http.raw"], content) def json_body_matches(ctx, wanted=None): assert_eq = globals()["assert_eq"] wanted = _expand_vars(ctx, wanted) wanted = json.loads(wanted) body = ctx["http.json"] logging.debug(f"json_body_matches:") logging.debug(f" wanted: {wanted!r} ({type(wanted)}") logging.debug(f" body : {body!r} ({type(body)}") for key in wanted: assert_eq(body.get(key, "not.there"), wanted[key]) # Wait for a port to be open def port_open(host, port, timeout): logging.debug(f"Waiting for port localhost:{port} to be available") started = time.time() while time.time() < started + timeout: try: socket.create_connection((host, port), timeout=timeout) return True except socket.error: pass logging.error(f"Port localhost:{port} is not open") return False # Make an HTTP request. def _request(ctx, method, url, headers=None, data=None): r = method(url, headers=headers, data=data, verify=False) ctx["http.status"] = r.status_code ctx["http.headers"] = dict(r.headers) try: ctx["http.json"] = dict(r.json()) except ValueError: ctx["http.json"] = None ctx["http.raw"] = r.content logging.debug("HTTP request:") logging.debug(f" url: {url}") logging.debug(f" header: {headers!r}") logging.debug("HTTP response:") logging.debug(f" status: {r.status_code}") logging.debug(f" json: {ctx['http.json']!r}") logging.debug(f" text: {r.content!r}") if not r.ok: stderr = open(ctx["daemon"]["obnam-server"]["stderr"], "rb").read() logging.debug(f" server stderr: {stderr!r}") # Expand variables ("") in a string with values from ctx. def _expand_vars(ctx, s): v = ctx.get("vars") if v is None: return s result = [] while True: m ="<(\\S+)>", s) if not m: result.append(s) break result.append(s[: m.start()]) value = v[] result.append(value) s = s[m.end() :] return "".join(result)