--- title: pandoc-filter-diagram subtitle: Acceptance criteria author: Lars Wirzenius template: rust bindings: - lib/files.yaml - lib/runcmd.yaml - subplot/subplot.yaml functions: - subplot/subplot.rs ... # Introduction This document specifies the acceptance criteria for `pandoc-filter-diagram`, and how they are verified. It's meant to be processed with the [Subplot](https://subplot.liw.fi/) tool. The `build.rs` script makes sure the verification scenarios defined here are run when `cargo test` is run. The code in `pandoc-filter-diagram` was originally part of Subplot. It was extracted into its own crate for use in the [Sequoia][] sq user guide. [Sequoia]: https://sequoia-pgp.org/ # Pikchr [Pikchr]: https://pikchr.org/ [Pikchr] is a diagramming library which implements a Pic-like diagram language. It allows the conversion of textual descriptions of arbitrarily complex diagrams into SVGs such as this one. ~~~pikchr arrow right 200% "Markdown" "Source" box rad 10px "Subplot" "Document Generator" "(subplot docgen)" fit arrow right 200% "HTML+SVG/PDF" "Output" arrow <-> down 70% from last box.s box same "Pikchr" "Formatter" "(docs.rs/pikchr)" fit ~~~ This scenario checks that an image is generated and embedded into the HTML output, and is not referenced as an external image. ~~~scenario given an installed Rust program pandoc-filter-diagram given file pikchr.md when I run pandoc --filter pandoc-filter-diagram pikchr.md -o pikchr.html then file pikchr.html matches regex /img src=" ~~~ ~~~~~~~~{#pikchr.md .file .markdown .numberLines} This is an example markdown file that embeds a simple Pikchr diagram. ~~~pikchr arrow right 200% "Markdown" "Source" box rad 10px "Markdown" "Formatter" "(docs.rs/markdown)" fit arrow right 200% "HTML+SVG" "Output" arrow <-> down 70% from last box.s box same "Pikchr" "Formatter" "(docs.rs/pikchr)" fit ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ # Graphviz Dot [Graphviz]: http://www.graphviz.org/ Dot is a program from the [Graphviz][] suite to generate directed graphs, such as this one. ~~~dot digraph "example" { thing -> other } ~~~ The scenario checks that an image is generated and embedded into the HTML output, not referenced as an external image. ~~~scenario given an installed Rust program pandoc-filter-diagram given file dot.md when I run pandoc --filter pandoc-filter-diagram dot.md -o dot.html then file dot.html matches regex /img src=" ~~~ ~~~~~~~~{#dot.md .file .markdown .numberLines} This is an example Markdown file, which embeds a graph using dot markup. ~~~dot digraph "example" { thing -> other } ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ # PlantUML [PlantUML]: https://plantuml.com/ [PlantUML][] is a program to generate various kinds of UML diagrams for describing software, such as this one: ~~~plantuml @startuml Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response @enduml ~~~ The scenario below checks that an image is generated and embedded into the HTML output, not referenced as an external image. ~~~scenario given an installed Rust program pandoc-filter-diagram given file plantuml.md when I run pandoc --filter pandoc-filter-diagram plantuml.md -o plantuml.html then file plantuml.html matches regex /img src=" ~~~ ~~~~~~~~{#plantuml.md .file .markdown .numberLines} This is an example Markdown file, which embeds a diagram using PlantUML markup. ~~~plantuml @startuml Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response @enduml ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ # Roadmap [roadmap]: https://crates.io/crates/roadmap The [roadmap][] Rust library supports visual roadmaps using a YAML based markup language. An example: ~~~roadmap goal: label: | This is the end goal: if we reach here, there is nothing more to be done in the project depends: - finished - blocked finished: status: finished label: | This task is finished; the arrow indicates what follows this task (unless it's blocked) ready: status: ready label: | This task is ready to be done: it is not blocked by anything next: status: next label: | This task is chosen to be done next blocked: status: blocked label: | This task is blocked and can't be done until something happens depends: - ready - next ~~~ This scenario checks that an image is generated and embedded into the HTML output, not referenced as an external image. ~~~scenario given an installed Rust program pandoc-filter-diagram given file roadmap.md when I run pandoc --filter pandoc-filter-diagram roadmap.md -o roadmap.html then file roadmap.html matches regex /img src=" ~~~ ~~~~~~~~{#roadmap.md .file .markdown .numberLines} This is an example Markdown file, which embeds a roadmap. ~~~roadmap goal: label: | This is the end goal: if we reach here, there is nothing more to be done in the project depends: - finished - blocked finished: status: finished label: | This task is finished; the arrow indicates what follows this task (unless it's blocked) ready: status: ready label: | This task is ready to be done: it is not blocked by anything next: status: next label: | This task is chosen to be done next blocked: status: blocked label: | This task is blocked and can't be done until something happens depends: - ready - next ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ # Command line tool The crate provides a command line tool `pandoc-filter-diagram`, for use with the `pandoc --filter` option. By default, it ignores any errors, but if the `PANDOC_FILTER_FAIL` environment variable is set to 1, it fails if there were any errors. This scenario verifies that this happens. The happy cases are already verified by other scenarios, so this one only verifies handling of bad input. ~~~scenario given an installed Rust program pandoc-filter-diagram given file bad.md when I run pandoc --filter pandoc-filter-diagram bad.md -o bad.html then exit code is 0 when I try to run env PANDOC_FILTER_FAIL=1 pandoc --filter pandoc-filter-diagram bad.md -o bad.html then command fails ~~~ ~~~{#bad.md .file .markdown .numberLines} trigraph "example" { thing -> other } ~~~