diff options
authorLars Wirzenius <>2021-05-29 14:12:37 +0000
committerLars Wirzenius <>2021-05-29 14:12:37 +0000
commitd42b00a6a1d2499d038ae9ddbb1fc5703e1927f9 (patch)
parentde06d306a8cb241e7689d3f40082efd7cf7b383d (diff)
parent6757b2bd235da2163e40c38efceab5eaf1e345e8 (diff)
Merge branch 'fix-docs' into 'main'
Add a bunch of docs and doctest fixes for subplotlib See merge request subplot/subplot!170
8 files changed, 234 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/check b/check
index eb6b509..7168226 100755
--- a/check
+++ b/check
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ def check_rust(r, strict=False):
elif strict:
sys.exit("Strict Rust checks specified, but clippy was not found")
r.runcmd(["cargo", "test"])
- r.runcmd(["cargo", "fmt"])
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "fmt", "--", "--check"])
def check_subplots(r):
@@ -220,6 +220,9 @@ def check_subplotlib(r):
# Run Rust tests for the subplotlib library.
r.runcmd(["cargo", "test", "--lib"], cwd="subplotlib")
+ # Run Rust doctests for the subplotlib library.
+ r.runcmd(["cargo", "test", "--doc"], cwd="subplotlib")
# Find subplots for subplotlib.
mds = find_files("subplotlib/*.md", lambda f: True)
@@ -231,11 +234,16 @@ def check_subplotlib(r):
base, _ = os.path.splitext(md)
test_rs = os.path.join("tests", base + ".rs")
r.codegen(md, test_rs, cwd=dirname)
- r.cargo(["fmt"], cwd=dirname)
- r.cargo(["test", "--test", base], cwd=dirname)
r.docgen(md, base + ".html", cwd=dirname)
r.docgen(md, base + ".pdf", cwd=dirname)
+ # Format the code once more to keep things clean
+ r.title("Formatting subplotlib")
+ r.cargo(["fmt", "-p", "subplotlib"], cwd=dirname)
+ # Run all of the integration suites (many of which have come from the above)
+ r.title("Running subplotlib integration tests")
+ r.cargo(["test", "-p", "subplotlib", "--tests"])
def check_tooling(r):
"""Check build environment for tooling the test suite needs"""
diff --git a/subplotlib-derive/src/ b/subplotlib-derive/src/
index e5b8ab6..160643d 100644
--- a/subplotlib-derive/src/
+++ b/subplotlib-derive/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use proc_macro2::Span;
-use syn::{parse_macro_input, parse_quote, Error, FnArg, Ident, ItemFn, Pat, ReturnType, Type};
+use syn::{
+ parse_macro_input, parse_quote, Error, FnArg, Ident, ItemFn, Pat, PathArguments, ReturnType,
+ Type,
use quote::quote;
@@ -42,6 +45,27 @@ fn ty_is_scenariocontext(ty: &Type) -> bool {
+fn ty_as_path(ty: &Type) -> String {
+ if let Type::Path(p) = ty {
+ let mut ret = String::new();
+ let mut colons = p.path.leading_colon.is_some();
+ for seg in &p.path.segments {
+ if !matches!(seg.arguments, PathArguments::None) {
+ throw!(Error::new_spanned(seg, "unexpected path segment arguments"));
+ }
+ if colons {
+ ret.push_str("::");
+ }
+ colons = true;
+ ret.push_str(&seg.ident.to_string());
+ }
+ ret
+ } else {
+ throw!(Error::new_spanned(ty, "expected a type path"));
+ }
fn check_step_declaration(step: &ItemFn) {
// Step functions must be declared very simply as:
// fn stepfunctionname(context: &mut Context)
@@ -174,6 +198,12 @@ fn process_step(mut input: ItemFn) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
input.attrs.retain(|f| !f.path.is_ident("context"));
+ let docs: Vec<_> = input
+ .attrs
+ .iter()
+ .filter(|attr| attr.path.is_ident("doc"))
+ .collect();
let fields = input
@@ -223,6 +253,7 @@ fn process_step(mut input: ItemFn) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
+ #[doc(hidden)]
pub struct Builder {
@@ -335,7 +366,44 @@ fn process_step(mut input: ItemFn) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
+ let call_docs = {
+ let mut contextattrs = String::new();
+ let outer_ctx = if ty_is_scenariocontext(&contexttype) {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(&contexttype)
+ };
+ for context in outer_ctx.into_iter().chain(contexts.iter()) {
+ contextattrs.push_str(&format!("\n #[context({:?})]", ty_as_path(context)?));
+ }
+ let func_args: Vec<_> = fields
+ .iter()
+ .map(|(ident, _)| format!("{}", ident))
+ .collect();
+ let func_args = func_args.join(", ");
+ format!(
+ r#"
+ Call [this step][self] function from another.
