- given: "a running chunk server" function: start_chunk_server cleanup: stop_chunk_server - when: "the chunk server is stopped" function: stop_chunk_server - when: "I POST (?P\\S+) to (?P\\S+), with (?P
\\S+): (?P.*)" regex: true function: post_file - when: "I GET /chunks/<{var}>" function: get_chunk_via_var - when: "I try to GET /chunks/{chunk_id}" function: get_chunk_by_id - when: "I GET /chunks?sha256={sha}" regex: false function: find_chunks_with_sha - when: "I DELETE /chunks/<{var}>" function: delete_chunk_via_var - when: "I try to DELETE /chunks/{chunk_id}" function: delete_chunk_by_id - when: "chunk <{chunk_id}> on chunk server is replaced by an empty file" function: make_chunk_file_be_empty - then: "HTTP status code is {status}" function: status_code_is - then: "{header} is {value}" function: header_is - then: "the JSON body has a field {field}, henceforth {var}" function: remember_json_field - then: "the JSON body matches (?P.*)" regex: true function: json_body_matches - then: "the body matches file {filename}" function: body_matches_file - then: "server has {n:int} chunks" function: server_has_n_chunks