# User guide for sq This is a sketch of a user guide for sq, the command line tool from the Sequoia PGP project. `sq` is a command line tool for encrypting and authenticating files and messages. It is provided by the Sequoia PGP project as part of an implementation of the OpenPGP standard in the Rust programming language. This is a guide shows how to `sq`, and is aimed at people comfortable on the command line, and explains any concepts of cryptography needed to use `sq`. - write as Markdown, render as website, and possibly EPUB and PDF, using mdbook and/or Pandoc and/or Subplot - also, probably include in the sq package somehow, eventually, so it's available to those working offline - however, keep it separate for now to avoid putting a useless burden on the Sequoia CI system - possibly publish via print publisher as well, or explore print-on-demand self-publishing, but that is secondary, the primary goal is driving sq adoption by making it easier to use - publish under a free content license - CC-BY-SA 4.0? - rig up something to test command line examples in CI The rendered version of this guide is available [in HTML](https://sequoia-pgp.gitlab.io/sq-user-guide/) and [in PDF](https://sequoia-pgp.gitlab.io/sq-user-guide/sq-guide.pdf).