[[!tag announcement]] [[!meta date="2023-08-30 18:10:00 +0300"]] [[!meta title="Subplot 0.9.0 released"]] [Subplot]: https://subplot.tech/ [NEWS.md]: https://gitlab.com/subplot/subplot/-/blob/main/NEWS.md?ref_type=heads The [Subplot][] project announces the 0.9.0 release of the tool for documenting acceptance criteria and verifying them automatically. See below for a summary of changes in this release, and [NEWS.md][] in the git repository for release notes for all releases. # Version 0.9.0, released 2023-08-27 - We hope this will be the last breaking change before 1.0, however we are not ruling out future breaks if they are justified to improve usability or capability before an official 1.0 release - We now pass a lot more meta-information about step location to the templates for building test suites.