# Introduction The [Subplot][] library `daemon` for Python provides scenario steps and their implementations for running a background process and terminating at the end of the scenario. [Subplot]: https://subplot.liw.fi/ This document explains the acceptance criteria for the library and how they're verified. It uses the steps and functions from the `lib/daemon` library. The scenarios all have the same structure: run a command, then examine the exit code, verify the process is running. # Daemon is started and terminated This scenario starts a background process, verifies it's started, and verifies it's terminated after the scenario ends. ~~~scenario given there is no "/bin/sleep 12765" process when I start "/bin/sleep 12765" as a background process as sleepyhead then a process "/bin/sleep 12765" is running when I stop background process sleepyhead then there is no "/bin/sleep 12765" process ~~~ --- title: Acceptance criteria for the lib/daemon Subplot library author: The Subplot project bindings: - daemon.yaml template: python functions: - daemon.py - runcmd.py ...