+ If you want to call this step function from another, you will
+ need to do something like this:
+ ```rust,ignore
+ #[step]{contextattrs}
+ fn defer_to_{stepname}(context: &ScenarioContext) {{
+ //...
+ {stepname}::call(context, {func_args})?;
+ // ...
+ }}
+ ```
+ "#,
+ stepname = stepname,
+ contextattrs = contextattrs,
+ func_args = func_args,
+ )
+ };
let ret = quote! {
+ #(#docs)*
#vis mod #stepname {
use super::*;
pub(crate) use super::#contexttype;
@@ -345,17 +413,20 @@ fn process_step(mut input: ItemFn) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
#[allow(unused)] // It's okay for step functions to not be used
+ #[doc(hidden)]
+ #[doc = #call_docs]
pub fn call(___context___: &ScenarioContext, #(#inputargs),*) -> StepResult {
+ #[doc(hidden)]
pub fn register_contexts(scenario: &Scenario) {
- }
+ }
diff --git a/subplotlib/src/ b/subplotlib/src/
index e44c0ef..f695a89 100644
--- a/subplotlib/src/
+++ b/subplotlib/src/
@@ -18,11 +18,15 @@ use base64::decode;
/// ```rust
/// # use subplotlib::prelude::*;
+/// # #[derive(Default)]
/// # struct Context {}
+/// # impl ContextElement for Context {}
/// #[step]
/// fn step_using_a_file(context: &mut Context, somefile: SubplotDataFile) {
/// // context.stash_file(somefile);
/// }
+/// # fn main() {}
/// ```
/// For the generated test to correctly recognise how to pass a file in, you
diff --git a/subplotlib/src/ b/subplotlib/src/
index 68f3ec4..4f5b781 100644
--- a/subplotlib/src/
+++ b/subplotlib/src/
@@ -1,17 +1,135 @@
-//! The subplotlib prelude
+//! The subplotlib prelude.
+//! This prelude is automatically imported into all generated subplot test suites
+//! using the `rust` template. Effectively they get
+//! ```rust
+//! use subplotlib::prelude::*;
+//! ```
+//! inserted into them at the top of the file.
+//! You should familiarise yourself with the context-related types if you
+//! are writing your own contexts, or writing step functions which use
+//! the contexts provided by the [step library][crate::steplibrary] itself.
+//! The primary thing you will need to learn, as a step function author, is
+//! the [`#[step]`][macro@step] attribute macro, and it interacts with contexts.
// Re-export fehler's macros so that step functions can use them
pub use fehler::throw;
+/// Indicate what type a function throws
+/// This attribute macro comes from the [`fehler`] crate and is used
+/// to indicate that a function "throws" a particular kind of error.
+/// ```rust
+/// # use std::io;
+/// # use fehler::throws;
+/// #[throws(io::Error)]
+/// fn create_thingy() {
+/// // something which might cause an io::Error
+/// }
+/// # fn main() {}
+/// ```
+/// It transforms a function such that the above function would be compiled
+/// effectively as:
+/// ```rust
+/// # use std::io;
+/// fn create_thingy() -> Result<(), io::Error> {
+/// // something which might cause an io::Error
+/// Ok(())
+/// }
+/// ```
+/// Return statements and the final expression of the function automatically
+/// get wrappered with [`Ok`][std::result::Result::Ok]. You can use the
+/// [`throw`][macro@throw] macro inside such a function to automatically return
+/// an error.
+// When is resolved, the below
+// can be added to this doc string.
+// You can see more documentation on this in the [fehler crate docs][fehler::throws].
+// Alternatively we can get rid of this entirely if and when
+// is fixed.
pub use fehler::throws;
// Re-export the lazy_static macro
pub use lazy_static::lazy_static;
// Re-export subplotlib-derive's macros so that #[step] works
+// We have to document it here because we're referring to things
+// inside subplotlib.
+/// Mark a function as a Subplot step function.
+/// This attribute macro is used to indicate that a given function is
+/// a step which can be bound to Subplot scenario statements.
+/// In its simplest form, you use this thusly:
+/// ```rust
+/// # use subplotlib::prelude::*;
+/// # #[derive(Default)] struct SomeContextType;
+/// # impl ContextElement for SomeContextType {}
+/// #[step]
+/// fn my_step_function(context: &mut SomeContextType, arg1: &str, arg2: &str)
+/// {
+/// // Do something appropriate here.
+/// }
+/// # fn main() {}
+/// ```
+/// Step functions must be pretty basic. For now at least they cannot be async,
+/// and they cannot be generic, take variadic arguments, be unsafe, etc.
+/// The first argument to the step function is considered the step's context.
+/// Anything which implements
+/// [`ContextElement`] can be used here. You
+/// can take either a `&ContextType` or `&mut ContextType` as your context. It's
+/// likely best to take the shared borrow if you're not altering the context at all.
+/// If you require access to a number of context objects as part of your step
+/// function implementation, then there is the high level container
+/// [`ScenarioContext`]. You should take
+/// this high level container as a shared borrow, and then within your step function
+/// you can access other contexts as follows:
+/// ```rust
+/// # use subplotlib::prelude::*;
+/// # #[derive(Default)] struct ContextA;
+/// # #[derive(Default)] struct ContextB;
+/// # impl ContextElement for ContextA {}
+/// # impl ContextElement for ContextB {}
+/// # impl ContextA { fn get_thingy(&self) -> Result<usize, StepError> { Ok(0) } }
+/// # impl ContextB { fn do_mut_thing(&mut self, _n: usize, _arg: &str) -> Result<(), StepError> { Ok(()) } }
+/// #[step]
+/// #[context(ContextA)]
+/// #[context(ContextB)]
+/// fn my_step(context: &ScenarioContext, arg: &str) {
+/// let thingy = context.with(|ctx: &ContextA| ctx.get_thingy(), false )?;
+/// context.with_mut(|ctx: &mut ContextB| ctx.do_mut_thing(thingy, arg), false)?;
+/// }
+/// # fn main() {}
+/// ```
+/// Importantly here there is the `#[context(SomeContext)]` attribute to tell
+/// the system that you use that context in your step function (without this,
+/// the relevant context may not be initialised for the scenario). The mechanism
+/// to then access contexts from the step function is the
+/// [`ScenarioContext::with`] and
+/// [`ScenarioContext::with_mut`]
+/// functions which allow shared, or mutable, access to scenario contexts respectively.
+/// These functions take two arguments, the first is a closure which will be run
+/// with access to the given context and whose return value will be ultimately
+/// returned by the call to the function. The second is whether or not to defuse
+/// the poison on the context mutex. In normal steps this should be `false` since
+/// you want a step to fail if the context has been poisoned. However, in cleanup
+/// related step functions you probably want to defuse the poison and be careful in
+/// how you then use the contexts so that you can clean up effectively.
pub use subplotlib_derive::step;
// Re-export the step result types
diff --git a/subplotlib/src/ b/subplotlib/src/
index cd83ac1..cca7721 100644
--- a/subplotlib/src/
+++ b/subplotlib/src/
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ pub trait ContextElement: Default + Send + 'static {
/// Exit from a step function
- /// See [the `enter_step` function][ContextElement::enter_step] for most
+ /// See [the `step_starts` function][ContextElement::step_starts] for most
/// details of this.
/// Any error returned from this will be masked if the step function itself
diff --git a/subplotlib/src/ b/subplotlib/src/
index 6ce3b0a..fba0216 100644
--- a/subplotlib/src/
+++ b/subplotlib/src/
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ impl ScenarioStep {
/// Register any context types needed by this step
- pub fn register_contexts(&self, scenario: &Scenario) {
+ pub(crate) fn register_contexts(&self, scenario: &Scenario) {
diff --git a/subplotlib/src/steplibrary/ b/subplotlib/src/steplibrary/
index 169111d..35f841a 100644
--- a/subplotlib/src/steplibrary/
+++ b/subplotlib/src/steplibrary/
@@ -19,6 +19,13 @@ pub use crate::prelude::*;
pub use super::datadir::Datadir;
+/// Context data for the `files` step library
+/// This context contains a mapping from filename to metadata so that
+/// the various steps remember metadata and then query it later can find it.
+/// This context depends on, and will automatically register, the context for
+/// the [`datadir`][crate::steplibrary::datadir] step library.
pub struct Files {
metadata: HashMap<String, Metadata>,
@@ -29,6 +36,13 @@ impl ContextElement for Files {
+/// Create a file on disk from an embedded file
+/// # `given file {embedded_file}`
+/// Create a file in the data dir from an embedded file.
+/// This defers to [`create_from_embedded_with_other_name`]
pub fn create_from_embedded(context: &ScenarioContext, embedded_file: SubplotDataFile) {
@@ -36,6 +50,12 @@ pub fn create_from_embedded(context: &ScenarioContext, embedded_file: SubplotDat
create_from_embedded_with_other_name::call(context, &filename_on_disk, embedded_file)
+/// Create a file on disk from an embedded file with a given name
+/// # `given file {filename_on_disk} from {embedded_file}`
+/// Creates a file in the data dir from an embedded file, but giving it a
+/// potentially different name.
pub fn create_from_embedded_with_other_name(
context: &Datadir,
diff --git a/subplotlib/ b/subplotlib/
index 872bd62..c46134a 100644
--- a/subplotlib/
+++ b/subplotlib/
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ bindings:
- helpers/
- helpers/
# Rust library for assisting with running subplots